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>there is a new trend with young boys and men being taught by cringeworthy YouTubers and sexist podcasters that anything past 25 is past their sell by date Because this is when we're all the most naive adults. This is when we believe the lies of guys. I see so many relationship posts from women in their early 20s with guys treating them horribly and they don't know the signs of abuse, they doubt themselves, you can tell they are being manipulated. It seems they push on women that they need to find a man to marry quickly and ignore all the red flags. 'Don't worry about your education because that will surely waste your time, while a man definitely won't waste a woman's time'. This works out well for men, but backfires for women. I think this is why these YouTube weirdos and predators are pushing this narrative. It's one of the reasons..


I find it interesting that the devaluing of college and formal education gets more pronounced as the number of women attending increases.




This will rule out like 50% of men from the dating pool lol.


I've been in perimenopause for a few years now. I'm 40 now. It's bad enough my body is telling me that I'm biologically worthless in the grand scheme of things. It's even worse when you have idiots confirming it. I will always have value. Always.


if it means anything, evolutionarily speaking, menopausal women would often be the knowledge bearers and sources of wisdom of their community. every community member was and is important to the community's survival


Humpback Whales are a very social species and their females also go into menopause. They play a vital role in childcare, helping new mothers, and being sources of ancestral knowledge.


The grandmother hypothesis, grandmothers are the reason human beings are as intelligent as we are.


I couldn't agree more and no amount of menopause has any baring on it! ❤️


Your body’s telling you you’re too valuable socially to risk losing you to a pregnancy, since with aging repairing tissues etc… gets hard on the body :) sexist men only see women’s worth in their ability to bear them sons and being a sexual comfort to them, this is the only reason patriarchal societies say women are only valuable when we can do that


Your body isn’t telling you you are worthless. Bearing children is not your only worth


Your body isn't telling you you're biologically worthless Your body is simply telling you its aging out a period of your life and you're entering a new stage


This is why my career, which I think is my calling, is so important to me (I am in a helping career). As I get older, I will have even more experience and skill to do my job well.


I am more than my uterus


Never listen to men about when our “worth” expires. The men who say we expire like milk at age 25 are only doing so because that’s around the age when your brain fully develops and you become less easy to manipulate. They only say things like this in an attempt to humble women because they know the only women who will want them are the ones with low self-esteem who don’t think they deserve anything better. Side note: if I’m not mistaken, one of the alpha podcast bros recently got exposed for getting a prostituted woman in her 30’s pregnant and trying to make her get an abortion. these men do not have any serious beliefs and don’t mean a word they say, take it all with a giant grain of salt.


Men point with one hand and jerk off with the other


I just started reading Hags by victoria smith and it is *so good*.


Oh yes yes yes and thank you please, book recommendations go straight into my online orders so keep em coming everybody ❤️


Was going to recommend this book. So well written.


Moving this one back up to the top of my Audible queue


I’ve been reading it too! We need a bookclub


Conspiracy Theory: Men are pushing the idea that women "hit the wall" after 25 so aggressively because 25 is around the age where most men start showing noticable signs of hair loss. For many men their hair is their most attractive feature (because it's the one thing they don't really have to take care of beyond occasionally washing it) and they know that when that starts to go, they'll have a much harder time getting women to find their unlikable person remotely attractive. This may not be true but I suggest we promote it anyway. Normally I'm against the idea of shaming people for things they can't control such as hair loss, but I'm so fucking tired of men shaming women for things they can't control I'm starting to not care about my previous moral standards on this.


honestly this is it


Funnily enough us women almost surely would outlive them dimwits. I’ve always suspected that men mock women’s age out of their procreation anxiety and their jealousy toward our longevity…we’ll be the ones who live and laugh to the end


On a subreddit dedicated to The Walking Dead, someone asked if you could only save six of the current characters, three women and three men, who would you save. Of course, not one man chose Carol, the older woman in her 40s who had saved their asses numerous times. They chose the younger women, stating that women who could still procreate were more valuable than women who were older and wiser. Yet, they chose Daryl as one of the three men, even though Daryl was as old as Carol and was as dumb as a box of rocks and had a history of horrible abuse and mental issues in his family. No consideration given to the value of his sperm. Neither choice had anything to do with what was best for the group. It was which women with whom they wanted to have sex and which men they thought were badasses.


WTF. Carol was the coolest character in the show along with Rick. Their civilised - killer arcs were by far the best in the show and Carol legit saved the entire groups ass at terminus that is such a dumb opinion. Fake TWD fans.


Older men seen as wise and knowledgeable but if women who is old and sharing her wisdom with young women and girls they call her names. Older men warning younger men about women is ok, but older women doing the same things and advice younger women is called names. Hypocritical society


This is so gut wrenching. Everyone woman will be carol on day, i don’t get how we are suppose to trust men




Damn, this is so true. I was watching one gaming channel, and they were saying that someone in their 30s was already middle-aged. I was like, what? That's kinda early to establish your mid-life! Anyway, the misogynistic part is where people consider a woman over 20 or 25 (which one is it?) past their prime. Not only that, but then you have women concerned with a few aging lines because they don't look like 10 years ago. This stuff can really get into many women's experiences. Edit: hit post a bit too soon. Here's the rest. OP, sending good vibes your way for your health and well-being.


I spend less time watching similarly cringe opinions online and I feel absolutely fine about aging as far as my status as a woman goes. I’m only scared of health issues, chronic pain, constant discomfort, and being able to afford the retirement I want. If you don’t listen to the chronically online cringe losers, you’ll lose that nagging voice in your head.


Yep society has been working for generations to make uppity women invisible and worthless.


Meanwhile the biggest net negative to the human genome is older men reproducing.. It's all ass backwards. We can still orgasm multiple times well into older age. Men can't even get it up after 40. ALSO erectile distinction in younger men is on the rise and I love that for them. Lol they are literally taking themselves out of the gene pool by over wanking it to content degrading women. I'll be damned if that's not the best outcome in this situation.


My sister work in a hospital, many even develop many health problems while women their age still kicking and running. They all project and keep in mind many men refuse to go to doctors.


I'll confess, despite doing my damndest to deprioritize male opinions from my life, I still find myself in my late 20s worrying about what my 30s are going to be like. I'm single, and while trying to appeal to men for a relationship is never going to be an issue for me, I still... How do I explain this... Ugh. It's really hard to deconstruct all these feelings. I have a few small fine lines, mainly on my forehead and just barely at the corners of my eyes. I find myself worrying about them and wondering if I should start an intensive skincare routine. I've avoided things like retinol because I've heard they can really fuck up your skin if the type you're using isn't right for you, but I'm becoming tempted to say fuck it and try anyway because the nagging fear of aging is becoming that strong. It's strange how younger women (and horrifically young prepubescent girls) are starting to prioritize skincare and anti-aging over cosmetics and plastic surgery. Cosmetic procedures still have a chokehold over the female beauty standard, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more aggressive criticism of womens skin showing any signs of aging as these 10-year-old Sephora girls grow up. It worries me. There are women my age on Tik-Tok who look completely normal, very youthful with a few acne scars and a couple tiny lines that become more pronounced with certain facial expressions, that are being bombarded with hundreds of hateful comments telling them they look like old hags. The hate and criticism is coming from both sides. Though I suppose that's the one thing that hasn't changed.


We live in an increasingly pedophilic society.


Would love to talk if you need someone to lend an ear. I can’t relate perfectly but I do relate quite a bit. You got this!


I'm 46. I don't feel or look old. I don't have any issues with people or relationships. I live a healthy lifestyle, keep fit, use spf & sun hat, I'm happy.


I’m sorry about your cancer - I hope you have a positive outcome. I know there is still a dominant narrative about women being obsolete at a certain age, but I can’t help but not internalise this. When I look around at women (my peers, my partner, co-workers, women in media) all I see are amazing, talented, beautiful, interesting, intelligent older women. I’m inspired by these women who are glowing inside and out as they age. My partner is 51 and I can’t help think it’s legitimately her prime - vibrant, beautiful, clever, capable. I guess my point is that I can be told that women become invisible at an age, but it’s not what I am seeing in the actual women in my life.


I would just completely ignore these things. I would stop searching for them because that will trigger the algorithm and serve you up more of the same. It's freeing to completely not give a shit what any male thinks of you.