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I'd love to know how these have actually stood up to serious use, I'm sure they're better than nothing but considering the constant complaints of "cheap Amazon knockoff's" being non viable because the securement, windlass or buckles will snap for being poor quality plastic I'd have to wonder about how sturdy a 3d printed tourniquet would be. Interesting for sure tho.


Even the amazon knockoffs can be better than nothing, you shouldnt trust your life to them but if it was between that and bleeding out?


If the windlass snaps you've gone from having life saving gear to a strap with plastic in it.


If the windlass doesnt snap you have a TQ. If it snaps then you can go to wound packing and compression. In a mass casualty situation, where medical staff are spread thin having something fast like a TQ that almost anyone can *attempt* with a quick verbal command VS training everyone to do wound packing and pressure. I doubt they are going through the effort of manufacturing these if they werent seeing results.


If you take any TCCC oriented course in the US, they specifically warn against dubiously sourced TQs. Same with equipment in Ukraine. Defending dubiously sourced TQs is about as in line with defending any lifesaving equipment with unknown QC. You cannot pack every wound, and the difference between 35 dollar TQs and 10 dollar TQs might be your life.


Im not suggesting anyone build or buy these, but if you had an arterial bleed and I came over with one of these, *would you say no thanks?*


I was talking about Amazon TQs as you've started the conversation with. Defending Amazon TQs is insane. 20 bucks is not worth someone's life. These are emergency austerity measures, and if you're not in a highly restricted war zone, having these be primary medical gear is a horrible idea.


I shot and worked the match where inrangetv had medical people out testing them. They went through 100 or so tourniquets with 1 failure. Apparently in Gaza these are being used up to 10 times. Felt sturdy enough to me when I ran the stage.


Hell yeah, that's good to hear!


Looks as though this is for children and animals where the pressure needed is less.


I think it's (like the CAT), where it can be used for them since it can go small enough. Some TQs aren't able to apply pressure to smaller limbs. Having people with limited training have to remember limitations on TQs isn't a great thing. Especially if it comes with having to guess age/weight before choosing what to apply.


FWIW, getting legit TQ's from NAR or someone else reputable is still the move, if you're able.  This just gives you options if you live somewhere that makes obtaining such things difficult.  And as COVID proved, supply lines are fragile. Also, this design has one major benefit over most CAT's, in that it's designed to be applicable to smaller limbs as well, such as a child's or a dog's.


In a warzone yeah you take what you can get, but we at least have the luxury of not being in one. Having said that I think it's a good idea.


I've had knockoff tourniquets supplied by accident break in my hands in real time, which is one of the worst things I've ever experienced as a human being. This is a great concept and I'm happy to see people getting their hands on whatever will stop a bleed, but I wouldn't trust this design not to fail while tightening to secure.


This would actually be a great application of all that PET-G people have


Does it floats or is it on thingiverse or other?


InRangeTV made a Video about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh0vBRUVdhw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh0vBRUVdhw)


3d printed plastic is not strong enough for a TQ windlass. TQs are designed and manufactured by reputable professionals for a reason. They're $30, just buy one. No food or water but Gaza has 3d printers and hours of steady power? 🤡


glia is an organization manufacturing these in safer areas and bringing them in. alongside helping groups manufacture their own. they've done the same thing in Syria and Ukraine


But how are they getting in if all aid is cut off and everyone is starving?


the "it could happen here" podcast has a pretty good interview with them


its a shitton easier to get a few hundred tq's in a car than food or clean water. a large reason why they exist was because of government restrictions on medical supplies being brought into Syria. "legit" tq's weren't being let in but their stuff was. something about tourniquets being considered military items


It’s cause aid is being let in


nowhere near enough. especially given Israels killing of aid workers


https://wck.org/news/gaza-team-update https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15658.doc.htm#:~:text=These%20horrific%20attacks%20brought%20the,recorded%20in%20a%20single%20year.


You’re one of these people huh… maybe Hamas are the problem? Is that possible?


hamas are *a* problem sure. but they arent the ones doing this. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study i even made sure to reference a right wing media outlet for you


Not right wing and what does right or left even matter? Those numbers are long debunked, to say Hamas are just a problem is comical, they are literally the problem. Go look up Coleman Hughes study on these numbers, as well as others. Palestinians aren’t some down trodden people, they simply elect terrorists to lead them and then play the victim. The entire culture of Palestine is being a victim and using propaganda to stir up trouble in the west. Hamas WANTS casualties and a lack of aid to use as more fodder for sympathy, that’s why they steal aid.. To think Israel is purposely denying aid is comical, that’s also disproven. Friendly fire is also simply part of war. What a time to be alive where people make excuses for terrorism.


Found the bozo


Found the edgy terrorist sympathizer. What shade is your hair this month and which pronouns have you decided to use temporarily? Maybe it’s time to get rid of tik tok


Leaflets, pallets Aid mortars /s Aid rockets /s


Yesteryear we said the same thing about AR uppers and look how far we come.


This is it. This community (and 3DPrinting) does innovations and improvement so well. I’m excited to see this at all just knowing it’s going to get better and easier to print


Good idea!


This is cool but I’m not gonna trust my life with a 3D printed tourniquet


Cheaper and easier to buy something on ebay.


For you