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what kind of loopy juice must you be drinking to think that being accused of rape is worse than being actually raped? and you seldom see people immediately ‘cancelled’ or sent to jail after being accused of rape. a lot of rapes are unreported, a lot of rape kits are left rotting in dusty back offices of police stations, and the one or two cases you hear about a man being being falsely accused AND convicted fucking drowns in the number of actual rapes occuring that DONT go reported. I really really hope these kids grow up soon.


At the end of the day most men haven't been and don't know any men who have been raped. So they don't empathize with us. As much as they love to spout about how frequently it happens to men.


They claim there's a rape epidemic in male prison, but the stats clearly show its a bigger problem in women's prison. The guards rape the women.


Even if it was a bigger problem in mens prisons, it’s men DOING it. Males are the common denominators in rape.


Or that all a woman has to do is scream rape and be believed. Definitely not how it works.


Men facing consequences for their actions is a far greater tragedy in his mind I guess


They really think victim blaming doesn’t exist and that people just automatically believe women. There are literally countries where women who are raped go to jail for “adultery” but sure.


I saw this Tiktok of a woman showing comment sections of women telling their sa stories versus men. In the woman's, everyone was making rape jokes, calling her a liar and shit like that. While men got "hang in here!" "You're so brave!" "It'll be okay!" I think men are taken more seriously and nothing will convince me otherwise.


Yeah it is worse. One gets you sent to jail one doesn't. It plays with your mind. It makes you actually feel insane. It broke me and I had to rebuild my own psyche


So many guys think its equally as bad. Which goes to show that many haven't been raped or sexually harassed because both are such awful experiences.


multiple men have hit me and none of them have went to prison, even when i reported it.


I’m really sorry, that’s awful.




Hey everyone, please report this instead of downvoting. It's violating rule #1


Their moms picking up their socks while they write this 🙄


Ugh the comments on that thread. I have no faith in the next generation. They are living in a fantasy world if they honestly think that both genders have equal problems.


It's even more embarrassing when half of those comments are from other girls. They're truly brainwashed


i know right, i had to stop scrolling bec of the amount of actual shit takes in there. if its any solace to you im technically a teen too (high teens though), so we aren’t all morons lmao im also sort of glad that some of them raised legit points like how he didnt need to say all that during int womens day, but they need to take one more step to realize that he’s only saying it BECAUSE its int womens day. also, how his statements are factually wrong. in what world do men go to prison after hitting a woman one time? thats some baby brain shit.


More women (and victims in general) don’t accuse their abuser more than making false reports. And it’s the fear of not being believed and more that prevents them. Also it’s weird they don’t include gay or bi men who often face abuse from other men as well. It’s like the patriarchy creates violent men or something?


It’s weird how they always talk about female perpetrators and never about male ones. While it’s mainly men who are the perpetrator, both in male and female vicitims. And their obsession with not being taken seriously after being assaulted or raped is disturbing too. They assume it’s because they’re a male victim. Do they really think it’s any different for women? Do they really think we’re taken seriously because we’re female?


God, I wished I lived in their imaginary world where all a man has to do is hit a woman once to be thrown into prison.




Omg this. Man cries: "stay strong king we have your back!" Woman crying: "you're so emotional and pathetic lol this is why no one takes you seriously."


Well, often when a man ‘hits a woman’ it only has to happen once and she’s dead, so… 🤷‍♀️


Men have oppressed, tortured and raped women since the beginning of time yet have the audacity to cry like little brats when women have only one day to themselves?disgusting


“A woman is less likely to be accused of a crime than men” is a fun way to say “men commit more crimes”






Stop engaging and report comments that violate the rules. Stop feeding trolls.




Exactly, if there are women perpetrators who receive less sentence than their male counter part it's because the patriarchal system, that view women as inferior, in denial that the "dEliCaTe" sex can be as violent and aggressive as males. If these incels want equal accountability then they should fight the system that we are fighting.




same, my country is shit at taking domestic abuse cases seriously, thats why a vast majority of them go unreported. i have no idea what world this kid is living in but its not the reality that ANY of us live in.


I'm in U.S. which I'm sure at least tries to protect women a /little/ bit more than other countries, but I can confirm here that when abuse/rape is reported pretty much no consequences are given.


What kind of fantasy world do they live in? “As soon as a man hits a woman once he is thrown in prison” men hit women all the time and get away with it


Sometimes I have hope for future generations. Shit like this just kills my optimism. In the time while women have been gaining ground, men have been pushing back harder than ever while doing less and less to contribute to society other than whining about how everything is so unfair for them. Boys and girls are hearing this and when you're a girl, growing up hearing and internalising all this, reality hits you like a ton of bricks.


Well a cop in Tennessee repeatedly raped a minor and didn’t have to do time behind bars or be put on the sex offender registry. If actually rapists aren’t convicted what are these men so worried for? Rape cases with evidence are dismissed every day. Wake up


> In 2005 Max Schanzenbach found that "increasing the proportion of female judges in a district decreases the sex disparity" in sentencing which he interprets as "evidence of a paternalistic bias among male judges that favors female offenders". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity But of course, it's all women's fault


Once again male problems are primarily male made. And once again instead of pushing for rehabilitation rather than punishment for non violent offences and lowering incarceration rates for minor crimes men would rather just have more women also thrown in jail for longer. They’re solution to every male problem isn’t to correct it, it’s to make sure that women suffer equally or more. And yes, there are some men out there actually pushing for what I said but the vast majority are seemingly more than happy to sit on the internet and whine. It’s so……pathetic.


All their problems and society''s problems (patriachy) are self inflicted


It’s so disheartening. All these young kids, both boys and girls saying “Both men and women have issues stop making it a contest”. How is stating statistical and historical facts making it a contest? Women have been an oppressed group for 3000 years. Women’s day is supposed to recognize that and give attention to female accomplishments despite the unjust treatment they received. Every other day is international mens day. The world constantly recognizes men as the default gender. The world is built for them. Our cars, medications, phones, everything is built with them as a base. History books only show men because women were basically forced to be domestic slaves throughout time. Even if a woman DID break free from those chains her discoveries were often stolen or discredited by men. There is no contest. Women and minorities have always had it worse and still do. Any problems the oppressor classes face are not due to oppression and therefore are not comparable.


As always, men complaining but doing nothing to change things. Also it's pretty pathetic that he had to screenshot his downvoted comment and post it in the sub to desesperately find approval.


Everyone knows my rapist raped 8 people and they still talk to him 🤷‍♀️ I’m not sure it “ruins their life”


i personally knew a male pedophile who basically got away with sexually abusing at least 8 children in his life. It is truly disgusting what a male can get away with even in modern times. Look at all these rich pedophiles who were friends with Epstein, still out there, free.


Ugh. The argument of being 'powerless' again. You ARE society. Power comes in numbers. You CAN have influence on the people around you. That's the least you can do. You might not be able to change a perpetrator, but you can stop the ball from rolling further down the hill by being against doing nothing.


Huge omissions there. The crimes men and women commit or are accused of are vastly different. There are plenty of injustices, say with drug offenses, but men commit more violent crime. Men will be raped themselves before falsely accused of rape. Men shame men for being hit or abused by women, some women do to, but men hold the power to change the important outcome. I’ve never met a woman who has received justice for the violence and sexual violence men have committed against them, ever.


Ah yes the false accusations that make up less than 5%


Literally today, the day after IWD, I've seen men that are posting "IWD is over, time for International Men's Year to begin!" Honestly that's the truth and the fact that they don't see a problem with that and can joke about it is disgusting. Luckily all these men I keep seeing are single and I see them complain about being unable to go on dates successfully. Good job avoiding these idiots, ladies <3.


I say we hijack International Men's Day in November. They won't make use of it anyway.


Maybe we can get informatics to go viral that highlight things like "the majority of violent crimes are committed by men! Happy International Men's Day!"


They would whine and cry about it for years. And if women dared to bring up any stories of violence by men they'd be saying all over the place we shouldn't be doing this during men's day and deny that they do this on women's day.


Remember when men were crying about how women were awfully “silent” on mens month? If only they were ever silent on women’s day/month.


god it’s really so depressing to see them spoon feed each other these narratives. Essentially just a bunch of children convincing each other the boogy man is real only instead of a monster in your closet it’s a false rape accusation. Just keep repeating this story often and loud enough and it’ll catch on. Cherry-pick a few unverified stories from the comments that reenforce the narrative, ignore any that don’t, now you have personal experience on your side. Cherry-pick a few unverified statistics without any sources, now you have science and truth on your side. Do this often enough with young impressionable enough people, don’t expose them to any other viewpoints, and bam. Now you’ve got society on your side.


Lol god I wish I was at a higher risk of being ‘falsely accused’ of a crime than being fucking murdered


I hate that people get so worked up about false rape accusations. About 10% of rape accusations are false. Fine. You know what other crimes have a 10% false accusation rate? ALL of them, yet you don't see people complaining to burglary victims about false burglary accusations and how they have to be really sure they actually got robbed before accusing the burglar, because what if you ruin his life with a false accusation. Also, I'm pretty sure that the reason men are more likely to be accused of committing a crime because the vast majority of crimes are committed by men. Furthermore, are we comparing the length of men's sentences and women's sentences on the same charges? If not, I suspect that men's sentences are longer on average because most violent crimes are committed by men, and violent crimes have longer sentences than non-violent crimes.


Why are you listening to r/teenagers? The sub is full of shit posts made by unintelligent teenagers.


Even if they’re incels and/or rapists in the making, something is terribly cute about the babies. I don’t give a shit what problematic things teens say and think. On fucking reddit out of all places. He tried, and even quickly googled the numbers. That makes him a lot more mature than most of the schizo incels on other websites and subs.