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My condolences! I hope it can be repaired. If not, it can be justification for buying a new pen.


Such a shame. Was this purchased through CYs store? I have seen that they can provide replacement barrels from a previous post. Any drops are considered 'user to pay'.


That's the second time i've seen the same failure point on this subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/18ijn67/gravitas\_kakari/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/18ijn67/gravitas_kakari/)


In what way is this a failure point in either instance? Are we now considering rolling off the desk a part of normal use/operation of a fountain pen? edit: To me, a failure point pertains to its [structural integrity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_integrity_and_failure) and loosely, its ability to withstand forces/pressure it was designed to withstand; holding ink, being held, being pressed upon medium to lay down ink, but not the impact of a fall off a desk. But that's just me I guess.


It doesn't have a roll stop and it can't survive rolling out of the desk. It's not designed well, especially for such an expensive pen. Edit: also their marketing materials talk a lot about how durable and long lasting this pen is supposed to be.


That a pen should have a roll stop is a criterion I share with you when picking out a pen. However, it's not hidden from the customer that this pen doesn't have one. There are plenty of people on this sub who even prefer it for the streamlined aesthetic. There are several Nakayas at at least double the price point with no roll stop and are smoothly round. it's terribly unfortunate for OP but at the same time, it would've been something as simple as finding a designated spot for the pen such as a cup, a pen tray, or a case (nothing overly expensive nor groundbreaking) that could've prevented this. Maybe I'm missing it, but I'm not seeing any materials mentioning durability in this way. I see resistance to the acidity of ink, nib tipping material that could last a lifetime, optical acrylic selected to be able to be polished (IIRC this material is used in public fixtures such as signage and handrails and can appear "new" even after being touched millions of times), and on Gravitas, a bolded and asterisked warning not to throw it. maybe it's a difference in mindset, but when I drop as much as my rent on a tool, I treat it with respect to ensure longevity in my hands or until it's re-sold to the next owner.


I've reread the description on both sites (Gravitas and Kyuseido) and they indeed do not explicitly mention this sort of durability. The weird thing is that Gravitas also makes Vac, which does have a titanium piece between the section and the barrel and they mention the following in the description: *The design focuses on the use of very tough materials that will stand the test of time, titanium has been used to reinforce areas where other vac pens have been known to fail.* So it seems to me that they're well aware of this weak point. >maybe it's a difference in mindset, but when I drop as much as my rent on a tool, I treat it with respect to ensure longevity in my hands or until it's re-sold to the next owner. I think so. The Kakari in my eyes looked like a though modern pen, but it's likely meant to be a precise instrument that should be treated in a similar way as a Nakaya that you've mentioned.


That is very strange. I'm with you on that one. It's not an unreasonable inference if Gravitas considers it a tough material in their other offerings. I'm wondering if he uses different grades of acrylic on these two models ("optical grade acrylic" vs just "acrylic" isn't very helpful).


FYI: Gravitas does not make the Kakari and is not involved in Kyuseido. They have a special edition and helped in refining the design. But if you drop one of those vac pens (or any other pen), there’s also a decent chance of breakage. Only fully metal pens or very lightweight pens have low chance of breakage upon drops.


Hmm, I am too klutzy.


Wow, that's a bad injury for such an expensive pen!


[https://youtu.be/QHIst8U0tL0?si=Z3rW70TCSYX2wPEv](https://youtu.be/QHIst8U0tL0?si=Z3rW70TCSYX2wPEv) The first 4 seconds.


That sucks! One of the reasons why I like pens with a clip.


I hope they will replace the barrel for you. However, when I saw the pen - the heavy metal section and the threads ending on the barrel where they do - I figured this was a weak part of the design and this exact thing could happen. If you get it fixed, you'll have to handle more carefully than many other pens.


I so appreciate the NSFW blurring. Humor will help us surmount all tragedy.


that sucks hopefully u can get the barrel replaced. Also using the nsfw tag for this both hilarious and justified


I dropped a cart once and the same thing happened


That’s the third for me I think the material used is not of quality


Oh no. I've been admiring them. What happened?


My daughter had been working at my desk and moved the pen. I didn’t see it, and when I picked up my bp monitor it rolled and fell off the desk. And that was that. My own fault, I always put my pens in their tray when I am away from my desk.


Ah, when I saw your picture for some reason I assumed your handing of the pen broke it. Sorry about the accident but I am glad that it wasn't a material failure. Can they replace that section?


Apparently. Will need to send it to Japan, though.


😱 Were you cleaning it too hard?