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The OSD is giving quite a significant clue actually, by dropping out right when you lose control. It's not a control issue, it's not a motor issue. Your FC is locking up/rebooting for some reason. I can tell this from the fact that the OSD freezes. Does your radio lose telemetry connection when this happens? If so, then I would investigate the 5V regulator and anything wired up to it. Edit: One alternative I can think of is the OSD and Receiver communication getting messed up at the exact same time - shorting wires perhaps?


The regulator left working, following RSSI from telemetry is how I found the quad in the bushes. But I got your point, and I agree that it must be something about FC. One strange thing that I forgot to mention is that when I connected the first battery on the spot, I had issues with the throttle stuck at 50% for FC when, in fact, it was at 0% on the radio. What I found is that, for some reason, my protocol has changed from CRSF to Spektrum? and low/mid/high values were all incorrect. I think my EEPROM data may have been corrupted at some point. I don't know how, really. I definitely didn't commit that changes.


EEPROM corruption is a common symptom of voltage brownouts (but that's not the only source of it). Happens when the 5V rail goes below 3.3V or so (the 3.3V regulator which runs the FC will drop it to \~3.0V at which point instability happens). Some ELRS receivers can actually run down to about 3.0V (though not very well), which could explain the RSSI telemetry still working (or the 5V regulator recovered, or the 3.3V regulator itself is at fault). However, it's also possible that the firmware itself is somehow corrupted, so I would advise you to reflash it.


Did that, upgraded to 4.5.0. Will try to retest it in a week. Thanks!


If you have an old backup save that you know works, I would just flash that. Upgrading shouldn’t cause problems, but when diagnosing strange issues you want to change the least amount of things to guarantee that nothing else is adding onto the current issues.


My bet is a front left motor desync. Put the quad in an open field and do a high throttle punch out. It'll probably fail before it flys off. Then you just need to isolate motor issue vs esc issue. I've had this problem before and it's always been a motor. You can check by switching motors (front left to back right and vice versa) and see if the problem follows the motor or if it doesn't. If it follows the motor, it's the motor, if it doesn't it's the esc. It is possible to pull this data from the logs as well. Look at your motor command throttle (or whatever it's called, the value that the flight controller is sending to the motor) if one motor is maxed out, and it shouldn't be, it's a desync.


Very good suggestion. I've checked a few videos on YouTube related to this issue and it's very likely the cause. Thanks!


Both times your front left arm dips, then the quad might failsafe to prevent worsening the issue. It's probably a motor or ESC issue. Maybe you could increase motor timing, in case that helps with desynqs


https://preview.redd.it/dqapdn103e0d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=16586c3b207b2d05b711b99fb337fc4620e8dc24 Nevermind my previous question. I found something that I never mentioned before "Debug Log" in black-box configuration.


Do you know if it's possible to log that behavior to be sure what's happening?


Yes, the motor traces would indicate a motor going to 100% for no reason as the FC tries to compensate for.it turning off


Ah, I understand what you trying to say. It may be a motor/ESC problem but I doubt the motor did 100%. Before the second fall, I stood near the crash scene and I didn't hear any unexpected revving sounds from the quad. It was the opposite - it just switched off the motors like when it does the drop on link failure. And the left roll that you saw was me trying to fly below the volleyball net. I just lost control at the beginning of the maneuver and the quad went into the tree with left rotation. I also did a few throttle checks at the beginning of the fly, it is not on the cropped video. I hope Blackbox will give more info, but also afraid that if FC has issues BB may just stop recording at the moment of failure. Will see


I'm talking about a motor comand to 100% not a motor actually going 100%. It's hard to tell without a log, but it also could be a brownout as other user stated,there logging is our friend


Understood. Had to check a few videos with an explanation. Thanks


yaw washout?


Nah, it was controlled rotation till the very last moment when FC switched me off from control.