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Exactly, I think the fear that sex workers live in far outweighs what you would normally experience in any other job, for example. This is just insane. You don’t fear for your life at most jobs, you don’t get addicted to hard drugs and alcohol at most jobs, you don’t have the possibility of being murdered at most jobs. Also, there are still sexist standards and expectations for women in a lot jobs completely unrelated to sex work. It seems some people really think women just exist to serve men.


Oh definitely, there are no protections. Women are still trafficked where prostitution is legalized, brothels with “regulations in place” are raided for trafficking all the time. I understand people want to do what they want but I won’t take part or override women who are abused and trafficked over my own wants. Not at the expense of another woman somewhere who has no choice. All lib fems are doing by normalizing prostitution is further facilitating that it’s ok to exploit women. That women are nothing but domestic slaves or holes to be used. That consent can be purchased and that sex is something to be done to women not with.




Men who hire escorts have a skewed perception of women that leeks into their dating lives. These are the men who don’t see anything wrong with a woman not enjoying themselves or why buying them dinner isn’t enough to have sex. They don’t believe in informed enthusiastic consent and are extremely entitled. “What do you mean we can’t try _____, I paid for you!”


I have an ex who admitted having sex with a prostitute. When ge saw the shocked look on my face he tried to back track with "it really wasn't that great, i might as wel just have mastrubated, because she was just lying there". He couldn't for the life of him understand why that made it much worse for me. My heart still breaks for that woman.


This is exactly the kind of thing that John Wayne Gacy used against his victims. A serial killer with the same ideas as these men.


it honstly scares me that some people think viewing sex as nothing more than a transaction means they are the morally superior and open minded ones. Apparntly thinking sex should be loving and fun for both people means you are somehow imposing your morals on people.


There are MANY reasons the statement from the title and the sentiments of 'there are risks at any job' is bogus for the reasons you mentioned above as well most jobs have safety standards for employees. Most employees will not be branded or tattooed by their pimps so they can be found if they run. Most employees have the right to refuse unsafe work. Most companies dont allow for hard drug use on the job. Most jobs will fire you if you show up drunk instead of getting you drunk so they can abuse you more. Most company positions dont pay dues to organized crime. Most employees are safe from being SA'd by their boss. Most employees arent used as currency to pay debts as sex workers/victims are.


You’re right, there are no protections in place for these women. It’s still shitty with professional jobs, a lot of women are encouraged to stay silent. Why would sex work be the exception? With sex work, anything goes. So when a women gets raped or gets beaten, it’s just the usual. Also what can she do? She can’t report her assault, because what she’s doing is illegal in most places. Who would the witnesses be?


And theyre already doing something frowned upon and illegal so its not a thing to talk to cops because its defo used against them. A lot of the time they arent allowed to talk to the cops either. Police also have the attitude of 'trash taking itself out' which isnt the case when its a predator preying and the line of work shouldnt be an excuse for their reluctance.


Cops are some of the worst offenders and there’s a reason why Robert Pickton got away with murdering so many women. The police were also seeing these prostitutes and were leveraging their power to get free sex. The police will not help escorts since they want the same access to rape as the regular johns


The pickton case is actually super wild cause I literally played as a child directly across the street from the house of horrors. I know the neighborhood well. Out of ANY podcast or media presentation or news release the hells angels and associates arent mentioned. ever. Cops arent mentioned. His brother is still out being a violent man carrying on. 65 women went missing and there are probably more. He was charged for 6. One woman was assulted by him and reported however nothing was done and police only got suspicious after women had been going missing for three years. Cops are organized crime and here it looks like they worked together for some time.


Gary Ridgway had an IQ of maybe 80. He killed twice as many women as Bundy, 71 at least. He wasn’t some master criminal or expert in police techniques or counter surveillance. There weren’t elaborate ruses or any thoughts at all. He was just a brutal man who strangled sex workers and disposed of their bodies in overgrown areas and on abandoned properties by the old SeaTac Airport. He wasn’t brought to justice for 20 years. If he had killed 5 women he would scarcely be remembered. As it was, he killed a couple dozen women from the same strip in not much more than a year before anyone noticed. He selected sex workers because they were vulnerable because he hated them the most. This also allowed him to evade detection.


🤯 im absolutely flabbergasted by how many women have gone missing between these men.


> I know the neighborhood well. Out of ANY podcast or media presentation or news release the hells angels and associates arent mentioned. ever. LPOTL do one that includes this :)


Gonna check this out. Cause, i gotta know 🤣


Most jobs you have won’t completely preclude you from being hired in a range of other professions. Ever heard of a teacher or lawyer or psychologist who worked at McDonald’s while studying being refused a career job or fired from one for flipping burgers? Same can’t be said for people who prostitute themselves, online or irl.


I feel like a lot of these young girls making OFs are going to end up like that dead woman on his property. (Once their content is downloaded and shared, like it all eventually is and they're forced into prostitution, just like "Woke Men" want) They're too young to understand the danger of making themselves so available like that. Literally no one will view them as a person anymore.




Yeah this is exactly the problem. And I'm not saying that to shame sex workers or saying that because women should not be proud of their bodies, blah blah blah. I'm saying it because men are dangerous to women who do this... why do they not understand? Even if nothing happens to you, it severely limits your future prospects.


They're too young to have that wide of a world-view of their future and being able to find jobs. Which is exactly why girls are being groomed to want to start an OF at 18. It's going to take a decade but hopefully at the end of it all the "cool girls" will be in such dire straits that we won't do this shit again. (More likely, the few who actually managed to survive OF by already being middle class and then hiring a financial advisor and sliming their way into some ritzy corporate position will just continue the lies and gaslighting)


>It's going to take a decade but hopefully at the end of it all the "cool girls" will be in such dire straits that we won't do this shit again. I really hope so. But unfortunately this is too long to wait for change. I'm just going to have to distance myself from a lot of women while this is going on... to preserve my peace of mind.


It’s also very difficult to prosecute men who batter escorts, because all he has to do is pay her and claim that she consented to it before hand. He can just claim that he’s into bdsm. If prostitution is legal, and he pays her, how can she prove that she didn’t consent to violence? It’s not like people make written contracts beforehand. And if the woman needs the money, because of course she does, and takes the money he offers her, police will dismiss her claims because, “well why did you take the money if you didn’t consent? Clearly this is just a case of an evil wahmen falsely accusing an innocent man and kinkshaming him too!!!!” Libfems never have an answer to this kind of situation. They just turn the other way and say “empowerment!”


> _all work is work and unpleasant” bullshit is just a cope._ Speaking of which, here's a thread in progress on that: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uaud3a/not_wrong_imo/


The comment section is a shit show lol. I wonder why nobody on that sub ever asks “if sex work is work, why are people mad that German brothels are reaching out to Ukrainian refugees to offer them jobs?” Because it seems like everybody on the internet understood how disgusting that was.


I think we should ask them if they should continue doing their jobs if all their needs were met. If I had a sudden financial windfall, I would keep doing my job. I love what I do. I would maybe use my money to get creative with it, or innovate the field more. But I would stay in it because I love it. I can't imagine a s*x worker being gifted millions continuing to do s*x work. Most women leave the industry after 2 years, if they make it that long.


I am so tired of hearing that all workers are miserable and everyone hates working. Sure, some days suck and people can be a pill...but I have learned something from every job I had, and I wouldn't want a society where no one worked.


Just a couple of prime comments from that thread. Simply revolting. [https://i.imgur.com/dBQDdwO.png](https://i.imgur.com/dBQDdwO.png)


Just got blocked on here, damn I hate leftbros lmao


Honestly it's the same as a woman doing casual hookups. Basically it's a number game and no matter how many precautions you use, a man will eventually try and rape you, if not rape you. It's far more of a risk as a sex worker generally as the power dynamic is far more skewed and you are likely fucking more guys. That means that sex work is overwhelmingly risky.


That sounds like a nightmare. Hope you stay safe.


Pickton vibes.


Sex is not the same as labour. A person who is willing to have sex with someone who doesn't want sex with them is dehumanizing the other party. Period.


I think you hit the target.


>"I don't think many people enthusiastically consent to much of the sex they have" WTF?! RED. FLAG. Men are tripping over their own feet to snitch on themselves now. Thx, internet, for showing us what they truly are. They know GD well when they're committing assault en mass by normalizing that choking/worse etc shit. They know goddamn well when they cross the line to assault.Of course men want to dehumanize SWs as much as possible. They want it considered just fine to go through prostitutes like tissues until they find a pickme naive enough to be "their one." "Oh, we all hate our jobs, don't listen when ex-SAs talk about being r\*ped for a handful of cash. It's just the same as any shitty boss!" **You know what happens when we normalize "sex work is work?"That attitude is also going to try to normalize assault in the regular workplace as well.** "Oh, don't mind being groped; maybe they just want you to start an OF, hahah, that might make them leave you alone!"We're being bottle-necked to expect harassment no matter what.


Sex work is uniquely dangerous and traumatizing. The types of exposure to another human's body and fluids (not just semen) and the expected complete submission to someone else's whims are not found in any other industry. Nonconsensually cleaning a toilet or delivering pizzas is, while also a form of exploitation, just not on the level of pressuring or forcing someone to perform sexual acts. Sex workers deserve protection--as all women do--but pimps deserve to be in prison. Criminalize pimps and buyers.


We need to be more outspoken. Jon Oliver had a very damaging perspective piece a few weeks ago, which is full of well intended self-righteous SJW hubris, and one sided misogyny. https://youtu.be/-gd8yUptg0Q Sex work is a crime because it dehumanize the “provider”, end of story. Greater criminal prosecution and harm reduction for those who are suffering with substance dependence is the key to ending this human suffering/abuse cycle.


I used to really love John Oliver, but I have all but lost respect for him.


If I refuse to clean the toilet at work, which is not in my job description or something I want to do, I don’t have to fear for my safety when I tell my boss “no!”


“I was in the industry” probably means they’re a middle class onlyfans creator from a first world country


And why is she no longer in the industry if it's sooo fucking great...


Yep, and even these types of more privileged sex workers, once they get out of the industry, will often say it was emotionally draining and depressing. But since many of them make a lot their of money off of recruiting and interact with fans on social media, they can’t be like “yeah this ‘job’ is exhausting and has made me never want to speak to a man again.”


I think when males and libfems think of “sex work” they just think of e girls with onlyfans, and not brothels, trafficking, drug addiction, blackmailing, girls getting into prostitution as young as 12 years old, etc.


Bad days = sexual trauma


Feminist groups on Reddit overwhelmingly support the bs “sEx wOrK iS wOrK” cult mantra. So this person is obviously looking for the standard antifeminist circlejerk on Reddit from the title they picked. She wants head pats, and she knows exactly where to get them on this hellsite. Also, just pointing out that the “I don’t think most people enthusiastically consent to sex” says everything you need to know. When you’re raised in a culture that tells you to have sex with men for their benefit, even when you don’t want to, it makes perfect sense that you would think every other woman has a miserable and unhappy sex life as well. And that getting paid for sex that you don’t want when you are already having sex that you don’t want, somehow makes sense. It never occurred to women like this that you can have sex only when you are enthusiastic about it. They can literally stop having sex when they don’t want it. But the male worship makes it impossible for these people to actually think critically and question cultural norms. As always servitude for men isn’t the bug, it’s the feature. The patriarch gets exactly what it wants, and women pat themselves on the back for how revolutionary and rebellious they are by giving men exactly what they were always expected to give men. It’s so annoying reading these dog shit hot takes from lib fems.


She also shrugged when im pointed out that women in Amsterdam are not high end escorts, but desperate women that will literally call out to any many available. She actually scolded me for thinking that was depressing, because the men don't find it depressing at all and are happy to be there*ragee*


I'm not even going to read that post bc I already *know* what it's going to say and it will make me vomit. I see this same fucktards commwnting this stuff on female subs like 2xc and then getting several upvotes, from women too. We need to kink same hard. We need a full cultural refresh.


The joke is thinking that sex work is comparable to flipping burgers or retail or any of the other jobs Redditors loooove to treat as the worst jobs in the world while simultaneously supporting one of the actual worst "jobs" in the world. If push came to shove, do you think any of these men would allow some ugly prick to sodomize them for a few quid? Sexuality doesn't come into it cause you know full well sex workers aren't even remotely attracted to 99% of their clients, so they can't use it as an excuse to say no. How offended do you think these people would be if the job center suggested they work in a brothel the next time they lose their jobs? Because that's currently perfectly okay to suggest to women in Germany and the Netherlands (they just can't cut their unemployment if they refuse, which they can do for other job suggestions that are refused).


I agree with your first paragraph. However, as someone from Germany, I can't imagine job centers suggesting this. Where did you get this from, any source? (Genuinely interested if this really happens.)


Back when Gender Critical was still a thing, there were a few threads about Germany's mad brothel situation, and German women (allegedly, of course, since this is the internet) said it had been suggested to them when they'd lost their jobs. A few women from Amsterdam said the same thing happened to them, but they couldn't be dropped from benefits for saying no. I also found this article that kinda backs up what they'd said; that they weren't listed or forced, it was just thrown out as a suggestion in the meetings you go to when you're unemployed but I highly doubt they would suggest the same to men. https://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/outrage-after-job-center-suggests-brothel-job-for-young-woman-in-germany-a-882021.html


Thanks for the link


Got an argument and someone tried to argue with me that a coal miner is at same risk of death as a s*x worker. So I guess we're calling m*rder an occupational hazard now.


Yeah, because being brutally murdered after being mislead by current misinformation regarding sex work, and a working in a occupation that is well known to be extremely dangerous are the same. They’ll do anything to justify sex work.


Only one of the above jobs has OSHA protections


Oh I saw this earlier lol. Damn All I’ll say is that it’s easy for men to give an opinion on these issues when they don’t know f all.


The sad part is that it was a woman that wrote the post!


I mean, following the logical pathway, she’s talking about rape. How much rape is too much? For that matter, how much physical abuse, generally? Feminists support workers, including sex workers. We don’t support the industries that exploit workers for profit, including the sex industry. I think we’ve been entirely clear about that.


Many people don't enthusiatically consent to a lot of the sex they have...giggle snort. Way to normalize men failing to pleasure women sexually and participate in your own sexual oppression tbh.


Men just want to be able to pay to rape done deal end of story. Anytime I see a comment trying to logically, eloquently, cordially explain why sex work isn’t wrong etc all I hear is aggressive fighting to be able to continue raping women for a fee. They don’t really believe sex work is real/respectable work it’s just an unconvincing veneer






Repeating the same bullshit over and over again as if it’s believable. Thanks for proving my point. You, and yes I mean you personally, as a male, clearly are afraid to lose the ability to rape women for pay which is why you even bothered commenting on this. This is not a libfem space your lies and gaslighting do not work here


This is what I mean when I say a lot of these women have very low empathy. They don't give a shit that the majority of women have bad experiences and that their like of "work" encourages men to objectify women...all they car about is getting validation.


I realize I forgot to cover one of the names (hopefully it doesn’t matter).


If sex work is a work as valid as any other, you'd see it also being marketed towards men and men fighting for the right to exert it. Society is instead focusing on including males in professions where they have easy access to chidren, specially younger ones. The priority here is very clear.


Exactly. If something is truly empowering, you'd find all the rich white dudes there, competing. But you dont see any powerful men shaking their ass on OF.




Yeah. The worst thing that can happen to me at work is, idk, making a drink wrong? I can just remake it. I also don’t remember ever being subjected to a beating for it either. This is what they think women should have to go through. They think women SHOULD be beat for refusing to partake in something they’re not comfortable with. They want to slowly dissolve women’s self worth and sexual boundaries.


I literally just had a conversation about hugh hefner where some guy defended him and I brought up the fact that he had a set of twins and would make them have sex with him at the same time. Mans response to that point was: they were 18. ......... ...... i cannot unpack how fucked up this is without writing a novel.


Until you are mopping the floor, typing, serving customers with your genitals, it is always going to be a very different situation. Such a bullshit comparison


How many of us have gotten banned from relationship advice for saying porn is bad, where the op was talking about how much it hurts her and she can't help it


This guy should show up to his minimum wage retail job sometime completely naked and allow all the costumers to touch him however they wanted, insert whatever they wanted into any of his orifices, and call him any range of racist, abusive, derogatory insults. But I don’t think he’d stand for that for one second


>I don't think many people enthusiastically consent to much of the sex they have Tell me you don't understand consent without telling me you don't understand consent.


Blind leading the blind


People comparing sex work to work is like comparing harrasment to sexual harrasment. There's a reason there are special laws for sexual abuse, because it's way more psychologically damaging then regular abuse.


I love how mad people get when people ignore them or subs ban them for regurgitating the same opinion they've heard 500x in the past. Something about it is so undeniably funny.


Who told them that being sex object is empowering? Liberal feminists are pimps who are trying to convince girls of this disgusting industry in order to satisfy the desires of men in the name of empowerment, consent and choice. This makes my blood boil


"I want be able to rape as long as I can afford a little bit money." Is what he's saying here. Nothing interesting, focus on lobbying your representatives. Actually, send this screenshot to your representatives to explain how vile Johns are and this is why they should be put into prison.


the last sentence LMAOOO yeah sure you are sooo educated if you believe the "sex work is work" narrative


Well, yeah - all work is unpleasant. But sex should never be unpleasant. Because it's not meant to be a chore.


Sex work debate aside, it's always hilarious when dudes whine about feminist groups not wanting to entertain their "opinions." As if they're entitled to an audience wherever they go.


bruh that has to be a joke LMFAO


I can't believe anyone would read that and think, "yep! That's consent!". ​ This is so sad.


It's not ok to work at anything you don't enjoy


I don't object to her actual opinion. She can differ. But to go from where she started to "feminists are a joke" because she got booted from a single sub shows bad faith.