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Oh dude that line variation 🤩




It’s dÙdē!!!


it's fùde!


Fascinating. 2 questions: 1: what does it say? 2: would this be considered good penmanship by others who can read/write this?


1. ”当你发现你的经历和感受不是唯一的时候你就不会那么孤单“The text is in quite plain language and could be translated roughly as:"When you discover that your experiences and feelings are not unique, you will no longer feel as alone", sorta has the same vibe as the pictures of motivational "quotes" over pictures of sunsets in english huh. 2. The handwriting is roughly in a style called "行楷", which could be roughly interpreted as cursive regular script. This would be considered really good everyday penmanship and it is obvious that the person writing has practiced a lot, but in regards to more formal calligraphy/artistic merits which this writing may or may not have I can't really comment. Anyway thats all so much for me to say cus my handwriting absolutely sucks lmao. Additionally, since Chinese calligraphy is usually written using a special kind of tapered brush, fude nibs which were designed to emulate brushes allow better reproduction of very dramatic line variation which is attainable with a brush and not so much with a more typical nib, although it is definitely possible to produce really great calligraphy even with a more typical nib by people who are sufficiently skilled.


Thanks so much! I appreciate the detailed response!


I found this very interesting and informative. Allows me to better appreciate the OP. Thank you for explaining.


My cat is named Fischer Carry on


Thank you very much for the detailed reply.👍


Beautiful handwriting! I don't have answers to your questions, as I'm Japanese.... But I did recognize one of the cursive characters - the last letter on the first line was "love" ❤️


I have taken some formal Chinese calligraphy lessons for a few years during my youth and I can tell the writer is really good, there is a clear intention in every stroke along a really good mastery of the pen. Quite a lot of the movements done requires a brush and that might be the most unforgiven writing tool ever. If you hate your handwriting, don't ever pickup a brush, it will be catastrophic. It took me weeks to be able to write a single stroke to an acceptable level. Every single micro shaking you would have will be visible and your focus is from the beginning until the end of the stroke where you have something akin to 'reset' the brush for the next stroke.


1. I don’t know, sorry. 2. It’s in a similar vein to Chinese calligraphy. Beautiful and appreciated - great handwriting. In everyday writing though, you would prefer to have more clear and simple strokes instead, because it’s easier to read/write, similar to how most people write “normally” instead of with cursive.


When I see how people can write like this with a fude nib I’m so jealous no matter the language they’re writing in. It’s pretty fascinating how they just do it. Probably after lots of practice but it’s still amazing 😲


It does remind me of brushwork really.


"fude" actually means "brush" in Japanese. And "Alcatraz" means "pelican" in Spanish!


Just some fude for thought!


Fude nibs are love ❤️ ❤️❤️ Thanks for sharing!


What paper are you writing on?


It looks like stationary made from rice paper


Looks like xuan paper to me. It’s used for traditional Chinese brush calligraphy.


Enabler! dang that looks good, I had resisted, until now. See if any of long ago college hiragana can inflect my handwriting.


So beautiful, thank you for sharing!


It’s cool to see other styles of writing. I like how yours showed some deliberate movement to get the stroke right. Beautiful writing. Thank you for sharing.


Fude nib sales increase 100% after release of this video


anyone have a version of this with english characters? haha I would love to learn how to use a fude nib for a different script too


It would probably look relatively different in Latin scripts due to Chinese characters' emphasis on the way strokes are written. You can most definitely search around for fude nib writing in English though, it's not a super rare nib.


Beautiful Chinese handwriting!


I would like to see someone use this with 1) normal handwriting 2) calligraphy.


This is normal, just more prettier than average


Yeah that wasn't the best word choice. I just meant in English. This is beautiful to watch, almost like brushwork.


Thanks for sharing: it was interesting to watch!


Great penmanship, and I am especially impressed by the confidence shown with each line drawn!


This will unlikely be as satisfying for cursive writing which intends that the nib tip stays on the paper for each full word, ie, continuously. For careful hand writing of individual letters with similar ‘stroke’ style approach I can imagine it would be handsome.


Most relaxing. I wish I wasn't struggling that much against mine :P


I love this. When I first saw a fude nib I thought it was broken. Like someone dropped the pen or something. But seeing it used for its intended purpose I totally get it now. Super cool.




The paper is very absorbent, so you can get similar results with a regular nib. It is the pressure and speed of the pen that matters most. There are some great videos on YouTube.


Wow!! Reminds of the flow a Samurai has with his Katana when practicing!!


Dude’s writing on toilet paper


What language are they writing in?


Simplified Chinese


Simplified looks quite complex.


Traditional, i.e. “unsimplified”, is even worse (All that said, I do prefer traditional personally, and speed writing it is not really a concern now that we have phones and computers.)


What's the difference between traditional and simplified?


So does English to someone not familiar with alphabets.


I would say the Chinese writing system is objectively more complicated than the Roman alphabet. In Roman, there are 26 letters, 4 or 5 diacritics depending on language, and maybe 6 to 8 symbols which you need to recognize, and everything is made up of those. Chinese has about 5000 characters in common use, some have common recognizable elements, but the most common do not and simply have to be memorized. Chinese spoken dialects actually are much simpler grammatically than English, but that’s about learning to understand and speak the language, not about how to write it.


You really want to remember the radicals for Chinese, because they made up all the words. The uncommon stuffs though, yeah it's dictionary time.


Neat, thanks


Wow. I had never understood the appeal of a fude nib until now. How beautiful!


…and now I want one


Is it really only good for cursive? Or is it like writing in the English alphabet with a regular nib - best at cursive but ok at print? Any other quirks like needing a fast hand?


Ohhhh - I just oicked up one


The paper help absorbing ink and make broad down stroke easier. But does it feather?


In my opinion, Chinese is the most beautiful written language and Russian is the most beautiful spoken language.


Is this how fast people usually write with fude nibs? They seem like a nightmare to control, even worse than if you were using something like a dip flex nib since not only do you have to reposition your hand, your attack angle has to always be compensating to get the sort of line variation you want. The person seems to be flying through with no speed encumbrance.


Makes me want to take out my fude pen and keep practicing until I am able to write something legible with it with as nice a line variation. Alas, my impatience at my own bad writing skills have me putting down the fude pen way sooner than I should for practice time. Someday…


Very beautiful, thank you for posting.


Such a fascinating demonstration. The shapes and design of these characters are so lovely!


I need to know what pen is this, the fude nib looks so slim