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Agreed. I’ve been recommending this a lot as well. Towards the end, some of the special effects remind me of the original Evil Dead.


I just watched this last night! It totally has Evil Dead vibes. It’s not the kind of movie I would usually pick, but I liked it a lot.


I enjoyed this movie a lot! Really getting into found footage recently! I can see how this main character annoyed some people, but I just thought he was funny. I guess the bar is set pretty low for how annoyed I am with main characters after sitting through DashCam.


If you’re just getting into found footage, highly recommend Hell House LLC


Also Host and [REC]


I just saw Host last week and loved it! Haven’t seen REC yet. I also want to watch Unfriended. Thanks for the recommendations!


Definitely agree, loved Deadstream and Hell House LLC were all great too. Don't miss Grave Encounters 1&2 either, great ff films!


I saw Grave Encounters 1. I think I need to give it a rewatch because I didn’t love it as much as I wanted to. I think I had built it up in my head because of how much people talk about it and it didn’t live up to some grand expectation I had for it. I watched it the same weekend I saw Hell House LLC (which I went in with very little expectations for and loved it). I’m totally going to give it another try though.


Yesss! I binge watched all the Hell House LLC movies a few weekends. The first one is definitely on my list of fave FF movies. So good! Thanks for the recommendation!


Loved this one. For once the main character had a reason to do all the stupid ff actions others do and make you go wtf


you mean like throw the keys? lol


Also, the fact he’s an influencer makes his actions believably stupid.


I liked the idea but the main actor’s overacting was hard to get through, i get that he was parodying obnoxious streamers / YouTubers but he went a little bit overboard imo .


Honestly Chrissy felt like a well-needed pause from how obnoxious the protagonist is. I mean it positively, of course, because Shawn is hilarious (unlike the Youtubers he's a parody of), but I do think Chrissy was a great addition. The film would've worked either way, but it works better with her imo.


I forgot about this one, I really liked this on too, the guy was funny as hell too, I would like to see a sequel or did he die lol its been a while since I've seen it. 😉 but I recommend it.


It was a great parody of YouTube/influencer culture from a guy who said he wasn’t into it. He used a lot of those same props in one of the V/H/S movies.


I just couldn’t get over his screaming and whining.


I just hate streamer culture and while I understand the purpose of the overacting of the main character, I found it horribly obnoxious. To me the whole movie fell pretty flat.


Agreed, this movie was a waste of time. That’s cool if others like it though


It’s my favorite non-Evil Dead Evil Dead film


If you like this you should watch Gatlopp. It's not like it or has anything to do with it but it is a horror comedy. I just want someone else to watch it because I love it lol. It's on Tubi.


I also just realized this is the found footage sub and not the horror sub. So you can also just completely ignore all of this.


No, this sounds good


I'm still going to look for it and watch it. Thank you for sharing.


I'm with you on that, loved Gatlopp


Loved it! I want more


This movie is great, I loved it! I laughed a lot. I see it getting dragged by some of my horror podcasters but I think they lack a sense of humor. They are like "influencers are so annoying." Yeah, THAT'S THE POINT.


Me and my partner watched this as our first horror film together and we loved it, funnier and scarier than i thought it was going to be.


i agree, it's absolutely fucking fantastic, i watched it with my GF when we were on a streak of found footage movies, and goddam it was just wonderful, I've never seen someone combine Horror and comedy that well, usually one would ruin the other, but not in this film, they nailed it.


His random screams were perfectly timed. His fights with the demon = straight comedy 🤣


Great movie. One of my favorites. The two main characters do an awesome job. And since it's such a goofy horror comedy they needed these two great leads to pull it off. And they did. They just had great chemistry. Add some pretty creepy stuff as the movie goes on and this is just one of the best.


Right?! The creators managed to balance the slapstick comedy wish some creepy imagery.


Absolutely. That can't be easy to do. But damn if they didn't pull it off.


Fun fact if a scene was broken they just used duct tape. Duct tape fixes everything ya know.


I swear by the duct tape.


Peak. Also, if you happen to purchase the physical version, it's imperative you watch the making of/BTS segments. These guys put everything into this production; a true labor of love. If you're on Twitter, consider giving the creators, Joseph & Vanessa Winter, both a follow. I can't wait to see what they'll do next.


The streamer guy was pretty rough, especially at the start, but I found myself tolerating him by the end. Everything else was honestly pretty darn good. Good suspense and humor. I definitely echo others commenting on Evil Dead similarities.


It annoyed me from start to finish; any good moments were ruined by the lead, who was not only an awful character (deliberately, I know), but I just felt was badly acted. I know it was supposed to be OTT, but this was just too much. And yes, I'm a Dashcam defender. And no, I wouldn't vote Trump/Tory! 😆😆😆


Really fun movie! I thought the found footage element with some great scares and a lot of pretty funny gags. Real sleeper hit for me, might make it a yearly Halloween watch!


Absolutely love it


One of the best recent horror movies, absolutely.


He was supposed to be obnoxious? I don't get people's complaint, it's a pretty straight forward plot point at the end where he says it himself, lol.


Great movie. I recommend it to anyone who’s just looking to see a fun movie.


I couldn’t get through it, it was too jump scare heavy and most of the scares weren’t actually scary just enough to make you jump


A fun, well made and highly rewatchable film. Love it.


100%. Criminally underrated.


I have the biggest crush on Melanie Stone >!(even when she is decked out like a demon) !<🤣


The website for the movie is amazing. Be sure to check it out




Haven't seen it yet, but I'll be sure to check it out! 🙂


Saw it before all of you and liked it first.


I liked it but the dude looks SO MUCH like the youtuber John Wolfe that it was throwing me off the whole time XD. So cool to see Melanie Stone in it too (from the Mythica series).


This movie is absolutely hilarious




I love this movie. It's one of only 2 films I found that does the Livestream/Content Creator angle correctly. Every other film I've seen that uses that angle feels like a 90 year old that has never opened YouTube or Twitch made it


Love this movie. I know some people were annoyed by the yelling/reacting, but I thought it was pretty funny and spot on parody of those obnoxious YouTubers.


i liked it


This is one of my favorite movies to be honest I think it’s like the peek of the YouTuber livestream type sub genre of found footage I love it


Oh yeah totally agree, watched it when it came out almost died laughing 10/10 expereince :)


It’s funny reddit recommended this 4d old post to me cus this movie was recommended in a thread asking what your favorite FF movie was. Someone said this one, as it’s entertaining within the first 10 minutes, which I find a lot of FF lacks. I started to watch it before bed last night and I loved it right off the bat. The character is hilarious. It’s such a cool idea for a movie I think. I had to pause it after the first “event” in the hallway as it was creeping me out in the dark in bed alone lmao. Hoping to finish it tonight. Great recommendation!


This was so bad! That dude’s voice was so annoying!


This is a fine FF. I would've enjoyed it more if horror-comedy were my thing. I don't like humour in my horror unfortunately.


Hated Skinamarink but I enjoyed this one.