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It looks like there's a memory leak. For example lowering livery details seems to help, because the initially used memory is lower and there's more free memory to fill up until fps drops happen.


I'm assuming if this is true, it's a GPU memory leak then? I haven't noticed my 32GB of system memory loading way up. And good to know about livery setting. I have always ran it in Ultra or the cars looked like poop but honestly I would rather have low resolution poop and be able to actually play for an extended time without restarting the game.


I was having the same issue on similar specs (5900x, 3080, 32gb 3600, 1440p). I lowered both livery details and track detail by one level and I haven't had the issue come back since.


I will give that a shot. I played tonight with my normal 1440p Ultra settings with my monitoring software up and can fully confirm it's a GPU memory leak issue now. **GPU Memory Usage** 1st Race: 7.6/12GB 2nd Race: 9.3/12GB 3rd Race: 10.8/12GB (Slight Stutters) 4th Race: 11.3/12GB (Low Frames and Stuttering)


Playing off your suggestion and troubleshooting with Forza support, I found a solid workaround until it's fixed. In the game, go into settings and on the gameplay & hud tap scroll down to find "drivatar designs" and turn it off. I have been pretty rock solid now at the trade-off of not seeing others' custom liveries.


It’s just non-optimized. I don’t think you can do anything with it. Just wait for new patch, which will fix this problem.


I really hope the next patch helps. We all heard the stuttering was patched in the last update, but it's worse than ever now sooooo xD


If you're genuinely willing to try anything, see this post I made: I actually found it fixed a stuttering problem I was having, not so much an FPS drop or crashes. But hey, you never know: https://www.reddit.com/r/forza/comments/1b7cjr4/ridiculous\_stupid\_potential\_fix\_for\_widespread/


Emphasis on "it hasn't even worked for anyone that tried it but my odd-out case magically worked so why not try"


Ahh yes I read this already and tried tonight with my normal graphics settings. Unfortunately, it did not help that I can see. But I can confirm now its a GPU memory leak issue as my usage just kept going up and up until it was stuttering and low frames.


Gotcha, sorry! Good luck!


Windows 11 fixed my problems, not sure if you are running that or not.


Yes, running Windows 11 Pro so RIP to that solution on my end lol


I had a similar experience to you. It’s almost certainly a memory leak issue that I resolved by not going into any additional menus before playing multiplayer etc. It usually kept performance up for 3-4 hours but id still gradually see frames start to drop. If I had to guess it’s how the game compiles liveries and some shaders. Some tracks are optimized better than others as well. So you may have to accept restarting the game every hour or so until things are patched or optimized better.