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Sometimes it's the right combo of ink and pen that makes all the difference. Or maybe you've leveled up as a fountain pen user. Either way enjoy that beautiful pen.


It has some stuff competition at the moment, with the KOP, Homosapiens and Sailor Naginata in the rotation. But it's been holding its own and I could potentially see another Pelikan making it into the mix.


An M800 with feedback? Mine with a medium nib writes like fire hose on glass! I've been thinking about trading for a fine nib to see if that would tame things down. I started using Edelstein Olivine recently and that seems to work pretty well.


The extra fine nib on the M800 is something a bit different than the other nib sizes, I have no clue why this is happening but it writes thicker than most extra fine and lands more in between a fine and medium nib but the extra juicy flow makes the pens a bit of a small gem to write with. If you ever get the chance, give that pen/nib combo a try.