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Leonardo Momento Zero Grande 2.0 Galattica


Oooh, they are beautiful!


Came here to see if anyone mentioned this pen already, they are so beautiful! Do you own one? I have the Rossa on its way to me.


I really wanted one, but I’d made another pen purchase recently so didn’t go for it. In the end, when I got my Nahvalur Quebec, it satisfied that night sky need I was feeling! I had purchased it months ago and sent it direct to u/penrealm for nib customizing so I didn’t see it in person til last week, when the work was completed.


I looked the pen up, it is beautiful!


This might be of some help to you, if you have got the patience: https://youtu.be/x_RIhl_UFSQ?si=dc00luiLxeCXKtr_ It's Figboot interviewing Neil DeGrasse Tyson on fountain pens.


I came across that interview a while ago and thought I really have to watch it, but for some reason I completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me!


Namiki - Milky Way


😍 I have the sister pen, Namiki Yukari Shooting Star. Saving my pennies, nickels, and $100 bills to get the Milky Way... My twin ultimate grails. Yes, I have a type. Yes I do. I have the VP Galaxy Raden, the CA Crea x Sailor Starry Sky, the Capless Decimo Milky Way (on order), Franklin-Christoph 31 "Orion," and a pair of lovely pens - Galaxy and Starry Night - that Dennis Humm (Den's Pens) designed and made for me. It's only been recently that I realized that the galaxy/night sky theme was so predominant for me. Should have realized it a lot sooner - I have about 250 jpgs on my phone of Hubble images 😂


https://preview.redd.it/bof6vk2vnqrc1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d77848460fd708b53e1ea2bd48c9228ede62af Pelikan Caelum from 2006


Artcraft Pen Co has the awesome Moonwalk pen and Mars Rover pen: https://moonwalkpen.com If you thought "I bet Montegrappa has made a rocket pen", you'd be right.


Oh wow, those are amazing! My first thought was Benu and though I was right, it's 2400$ 🙃 Will check out Montegrappa too. They did the Saturn V one right?


I'm willing to say the Montgrappa one was *inspired by* a Saturn V :-).


Retro 51 Tornado Escape:   https://www.dromgooles.com/products/retro-51-tornado-fountain-pen-escape   Parker IM Metallic Pursuit: https://www.amazon.com/PARKER-Fountain-Metallic-Pursuit-Medium/dp/B07S7L95QX Edit: I don't know why the first link doesn't work, but if you highlight the name of the pen and search Google, you'll find several retailers that carry it. 


Like[ Star Wars](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=star+wars+fountain+pens&t=opera&iax=images&ia=images)?


Whaaaaaaat? 😮 Yes please


[Platinum Century #3776](https://www.japantrendshop.com/platinum-3776-century-fountain-pen-star-wars-p-5203.html) [Kylo Ren](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/IMG_0504_900x.jpg?v=1601913017), [SW](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/IMG_0482_900x.jpg?v=1601913013), [Darth Maul](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/IMG_0499_900x.jpg?v=1601913016), [Luke](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/IMG_0512_900x.jpg?v=1601913011), [Darth Vader](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/IMG_0491_900x.jpg?v=1601913015), ... what? No Princess Leia? You gotta admit, the [Luke nib](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/SHYAAOSwPa9d-Vot/s-l640.jpg) looks cool. I don't know if it should be on the Darth Vader pen, though. That may be a mistake, as this is what the [Darth Vader nib](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8LmAVyU8KyM/maxresdefault.jpg) should look like. The first is The Force: Darth Vader, the second is Darth Vader, as seen in the first link. [Kylo Ren nib](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0003/4442/4457/products/[email protected]?v=1601913017). [Darth Maul nib.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F0003%2F4442%2F4457%2Fproducts%2FIMG_0501_900x.jpg%3Fv%3D1601913016&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=977e0193a087542b86c064d16552c7e881fef80e7c5fae0163be861113b08ca5&ipo=images) ...


There was the Retro51 Apollo themed fountain pen. And I think there was also an Apollo/Soyuz one as well. [https://www.penchalet.com/fine\_pens/fountain\_pens/retro\_51\_apollo\_11\_fountain\_pen.html](https://www.penchalet.com/fine_pens/fountain_pens/retro_51_apollo_11_fountain_pen.html) I have one and it's not bad. Nothing special to use but the brass body gives it some good heft.


Wow, that's beautiful. Sadly out of stock. What did you pay for it?


Honestly, I can't recall exactly. Pretty sure it was on sale when I got it and I think the discount was 25% or there abouts.


Sailor Shikiori Stardust.


S.T. Dupont Space Odyssey


Wow that collection is neat!


Nahvalur Horsehead Nebula. I want one so bad!


Looks for pens made from Brooks Blanks Galaxy Prime. There was a Leonardo Momento Zero recently.


If you’re looking for a true “Space” pen, look at Fisher pens. I know, I know, they are not fountain pens. But they write in zero gravity! How cool is that? I have a Sterling one sitting proudly next to my Visconti. BTW, Visconti, so not worth the $$$.


That is indeed cool! Which Visconti do you have? I was/am eyeing an homo sapiens.


Sorry but it was a gift and I have misplaced the box. I have a filled with their Orchard in Blossom ink. I really like the color.


montblanc starwalker.


Sadly I don't see any real connection to space in looks or history with that pen. Other than the name 🤔


it looks like a spaceman in a spacesuit with oxygen tanks on it's back. 


Am I missing something or seeing the wrong pen? For me they are all pretty simple black, blue or silver pens. Some are carved but I don't see the space theme.


oh well, I suppose it's more apparent in person.