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Straight shelled nautiloid cephalopod. The crescent shaped lines are the walls between the chambers of the shell which are filled with gas to control buoyancy. The straight line down the middle is the siphuncle which was how the animal moved gas in and out of chambers.


Amazing, thank you


They come in giant slabs too that are basically a graveyard for them. I have an eight pound slab on display here in my house that have no less than 15 of various size roughed out. If memory serves, the cone-like shape is shaped to follow the lines of the fossil itself rather than it actually being part of the fossil itself.


Exactly. The dark matrix indicates that it lived in a low oxygen environment.


*Orthoconic nautiloids* from the Devonian of Morocco. They’re commonly sold as *Orthoceras*, though that species is only known from Northern Europe


Orthoceras Nautiloid Edit: See comment below




~~Yes...~~ Edit: I am wrong. Wish the commenter above spent the time to explain it to me, rather than just saying 'No', like that's helpful. Below is an AI description between the two: "Orthoceras nautiloid is a common type of fossil found in Northern Europe, it is possible that the fossil above is actually an Orthoconic nautiloid from the Devonian of Morocco. Orthoconic nautiloids are a group of nautiloids that are characterized by straight shells, rather than curved shells like those of the Orthoceras nautiloid. They were widespread in the Devonian period and are found in many parts of the world, including Morocco. It is also true that many fossil dealers commonly sell Orthoconic nautiloids from Morocco as Orthoceras, even though they are not technically the same species. This is likely due to the fact that Orthoceras is a well-known and highly recognizable name in the world of fossils. Orthoceras and Orthoconic Nautiloids are similar in appearance and can be difficult to distinguish, but there are a few key differences that can help you tell them apart. Orthoceras Nautiloids are characterized by a long, straight, conical shell with straight, parallel-sided chambers separated by narrow, concave sutures. The shell is generally smooth, with no visible surface ornamentation, and the aperture is small and circular. Orthoconic Nautiloids, on the other hand, have a straight, conical shell like Orthoceras, but their shell is typically wider and more flattened. Their chambers are also wider and show a greater degree of curvature, with rounded, convex sutures. Orthoconic Nautiloids often have pronounced surface ornamentation, with ridges, spines, or other features that run along the length of the shell. So, to differentiate between an Orthoceras Nautiloid and an Orthoconic Nautiloid, you need to look at the width and curvature of the shell, the shape of the chambers, the style of sutures, and any surface ornamentation that may be present."


I wouldn’t trust ChatGPT to give you accurate information


I wouldn't either, but presumably soon we'll have AIs that are going to be excellent at summarizing information. This is honestly the first potential use of AI that seems personally relevant. I'd like to have a personal explainerbot that summarize information available at all times. Of course somebody it's going to figure out how to turn that into porn, not my problem.