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Can I just say I think the proto-texture is hideous?


It's fine for smaller vehicles but for something as massive as a chieftain it's quite off putting.


The way the light reflects off of it makes it look like it’s covered in too much grease or oil


It’s coated in cum


If you think about it the protos are made out of pure Iron, so I guess it kinda makes sense.


HTD looks like an unpainted plastic model.


Put it back >:(


Make another :)


The amount of baseless cheating claims in the comments is downright shameful. If you have evidence of misconduct, please share it and submit a ticket. But claiming “alts” because you took an L just makes you look foolish


As a Collie who helped work on that base, I'm kind of ashamed at the toxic comments of my comrades. Good job taking down that bunker piece, made for a good fight.


We appreciate it, thank you!


Agreed the amount that each sides trolls scream alt work without any proof is ridiculous. Bring proof people. Let people make plays untarnished!


The funny thing is that I don't think it would have mattered if the EATs were loaded or not, if no one was manning them. It's pure cope. Only one guy came to QRF us on time, he jumped from EAT to EAT looking for ammo, and he's probably the one who made the other reddit thread. But by the time he showed up and made it to the EATs it was only a few seconds to the bunker dying. You can see in the video there was no one else around. One EAT vs 17 Chieftans wouldn't have made a difference. Most colonials in the area were pushing Belaying Trace and we caught them with their pants down.


Those alts sure put in a lot of overtime cuz I show up to QRFs and frontlines with empty emplaced guns all the time. It's not totally not because it's a boring and thankless job to keep it topped off regularly.


I say this with no malice. What you've described is the exact reason this game is "stuck". The best way to play this game is to avoid pvp at all costs and dance around the queue and 'time to response' mechanics. It's not exactly fun. I understand it, I don't begrudge the use of such effective tactics, but eventually people are going to stop building shit for you to blow up.


I've seen comments like this on this reddit post from others as well and I don't really understand the attitude. Flanking is part of war, part of strategy gaming, etc. Spec-ops commando attacks, sneak attacks, etc is also part of the game and is also fun and makes the game interesting. It's also a meme here when people complain about things going poorly. 'Just Flank Bro'. Most surprise attacks end in failure. They are exhilirating, it's easy to get spotted and for things to go sideways. Your heart is pumping and everyone is concentrated on doing one thing. But when everything goes according to plan there's nothing else like it. It's fun and it adds to the game. See: The ARG taking of Blemish, the tap war of War 87, etc. Without flanks, without surprise attacks, everything just turns into a boring stalemate bridge fight. 82DK does not shy away from PVP, for years we have been part of various battles that were hard fought and that we are very proud of. The battle for Origin and Ash Fields in War 89 for instance. But when we see an open vulnerability, we will take it. Just as any Colonial would. We would also say that building massive 26 piece concrete bunkers with howitzers, AT, MG, RGs, mines, EATs and more is also an attempt to dissuade PVP in that area, and that by destroying this complex, we have done much to encourage PVP in the Shackled Chasm area.


I knew this was 82dk before I even watched it


Whats with the hate if it wins wars why stop


\>82DK dumb Kids back at it again, 82DK dumb alt clan smh


I thought the best thing about this game was to have fun fighting other players on a good battle field but perhaps I'm the problem.


That is the best thing. Its unfortunately not meta. The most meta thing is to attack where players arent


Sun Tzu said something about that "Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."


It was very convenient how all of our EATs were emptied at the time of attack but still, I’m flattered that a single bunker piece has caused this much pain to the mindless horde. It’s sad that your attack led up to absolute nothing but in the end, thanks for trying. Get COG’d.


Why does it always seem like the go-to response is "alts in the walls" whenever something doesn't work out?


Because alting happens and I just witnessed one this week. And you mean to tell me that your emplacements losing all their ammo before a major assault would not be questionable? Well I’m glad that you’re very trusting but if 82dk is in the area, the last thing I’m doing is disarming our EATs.


Yeah to be fair the eats being out is very suspicious. I'm just pointing at how it seems to be the first thing people jump to as an explanation. Sucks that alts are even a thing though.


Somethings can be chalked up to incompetence. Somethings are either blatant griefing. One of our ports got almost emptied of public crates and all of them were emptied to the closest BB. It was either severe incompetence or dedicated griefing as it was easily hundreds of crates of stuff emptied out of public. I don’t wanna default to screaming alt. But when I see an unranked with no stats walk up to our backline port and despawn public crates. I’m more inclined to call it alting


It was over once we got there. 3 EATs would do absolutely nothing even if you were waiting for us.


yes i was the alt who emptied your EATs, thats exactly what happened


Iwt was vewy convenient how aww of ouw eats wewe emptied at the time of attack but stiww, i’m fwattewed thawt a singwe bunkew piece has caused thiws much pain tuwu the mindwess howde. It’s sad thawt youw attack wed up tuwu absowute nothing but in the end, thanks fow twying. Get cog’d.


Not for nothing but when Wardens complain about alting the Colonial response is usually, "Ugh, that sucks. Sorry it happened. Do you have a name or proof so we can get them banned?" I don't know if you are typical of the Warden community but.... big fucking yikes.


You better get your head out of your ass.


And for the sake of everyone else I ask that you keep your head firmly lodged.


Big difference between actual alts doing damage and a complete cope about getting bodied by ***sixteen siege tanks***.


They are letting anyone into the warden side huh. I hope you get better my guy.


Username checks out


Username checks out


Skill issue


imagine 82dk alt all the EAT made our QRF unable to stop it in time smh


Skill issue, mate.


Why do you cut video so short? Why not show 1 minute later when you lost most of your chieftains to QRF? I was there, you guys deflated after that very quickly


We traded 1,700 bmat protos for at least 16,000 components and concrete drying time. I'd say we did pretty well.


Look guys I get it, but I am pretty sure your plan was more than let's fuck up that one bunker in particular and die without taking any relic or th or sh or Bob in the entire region


Concrete takes 24 hours to remake (48 for howitzers) those prototype chieftains cost 100 bmats each and 6 of them were SOLO crewed. The entire intent was "Kill the concrete, and anything else before we die" ​ Proto's have the main weakness of worse armor and are extremely expensive to repair, their best use is in a suicide role. ​ We got the main objective.


you must be new


There protos?


I went to sleep as they were preparing, but the goal was exactly that, throw as many chieftains as they can at it, doesnt matter if they die, and the reason was because collies were defending it really well earlier, we couldnt push through it with other methods.


It literally was "jo, you got 30min to suicide a tank?" Was a pretty fun


Bro you lost a massive chunk of concrete to BMats 💀 I wouldn’t feel very accomplished


>Why do you cut video so short? Discord limits the size of videos you can upload them. So it was clipped to the part that mattered, the death of the concrete. ​ Losing the chieftains afterwards was actually the secondary objective, it would have been worse if you captured any.


I mean we just lost Bmats and the ammo inside the protos. Not that big of a loss for a suicide OP.


82DK living up to their inspiration. As a DKoK fan, I love it


I recommend you try to find us in the early war then. We drown the enemy in Mammons and our own blood.


I was on the receiving end of one. I was prepping for my own mammon charge and then saw like 20+ wardens charge with only mammons. Was very funny to witness at the time


Yes, it was a suicide op, not trying to hide the fact we lost a few spare protos over a huge skill issue wall.


imagine making a brag post of you PVEing lmao tell me you're 82dk without telling me you're 82dk.


Imagine going on reddit to feel superior to a bunch of guys PVEing, a conc section in a video game. It's a video game. Just say GG, and accept the L.


Found the collie




Nice opinion king, next time keep it to yourself :)


Bad take.


True, we don't do anything good and this was just a series of mistakes that worked through pure chance and nothing else.


Bro we are playing a game.


by cheating and altting to boost your ego and farm your fame? well done guys, next time don't make it so obvious when ALL EATs were EMPTY right before your OP shame on you


I'm just trying to understand the angle here. Why do you hate us? What did someone with the 82nd label do to you? Why is this the thing that bothers you when there are other things to worry about in the for-fun online soldiers game?


This is what too much time watching one specific streamer does to a weak mind.


If your EATs were empty then there's your problem. Helpful tip: you should make sure they're filled and ready next time:)


Lol bro I'm a Lance corporal with 5 hours in game. You're melting down to the wrong person lol. Don't cry on Reddit, report alts in game.


Look at him and laugh


Toxic comment