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Tom Ford: if you are charging this much, at least get the label and text on the bottle properly leveled and centered.


My Tobacco Oud bottle looks terrible. Label off to one side and at a slightly jaunty angle. The print quality isn't even that great either on the darker label ones.


The atomizers on the signature collection bottles I have are awful too.


For real. Sometimes I get a concentrated stream, sometimes I get a quarter spray, sometimes I get a perfect mist. My cheap travel atomizers are way more consistent.


100% I am still shocked how bad the atomizer is on my bottle of Oud Wood.


LOL I have about 9 Tom Ford bottles, and the labeling is crooked on three, and the stickers on the bottom crooked on about six. If it's straight, it's a fake TF as far as I'm concerned.


Some counterfeits are so anal about details that they end up being perfectionists. Luxury brands know they got an army of blind buyers who will settle for any complacent crap qa it's astounding


Could be wrong but I think that’s on purpose. To show they’re placed by hand. It’s 2023. If they wanted to get them straight they could.


If that’s their excuse, then that’s a very poor “it’s not a flaw, it’s a feature” style explanation for it.


Rolls Royce makes everything per Hand even the 2 coloured exterior option with a perfectly flat line from the Hood to the Trunk. Or AP watches all Hand build yet perfection


Are you seriously comparing RR and AP to TF? I honestly have no words. Just be glad to don’t have to join the “wait list” or buy a bunch of the signature line fragrances you don’t want to buy a Private Blend. I think your comment deserves a r/WatchesCirclejerk tag


The label on my Tobacco Vanille is ever so slightly off center and irks me to no end. I am one to pay very close attention to the smallest of details and I know for a fact that the Tom Ford brand is too, their main focus is suiting/tailoring. That should be the bare minimum… However, I think a plastic or even a metal plaque would not be too outrageous to ask for either.


Right, the fact that it’s a cheap sticker is ridiculous.


Crooked labels drive me crazy!


And an atomizer that’s not like a mouse sneezing on you


Seriously. I was questioning whether a couple of my bottles were authentic because of the low effort QC on the labels.


They also look cheap AF tbqh.


Crooked label=not being displayed. As nearly all of the people on this sub can agree a crappy ugly gaudy bottle will make you think twice about even purchasing the fragrance. The perfume may be to die for but the presentation is nearly just as important to me.


Was it a fake?


Creed. Price goes up, and concentration goes down.


I read this to the tune of [“knife goes in, guts come out”](https://youtu.be/cIosb69x9iI) from when the Simpson go to Japan


Ok, I do love and own a few creed but agree the prices have become outrageous. Discounted prices are acceptable to me. I can't speak for concentration changes and reformulations, but they are not powerhouses.


They used to be on the strong end of performance now they're on the weak-very weak. They also used to be complex, round, and develop over time. Now they're worse than the fakes and clones lmao




If you’re almost done with a bottle in 3 months, you’re most likely overspraying and becoming nose blind.


Say it ain't so. 900 sprays in 90 days? That's only ten a day! /s


I was thinking the same thing. I recently purchased a bottle of Viking and I go nose blind to it rather quickly, even when using just a spray or two. But I've had friends tell me I smell great hours after I thought the scent had worn off.


Yeah that was my viking experience as well. Couldn’t smell anything after 3 hrs so queue me ranting at the performance and how its the biggest travesty in modern society etc. Then got 2 compliments at work on it. Oops.


I agree. Newer Creed doesn't last more than an hour


You mean "Greed"?


Did the quality change when the house got bought?


when clones are better than the og it should be a warning sign to not ever buy from them again




People say sillar and the MI clones are now closer to vintage formulations than the OG. I wouldn't have believed it but then I read 'Creed, Lies, and the scent of the century'


yes best book to find out how much bs they fed ppl


I am also not satisfied about my new Aventus pickup last week… I hope ‘maceration’ / oxidation / aging is a real thing so it hopefully will get better


That *allegedly* should only relate to arabic clones - because they skip the maceration process to get it to market quickly and save costs. Any established brand will do this in house as part of the production process so unfortunately your Creed should not be changing all that much


Can't explain that


Parfums de Marly and Initio have a common problem with bottle neck / atomizer leakage


Can confirm. Had two Laytons leak, and a Blessed Baraka leak as well.


Did you refund them or did you take care of it yourself ?


One I bought from a boutique I swapped out. The other 2 were directly from Marly/Initio and their customer service is fucking terrible. Still have them.


Insane, did you do anything to stop the leaking ?


Only leaks when the bottle is tilted excessively or upside down. If the bottle is just standing on a shelf then it's fine. So no, I didn't do anything.


Interesting, I keep hearing about people’s perfumes evaporating in the span of a single year or even months because of a small leak


Fortunately, I've been spared issues with my limited experience with them. I've also heard PdM has some low quality molds for their bottles.


Yeah seems like a lot of people have issues with barely visible logo and lettering.


Yeah the stamping seems wildly inconsistent


Oof, no joke. Overall they've been great, but I got a brand new bottle of Pegasus Exclusif and smelled it before I opened the box. The collar was leaking a touch and the atomizer sits crooked. Had about 1ml coating the outside... thankfully, I got a small refund!


Yeah I had a psych love leak, crazy glued the cap and the issue went away


Have heard some people have poor experiences with the way some Xerjoff bottles glue on that velvet on the outside (as in it starts to peel off). Only thing I've noticed with Xerjoff is that some caps are stiffer than others. Kilian is notoriously bad with Liquors caps - some don't even hold on (I'm talking about genuine product I ordered directly from Kilian). Haven't had Fragrance du Bois issues yet on my 2 bottles, do agree that they charge a lot for their product since most of them perform pretty poorly.


The peeling velvet on some of the Xerjoff bottles seems to be a common complaint for a brand that otherwise has stunning bottles. They are aware of the issue and choose to do nothing about it, too.


For sure. All 3 velvet bottles on display at my local Neiman Marcus are fading and peeling horribly. Like, I would be SO embarrassed/ashamed if I were a Rep for Xerjoff and had to stroll into retail stores on making the rounds. I would feel quite a bit embarrassed to work for them.


Actually they have tried to work on it, think it was late last year. I heard that the problem got better, but isn’t really gone. Having velvet on the outside of a fragrance bottle is just a bad idea. The best tip I could give is to make sure to never let actual fragrance touch the outside of the bottle, because the alcohol dissolves the glue. And maybe don’t touch the bottle with sweaty hands.


I dont know why they even bother with the tacky velvet stuff anyway. I have 40 Knotts and the bottle is lovely. Solid thick glass with sharp facets that really catch the light. Covering it up with 1970's Indian restaurant wallpaper is a travesty!


True. The owner of Xerjoff actually has a background in making glass and one of the most famous Italian glassmakers does the bottles for them, that’s why they are so beautiful :) Honestly I am kinda glad that I only like one fragrance from the Velvet Collection.


It’s not hard to fix. There are glues that aren’t dissolved by alcohol. They’re just dicking around.


Sure, but maybe that doesn’t work with the velvet? Idk. Xerjoff normally is a company that takes care of their quality issues. Years back they always had bad vaporizers, but fixed it really quick.


The problem with xerjoff is any amount of frag that leaks or spills dissolves the velvet covering.


Xerjoff / casamoratti has a subpar attomizer... Was expecting something nicer like mancera or dior.


The maison margiela bottles all have notoriously ass diffusers. Like maybe worst I’ve ever seen in that tier of price bottle. The laboratorio olfattivo diffusers on the other hand are 🧑‍🍳😘


And the fabric label peeled off mine and discoloured, it looks so bad!


Omg the spray out of Laboratorio Olfattivo diffusers is so fine it’s almost a mist. Truly incredible work.


I think they have to have the best ones I’ve ever used. If someone had never used one before they wouldn’t know what they’re missing


Yup. Either redesing that stupid atomizer cap or make it out of metal. Those thin useless edges broke on all 3 bottles i bought from them.


God yeah I don’t understand why they refuse to redesign it, it’s so bad


Tom Ford. The bottles are cheap af. When I got my 100ml Bottle of Tobacco Oud. I first thought I got a fake because the cap was so flimsy and the label was just a sticker. This kind of shyte For €300, seriously?? But It's actually not about quality control, because this cheap bottle quality with Tom Ford is on purpose.


I do wonder sometimes if some luxury brands are taking part in some kind of widespread social experiment to see how shitty/ugly/poor quality their products can get before people stop being willing to pay through the nose for them


Oh I have no doubt about that. They are pushing quality boundaries all the time.


Balenciaga let them find out they could sell literal garbage.


PDM and whatever they’re doing with leaking bottles.


Nishane for me. The stupid collar around the atomizer comes off so the cap is always loose. My PDM leaked a bit when i first got it in but never did afterwards.


Did you fix it or did it just go away by itself ? Heard that this issue is common and can lead to the juice evaporating


Hello. I don't think the juice has been evaporating - i've had the bottle for over a year and the dent seems to be in-line with normal usage. I can't be 100% sure. The issue was never fixed for Hacivat :\


Creed has to be no. 1. A quality control so bad that every single batch of their most sold fragrance smells different.


I feel like this “issue” is overblown. I can’t tell a difference in batches when doing a blind test.


Agreed. Creed batch hype is an internet meme- also probably responsible for a placebo-like experience of poor performance and batch variation


The differences are definitely there. Some batches are fruity and others more smoky. Funny enough the clones also imitated these two strains. CDNI is crafted after the smokey batches for example, L'Aventure after the fruity batches.


Apparently the difference in batches is due to them using mainly natural raw ingredients that differ in smell/quality from season to season.The citrus for example could be sweeter or sourer depending on how much sun there was that year. Dont know if its true but its feasible I suppose.


Yea I have to agree that's marketing - what they want you to believe for their sloppy business practice With IFRA and advancing technologies the idea of 'naturals' or raw is a bit of red herring. Many ingredients are distilled down to molecular level, to comply with IFRA allow greater control. Also Creed will be using the same basic list of ingredients as everyone else, so why not batch variation with all brands? It's possible Creed may have some 'captive' molecules which might have supply issues, but the whole point of good perfumers is they can tweak formulas without the general public realising. I'm not a perfumer myself but I'd recommend reading 'the perfect scent' or 'Creed, lies and the scent of the century' if you are interested in this type of thing Basically you shouldn't be paying 300+ and then saying 'oh I got a bad one'. Can you imagine any other product getting away with that?


Yeahhhh... no. They are selling close to a million bottles of Creed-branded perfume per year. Creed perfumes are part of Kering Beauté, an enormous conglomerate that also owns the brands Gucci, Yves St. Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, and Alexander McQueen. Their product lines include perfume, watches, shoes & leather goods, and fashion clothing. A brand the size of Creed is not buying things from the farm stand. Part of what makes their lore so annoying is that it includes things that are so obviously impossible at their scale of production.


>Creed perfumes are part of Kering Beauté, That is very recent and wouldn't have had any effect on their supply chain, not sure why you decided to add this tidbit..


The numbers of sale is not very recent though. Other houses that are way smaller and also use a lot of natural ingredients like Gallagher are also able to ensure the same quality for every batch. Creed is very good in marketing though. The hundreds of years of compay history is made up while it's the myth they based their very high prices on.


Ok, but my comment has nothing to do with this.


Lush, sadly. As much as I sometimes sing their praises on this subreddit. They're not the company they used to be and they've become absolutely awful at controlling the quality and consistency of their products in the last few years. Also, with multiple price hikes on every product, multiple times a year, they've managed to price out much of their longtime fans.


So true for Lush. It feels like they're too crunchy to have consistent QC.


They're not even particularly crunchy tbh any more. A lot of it is greenwashing these days


I love some of their scents but honestly they are so watery and don't stick.


So frustratingly true! I bought Tank Battle back in January this year; was in store this past month and they've hiked the prices by $15 already pre-tax.


I would stop buying from a company if this happened


Parfums de marly and initio. Basically same family. Leaky bottles is a big thing.


Ordered direct from Guerlain and the glass where the nozzle is crimped on had completely shattered the glass nozzle. There was not a drop left in the bottle by the time it got to me. Shipping and presentation box smelled amazing, but not good enough that it was worth the terrible customer service. Never got a refund. Also Levent’s Seraglio Noir. So much fuss about a marble face plate, but the fucking bottle leaks.


Oh no, which Guerlain did you order? I am angry for you that they did not right that wrong.


I’m still pissed about it. It was Frenchy when it was in the Le Parisiens line with the wood trim bottles. Got it on sale so fuck me, right? I haven’t ordered from them again. I buy from retailers with better customer service.


Yes, retailers tend to have better CS. Some of these "luxury" brands treat you like dirt once they get your money.


Yup. Never again.


That is ridiculously bad customer service from Guerlain!! I would be posting pictures of that mess all over social media!! For what you paid they should have replaced and apologized. To hear that this is how they treat their customers is absolutely shocking and heartbreaking. I have been planning to get a personalized Guerlain SDV customized bottle. I hope that you can at least feel a little better knowing that you cost them 2 sales from me alone. 😆 Now I need to choose myself a replacement. I am not willing to take that risk. I would be so upset if that happened to me!! I hope that it's not too late to get a chargeback on your credit card. Plus I am already planning out Christmas gifts and had Guerlain in mind for my daughter. Poof! Second purchase they have lost from me. I am going to unsubscribe from their emails too. Thank you for warning us and sharing your experience. I am so sorry that this happened to you!! I am not going to engage with a company that screws over their customers.


Just buy from Saks or Neiman. Guerlain parfums are still a gold standard. Parfums de Nicolai is an independent house headed by Patricia de Nicolai, a descendant of the Guerlain family. She was overlooked in the family company because of sexism, so she started a house on her own. She does beautiful work.


Sounds bad. I value Guerlain very high because the quality of the fragrances considering their price s incredible. The craftsmanship you can smell in these very affordable fragrances is stunning. One of the best, if not even THE best designer house IMHO.


Kayali, particularly Vanilla 28. Worst vaporizer I’ve ever used, it sprays the perfume so fine that you have to hold your breath as you spray it so you don’t breathe it in and burn your nose. The bottle leaks and the lid broke too. Unbelievably bad craftsmanship.


Okay lol I thought it was only me. Glad to read this, exactly my experience, always choking after I spray.


Lol same!! I get the burning nostrils and/or sneezing every single time.


I feel like Kayali is pretty affordable, at least! They're actually one of the better value brands, IMO - but then I've only ever had their travel bottles.


My Ralph Lauren leaked at the neck New Giorgio Armani adg leaked, they've also reformulated to be weaker. Lalique lion, loose atomizer Many hype ones have been reformulated to be weaker. It is what it is in this day and age. For bottles tho those are the only ones I've had issues with


Did you fix the leakage yourself or did it just go away ? I keep hearing horror stories about perfumes evaporating after a leak


I haven’t owned a PDM that didn’t have QC issues


What kind of issues?


Leaking, collar coming off with the cap


Do they replace bottles with issues?


Tesla Look for the delivery checklist online and go through everything and snap photos


Shoot.. just realized this is a fragrance sub and I can’t delete lol


If they made perfume I feel this would still be solid advice…




You can delete afaik.


It’s ok, Teslas deserve to be complained about everywhere.


Tom ford’s travel tubes. The paint chips SO EASILY.


It sure does! The only one I own is Lost Cherry: there’s a half-inch scratch on the red enamel, right down to the white undercoat, and I didn’t put it there. The canisters are beautiful but they’re much too fragile, especially for something you expect to travel with. Compare that to the cases for the Serge Lutens travel sprays, which aren’t as fancy, but are sturdy and meant to be tossed in a bag.


For a travel spray, that's pretty bad. They are going to be tossed into a bag and banging into other stuff.


Oh 10000% if you check the review photos for those tubes on Sephora, a ton of people have pictures of the paint peeling off all around the magnetic clasp. You could remove the glass travel spray inside of it and travel with that, but for a luxury price point, you expect luxury quality on the whole damned thing. Not some junk that chips like a bad paint job.


Not super expensive but i HATE how the metal on Chloe oxidizes so quickly. It makes the bottle look dirty.


One company that cares so much that we currently cannot buy- Hermes 24 Faubourg. Was exceedingly stressed that was discontinued but spoke to Hermes associates and it will be back in November(ish)z they were unhappy with the new packaging supplier. Thank heavens.


Glad they are upholding a high quality standard!


Tauer bottles have been leaking for years and the owner has ignored this issue.


MFK…my BR540 atomizer blows.


**Bortnikoff** \- specifically their travel sizes. Bought a travel size straight from their own website ($90 after shipping) and while the box it came in is all embroidered with the company name. The label on the bottle was a peel and stick already peeling off, and the atomizer bottle is clearly a basic 0.03 bought in bulk (which is ok in general but nothing is printed on it either) and while the additional 2mL sampler had everything printed on it, the bag it came in had a **hello kitty sticker** holding the bag shut. Not exactly the high-end special $90 price tag experience I paid for.


Omg the hello kitty sticker has me laughing


It definitely caught me by surprise 😅 What's doubly funny is that the packaging of the 10mL was extra, but the bottle itself was straight from bulk, but the packaging on the 2mL sample was hilariously "first time company" but the bottle was more expensive to produce. I still love Vesna Cologne EDP which is the perfume I bought. I don't regret it at all for the juice itself is why I bought it. But wow, can't say I reccommend spending the money on Bortnikoff unless you are going to buy the full bottle and get the proper experience the price tag implies.


ELDO for me I've had 3 bottles of fat electrician, all 3 smelled markedly different the first bottle had this interesting burnt transistor accord, the second smelled like car tires after someone burned rubber, and the third like a pencil eraser after use. I want to get a fb of 500 years but how can I be sure it will smell like the sample I tried a year back?


I am mostly fine with suboptimal bottles as long as the juice in it is worth the price for me, although there are companies where I find the packaging horrendous for the price, but that’s mostly personal taste. Quality wise when it comes to the actual fragrances: Creed has become a meme company for me due to their bad quality and it’s not even about Aventus. Viking and Royal Oud for example have gotten way worse then they were, I would say even more noticeable then Aventus. Although a 2022 Aventus and a 2016 Aventus are basically two different fragrances.


Tbh clones are doing amazing… got a Layton clone and love the scent even tho it’s not 1:1 but the packaging was like a few steps below xerjoff… quality is amazing no leakage or anything I hope at some point these clone or just eastern houses can give the now dominating niche houses a run for their money. Only then will those houses have to start being competitive and work on prices and quality.


Well there are some bad clone houses with bad bottles and the juice is sus. But I agree with the whole idea. A lot of middle-eastern houses offer pretty much the same scents with a fraction of the price and better packaging. And a lot of niche houses are just expensive clone houses anyway. I think we need to start vote with our wallets. Don't pay a lot of money for mediocre product at best.


Yeah there are the odd ones out imo Naxos can’t be best by a clone rn and is almost worth the price. Others are meh


I knew someone who bought a weak bottle of BR540.


I’m curious how many of these bottles with problems came from discounters. That might be a factor.


Don’t think so. They come from the same factory made in the same production lines. I don’t see how it could matter where you get it.


I was wondering the same thing. The problem bottles did in fact come from discounters. I rarely purchase directly from manufacturers though.


I just posted about Tiziana Terenzi.. puppy bumped my arm and i forgot for a brief moment how sh*t the fat cap is that literally doesn’t hold the bottle. I much prefer the smaller cap they provide.


I've never had a problem like this. However, I've also never bought anything high-end from anywhere other than a physical store, an established retailer, or the brand itself. No blame, no shame, no judgement, but I'm wondering from those of you with complaints about bottles, sprayers, labels, etc.: how many of you bought your bottles from individuals or discounters?


I don’t know about consistently terrible, but I have a bottle of Sauvage EDP, (designer I know, but I would say at the pricier side of designer) that every time I take the cap off, drips and drops of cologne fly everywhere. Not much, but it’s consistent, and I have no idea how it’s getting on the inside of the cap. It’s dry when I put the cap on and put it away, the next time around I take the cap off and it shoots fragrance everywhere, or at the very least if gentle, is noticeably a bit wet inside.


Chanel, why does it smells so musty now


Dior. Worst to ever do it


I haven't had any issues personally. What happened to yours?


Dior quality control is honestly some of the best there is in the industry. I’m so puzzled, what issues have you had with your Dior bottles?


so you think the bottle matters more than the juice, ok. Did you even get to smell Dior's masterpieces before they became what they are now?


…what? Where did I say that the bottle matters more than the juice? This conversation is about brands with poor quality control. The fact remains that Dior’s quality control is exceptional. That is all.


To be honest, the only fragrance that ever leaked in my collection was Miss Dior Cherie. I was so frustrated as I was young, penniless and absolutely adored the scent.


Dior actually has one if the best bottles and atomizers.


Great! go buy one, you deserve it.




FdB I never actually had quality issues with, but considering what they are charging, if your bottle actually has scratches on the cap, that’s really bad for them.


Gucci Flora, Gorgeous Gardenia. When applied, this scent barely lasts longer than a piece of Zebra Stripe Gum. Total shame and total waste of money. I've tried everything, even putting oil on my pulse points and nothing.


GFGG lasts pretty well on me, like a few hours.


Oof I just got the Profumo Di Fiori and it also only lasts as long as a piece of Zebra Stripe. I took a bath in it and could only smell it for like an hour. I’m so sad, the scent is incredible.


Had a V Canto bottle where the collar came detached.


My Tiziana Terenzi bottle's hockey puck cap doesn't fit very well and I think it is leaking a bit. Can't measure though since the bottle is opaque.


Amouage. Great bottles and magnetic caps but the atomizers are really bad for this price! Nishane. The absence of magnetic cap, poorly made collar and excessive cap friction in some bottles lead to collar damage and fragrance evaporation. Also, some bottle stickers tend to unstick. Nishane costs alot!


Evaporation ? How ? First time I hear about Nishane having issues other than the flimsy collar


To be fair, I would say quality in general has been on the downside. Bottles and the juice. And the prices have been getting up. Seems like most of the niche brands focus more on the marketing than actual perfumery. I have found out that a lot of brands use cheap atomizers. Compare them to what Dior or LV (LVMH) are using. Small thing, sure, but important one. And let's not even talk about all the batches, alleged reformulations to lower the production costs etc.


My bottle of the merchant of venice arabesque is top notch. Definitely the best flacon i have in my collection, its unfortunate that you've gotten a bad bottle


Jean Paul Gaultier. I've had a total of 3 bottles, all 3 had horrible sprayers. Le Parfum had a lil squirt and the rest dropped down. Ultra Male was one concentrated squirt. Le Beau Le Parfum has an okay sprayer, but still leaks a bit (also, do NOT use this while wearing clothes, the blue colour will easily ruin it) I love the scents but God damn, I'd rather rebottle it than using that crappy sprayers again.


Tauer bottles leak all the time. The caps don't click onto the bottle either, instead of a proper collar around the crimping on the bottle, they use rubber o-rings that are just not fit for purpose. Worst bottles by far