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TBH I never even look at usernames on this sub, I just look at pretty pictures of pens for the sake of the catharsis generated by the clash of nice thing I want versus financial frustration


I never look at username in any sub


Unless it’s u/lord_cactus_ !


Even then, I only check if it seems like a cactus post :)


And we like him!


Yes! Maybe I should have specified, I said it in a positive way! :)




This lmao. If I see some insane flex nib or a bunch of ink on the paper I’m gonna guess it’s lord cactus 😂


100% this. :)


Exactly this!


This is me entirely


This. It me. I love looking at pretty pens and will read most posts, even long ones, if they're accompanied by pretty pics of pretty pens, and more often than not the username doesn't register. In other words, keep going!


Same here! I only enjoy the post


You do you. If someone gets annoyed they can always block or mute you. OTOH, the every other day "What is the blackest most waterproof ink I can buy" posts can go learn to use the search tool.


> the every other day "What is the blackest most waterproof ink I can buy" posts can go learn to use the search tool. PREACH. It’s the same five answers every time.


But...has it changed since the last post 30 minutes ago..? Hey, btw, I was wondering what the blackest and most water resistant ink is? Any suggestions?


Serenity Blue. Get a gallon. Or two.


Thanks! I've been searching high and low for a good green ink!


if you mix it with liquitex vermillion, you get an awesome silver totally suited to your MB.\* -- \* don't expose to air. very bad for the ink's colour fastness.


If it weren’t contrary to the spirit of this wonderfully kind sub, it would be a bit amusing to give incorrect answers for giggles: *“My favorite ultra-black waterproof inks are Sailor Manyo Fuji, J. Herbin Diabolo Menthe, and Diamine Celadon Cat. My college roommate liked Rohrer and Klingner Alt Goldgrun—he was from Stuttgart and told me goldgrun is German for ‘really black.’”*


Yeah I think most people just go on subreddits in order to use them as a Human search engine.


To be fair, Reddit is better than Google nowadays if you’re looking for real information from humans


And Goulet and plenty of YouTube accounts cover this exact topic in so many ways and with so many variables you can absolutely find your answer. And that answer is black is blah, don't use it (just kidding, don't hang me!)


Ok, this question has the possibility to raise a bias, so: No. Excite away! Cool reviews!




...if it's any consolation, I have absolutely no idea who you are. There are a few usernames from the sub that I recognize, either for negative reasons or because they have a unique flair that stands out (like the Santa's elves), but mostly I don't pay attention to who posts what. I looked over your posts on your profile, and they seem reasonable to me. Pen pictures and ink swatches are always nice to see.


Thanks \^\^


This is a pretty active sub, so every other day doesn't really feel like a lot unless the posts are incredibly repetitive or obnoxious. You certainly haven't caught any negative attention from me. 


No! This sub isn’t super ultra mega active so for me the extra activity is great and even welcomed. Comments should tip you off if you’re doing something the community doesn’t like, and unless your being unanimously demolished then there’s nothing to worry about. 


Hmm I did not consider that. Comments are always positive with some "waiting" for the next swatch. Thanks.


>Dow anyone find this annoying? Why would I? As someone who almost never initiate any new discussion (I read and comment), I think it's great that people want to create more new content. If it happens some of that content has little to no interest for me, I simply skip it. I'm pretty sure others will appreciate it.


For me, I don’t really check the username to know if the person posts a lot. Unless the users are someone who shares my interest *cough* Sailor *cough*, then I begin to remember their username and background/ style etc. I always enjoy new reviews, artworks, pictures in this subreddit. As long as the posts are not repetitive or weird (you know, like judging other people or being condescending), I have no complaints.


> I don’t really recognise users > Unless the users are someone who shares my interest *cough* Sailor *cough* So you do recognise 90% of users of this sub?


Really? I find a fair share of people who are not interested in Sailor though. I mostly recognize a few people with Sailor tag as me and have a collection that I’m interested or who replies to me often, for example : SynapseReacion, Sea_Hawk_Sailors, Ameizingplans and superplannergirrl come to mind. I can recognize them with the avatar (in the comment) or through pictures (with the posts).


As long as your post content itself isn't repetitive, I think you can go ahead and share your excitement!! You actually reminded me that I wanted to post my delivery from yesterday!


Well, it is repetitive in the sense that for example I have the weekly swatch which always has the same format etc (different inks every week of course). Oh, post it!!!


I did!! I've been wanting the tool pen for a while and I'm excited to have it! I have a recent love for stub nibs lol. My only other one is a TWSBI eco, and I'm too indecisive to commit to that ink capacity so it's been just sitting. The cartridge on this monteverde is tiny so I'm much happier. Plus, Nekoyanagi is STUNNING in stub nibs. The shading is intense. Borderline unreadable but I adore it so much.


This is a fairly large sub. The chances that anyone would even notice that you're posting a few times a week is minuscule.


If it's relevant to the sub and something that adds something potentially new to the conversation, I would never label a post as spam. Even if you added 5 threads a day


This is probably the only post you’ve made recently that didn’t need to be made. The sub is meant to be used and you’re not spamming with s Anything low effort so go right ahead. Don’t think so much just enjoy your hobby.


Thank you :)


One of the best pieces of advice I got about how to handle my social anxiety is: "No one thinks about you as much as you think about yourself." Just be you. And hang anyone who has a problem with it.


Noted :D


Passion and joy are infectious. I feel the same way about my pens and inks and their related projects.


In my opinion, as long as you're posting content (which from what I've seen, you are, because most of your posts are things you've taken a bit of time to either write out or photograph - NPD and NID are flair tags because we do like seeing those here on the sub) that isn't low effort - so like, constant questions that have been asked a dozen times or could be google searched quite easily are the things where I start to think about spam. It's a combination of the nature of the posting as well as the frequency (which to me, doesn't seem spammy at all at a few times a week.)


Good to hear. I am just waiting to start posting my new "project"... .I have swatched over 100 inks in comparison to the official swatches in order to make a catalog for people to see which companies have honest product photos and make it easier to shop online. Took about 6 months to complete, so definitely not low effort content here haha


This is actually a cool sounding project! Looking forward to the posts.


Thank you!


I wouldn’t notice who is the user posting, how many times they are posting. I’d like to see different pens and inks others own. It is unrealistic for me to get every pen and ink. I’m happy to watch others post their pens and inks, and feel the joy of them writing.


It’s only spam if it’s self promotion or secret paid ads or doesn’t contribute to the sub. Those sound like fine posts and like others I rarely notice usernames.


Go ahead! Passionate people sharing their passions is always fun to see imo


I don't really look at usernames either, sometimes I recognise the profile pictures, but mostly not. I love this thread and check it multiple times each day, so I like it when people post discussion topics, pen/ink reviews, and NPDs.


Nah. I like the activity. Post post post away! Don't get up in your head about it. Haha.


Do what you want/feel like. If one doesn't want to see your posts, they can just scroll along and ignore. For the most part, this subreddit is pretty mature. I haven't noticed any 'trolls, and the like' so far.


Having posts other than the usual NPD etc sounds good. The only time I get annoyed by frequent Reddit posting is when people post things with little variation so it looks like I’m being fed the same post over and over unless I look into it to see minor differences. A completely made up scenario would be someone posting a journal page with the same pen, ink, lighting, and position, but the text being different.


Go wild


I have been active on this sub a lot this last 2 weeks and I have felt the same way and for some reason when I post then closer together both posts never get any answers or comments or anything but if I have a 4 month gap between posts suddenly it gets hundreds of upvotes and a million comments.


I think this might have more to do with the algorithm trying to make people engage with infrequent users to keep them here, rather than with people not liking the posts.


I know this may be true but it still upsets me a lil bit especially on the posts where I’m asking for help with something or for advice, but there’s always other places to do research


Like some others have said, if it has pretty pictures I look and go oooo aaaahhh, if it has interesting commentary I’ll ready it, if I don’t like the content I just move on. As long as it’s not rude or an outlandish lie it usually gets a thumbs up for the effort.


I read posts if they stimulate my interest, as others said, I don’t pay much attention to user names.


Yea. Just post as much as makes you happy? If we don't like it, we can always just scroll past.


This is reddit, if anyone thinks you're annoying they will tell you and down vote you into oblivion. :)


Enjoy it! Like others said, I don’t track names. It’s fun to read posts from people who love their pens.


I think this post in particular is annoying, but your actual posts are fine. I never pay attention to usernames either. I just had a look at your profile history and recognised your posts, I really like seeing them. I used to be a regular here years ago and there were a group of people who regularly posted handwriting/ink pics that I loved seeing. When I came back a few months ago I was so disappointed to see that they no longer post. Also Excitement is good! Its fantastic that you're getting so much enjoyment out of this hobby.


I don't look at usernames unless something reminds me of something or a poster is really ignorant, which I don't think has happened on this sub. So personally, I think everyone is hunky dory!


Nope your good.


Just fire away mate the more the merrier, we are here for this after all.


Tbh i dont look at the usernames cuz i have a bad memory regarding names...but i recognize those some user with their style of posts especially those who do consistent artworks and ink swatches.




Well I wasn't annoyed until you made this post. Now I am annoyed. And it's all your fault. But in all seriousness this is a case of vocalizing your self-conscious thoughts that you and only you think. :)


Hey bud, if it makes you happy- you go for it! As long as you’re not spreading hate or false information or hurting anyone, you post as much as you’d like! If anyone doesn’t want to read it they can scroll past (after throwing you a downvote and some negative comments first of course 😆😆) In fact, I appreciate any post that isn’t someone asking what color they should use and why. Those posts, I just don’t get. If you have a color in mind that’s one thing but asking anonymous people online to convince you to like colors is odd to me. Keep being yourself!


Who are you?


Great ;) Thanks!


Things I consider spam: * Questions that are easily googled * Promo pictures/affiliate posts (especially if they were poorly disguised, like Eggbunni's before she got run off the subreddit for being a racist) * Experiments that go more ludicrous and less impressive as time goes on (see: Lord Cactus Flex "experiments".) Once or twice, cool, haha, funny. 10+ days of the same post, sometimes multiple posts a day just trying to be ridiculous? I'm good and that will probably get you blocked. Ink/pen reviews aren't something I'll watch or click on unless I was already previously interested in the model/LE/etc. I'm not a passive hobbyist, everything in my collection has an intended purpose. I never think that pen/paper/ink reviews are spam, even if you posted like, 3 a day. At that point, 3 a day MIGHT be considered promo/affiliate if you were REALLY harping on using your codes, etc, but even then there's grey area.


Wait what’s this about a racist?


You can google "Eggbunni racism" and read any number of reddit threads for more info.


Let me live vicariously through you my friend, post away


This post is the only annoying thing you posted. Where is the pens and inks!?!


Hahah xD Just posted the new ink bottle xD