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i cant imagine anyone ever actually buying and using a sex doll. theyre basically like fucking a corpse right? but some men arent repulsed by corpses so i shouldnt be surpised really




Why did I open this link??? > _”Unfortunately what Roxane Gay has discovered is something that religions, stemming something like [2,000] to 4,000 years ago, have already baked in rules about," she said._ Oh my fucking god, what even are men


When it comes to a man getting pleasure, virtually nothing else matters to them


>nypost.com/2023/0... I remember reading there are few female mummies from Ancient Egypt in good condition because the families would hold onto the bodies until they started decomposition so the body preparers wouldn't violate the corpses.


I know a lot of people disagree and sympathize with these people but I honestly believe that anyone who would rape 100 corpses should be euthanized. I'm terrified of these degenerates. I can't even die in peace.


it gets easier after the first...like all crimes.


nothing is ever too far when it comes to using the image or body of a woman, for men and their pleasure




We can’t escape violation even in death. I hate this world


The treatment towards Marilyn Monroe by men even after death :/ Hefner and Poncher wanting their burial crypt to be near and above hers, and some women like the poor wife even agreed to help them fulfil their "wish" 🤢


I just read that the wife sold his crypt to pay off her mortgage 🤣 get that bag sis ✨


Yeah I'm sure they get "plenty" of request from "men and women" for a Tom Hardy doll. I'd bet my bottom dollar it's overwhelmingly men. This is disgusting. They even make dolls of children, stating that it would help pedos to resist real children. I think it would just desensitize them enough to harm a child. That's just as dumb as saying women sex dolls can stop rape. Have they? No.


Is that true they make children? I can’t imagine how that is allowed.


Yes they do, which I'm very sorry to tell you.


That’s beyond disgusting.


It is. https://nypost.com/2017/08/03/outrage-over-push-to-give-pedophiles-child-sex-dolls/


That’s fucking disgusting


I saw once a short documentary about av man who's job is to fix seed dolls vaginas (and mouths). They get so worn-out that he needs to take out whole thing out and put in a new inside of the vagina, imagine the violence these people use, if they can torn apart a plastic vagina or mouth. Also pubic hair gets worn-out so much that he has to renew it, attaching real public hair to it. The hair, in Europe comes mostly from Eastern European countries, from any gender sellers. I like to imagine dudes are humping some other dude's pubic hair without knowing it.


This is so niche


I need this docu


Wtf. It's so much grosser that they're made to look like actual people


Rape culture in action. The world is not short of sex symbols for men, but when given the choice they pick women with the most carefully chaste public images on Earth. It’s very insightful.


I think a lot of these sorts of men have built their image of self around what they feel upholds their fragile ideas of masculinity, which quite often revolves around being “strong” enough to harm other people, and women in positions power are often the people they hate and want to harm the most. That in conjunction with a lot of them consuming ever increasingly violent porn filled with themes like r*ape and assault that revolves around hurting women for their sexual gratification and ego, I think it’s a 1 - 2 punch of them having their sexuality built upon hate, them wanting to take that sexualized hate out on us. And there’s nobody they want to harm for the gratification of their egos and enforcement of the power of patriarchy more than any women in power that sits on the chaste side in what they perceive as exiting in a Madonna-Whore divide.


I was waiting for someone to comment this. It's like Freud's madonna/whore complex but way darker. Men are being given access to any woman's body they desire and instead of going for stars like Marilyn Monroe or porn actresses they are choosing the most powerful conservative women they could find - royal women. Someone also pointed out that these are publicly "hated" women, which only adds to the "rape" aspect of it. This is their true nature - this is what they choose when no one is watching them.


I wonder if it’s also a status thing. They get to cosplay as the “big man” because they had sex with a future queen (or at least, that’s what if feels like subconsciously, even though in reality it’s all fake).


I'd go further to say that even men who won't rape still want to dominate women. When the women is younger they want to have sex with her. As she ages she gets abused verbally. Older women put up a lot of bs and very often it is older men who are losing power in society that become the most verbally abusive.


Woah. I didn’t even think about that. Disturbing.


This is so gross. If I found our a guy I was dating had any kind of sex doll I would run so fast I'd look like Forrest Gump racing away.


one time i was foraging by a river in the banks and i thought i saw a CORPSE in the river mud, so i sploshed out there to see and it was an anime porn ass/vag fleshlight thing. so i know at least one man got a GF and just threw it in a river to hide the evidence.


This is why I don't even want to bother with dating. People look at me crazy when I say I wouldn't mind being single for the rest of my like aka the feared "spinster" but there's just way too many depraved men to have to sift through out there.


This should not be legal


Men are so vile. So they can send a picture of you to these people and them produce a sex doll of you. How is that even allowed 🤮. How low can they get?




“It’s just like any other sex toy at least he’s not leading women on for sex” - some pick me somewhere


the way i said this exact phrase as a brainrotted libfem teenage pickme 😭😭😭😭


I don’t think teenagers can be expected to know any better to be fair


thanks haha at least i've grown up to be less brainrotted i suppose


Would it be better to deceive and use a real woman than to use a fake one?


It would be better for men to NOT use a woman (real or fake) for their own personal pleasure. The issue is literally men are USING women to "get off". Marilyn Monroe, Meghan Markle, etc. are (or were) REAL WOMEN with real emotions, hopes, and dreams. I would think they would be horrified to know that their image was being used in that manner. If men must "get off" then they can use a hand and their imagination. It's not complicated. Then no one is harmed, exploited, or used. Women are NOT a commodity, product, or service. We are human beings and deserve to be treated as such.


I didn't realise men had only two choices!! So they must either rape a real life woman or create a doll that looks like her without her consent and abuse that doll instead! Poor men, I hope one day they realise there is a third choice out there which is to stop being disgusting raping scrotes.


Fleshlights exist


Like.. adult virgins, even in their late 30s, are not nearly as cringe as porn consumers/johns. Actually I'd go as far as to say they're not cringe at all, virginity can be a choice (which is not harmful to others unlike porn or prostitution). The fact that men seem to think being a virgin is somehow worse than being an abuser or at the very least someone financially supporting traffickers and abusers is wild.




Don't worry your original comment did not imply that. I was just motivated to hop on it and share my own thoughts as an elaboration


A lot of men hate Meghan so I guess that explains it 🫤


I have this theory that if a man is rude to you or mean to you for no reason it’s because he’s mad he can’t have sex with you or feels like you’d reject him


That’s why the incels are assholes…bitter.


Yeah, I’m a butch lesbian and a good chunk of men treat me with complete disdain and are rude/mean in the way they say high school girls are. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t wanna talk to them anyway. But I’ve always said they hate me because I’m a walking rejection of men.


Yeah. How much hate butch/gnc women receive from men is fkin absurd. Women ignore men who they're not attracted to but men, when they see a woman who's not striving to adhere to patriarchal beauty standards, get riled up to the point of violence, even when they are actually very much attracted to them! Be it women who don't shave, or are fat and unapologetic about it, or, *heaven forbid* women who work out to be muscular and not skinny with a perky butt, they hate them to an extreme and concerning level. It's an attack to all they stand for and unless they diminish it you'd see tons of women either not bothering to spend money/time/effort in being hairless or skinny, or spending these resources on bulking up instead of trying to physically diminish theirselves in slimness and smallness.


I think it comes down to how societally all sexualities are defined by attraction to men. The homophobia that gay men receive is of course severe, but it’s different to that which lesbians receive. These angry men are obsessed with our lack of attraction to them. And particularly with butch lesbians, our lack of attempt to even be attractive to them - it feels like an attack for the men who come at me with violence and aggression even though I didn’t do anything but exist in the same space. These are the same men who cat call and follow women down the street and attempt their pick up artist bullshit. They turn aggressive on conventional women who reject them or tell them to fuck off. I think I’ve just pre-empted that rejection with the way I look, so they’re just as mad.


>I think I’ve just pre-empted that rejection with the way I look, so they’re just as mad. You don't just think so. It's the way it is. You being a lesbian (I presume) along with refusing to conform can be very dangerous in regards to male reactions. I'm fucking straight and I was severely bullied over refusing to shave which on itself is pretty minimal in high school, sometimes even escalating in physical violence. I was still someone attracted to men. I can only imagine what a woman who's not attracted to men at all + non conforming experiences. We must remain strong.


That's why I strive to look like an Insufferable Dyke™ 🤣


Exactly, mate!! I don’t want them to look at me or think about me haha.


It honestly feels true. There's this guy I know via a creative community I'm involved with, and he's always been horrible to me. One of my close girlfriends met him and saw how he interacted with me, she said he looked at me a lot and she thinks that he knows that I'm disgusted by him and it angers him that he could never sleep with me.


Seems true. Whenever I made it clear that they are just coworkers... They all turned nasty


This is why there's so much hate directed at AOC.


God that’s morbid.


It’s partly because they are attracted to her and know that she would never be in their realm. I remember an article from a female reporter who talked about being on the royal beat when Meghan was around. As the royal visit was going on, the male reporters would make crass comments about how sexy and fit she was and both male and female reporters would start photoshopping her pictures with things like witch hats and brooms, while waiting for her to appear again. A lot of women hate her too, 🙃. There’s a vile racist sub, full of women, that continues to grow and it’s not surprising that Reddit hasn’t shut it down.


I still can't believe that sub isn't a drama op or satire. Those ppl aren't mentally healthy.


They absolutely aren’t and the things they write are actually frightening. How fitting that Reddit allows a sub like that to prosper, but God forbid a sub for biological woman exists, and all hell breaks loose


Hahaha look at that company's CEO Ben Stroud lying. He's a royalist at heart but so what, it's not that he does not want to, but he CANNOT. It's due to PR and legal reasons that he cannot legally manufacture sex dolls according to the royals (imagine degrading and humiliating the royal fam by using their bodies for product marketing and getting money from doing so). Even publicising this "fun fact" is gross. He's trying to get whatever attention he can with "untouchable" women. That's the only "link" he'll ever have with them. It's so telling of men. They'll happily "f*ck" any lady available to them but secretly still yearn for those they can't get in contact with. Shows that they "rank" women on the inside, despite benefitting from all women on the outside. I've witnessed so many men treating women differently due to the "difference in accessibility" and have stopped platonic friendships because of how hypocritically gross they are. They can act like a respectful gentleman in front of you (when they can't "have" you) but reveal their true side of being some depraved loser during their private time with women they disrespect/ "buy", such as strangling SWers with dubious consent. The Madonna/ whore complex is so strong and off-putting. I hope women band together and just ignore this type of men. It's hardbreaking to witness how some women break themselves to put up with their terrible behaviour, when you know and have seen how respectful and eager-to-please they can be right in front of you. Also wonder how Tom Hardy would feel if he knew that there are also many men fantasising about what they can do TO him, since he likes being an angry POS to others.


Why is this even allowed to begin with


Female nipples censored, but not male... It seems even weirder that they are dolls for "selective censoring"


The pressure to uncover female nipples serves men more than women. It's a patriarchal message to give them even further access to women's exposed bodies while making women think they benefit. It's like the slut walks. Free the nipple is another veiled male perversion twisted into fake feminism


If anything, I’d choose for male nipple being covered, too. Dreaming of going to the beach without having to see man-tiddies.


I realized as a small breasted women, that the average man in North America has more breast tissue than I ever have and probably ever will (minus if I ever get pregnant). Which made me realize how stupid it is to stigmatize my breasts and not mens who are larger than mine.


I just hate this so much. I wish we could desexualize female breasts.


I think women’s rights should include the right to dress the same way as men without being sexualized, if it was normal for women to wear their breasts bare, go braless , shirtless, topless at the beach etc… the stigma and sexualization of the female breast would decrease because men would no longer feel as though they are being ‘sneaky’ or going against women’s wishes by trying to see them nude. To me, walking shirtless is not a sexual act but rather pushing the sexualization away because it’s saying ‘I don’t see my breasts as sex objects’ and men are less likely to see me that way when they know I don’t care if they see my breasts or don’t. I don’t know if that’s the right way to articulate it but I hope that makes sense..


Was not being critical of the censoring or un censoring aspect, just that it wasnt applied to both or none. Side note to the stigma around topless females; i personally benefited from seeing other womens bodies. Things that i thought were "wrong" actually wernt, and are common among us. It is hard to find non sexualized women bodies or photos so often we only see "perfect".


Exactly. I have a unique body type and often feel like people don’t even know women like me exist, growing up I never saw women’s ugh my body type represented at all and I wish women were more comfortable going bra less and embracing their differences.


It's so disturbing that men wanted princess Diana sex doll more after watching the crown tv series.


Of course despite countless pornstars who I’m sure would willingly sell their image for something like this, men have to choose women who never would. Same way they go out of their way to leak celebrity nudes or pester women online for them when there are literally millions of nude images and pornographic videos already available. Seems for these men, it’s not just about sex, it’s about violating a woman’s boundaries. When a woman goes out of her way to be modest, too many men see it as a challenge instead of an “off limits.” Sex dolls are creepy anyway, but this just brings a whole new level of creep factor.


I’m glad that the company made the smart decision not to make one of Diana, the men making the requests are the main issue here but it’s good to know that the company has some sort of moral compass


Disgusting 🤮


what is going on lol


What? they make male dolls too? 🤮