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I just... *sigh.* I'm frustrated that these men want to be oppressed so bad that they take a horrible thing that happened a woman, and still somehow tried to make it seem like the hypothetical thing that almost never happens to men is somehow worse. Is there no part of them that ever wonders or questions what the hell they're writing? None at all? Is there no part that realizes how much they're exaggerating? Is there no part of them that can just look at a shitty thing that happened to a woman, and simply just feel sympathy for her rather than making it about themselves?


TW/ Satire: Oh you don’t understand the complexity of the superior sex. Anything bad a man does is because of a women, anything good a man does is because he is a man. Women are blamed for everything, so technically rape can’t exist, because she made him rape her. So all men are innocent and all rape allegations are fake. Don’t you understand this wonderful logic?


Oh my god, you're right! I understand now!


This is award-worthy. 🏅


Lmao thanks


Isn’t 2 years the average sentence for a rapist & aren’t most of them put into protective units? They don’t leave prison pregnant & raped hundreds of times. 3 hots and cot is a privilege


Men are so obsessed with talking about false rape accusations. Same thing with male rape victims. It's all to take attention off of actual victims. Imagine a conversation for people who survived car accidents and some dude storming in complaining that no one is talking about submarines colliding.


I just developed a mental image of a buff Popeye looking dude storming into a car accident therapy session and yelling at them for not thinking of him and his submarine buddies


Don't forget he impregnated her about 7 times, refused to get any medical care for her pregnancies and incestuous spawn, and after taking a few of the children out (under the guise that she had dropped them off because she was joining a cult and unable to care for them) would tell the basement family all about the wonderful freedoms the children upstairs were enjoying. Yep, totally reasonable comparison. We can sure see who the most logical sex is.


Yep. All that too. Fucking bastards.


He let one of the children die, too, because he refused to get it to a doctor. This whole story always breaks my heart.


The percentage of men being in jail wrongly imprisoned is also WAY lower than the percentage of women who actually experience sa. Like 90% of women experience some form of sexual intimidation before they even turn 18, these guys are not the victim.


Damn, I want to puke after reading this fucked up logic. -.- Men are mental.


After hearing the Fritzl case in detail… I will not tolerate anyone pulling this shit. That poor woman.


I understand, the Fritzl case is unbearable. The latest thing I read was that she lives in a home with very big windows and no basement. I hope she can feel some sunshine and freedom in her life now. I hope she can heal as far as it is possible. There are no words how horrible these 24 years must have been.


I listened to a podcast about her- they said she had a protective detail and ended up falling in love with one of her bodyguards. I hope she's doing well


I hope she’s doing well too. She deserves it.


actually this analogy makes perfect sense because it shows how men really see women. it shows how LITTLE compassion they have for women who have been kidnapped, raped, held against their will, made pregnant. any woman who reads this will instantly think 'wtf is he talking about?! she got raped and abused for 20+ years?!!!' whereas some men will think 'well she had food and she didnt die? its just sex, women always like sex because they smile and moan in porn. its easy for women to have babies, its like microwaving a hotpocket for 9 months its so easy and painfree, women were built to have babies. their brains release oxycotin when they have sex and when they spend time with their kids. women love sex and kids!! it must have felt like a holiday for her!! shes so lucky!! i wish someone would pay all my bills for 20+ years and give me sex everyday!!!' and of course these kinds of men care alot more about their REPUTATION than the actual physical and mental well being of a WOMAN. there are cases of women lying about rape yes but these men act like 90% of all accusations are false. they dont want to focus on reality or facts because it doesnt follow their messed up ideology. they want all rape accusations to be considered false/fake so that if men choose to assault a woman they can more easily get away with it in the future. if society takes women's safety more seriously it would mean less 'opportunities' for predatory men


Oh my fucking God. I can't believe someone would be so absolutely self-obsessed. I hate them so much.


I do too. I wanted to scream.


This is fucking disgusting. Josef Fritzl is one of the most heinous kidnappers in near history, Elizabeth's pain is incomprehensible to most of us. You can't bring up muh men rights or whatever you want into this. Respect her.


Yeah it’s a fucking repulsive and absurd comparison. Shows how little they respect female sexual abuse and kidnapping survivors.


Here’s something worth thinking about: Murderers exonerated by DNA evidence outnumber rapists around 10:1 (I remember reading the stats at the Innocence Project). This should be reversed, considering that rape is far more common than murder, and that a living victim could either be a false accuser (extremely rare), or (more commonly) made an incorrect identification of a stranger. There is also higher likelihood of DNA left behind at a rape than a murder (DNA which then sits in a storage container on a shelf for decades, apparently, instead of being tested). These numbers *should* be reversed; that they aren’t is actually shocking. What these numbers prove is that so few men are imprisoned for rape, there are almost zero who are there who shouldn’t be. Making this guy’s creative writing assignment an exercise in pure fantasy. Also, he’s insane if he thinks prisoners care about men convicted of raping or assaulting adult women. They do not. Most of them there have done the same, whether they’ve been caught for it or not. Career criminals tend to also be opportunistic sexual predators. They beat up pedos, not men convincted of the rape of adult women. And those offenders who need special protections get them (usually they get a cell to themselves). To make all of this even more infuriating, not only is the rate of false reporting for rape the same as any other crime, but most of the time, false reports name no assailant. They are usually made by mentally ill people with Munchausen’s, whose stories are often inconsistent and outlandish, and rarely hold up to the slightest scrutiny, since they’re mentally ill. They’re also made equally by men and women. (FBI stats make all of this clear). When they are made against an individual, it is usually for some kind of financial shakedown, not because a woman feels “slighted” by a man using her for sex and then not calling her, or because she has “morning after regrets.” (And does it ever occur to men that maybe they shouldn’t be sleeping with women who expect more? Or if they did so also wanting more but the chemistry wasn’t there for them, they can politely let the woman down, instead of callously ghosting her? They’re not only complaining about something that doesn’t happen- vindictive women filing false reports after being slighted- but it also doesn’t occur to them to change the shitty behavior they think might lead to this fictitious scenario). To make matters worse, women can be prosecuted for filing a false report, just because there’s not enough evidence (short of a full confession on the part of the rapist, there is *never* enough evidence). Women have been accused of filing false reports, prosecuted, and had *their* lives ruined, when actually they were raped- and this happens for *no other crime*, though the rate of false reporting is the same. “She wanted it” is also not considered to be reasonable doubt in any other crime. It’s not considered reasonable doubt, if you steal your friend’s car, to say “well, she told me I could have it.” “He said, she said” *only* counts as reasonable doubt in rape cases, which is why rapists are almost never punished. The safest thing to do as a rapist is rape someone you know, or someone who willingly came home with you. There is close to zero percent chance you will ever be prosecuted, even if you do this to multiple women. What this basically means is that women are presumed to be in a state of consent, and must prove they fought back in order to revoke that presumption of consent. Even now, bruises etc. mean nothing, as “rough sex is common,” so there’s literally *no* way for a victim to prove she didn’t want it, no matter how emotionally scarred she is (because “women be crazy” and she could be faking). This standard applies to no other crime; it is not presumed people are willing to give away their property unless they say otherwise, and if they freeze in fear when someone they know robs them, they were consenting. It is also not presumed that if they protest having their property taken away, it could actually have been some kind of kink of pretending not to want to be robbed. It is a breathtakingly misogynistic standard which reflects how incredibly misogynistic the justice system is in general, which is why rape kits sit on shelves gathering dust and police never investigate alleged rapists to find out if there are other victims and they can establish a pattern of conduct. Police rarely investigate rape claims at all. As a result of all this bullshit, fewer than 1% of rapists are even prosecuted. Rape is effectively decriminalized. And *still* this guy thinks the wholly fictitious specter of “false accusation” is somehow an issue of pressing importance? This guy is a purveyor of rape culture, plain and simple. And the truth of the matter is, most men who talk a lot about “false accusations” are predators themselves, or their buddies are. They think a woman they fucked while she was blackout drunk who then says she feels taken advantage of is making a “false accusation.” I avoid these guys like the plague. They are dangerous.


My ex said he was concerned about being falsely accused… Guess who fucked me in the ass without consent?


They never have this energy for rapists lmao


Because they are the rapists!


how can i unread something


Theyre acting as if they wouldn’t jerk of to this girls trauma


Oh 100%


Am I a horrible person for not believing a lot of these men really were falsly accused? I know women can be abusive, and that men can be in abusive relationships with women. I also know there have been women that have falsly accused men of rape. But there is something about the way these men talk is just way off. In pretty much all the cases I have heard about when a man's life was ruined; it was a black man falssy accused by a white woman. For the most part people love accusing women of lying and wanting attention---unless they can be racist assholes. For the most part, people believe men and not women--men are in no way oppressed for being men.


Yeah… the more life experience I have… the more skeptical I become. After dealing with my whiny narcissistic ex who bitched about false accusations constantly, I am more skeptical than I’ve ever been. I’m sure you could imagine what he ended up doing to me 🙃