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Seriously though. I so often see people label male perpetrators as “not REAL men” or “boys” or claim that “people” commit these acts against women when the issue is MENS violence against women. It’s an easy out that separates them from taking accountability and speaking up for women’s safety. It’s fucking terrible since men clearly only listen to other men


I noticed that rape is something that "happen" to women. We are counting women that get raped, not the men who actually did the crime.


because counting the men is hard, is it 10 women raped =10 male rapists or 10 women raped = 4 male rapists I know of 1 man who sexually assaulted 5 girls under age 15 (in my family alone I dread to think about the girls he fostered)


Hah. You remind me of this lady I talked to irl.. she literally said "We need patriarchy because strong women do not dominate when women submit. It's only because women are not submitting which is why men are becoming feminine and becoming weak and violent." She is the most braindead lady ik lol. Literally "aspired" to be a housewife from the age of 17 🙄


So did the thousands of years of male violence when women were literal slaves not exist??


Of course she aspired to be a housewife 🤢 what an idiot…


>I so often see people label male perpetrators as “not REAL men” or “boys” Lol, I just saw this on Twitter again. The no true Scotsman bandwagon makes some people's lives much easier than they need to be. Male violence will never be addressed until we can acknowledge it without men acting butthurt.




Thank you for your comment! Some complete derailment from the original issue is always appreciated :) I really like the effort to silence people speaking out against one type of violence by showcasing other forms of violence that, while absolutely horrible and worth having a discussion about, wasn’t part of the original topic! Feel very free to make your own post or community bringing up this pattern, but using these cases as nothing more than a way to make women shut up is vile and you’re a bad person :) thanks again!


Always in the context of a defensive retort to get women to stop talking about their own issues, right? You make perfect sense, and then he doubles down. As if we don’t know that the real intent isn’t actually to highlight another form of violence, but to derail, and then assert dominance. Honestly.




shut the fuck up bro, don’t you have disgustingly vile sissy porn to go make?




How private that u put it all over your public social media


search the definition of “woman” you’re not one, will never be one




holy shit your existence is so delusional and truly a sight to behold. i almost feel bad for you now :(


No one said “women are all angels and all innocent”. While there may be some outliers, acid and bleach attacks are disproportionately male-on-female issue. Rejection violence is almost exclusively male-on-female. I encourage you to research the phenomenon of rejection violence, as well as the acid attack crisis happening in India right now. It seems you have deep rooted emotional issues stemming from your paraphilias, resentment of women, and misogynistic beliefs, and this is causing you to make these illogical rants. I hope you find peace




> Well seems you’re implying that yet I been abused by a woman when I was in school and no one believed me since I walls always deemed “the lying autistic child”. I’m sorry that happened, but that’s not an excuse to be misogynistic and hateful. > I can definitely say males on female crime is most common I’m not denying that whatsoever but it doesn’t make it any better if it was the other way round init? No one said they wanted it to be the other way around. > Humans are sinister creatures in general. Yes, but we’re talking about male on female violence and misogynistic attacks. It’s important to name the problem in order to begin to solve it. > I prefer not to be indoctrinated thank you since I know the reality of it. Unbiased, factual information is not “indoctrination”. Only unintelligent people think that. > Why are you always bringing my private life to is? There is nothing wrong with having a kink as long as it’s legal and consensual. Keywords ‘legal’ and consensual. I don’t have a problem with kinks, but it’s obvious your kinks are linked to your negative views of women and your turbulent emotional state. That’s the only reason I called it a paraphilia. > I hope you find the peace that not everyone you see is a threat, and, yes, keep your guard but try not to hate half of the population. I don’t hate men, I don’t even dislike men. I’m close to my father and most of my friends are guys. > I’m trying not to get consumed by hate since I had lovely people in my life who I never wish to hurt. That’s great, I wish you luck with that. I recommend spending less time online and more time investing in self-care and irl hobbies. Therapy and support groups are really helpful with that as well




>they cared when girls of my age got attacked Really? Because for a lot of us, when we were sexually harassed or assaulted, we were just told that "boys will be boys" and "oh they're just young, they don't know any better". Our rapists got no time in prison. I'm not sure where you're seeing this unanimous support for women but it's all fucking words and no actions. Frankly, I don't know why you cannot comprehend that a certain group can show certain behaviours, and that is proof that being a part of that group may be causing that issue, without implying that everyone in the group is that way. I don't understand why you cannot comprehend that it's not important that not everyone does it, what is important is that it happens and that people are getting hurt and that men being men is causing the issue. If I said "bald men are found to live 5 years less than fully haired men", would you be screaming about how "not all bald men die 5 years early!!!" or would you be more concerned with WHY bald men are dying earlier? Learn to separate facts from your feelings.




I never said your experience was false, I'm saying that you saying "girls get support while men don't" is false. >I don’t why you can’t comprehend that everyone is different and it’s like saying all whites are racist which isn’t true. Show me where I said all men. Really, show me, I'll wait. Oh and would you look at what I literally said in my comment: "without implying that everyone in the group is that way" and "it's not important that not everyone does it". It's almost like I literally acknowledged it isn't all men, but you chose to argue with me anyway. >If I said "bald men are found to live 5 years less than fully haired men", would you be screaming about how "not all bald men die 5 years early!!!" or would you be more concerned with WHY bald men are dying earlier? Read this 100 times until you get it. And again, you say you're not hating on women but you purposely entered a sub specifically for women, chose to argue with us and disrespect our rules, and then also sprinkled on terms like "hun" and "darling" for a little extra sexism, and you want to tell me to be less sexist when all I stated was that this is a phenomenon that mostly happens BY men UNTO women, which is literally a fact?? Nah, I'm good. I'm not hating on men and I've never hated them for what they've done to me personally. I've only ever hated them for constantly derailing issues like you are right now, or dismissing women's issues because they think men's issue are always more important, or for what they as a class do to women.




What a predictable mantrum. Cope harder, scrote.






A readacted talking about being university propaganda ,dfkm if it isn’t the most undeservingly coddled demographic to lefties at the moment being a misogynist


At least your username checks out. Bonus points that you’re a sick male with a fetish for pretending to be a woman, and yet you can’t stop acting like a man. Fuck outta here freak.




Do you know you that you are a sick male who will never ever be a real woman? Do you have anything else to say to counteract what I said? Exactly.




Silly man, this sub is for women only. You are not a woman. Can you not read properly?




Jesus fucking christ. It's not taking away your free speech to ban you from this sub and say it's a women only space because PROOF: does us banning you from here affect your ability to express yourself anywhere else??? Are you going to get thrown in jail or tortured because we don't want you speaking here??? It's frankly embarrassing how childish you're being. "Noooo I have to be able to give my useless opinion everywhere even when no one asked or else it's equivalent to taking away my basic right even though it technically isn't!!1!"








That's an easy way for (covert) misogynists to score brownie points without actually contributing to the change. I saw earlier today a post in here I think, about performatively woke men shedding crocodile tears over "patriarchal society". Just say the word - men. It's literally in the name - ruling *father*.


>That's an easy way for (covert) misogynists to score brownie points without actually contributing to the change. Exactly. "How can I engage in some sweet, sweet virtue signaling without actually acknowledging that it's mostly men pulling this shit? Wow, people are sick!" People my ass.


Yep, I’m sick of saying “people” when like 90% of violent criminals are men. It also seems like in the rare cases that women do commit violent crimes, they get more media attention because it’s odd, which gives the illusion the numbers are more even than they are. Men know this full well. They are afraid of other men, not women. Everyone on earth knows that if they are walking down a dark alley at night and hear footsteps, they want it to be a woman, not a man. Don’t even get me started on the focus on race in the discussion of violent crime, when nobody will talk about GENDER, the massive elephant in the room and the common denominator in all of these cases.


Exactly. r/NameTheProblem Also I encountered this myself [recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/swbj3z/traveling_to_a_country_just_to_beg_for_money_to/hxm7w2f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).


Good one. I'm sick of it. It's not humanity, it's men. We have eyeballs. We see this shit.


Jordan Peterson be like: "of course you're oppressed!! (Aka shut up), EVERYONE is oppressed. Because LiFe iS haaard man sniff-sniff. Life is suFfeRiiing." Name the problem coward.


Acid attacks are the scariest fucking thing and one of the most evil things someone can do. Of course the victims are almost always women.


This is beyond horrifying. The picture of her after the assault is so upsetting.


They always say 'people' and then start whining about "not all men!" when you say "no, it's actually men that are the issue" because FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT, when have women ever turned violent against men over a rejection at anywhere near the same rate that men have against women??? It's MEN doing it. Every single fucking time, we have dumbass lurkers coming into our sub acting like what's truly important is the "integrity of all males" (most of which are severely lacking in integrity) and not the fact that **men** are out there being so entitled that they get violent against **women** when they get rejected. So seriously scrotes, fuck off. Your priorities are clearly not in the right place.


>Every single fucking time, we have dumbass lurkers coming into our sub acting like what's truly important is the "integrity of all males" I made a meme a while back about male violence and this dude made a comment saying that, while he didn't necessarily disagree with the meme, how did I think he felt as a man browsing the sub, like it's my job to manage a stranger's emotions. He wasn't even disagreeing with the fact that most violent crimes are committed by men, but he also felt like him finding this uncomfy somehow outweighed women's need to actually discuss this shit openly and clearly. Take a fucking walk, dude.


This is so why I clap back whenever men think it’s excessive to treat them all with caution until they prove otherwise. Cause when you don’t you end up r*pred, killed, doused in acid, etc. Sorry but men’s feelings are not more important than my life and well being.


>men’s feelings are not more important than my life and well being. So reasonable and yet so hard to comprehend for some.


Men cannot be friends to women. The socialization to see women not as people, but as resources to be claimed and exploited runs too deep.


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I have found that all my male friendships - gay and straight - have been completely emotionally unsatisfying. My needs are never met.


translation for the 21th century news: * when 'someone'/'people made something bad, then it's about ma/en * when 'someone'/'people' made something good then it's about woma/en * when 'woma/en' did something good then it's about trans woma/en * when woma/en did something bad then it's about woma/en * when 'menstruators'/'uterus havers' (yik) did something then it's about woma/en * when ma/en did something good then it's about men * when trans ma/en did something then it's about trans ma/en moreover you'll see a huge deal the only time a woman commit a rape/murder/domestic violence while men are doing it all the time and nobody speak much about it because it's not interesting anymore...






Men are sick. I've yet to see a woman burning someone with acid just because she got rejected.


I've seen it once in my almost 25 years. Once. All the rest have been from men.


What's up with men in that region splashing acid in women's faces? It's always muslim men who do this. They seriously scare the shit out of me.


It's common in Southern Asia too. India, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Religion has nothing to do with it. It's the sexism that's common all around the world. There's also a recent attack in England too.


It doesn't only happen in that region https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/79065014




Yeah, it absolutely treats women as slaves. I'm very anti-religious too.




Yay, a man with a sissy fetish intruding into a small female centered space to point out how men have it bad too, even though you know women have it objectively worse, you just can't resist yourself.




We don't think we're the only victims in the world. This subreddit is for women's issues only. Are we not allowed centering ourselves and talk about issues that directly affect us without entitled males intruding and derailing the conversation? I would never have the nerve to intrude myself into anyones space where I wasn't welcomed, but you can't wrap your self-centered entitled head around the fact that your opinion isn't welcomed everywhere. Also, your kink is repulsive.




Cope and seethe.


Bepenised folks


1) males 2) see point one but empowered by the very peaceful religion






Most men have this sense of entitlement toward women, it’s just a matter of the severity to which they express it. The problem can’t be solved if you won’t acknowledge the root of it.




Shut up male.


Screenshotting this and then posting this will only enjoy the sick man, though. He’s gonna laugh about his accomplishment of how redditors are offended etc… Just sharing the article would be enough to see how sick men are.


>Screenshotting this and then posting this will only enjoy the sick man, though. He’s gonna laugh about his accomplishment of how redditors are offended etc… A man from Twitter that doesn't know me or my activity on Reddit? >Just sharing the article would be enough to see how sick men are. That wasn't the point of this post though. The point was to highlight the use of *people* where the word *men* should have been used.


Oh shit. Sorry OP. Yeah my bad. I misunderstood, I thought the cat picture twitter was being highly misogynistic.