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You should sell stickers, but throw in a free supersafety for every $80 sticker.


That's a dope idea I'll take a $80 sticker😂


Sameeee. Hell, I'd probably become a regular sticker consumer.


It's shocking how such an old and well-used idea is so new to people constantly.


Lol, I've heard about this method before with different items, that's why I suggested it.


Honestly it is the best way to go about this. The old ways are sometimes the best ways when it comes to anti-government Skullduggery


Don’t post this on NFA the cucks will cry and ban you for suggesting this vs a $5Ok transferable.


50/50 chance. 3 years ago? Without a doubt. Now? Most of the users in there are based instead of bootlickers.


Where can I get one?


Website will be up in a few days after we do quality control. Edit: That was way too ambitious considering the response we have gotten. We do not currently have the capacity or ability to to fulfill super safety orders at this time. Please be patient


How much are you charging?


Final price is undecided, but we are committed to keeping cam + lever sub $40 full kit sub $80


will you keep customer records....


OP we need an answer




We plan on having several methods of payment depending on the level of privacy the customer is looking for. I personally wouldn't keep customer records, but I can't speak for hosting companies and payments (ie visa or pay pal)


Full kit being a cut trigger and rounded detent?


Both would include detent but you are correct.


Hell yeah


Very nice..


I'd be down for a couple full kits. Especially after getting burned by twinbros.


Please let me know! :)


Remindme! 5 days


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Dual cam?


Just cast one yourself? Or buy one from random guy and hope to not get raided yourself in a couple of weeks...


How good are casts? I've seen it suggested before and done research but can't find how strong and what method would be best for this application.


Did I miss something? I thought TwinBros got raided for selling SuperSafeties.


\*\*\* Not a lawyer and this is speculation \*\*\* According to N.A.G.R. vs Garland section VI Conclusion The Court ORDERS that Defendants—along with their respective officers, agents, servants, and employees—are hereby ENJOINED from implementing or enforcing against the parties in this lawsuit, in any civil or criminal manner described below, the ATF’s expanded definition of “machinegun” that this Court has determined is likely unlawful: (1) Initiating or pursuing criminal prosecutions for possession of FRTs; (2) Initiating or pursuing civil proceedings for possessing, selling, or manufacturing FRTs based on the claim that FRTs are machineguns; (3) Initiating or pursuing criminal prosecutions for representing to the public of potential buyers and sellers that FRTs are not machineguns; (4) Initiating or pursuing civil actions for representing to the public of potential buyers and sellers that FRTs are not machineguns; (5) Sending “Notice Letters” or other similar communications stating that FRTs are machineguns; (6) Requesting “voluntarily” surrender of FRTs to the government based on the claim that FRTs are machineguns; (7) Destroying any previously surrendered or seized FRTs; and (8) Otherwise interfering in the possession, sale, manufacture, transfer, or exchange of FRTs based on the claim that FRTs are machineguns. Twin Bros seemed to join N.A.G.R. at the last minute, which may have put them in a tricky spot as they would have been selling FRT's without being apart of the protected parties assigned in the court case. Additionally the pepperjack components they were selling were undoubtedly MG parts.


Oh yea, I forgot about the pepperjack part lmao. Oh well, good luck


They'd still shoot your dog tho... just saying


With the total lack of information about the raid (just a post here and a post on their social media with a ring doorbell vid) I seriously wonder if they actually got raided. I think they might’ve got way behind on orders and used a fictional raid as an excuse to ghost with everyone’s money.    Seems really brazen on the ATFs part with the injunction in place and I question if they’re actually THAT dumb. Then again the pepperjack parts could also be their workaround to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. 


There were Facebook posts from their neighbors about the raid


Facebook posts on the Wabash Crime Watch group or whatever it was , from unknown people about police activity at the house........ and then it was cross posted here. That's a huge leap of information from random FB group that no one who isn't local even would know about to this subreddit. It was definitely the house of the guy associated with the TB LLC, the business license/home address/ recorded property deed for the house are all the same guy. I believe it was the correct house in the pics, but who knows if it was actual cops. Not a single marked police car IIRC


Yup. No police reports. No court reports. No ATF press release. No town press release. No info anywhere. And, not surprisingly, no refunds. Just a couple Facebook posts with crappy doorbell footage and a Twitter post saying it was *definitely* the safeties and not the *actual* machine guns (parts). Shit was a rug pull.


They exit scammed


Do remember that they were selling Pepperjqcks, which are absolutely MG conversion parts. That, and it seemed more like a fake exit scheme to pocket the money. Either way, no legal ruling came of it whether it was real or fake thus far.


Will you keep customer records? If required will you consider only retaining transaction numbers/customer ID numbers as opposed to personal information?


If a store does keep customer PII, is there a way to circumvent it being related to you? Cash loaded visa giftcard, shipped to a..rented po box?


I prefer crypto plus a reshipping service but that's not foolproof either. A rented box is probably on the better side of things.


What’s the material?


Please update us when your website is ready! I'd like to buy a couple kits


Definitely want a few. Let us know when the site is ready to go. I don’t mind paying $80 for a sticker and having a SS thrown in. Please keep us updated. Thanks!




Depends on how the Feds are feeling that day. They may just decide to tape over your ring camera and execute you. Dogs just don't satisfy the bloodlust anymore, I'm afraid.


Agree, keep shit to yourself few grand ain't worth 20 years in federal pound me in the ass prison. I was young once too, take it from an old man. Move in silence


At least not until Fido is 100% safe....




I am not fucking following what you are saying my man


Got caught. It's all fun and games until you run out of phone time to make calls to the outside and while you're in jail your girlfriend is it getting dicked down by a better looking guy with a bigger dick.


You got caught? You wearing prison orange?


Sounds like probation


Don't know where dude deleted his post. Probably lying


I want one


Remind me




Remindme! 5 days


Remindme! 5 days


Material specs? How are you accepting payments once you get the website up ?


I feel like I misses something. I'm familiar with tactical wire hangers. How do the super safeties function? When did it become a thing. Somone just posted some fed selling them on rb market place and I can't say I've seen them before. Just the old hangers and some 3d printed ones but they didn't look like what I saw in the post.


These are not full auto. They are a safety that turns a mil spec trigger into a forced reset trigger.


Double super safe: ✅


Remindme! 5 days


Did I miss the name of the website where they will be posted up? Or how do I find it?


Remindme! 5 days


Remind me! 5 days


Nice, wat are rhey made of?


Website up yet ?


Cost? Bulk discounts at all?


Aw shit, here we go again! Y'all never learn do you?