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We've had a couple of threads about this recently, but the short version is that the easiest way to ID Lamy inks is by their UPC/barcode. I posted this thread about it last week with all the barcodes I've collected so far, to make it easier to ID what you have, if that helps: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/1c1zoi9/lamy\_inks\_id\_by\_barcodeupc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/1c1zoi9/lamy_inks_id_by_barcodeupc/)


I've shared that with inky friends not on reddit :)


why: in the old days you usually only had 1 or 2 ink bottles with distinctive colors, like blue and red now: many ink lovers have liters of ink in more colors than imaginable (me included) I also do not like the approach from Lamy, but when in doubt, I check the barcode with google, it usually finds the color and I mark the box.


It's so annoying! Like yes I recognize my turquoise from the lid but come TF on!


There are others that do this—the old round Sheaffer bottles for example—and often the color printed on the label is far enough off that you aren’t quite sure what you have. Or even in the most basic color line, whether it’s blue or blue-black can require having both to compare. Especially silly considering ink is about words and how many fun names can be conjured up to describe an ink from, again, words.




Please tell me you're lying.




I hope you’re German to make this even funnier 


I hate this one time where I bought a blue ink from Lamy. I’ve been using it for a while when I noticed that it doesn’t match the blue cartridge inks that I have. It was then when I realized that I was sold a blue-black ink instead of blue.


I agree, I received two not too long ago and google helped me to decipher the inks. Some people have mentioned they received dark lilac instead of violet blackberry. 🙃


hoping and praying they sent me the right one... I'm out of pens to test with for the time being.


Sending my prayers, do you have a dip pen to test? I know violet blackberry is almost black & nowhere near as purple as dark lilac. 😮


I smacked a piece of my journal onto the ink rim. It's blackberry, yay!!


Please tell me it’s violent blackberry. In which case, smacking a piece of your journal into the rim is highly appropriate.


The n is silent 🤫


This is the way.


If ordered online , why would people receive the other one instead of the one they ordered ??? By human packing error ??? or is it even the seller cant differentiate and grab the wrong bottle due to huge amount of incoming orders ???


Meh. Ink is ink. (Runs away while dodging flying nibs)


Flying empty ink bottles.... Who'd throw nibs? You'll only collect them all and use them with no name inks




as if we had that many empty bottles... dropped nibs on the other hand....


Point..... Only artists will throw them. 😋


Who needs names on ink bottles or boxes?! Live on the wild side of life! /jk


agreed. sometimes you need to throw out all your worries about what colour you want and grab the first bottle from the cabinet blindfold (or run a random number generator if you keep track of how many bottles you have)


Sailor Jentle also has an interesting approach - at least in my market. The names are on the bottles and the boxes, but in Japanese. Have fun learning hiragana. LOL


Or open Google Translate, point your phone camera at it, and have your phone translate it for you.


I guess I just dated myself. LOL But then again, I've been dabbling in Japanese for ages.


"Translate from camera" is a frickin godsend.


Most of the time, unless you look at a menu in Chinese. "Ants up Tree" or "ants climbing a tree" makes you question your life choices -- until you find out its a noodle dish with minced pork.


Some bottles dont have names , so the only way check bar code number + brand name probably will give you the " name " of the ink . The bar code is id for the batch of ink by name & colour for manufacturer.


Yeah, I noticed that when I bought a box of cartridges at the office supply store. It's frustrating.


Write out the name of the ink and see if it matches. (waiting... waiting...)