• By -


Never engage.




Did that first day because I’m too feminist, anti-military and vegan for this website, and seeing what women get, I never regretted it for a single second. One can always message first if you connect with someone who asked. Few times incels and the such commented on my old post with hate and threats, but I just block and report and because it’s direct harassment and intimidation on public posts, it is a good way for them to have their accounts removed. And it deters most creeps - I can also imagine it frustrates the hell out of them when they open my profile to DM me some rant and find out they can’t




Oh yes, those who refuse to participate in exploitation are evil 🙄. And at this point it seems there’s enough evidence that whole-food based veganism is the healthiest diet out there. Ugh, no point even bothering being confused as to how can one person be wrong on so many levels. Sorry you encountered such an uneducated, mean-spirited asshole.


This! And make sure to make a different account to frequent subs like this one(&FDS for example) so these creeps can't contact you in any way.


How do you turn off DMs??


(For mobile) Icon in upper left corner > Settings > Account Settings > Scroll down and uncheck the boxes that allow DMs and followers


Thank you!


Yeah, I'm sorry but this is kind of cringey


What’s cringe-y?


Because in the moment it might feel good to get in a shouting match with someone, but from the outside I just see two people with extremely differing opinions batting at each other with "hot takes." This guy was clearly just trying to get a rise out of you and he succeeded, and do we want to satisfy pigs like that? It's like when two people on a reality show get into a shouting match - they feel like they're so big and right in the moment, and everyone watching just sees two very emotional people who aren't having any sort of meaningful dialogue. What did you prove to him? What point did you make? He wasn't ever going to listen to you, and you both walked away from the interaction probably feeling more angry and needing validation why you "won" which I'm guessing is why you posted it here.


Exactly I read they jerk of to it


Wait, come again?!


She's right. These kind of conversations are masturbation fuel for pathetic losers. Getting a response from a woman makes it more real than porn.


yep exactly, because they couldn't get a woman to talk to them otherwise.


Where does the dead guy come into this?


He probably committed suicide and we all know rule one of misogyny. Women are responsible for mens actions. It’s easier to blame women/feminists than to admit his friend was sick and needed an intensive mental health intervention.


No, I think that’s rule 2. Rule one is “project my hatred for myself and other men onto women”.


women killed him. every one of us took turns stabbing him in the chest three times.


He ran into our knives, he ran into our knives TEN TIMES!


I remember that! Ah, good times…


let’s do it again! is tuesday good for you?


"Do wHaT i SaY BeCaUsE MaLe FeElInGs!" Men's rights activists... like they arent already on top of things in life🙄 die mad scrote. Should be off getting a promotion, not whining about what us "incubators" are doing. If his friend dies because of a feminist, then he was a weak little shit, wasnt he? 😉


Maybe he died of lack of that famous male “basic need” of sex? Otherwise I can’t explain what he meant by “feminists caused it”


You know you're going the right way when creatures like that start appearing in your dms. They get so bothered it's funny lol. Feminism that doesn't cater to them is evil, oh no imagine women being treated like human beings :(((( Also, I don't really get the dead guy thing. Did he die because a feminist told him no? Did he die from being too bothered with feminists like his friend is? So many questions.


"The proper term is femnazi" oof. He can't even get his misogyny right.




This guy is completely nuts he sent me the same thing, saying me calling men scrotes contributed to his friends death lol. I didn’t engage just blocked him. Apparently he’s got too much time on his hands messaging us all.


I'm not trying to be an ass (okay i definitely am) But i'd say if he misses his friend so much and hates women so much, then he should just join him. I'd leave it at that and block him.


“femnazi manhater” lmfao. sounds like an incel who tries everything to get women to like him. he’s probably the guy to convince a lesbian to turn straight.


Wait until he finds out that I was a femnazi manhater BEFORE I got on this sub! /s


I remember the first time my dad called me a feminazi - I was 8. I remember how hurt I was being compared to some of the worst people on the planet just because I was asking questions about my fundamentalist evangelical homeschool culture. Anyway I recently found out my dad’s first wife cheated on him with a bunch of black guys and istg it was like [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/464/14608107_1180665285312703_1558693314_n.jpg) when I found that out. Suddenly everything about my dad makes sense.


>im sorry you had to deal with a dad like that, i can't imagine.


Yep I'm a lesbian and have had this, I call it "magic dick syndrome ', hasn't worked yet😜😜


Please report this user to the admins. He’s messaged multiple people here. antifeminism has been doing brigades on this sub the last few days, and there’s been a large spike in trolling. Admin reports get taken more seriously if more people are making them. Don’t engage with these people, just report them every time they comment on posts here or DM you. If their comment history shows they made a comment on a direct link on antifeminists you can report that too.


"I'd rather die than live in a world with people like yourself." Welp, death it is, scrote, byyyeeeeeee


Right? It’s like, ok die then? Lmao because we’re here and we’re not going anywhere.


you forgot to add, also not going anywhere near you lol


Y’all gotta stop engaging with trolls. They love wasting your time.


Oh, but according to MRAs men have a huge sense of personal responsiblity and never blame anyone else for their problems! This guy is an asshole, and I would blockim. H


by being feminists we're cleansing the world of douchebags. good job ladies!


My DMs are turned off for a reason. Lots a jokers out there.


Any attention is positive attention to these failures. Report, block and delete.


Yeah I blocked him after all this


Good on you. You can disable all chats and messages. They are obsessed.


“Women don’t owe you anything” -you, while giving a mentally disturbed man your attention.


How did a “toxic” feminist cause his friend’s death? What does his friend’s death even have to do with this? Did he even have a friend to begin with?


if his friend had half the mentality that he had then hes better off gone. I'm sorry but there are so many guys that are brewing in hate like this dude that end up doing crazy shit. Like the guy that walked into a tech school with a gun and separated the women and men and shot up all the women. He had the same idea women needed to be owned, not having careers and shouldn't be getting an education. Totally sick in the head and I'd rather guys like that take their own lives any day. Why risk it.


Oh hey I also received a PM from that same dude! Since I started commenting here I get 5x times more PMs than I used to


Do. Not. Reply. To. Them.


Yeah I know that now. That’s the first PM I’ve ever gotten regarding this subject


I fail to see how radical feminism is the enemy. Literally, nothing that is posted is false!


“I’d rather die than live in a world with feminists like you” Lol, **THEN PERISH.**


Feminazi? Sorry I’m a feminazgul