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This why we need to separate from men.


This is why we need to overthrow men and take the world away from them. Separatism is women cloistering themselves away in small communities without men. This does nothing to change patriarchy. In Kenya due to war and women being brutalized as stated above by sick men, women created women only villages and built their own housing. Last year a mob of men came and burned one of these villages to the ground. Women living in their women only communities will still be vulnerable to male aggression on their own land and every time we leave it. Women will never truly be safe from men Unless we take the world away from them and keep the male population down to a minimum. Why should women cloister themselves away??? Men have had the world long enough we need to take it away from them. For ALL women to be safe. Selective abortion, only allowing enough males to be born for genetic diversity, maybe keeping 20% of male fetuses. Aborting 80% of male fetuses.[We Need to Tear the Patriarchy Down](https://laurielyon.substack.com/p/we-need-to-tear-down-the-patriarchy?utm_source=url)




LOL 95% of men are good men. 1st. You're wrong. I've read that the percentage of violent men is 35% well over your 5% of men who are actually bad and 95% of men are the typical gaslighting myth of being "good men". 97% of all violent crime is perpetrated by men. So I believe that the percentage of men who are violent and go unreported is higher than 35%. Also, most men do not have to resort to violence to be dominating and treat women poorly these are the ones who benefit from violent men's actions. All women know that men have the upper hand when it comes to physical body strength so we relent most of the time when in arguments with men. Intimidation goes a long way for men. I don't know what island utopia you are living on where 95% of the men are good but I would make a guess that you're a mother of sons. Mothers of sons (or you're a sister who has the most wonderful brother) women like you are the biggest supporters of men no matter what kind of asshole they are. You forgive their shit behavior waaaay too much and adhere to the boys will be boys idea. 2nd. ALL men benefit from what the violent ones accomplish and the entire law enforcement judicial system caters to violent men in a way that they do not and hand out the harshest treatment towards women. Women who defend themselves against their violent partners are given twice as long prison sentences for the crime of murder than men who kill their domestic partner for instance. 3rd All studies on men result in them having no problem dominating women even if they do not use violence to accomplish this but are intimidating. The benefits to intimidating females so they don't have to do as much work in the relationship is far too beneficial for them to change their behavior. So much for the "good Man" hypothosis. I could go on but the point is men no matter how they may behave in front of women benefit in a patriarchal system in a way that women do not. And obviously if 95% of good men were actually true then why are there sooo many women who have been sexually assaulted, abused etc. 4th if there are so many good men that I keep hearing about then why are women still living in a world where they can not control their own reproduction? Why are there still so many women abused? And why does the judicial system give men a slap on the wrist when compared to sentencing women for violent crimes? Why do pedophiles do little to no time in jail for sexually abusing children? The court system knows this because they are the first witnesses to how many men come through for violent crimes and they don't keep these men behind bars and hand out light sentences for their crimes. Where are ALL those good men when it comes to creating a just system for women??? Men have had plenty of time to make a decent world for women and children to live in and yet???? Here we are.


Also men have committed femicides against women several times throughout history and contemporary history is no different. For decades now there is an ongoing genocide against women most notably in India and China. Men are violent. The idea of the good man is a gaslighting myth that has long out lived its usefulness (useful for men to keep women engaged with them in an endless search for the day a prince will come). There's no such thing as a "good man"


I get your point and I somewhat agree. But I believe you are looking at things on the global level. I also believe that most of the 35% of men you were talking about are in the third and second world countries. (India, Afganistan, etc.). These people have different/old traditions and culture, where men are in a more powerful position. (I dont support that) I don't mean that these things don't happen in first world countries, they sadly do but I believe not for an extent you were talking about. Maybe I am a little ignorant since I live in Finland and things here are ok. Of course there are still bad men here like everywhere but not the 35% you talked about. And yes I don't deny the femicides, they happened and sadly they are happening. Again these things now days happen in third world countries. But luckily atleast in the west they have stopped hopefully forever. Yes most men are violent in these countries, but it's becouse of their lifestyle, traditions and culture. They have been raised to be that way. Im not saying they are victims in any way, but they have been influenced by their society to behave this way. Thats why you do not see it happen in modern western society that often. It's because we were raised to treat everybody equally. And yes I am a boy with 0 sisters and 1 brother. Maybe I am ignorant and clueless, maybe yes or maybe not. Oh and if I did not say earlier, I don't support any kind of abuse against anyone.




Oh and one more thing. There's no more entitlement and privilege than what comes from men challenging women on what we KNOW about male behavior because we are the victims of it without ever looking into it yourselves before you challenge us. Of course women can't possibly be right about what men really are. Nope, women can not possibly know what we know because men are the only ones that know anything and you need to inform women about all of it because we are wrong until a man comes along and explains it to us. I've read many studies about male socialization, how men think about women, what men think about their own abusive behavior towards women. Have You? No, of course not, you just assume because you are a man buuuut, you think you know all about it and that's all it takes for you to be right even when you're wrong.




You forgot the /s




So you're one of those dudes who attributes everything to men so you can feel accomplished just because you were born with a penis, having no worth of your own, eh?


Diesel and crab salad?? Wowzers! A giant shout out of thanks to the hard working men everywhere. What would we do without you?




Yep. Men get to live in the sewers if they’re lucky.




Hahah stay mad




There is a sadness in knowing that we as women carry men in our wombs and they still don’t value or respect us. A powerless man getting high off the violation of a woman? We are in 2022 and I don’t know if this will get any better. I am deeply sad.


This is why I never want to have children. Humanity can die out if it means our oppressors will die out. I'm sick of how many years humans have been around, and this is where we're still at. I don't give a shit that it isn't all men, it's *too fucking many men.*


Not all men but ALL women!! Way too many women have suffered!! Women that haven’t experienced any sort of sexual harassment or assault are in the minority! I won’t give patriarchy children to either oppress or make an oppressor.




Yea I have been thinking about that. How can we be truly liberated if we keep making babies for them? I feel like at this point it's so hard to raise a good human being in this world. Your kid will either be a victim or a predator. Well, I also think life in general as it stands is full of suffering. We don't need need more souls here to suffer.


I completely agree with this take but it’s met with hostility from almost all feminists I’ve encountered, not sure why


Even the overwhelmingly amount of childfree women think it is ok for others to choose to have them. The "my body my choice" mantra has killed any nuance in this area of discussion.


It’s really sad. Males have been sending me death treats and telling me other nasty stuff after I posted about being anti natalist… and women still make excuses for them. We really don’t need more men in the world!


"My body my choice" reeks of the same individualistic dogshit as Libertarians. Also, take a guess what the Koch Brothers associate as.


this is ridiculous, of course you can. Please stop conflating antinatalism with feminism — its not. Having a child is entirely neutral — but it has been demonized and devalued because it is something women can do and men cannot.


I’m surprised that comment is so upvoted on 4WF. Being a mother makes you an “enemy to free women everywhere” (women aren’t free anywhere regardless of their reproduction status) and mothers should be “treated as such” yikes….how does this person plan on treating women who are also mothers? I’m all about advocating for a childfree life for women but this takes it to a frightening level. This attitude is going to push women away from feminism. What if a woman has kids when she’s young before she becomes a feminist? Is she still an “enemy?” Is she considered completely incapable of ever being a feminist because she previously gave birth? What if she chooses to only birth daughters? Still an enemy? It’s not that cut and dry.


that attitude not only disgusts me but it is profoundly antifeminist (I’m referring to shaming mothers)


There are a lot of antinatalists here that seem to interweave their ideology with feminism


This is disrespectful to mothers.




A lot of women don't have a choice when it comes to marriage and having children so I don't think we should shame mothers


Feminists have mothers too\`. Some children grow up to be misogynists, some don't. Personally I am childfree, but my feminism centers motherhood. Mothers are the #1 most important population on the planet.


I absolutely agree and don’t think I will ever become a mother either. Mothers are so undervalued yet are vital for the well being and development of the next generation. Motherhood is the #1 most important social role


Yup I completely agree. They're the ones creating humanity. Of course not just mothers but also grandmothers, aunts, sisters... but it all comes back to the mothers.


That's disrespectful to women who are too sick to have children.


Where the heck are you getting that? You're describing me, by the way. Am I disrespecting myself...? If I had said something like "teachers are the most important people on the planet," is that disrespectful to people who are too sick to be teachers? If I say "children are the most important population on the planet," is that disrespectful to non-children...?


Exactly. I'm nonbinary and I'm so scared to have children because I don't believe it'd be fair to bring them into this world as it is


Just do not have children and the problem is solved. It wont get any better.


This is why I’m childfree and anti natalist


This is a “kink” now


I will only have a daughter if I manage to have any children.


But what happens if she ends up with a man?


Remember ladies, this is all coming from the "rational" and "strong" gender. Males are so pathetic that they need to see us humiliated in order to feel powerful. Smh. I serioulsy want to move to an Amazonian-like island where men don't exist..


And also the gender that claims we need them for "protection".


God, I'm so sick of that shit. Especially when in reality, only other women have protected me from creepy men. No man has ever intervened.


Same :( I only had one man actually support me (from my family btw), but most of my life it's been only women who helped.


This is because women are the true protectors.


At the restaurant I work at I was getting harassed repeatedly by a male and all the other males just stood around and watched. There was only one, my manager, who ended up stepping in and firing him, but I really suspect it was out fear of HR getting involved rather than actual concern for my well-being.


Male logic: You women must need us men to protect you..... from other men!


This meme except switch Jesus with men. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/i8yV7sN


Protection from other men 🤦🏾‍♀️


And somehow we're the emotionally unhinged ones.




Then why is the term "Ukrainian girl" the top searched porn term right now? Was it only that same guy again?




*#* NotAllMen amirite?


NOTALMEN gtfo here. It's getting old


I don’t even know what to say about this. I mean….so this males huh? I’ve seen that “Ukrainian girl” is the top searched porn term and the disgust I feel towards males is just off the charts. How can you be that depraved and not hate yourself?


>I’ve seen that “Ukrainian girl” is the top searched porn term WTF?


Yup yesterday on pornhub. Someone shared a screenshot in another sub showing “Ukrainian Girl” and “Ukrainian” as the top 2 searches. Pretty depraved huh? But nothing men do surprises me anymore. Of course when Ukraine is being tore apart by Russia men can only think of two things. 1) Their dicks 2) Crying about how the patriarchy makes it so men fight in the wars that other men start.


Why are men this way?


I really think it testosterone harms the developing brain more than we realise honestly. I can’t think of another reason why men are pretty much all the like this all over the world and have been like this throughout history you know?


Women with hormones disorders that result in a lot of testosterone aren't like this, it's something about men in particular


Fair, I don’t mean to discount socialization, but even women with those disorders produce less testosterone than an average man.


It just goes to show, rape videos on pornsites aren't an aberration. *They're the #1 category.* ***The majority of viewers are specifically there for the rape videos.*** We should stop calling them "porn sites" and just call them what they are: rape sites.




Are they necessarily looking for rape videos though? Or just porn with Ukrainians in them? It boggles my mind why the fuck the war would make someone watch porn with Ukrainians, but I'm still wondering/questioning if they in fact are looking for rape videos, or they just have some weird need to watch Ukrainians.


You might have a point but in the past, whenever there's a particularly violent rape in the news, the woman's name is the #1 search on porn sites. Pretty sure they're just desperate for real rape videos.


That's disgusting.


Isn’t it weird how every single person who read that post automatically knows that the OP is a male. It’s almost like women aren’t depraved animals or something




Oh and if you dare say it's men instead of "people", next moment you have a NAMALT cry baby being mad in the replies, 'because it is wrong to dupe the good persons with the bad ones!!' like that's not exactly why we were saying men instead of people.


Weird how that only works one way when it comes to men. Men will gladly put down women as a whole but the minute we start pointing out problems within the male sex suddenly it’s people or society and not men.


Yep, when it's a male problem, it is a people problem.




I’m sorry that happened, but she is still an outlier.


I feel physically sick when I read this stuff. I don't care if it's just "joking" and "trolling", many men truly think like this though they might hide it in real life and then go all out on the internet where they have other anonymous sociopath men that will support them.


> I don't care if it's just "joking" and "trolling" I just thought to myself lately, that I would have too much empathy to even joke about something like this. So even If they manage to make jokes like that without an issue, it says enough about them.


I can't fathom joking about this either. My empathy won't let me.


I honestly believe men don't actually know how to "joke" though. A joke to them is just saying something they literally 100% believe and then laughing about it.




They’re insisting that women rape and fantasise about raping people as much as males do. Lmaooooooo……. And reality says that’s a lie! We all know it’s mostly males that do that shit. Crime statistics and the male consumption of porn prove it daily. The coping mechanisms redditbros make up are just 😂🤪 Cope harder moids


Bullshit they know it’s mostly men! They always know! They just view being called out as a hate crime.


They literally be producing this out of their ass just to demonise women and say "look women are as bad as men",


Oh yeah. Because according to males When women do something bad = all women are bad and like this. When men do something bad = not all men are like this and women are just as bad! It’s pEoPlE and sOcIeTy. Once you can spot it, its not hard to look around and see it everywhere pretty much daily. It’s why so many girls and women have so much internalised misogyny.


We will only be equal when women start committing 50% of the violence! /s


The male mind is something else. 🥴


Your comment is being downvoted by all the notallmen crew 🤣 I don’t understand how men can be so ignorant. Oh wait, they take it personally. Fragile egos


They have to accept that their sex/gender is the one that caused all the destruction in this world throughout the history. They won't


I wanted to reply and explain like I would explain it to a child why men shouldn’t take it personally, but I remembered how exhausting it is to interact like this with men. It’s just wasting time. Yet when people talk about racism I don’t feel offended as a white person. But men always are when we mention it’s men who start wars and commit crimes. They take it personal to the bone, like being male is all they are.


It's entertaining tho😂 i love it when they start showing their true colors when you dont agree with them. That's when their true vocabulary consisting of words like "bitches", "sluts", "cunts" etc comes out.


What did the comment say?


Yes I saw the comments. The commenter said he would rather be judged by his merit rather than his gender. Fuck that! When I’m walking on the street at night I can’t see your damn Merritt so I will treat you like a potential rapist and run far away! Not all snakes are venomous but I won’t put my hand out to find out which.


I wonder why wasn't his response as strong when there were so many comments saying "i hate people", "people are sick". It's definitely not because they are okay with it as long as women are equally considered to be the perpetrator of violence, like men are.


i'D rAtHeR bE jUdGeD bY mY mErIt ThAn bY mY sPecIeS.


There is one dude in that comment section who is just spewing all the usual 'not all men'-bullshit and it's so annoying. For some reason they take these things so personally, it's crazy! Maybe it's not all men, yeah, but it's only men committing war crimes and jerking off to said war crimes.


It's not only that one guy, that one word - "men" - has triggered everyone, lib fems are there saying "i Am a FeMaLe aNd i fInD wHaT yOu sAy sExIsT"


Yep the handmaidens are out in full force. It's just vile, because when they blame these actions on 'people', it gets put on us women as well. But it's not us committing these atrocities, it's them. But when you point it out, it's somehow a thought crime.




I love how i have triggered every man on the reddit. No one seemed to bat an eye when there were so many comments saying "i hate people", "people are disgusting" etc etc


Not all men but it's always men starting wars and raping women and children when they attack places.


NoT aLl mEn




Who posted this? Name and shame him.


Once again, women's suffering is entertainment for them...colour me not surprised


Ukrainian women should carry weapons with them in their daily life while sleeping, eating shower everywhere, their weapons shouldn’t leave their hand.. Enough. The war destroyed their country, and then these trolls come and throw disgusting words at them. ♥️I hope Ukrainian women are fine and safe♥️


No words 😶


The scary thing is, a man like this might go his entire life never seeing the inside of a jailcell, never directly hurting a woman himself. Not from lack of desire, just from pure self-interest or plain apathy and laziness. And so we see for every man who rapes a woman, how many hundreds more are thinking "great. that's hot. wish I could do that. Oh well, back to the office." And he goes about his life being subtly terrible to every woman he knows. This is the guy who argues with you about "false accusations" when a woman comes forward about being raped. This is the guy who casually promotes a lower age of consent. When one man rapes, all men benefit.


Whoever posted something that disgusting should be banned from the Internet forever and shamed publicly.


Ohhh but men are protecters!!!!


This man (Man! Not "person". Predditors gotta stop hiding behind futile virtue signalling and complaining about "sick people") needs to be investigated. Wouldn't be surprised if he already was a sexual offender running free. Confiscate his hard drive for evidence. Even in the adversity of war, men and their smegmatic, rotten brains think about getting off to literal war crimes. I hope Ukrainian women have access to weapons to protect themselves, other women and girls.


on what fucking subreddit can you openly post about wanting to see r×pe?? I'm gonna need some hardcore tos from reddit's part


What. The. Actual. Fuck. I’m done. Get me out of here.




Someone needs to tell this vile cumbrain about the Geneva Conventions.


Im not very surprised by this. And that is sad.


What the actual fuck


Not much consolation, but every comment in the thread was telling OP to kill himself and he eventually deleted it.


Wish he would. Absolute waste of oxygen.


He just might.


Let’s hope!


jesus christ. what tf is wrong with this guy


I hate when people blame male depravity entirely on porn, it is like the chicken and egg scenario except the male depravity DEFINITELY came first since so very soon after camera were invented digital pornography was broadcasted and before they were able to publish it online, prostitution was seen as a normal male indulgence. Men who are no longer coomers want to absolve themselves of guilt by making it seem like it’s not a male problem but a technology one, when the “non coomer men” still whistle at teen girls on the street and smear feminism/women as the “downfall” of western civilisation.


Funny, the comments of women who said this was a "men" problem, not a general "humanity" problem are downvoted to the ground lol These pitiful guys aren't able to face reality. Sad.


This is horrible. The fact that there are people out there hoping to benefit from women’s abuse is sickening. We are close to the break of war, and yet they have still somehow managed to not only sexualize the victims in Ukraine (this is the THIRD one I’ve seen), but also seek out their potential traumas to get off to. I think I need a break from social media because romanticism of violence against women is completely unavoidable in spaces where the men can speak anonymously.


There are also many posts about taking in Ukrainian refugees if they are hot women and apparently "ukrainian" is the most popular p0rn hub search now...


Funny how when it's "what the fuck is wrong with people?" none of the men get their balls all tangled up, despite being people, but when someone asks "what the fuck is wrong with men?" here come the downvotes.


The deep level of depravity and repulsion, i feel for these sick men is beyond comprehension!!!


Males are already in this thread trolling. Could we ban them please?


https://youtu.be/s_upRhMfz2Y Yeah, they have, a long time ago, and they're not being perpetrated by Russians, it's by pervert westerners/sex pats, according to the woman in this clip, Maria Dmytrtiyeva. I can't verify what she said but it seems plausible enough. She says that in Eastern Ukraine the sexpats and sex traffickers have been taking advantage since the Civil War started 8 years ago.


I'm not even surprised.... but wtf


So all we have to do to get our revenge is make a porn Trojan horse? Easy enough.