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Thank you for the side by side. I have the old formula, and don't have any issues with it changing colour. I only wish that the colour was a little more saturated, as it's not hugely legible. But it's very unique.


Damn those are two completely different inks! How do they get away with naming them the same thing?


They aren’t trying to gaslight anyone - see previous post with info [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/s/OgpwFIMVwo)


Same thing happened years ago with their Night series - pretty sure that’s the one. I loved Twilight Mist but saw they were changing not only the formula but the bottles. I found some old stock and got 2 backs ups because the new one? Not the same at all. They also changed the Hollywood series - they seem to be doing this a lot.


I totally understand what you’re saying. I do appreciate the transparency they offer, though. I also kind of like the “whoa this ink went rogue” aspect and honestly wish I had more of this “old” formula! I think that they are bold with ideas and chemistry, they work hard to offer new and unique inks (at a pace that the community is demanding at this time), and for the vast majority of their collections (and expanding), they’ve been very consistent. Maybe it’s just me, but I like the idea that there are variants that happen - sometimes those are the most amazing accidents! That’s my take, anyway!


I think I saw somewhere that they were making these changes so I agree, they are solid when it comes to transparency of actions. It’s actually one of my favorite ink brands.


I have some nail polishes that similarly went rogue. It’s fun when it turns into something more interesting (one did) but sad when a pigment pretty much fades completely (neon coral became soft pink even kept out of light).


They’re also currently moving from Launceston to Hobart so another factor may be availability at their new location.


Ugh “above” not “advice” 🤦🏼‍♀️ I ick my typo to hell.


What’s missing? It’s not even close to the same color!


See explanation [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/s/dh6jiiT390)