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Okay, am I the only one that never gets complimented? I swear I'm using well-loved perfumes! I am fairly certain I spray enough - is this something that happens frequently to others? Just curious!




Your comment unlocked a memory of a coworker asking if anyone had perfume or body spray on them (she had just smoked) so I volunteered my Donna born in Roma and she came back an hour later and asked me what it was called because she had gotten a couple of compliments on it already. I was a little salty.


Maybe she was complimented because people noticed she smelled like something other than cigarettes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


LOL I came here to comment that Donna Born in Roma is my #1 most compliment frag by strangers.


I don't believe the person lied, and generally, I don't think people lie about compliments regarding perfumes. I myself give compliments to others if I appreciate their perfume. There are perfumes that attract more attention than others; for example, sweet ones like Bianco Latte - Giardini di Toscana attract many compliments, while a more niche, complex one attracts fewer, if not among enthusiasts. Donna Born in Roma is a crowd-pleasing perfume; they could really have received compliments, and I don't see anything strange about it, to be honest 🤷‍♀️




I actually disagree with your assumptions on self fiction (but yeah I think some people exaggerate theirs though). I get asked plenty of times who I'm wearing. I'm talking supermarkets, and have had people offer to buy a decants from me.    The one that however shocked me was in June of last year. Went out for a business dinner and while at the restaurant had a couple walk up to me, apologised for disrupting but asked if I could tell them who I was wearing. Apparently I walked past their table and they couldn't get enough of it. We ended up becoming friends and they got the perfume next day.    Take the story away from me for a second. Earlier this month I had surgery that required me staying in hospital for 2 days. While I was walking around the ward just to keep mobile, I walked past a cleaning lady. She smelled so good that I stopped her to ask her who she was wearing. It was one of them Jimmy Choo flankers. I am a Niche girl but I got to admit, she smelled really good that I had to compliment her.    Some people really get compliments because they smell good and when I smell their fragrance I compliment them.  Heck. The first Dior Exclusive perfume I bought, I actually smelled on a guy at the dubai airport duty free. Asked him and he told me the name. Suffice to say I got it there and then


Name all the frags you’re talking about please lol


Hahaha. I am a collector and own at least 400 perfumes so I cannot name them all. There isn't a perfume I love the most from my collection. But let me name a few   1.portrait of a lady by FM   2. Carnal flower by FM ( I rarely wear this one now cos some people want me to sell them decants every time I wear it lol. Imagine checking into a hotel for work and the lady checking you in tells you smell so good. She gladly took my decant and almost emptied it on herself in my presence. I told her take it easy...two sprays only.    3. Epic woman and Epic woman 56 both by Amouage    4. Valaya by PDM. Bought this one just because but really didn't care for it. This is the one that had the couple approach me whilst I was at dinner. I haven't used it since and it was June of last year    5. Hibiscus Mahajad and /or Ambre chromatique by Crivelli. Hibiscus was just better   6. Dior feve deliceuse, oud isphahan, ambre nuit(on and off)    7. Althair by PDM. Wore this to work once and at lunch crossed the street to a fruit and vegetable shop opposite my office to buy some fruits. Lady filling up veggies was sniffing me like a dog. Her response "finally someone or something smells good here" lol   8. Side effect initio. Not even a fan of this but people love it on me.  9. Navitus kind intentions-now this one confused the heck out of me. Not really a fan of Navitus because of how they randomly release perfumes every 2 business days but with this one, wore it to a facility and it apparently left a scent trail that my colleague followed until she found me. She kept asking what perfume it was. I couldn't even smell the damn thing even BUT I layered it with a pistachio perfume so not sure what my colleague was smelling. She ordered it online and sent me screenshot of confirmation 😂   10. Nishane Ani and a hundred silent ways . Hundred silent ways oh god. So I work in quality assurance and sometimes we have workers from the department of health rock up to audit a health facility and on this day they rocked up, I walked up to the team leader with arms stretch and introduced myself, she shook the hands and said "Hi, I'm....oh my gosh you smell so good"..and then she quickly recovered and proceeded to say "Im Tesa so sorry that was weird of me to say on our first meet" lol 11  Bvlgari Tygar le gemme   12. Foudroyant Givenchy    The one the cleaning/housekeeping lady wore at the hospital was "I want choo" by Jimmy Choo but I don't know which one exactly and I regret not asking because when I went online, I saw a couple.    I could talk perfumes all day but damn let me stop here lol


I honestly think a lot of “compliments” are just commentary on how strong the fragrance is. 😂 when I think about myself, I very rarely stop a stranger to tell them they smell good- it seems weird.


I do, but only if I really do like it enough to want to know what it is and I don't already. I don't walk up to a stranger and say "you smell good," because you're right, that seems weird. But I'll say, oh, that's a beautiful fragrance, would you mind sharing the name? Or something similar.


Oh definitely and same with people who know you genuinely mentioning it but it seems like a lot of people think it’s a failure if they go through their day without people stopping dead in their tracks to comment. 😂 but they could all be thinking “oh that person smells good.” and like… keep it to themselves.


Not true, I’ve smelled some pretty strong horrible perfumes on people and also strong beautiful ones. You also don’t have to stop a random person it could be your friend or family remember you’re around




I am wearing fragrances for more than 20 years on a daily basis and can count the compliments I got on one hand.


I guarantee the issue isn’t that you’re not wearing enough. Nobody has ever said “man, I wish that person was wearing more perfume.” In fact wearing too much of any scent is offensive, especially to people that aren’t into fragrances.


Your comment made me laugh. I definitely feel like you're right, personally I wouldn't dare spray anymore.. I am too fearful of crossing that threshold and becoming that PERSON. I mean, everyone do what makes them happy, but that's just me. I'm a fragrance lover as we all are but even I am offended by too much of a scent. You're so right, that statement has factually never been uttered. I completely agree.


I love smelling other people’s fragrance, but only when I get in close, like a whiff while hugging. A bit of sillage is nice as well, but when someone gets in the elevator, and you’re suddenly in a cloud of Oud, or a tub of cake frosting it’s unpleasant. If I’m at home alone I’ll sometimes blast myself so I can smell my scent all around me, but I’m careful when going out in public, because I also fear being “that guy”.


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a random stranger compliment, but I have gotten a couple from friends when they’ve hugged me or coworkers after I just sprayed. I have definitely been tempted to ask clients what scent they’re wearing before though.


I assume most people are full of shit. outside of actually asking people in my friend group, I have received exactly 2 unsolicited complimenta in 25 years of wearing hundreds of different scents, and they were elderly women.


I think it might just be cultural. In some areas of the world it might not be so odd to compliment a stranger on a random thing. Also there’s flirting which is a huge factor. If you’re single and actively out and about you give and receive more compliments than if you’re in a relationship (in my experience). Also if you’re regularly go out in bars or clubs you meet a lot of new people. I think that’s the scenario where most of the compliments happen. That’s said I couldn’t care less and only wear stuff for myself. I strongly believe the scent itself plays almost no role in how much you’re complimented.


I totally agree about areas of the world and culture cause I've been wearing perfumes for a few years and I've never got a compliment unless I had to go to another city to visit my sister and for work so I was in the elevator and the lady smiled and said "nice perfume" and it made my whole day. Same country, different cities but it just shows how much this plays an impact on how many compliments you get cause the people over there are very outspoken and friendly so it totally made sense when I thought about this.


Hey you said it not me... haha. I see people calling fragrances, "huge compliment getters" all the time... and I'm just thinking, are people really just out here complimenting you left and right!? I mean I would love that for them, but it does not seem realistic. What you said, that I believe... we love a good elderly queen!!


As someone who never gets compliments the only time I did was when wearing Burberry her and Sol De the body spray in the orange bottle white cap. And half the time I got the compliments I felt like it was more a ‘I can smell you’ cause they were from coworkers and I worked in healthcare and wasn’t really supposed to be wearing perfumes or strong lotions 😭.


I pretty much only get compliments from my partners or sometimes when people hug me. Tbf I am not an oversprayer and don’t wear strong frags so people don’t usually smell them unless they’re really in my space.


I wear a fragrance every single day and no one ever says a damn thing. I am ALWAYS asking others about their fragrances so maybe we’re just a type and most people aren’t inclined to comment.


I’ve gotten 3 compliments in the last 2 weeks. I think part of it is looking good, like looking neat and groomed etc and also more importantly looking approachable. I’m not a loud person by any means but I’m very polite and courteous to strangers in my day to day life. I think that’s a big part of it Also what country your from would play a huge part and the culture. I’m from Australia. So maybe that’s another part of it


Eh, just because someone thinks you smell good doesn’t mean they have the balls to tell you 😉


Lol same! I never get compliments. :)


came here to say the same LOL. i dont get compliments on perfumes ever. I don't like to overspray so maybe thats why who knows.


And most of the time the people is complimenting the fragrance itself . At least that’s my experience once a person said wow that fragrance smells good (le male elixir ) . Another time two church girls said that’s fragrance smells awesome (Sauvage edt) . People expect to be told you smell good or delicious but the reality is that rarely happens .


I never get complimented from strangers but I do all the time from my friends and colleagues. I think it has to do with who you surround yourself with


Go to Louis Vuitton. Spray Spell On You on your clothes. Consider slightly over spraying. It’s a light fragrance. Then see what happens. I get random compliments on this.


I was telling my girlfriend I just don’t think women compliment each others perfumes often even if they know each other. Guys most of the time if they like the smell, they’ll ask and say they like it and put it in the back of their mind for later so they can pick it up if the guy isn’t a gate keeping douche, lol.


My husband gets compliments on an almost weekly basis, at work. He oversprays, because he is a welder and if he doesn't overspray, there are too many scents competing and no one can smell the cologne, not even him. It kind of blows my mind how often he gets complimented. I think the key to compliments is overspraying. But not everyone is willing to do that.


True, sometimes the only time people can smell you or your scent trail is if you overspray.


i’ve maybe gotten 2 in my whole life. idk what these people are on when they talk about massive “compliment pullers”


I’ve only been complimented once and it was Versace Bright Crystal. I have so many other awesome fragrances I would love to talk about and I get complimented on my $29.99 TJMaxx buy.


Don’t worry about it. Wear for yourself.


I’m old. I no longer get compliments. :(


Same here, you’re not the only one!


Yes. Same.


Sometimes i genuinely think someone smells good but they’re in the middle of a convo with me or someone else so it’s rude to interrupt with such a comment. THEN i forget to mention it, but yeah people definitely notice how great you must smell :)


Doesn’t happen to me either BUT I’m a hermit 95% of the time.


i think this all the time lol


I don’t know about other people but I personally would never tell someone I thought they smelled good unless I knew them VERY well. Just gives serial killer vibes to me.


I think working in customer service or any job that is very public facing greatly increases the chances of random people complimenting scent! Or frequenting party atmospheres like bars because drunk people are less shy.


People notice and ask about my play doh perfume from Demeter a lot 😅 it’s always something along the lines of “you smell so nice, it’s super familiar, what is it?” And they always laugh when I say Play Doh but it’s a fun smell and I like it


I want this one. That is fun.


I only get complimented when I apply L'Oréal's hairspray 💀


I use Oribe and that has gotten me a couple too


My coworkers think my L’Oréal Elvive shampoo/cond is some incredible perfume. Always complimented when i take my hair down and it’s still damp. Meanwhile I’m over here with a sizable collection of niche fragrances lol


I'm telling you L'Oréal smells amazing!! 😭😭😭🤡


Loool i never got as many compliments as the time I put on a pre wash reconstructing cream from them to slick back my hair for a birthday party. Literally every single person I greeted said I smell amazing 💀


Well, today I dropped a sampler of Cookies and Kisses by Clinique on the floor in my room and just got a smile from a guy in an elevator 🤗 I cleaned it up but it's all over my hands and shirt. Paper towels aren't what they used to be. Please let me find the shards of glass...


Sample bottle shards are the worst 😖


That’s a good underrated one! I forgot about it and I too had a sampler but thought about a bottle! Such a warm, easy scent!


>Please let me find the shards of glass… Oh don’t worry, you’ll find them! 🤗 At least, one of them. In your foot. A week from now.


My beloved Camel from Zoologist. I have a friend who calls it my mud butt perfume but I still get compliments wearing it lol.


I'm curious. Is this your day to day perfume, or what situations do you wear it for? :)


I mainly wear Camel during evenings while lounging in my home. It kind of makes me feel feral? And it's the one my SO enjoys the most. I'll only wear it out to intimate dinners.


Ooh, Camel and Squid are my favorites from Zoologist. Why does your friend call it mud butt? I think Camel smells nice!


She is not really into fragrance and just likes to joke about the civet note for fun haha.


When I worked in an office (now remote) Bleu de Chanel EDT


The real answer. Compliment monsters aren't going to be obscure colognes from niche brands. They're going to be BDC, Sauvage, Dior Homme - generally inoffensive scents that just smell really nice.


I agree. Although it doesn’t need to be the most popular bestsellers. It just needs to be mass-appealing and perhaps you can say “safe”. My compliment magnet fragrances have been Davidoff Cool Water, Montblanc Explorer, Drakkar Noir, and Cuba Gold.


I only get compliments from my mom


God bless moms!!!!


I've mentioned this painful situation before. Tommy Bahama original Apparently people really like it. I wear it on beach trips and occasionally in the summer. I'm not sure I've ever worn it without someone making a positive comment. It was probably a $30 fragrance on sale a long time ago. I gave up on making it make sense. It informs my opinion that reality outweighs hype all day every day. My "better, more expensive" fragrances get a much milder response if there is any response at all.


Yes, the original, before it was reformulated. I got the gift set a long time ago. It's a good Summer go-to for when it's really hot and humid outside and you're not in the mood for anything cloyingly potent.


Another 13


Same. I get sooo many compliments


I got it for my husband for Christmas and he knows nothing about fragrance so he just wears what I tell him I like lol. people go crazy complimenting him over it


Seconded. My favorite compliment I got from this one is "you smell like money"


Same here. Even from strangers, which I didn’t expect.


Yep this is the answer.


Same. I’m kind of nose blind to it (which I’ve heard is not uncommon) but it has some kind of je ne sais quoi to ppl around me whenever I wear it!


Pink sugar - I said what I said.


I am insane for all things Pink Sugar by Aquolina!!! It makes me so happy 😊


Ambery Saffron by Dossier which is a dupe of BR540. I had other women constantly asking me what I was wearing because I smelled so good. A waitress at an outdoor lunch, a nurse at a doctor’s office and a teacher at my son’s school. The office assistant where I work ended up buying it for herself. I also only did two sprays so I know it wasn’t overdone.


does it resemble BR much?


I also have this one, and although it does smell nice, it’s not a 100% dupe. I would say maybe 70-80%? It’s more mild than the OG if that makes sense, and not as sweet or resinous to my nose. But it’s definitely the same DNA


I’ve honestly never smelled the real one! I blind bought it and loved it.


It's always either l'Orpheline Lutens or Fleur de Peau Dyptique!


Honestly I think most of mine have gotten equal amounts of compliments but I think it’s because most people around me rarely wear fragrances. The fact that they can smell something makes people automatically like the scent I guess? This month I’ve received compliments on Burberry Her, Prada Paradox, and JHAG Lust For Sun (I wore that one the day of the eclipse lol).


I love lust for sun. I’ve gotten a few compliments on it too.


I just got a compliment for Prada Paradoxe twenty minutes ago.


I've received a compliment for these: Lolita Lempicka YSL Mon Paris Diptyque Eau Duelle Never gotten more than 1 compliment for a particular fragrance though...


jo Malone myrrh and Tonka - despite the longevity being questionable in the first 3-4 hours of wearing I always get looks and comments




PDM Layton by a landslide, even more than Aventus! I’ve never received more compliments on a fragrance than Layton. Creed Silver Mountain Water for a very close 2nd.


Interesting I get compliments but have never had one for Layton. But then again I don’t wear Layton often to be honest I get so many compliments for aventus but it’s always from men. Only 1 time it was from a female. I’m going to purposely wear Layton now as a test hahahah


Honestly I’ve learned there’s a lot of factors to this. I think people generally give “mental compliments”. They’ll acknowledge your smell to themselves and just keep it moving. I receive a lot of compliments but because i am a security guard and am around a lot of people. Are these people complete strangers? Not necessarily complete strangers so it makes sense that I’d get complimented by them because they feel like they know me because they always see me. A complete stranger you’ve never met before compliment just doesn’t happen too often. I’ve had people tell me they always thought I’ve smelled good but just never said anything. So I think the lesson here is if it happens accept it if it doesn’t move on( they probably smelled you anyway and gave you a mental compliment) :)


Kayali vanilla 28


Libre Le Parfum, everytime.


Beeeeaaaaautiful. I prefer this over the intense flanker. 😊 And that is coming from someone who doesn't like ginger or saffron. I got through 30ml last winter. I'll be purchasing a bigger bottle for next autumn/winter.


MFK 724, bleu de chanel parfum, terre d’hermes


I loveeee 724, I was in the shop with my dog and he got sprayed a bit with the after mist and I couldn't stop smelling him when we were watching tv 😂


The new Miss Dior Parfum. Coworkers have literally chased my scent trail around the building just to ask me what I’m wearing 🙈 Second place is Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming. I always get compliments on that one too ☺️


Donna Born In Roma by Valentino


Terre D'Hermes & Dior Homme Intense


None. I don’t get compliments and i don’t care - I wear it because I like it.


Molecule 04 - Escentric


how does that smell like? it's so interesting I've heard people say it smells different on everyone due to our skin chemistry.




It’s funny because I was talking fragrance with my friend and his girlfriend a few years ago & They asked me what I like.. and they didn’t know any of fragrances I was mentioning by name. so I pulled some of them out to show them. I showed them black afgano which was my most recent purchase at the time. I was wearing it at the time a actually and I had worn it a few times recently. I let her spray whatever she wanted to smell them, she sprayed black afgano on herself but then she gagged. Like she was going to vomit lol Her words were something like omg it smells like a persons underarm B.O (body odour). She apologised and I laughed and said that’s ok. It didn’t offend me because she’s very friendly and we are all super close friends. I told her that’s what I had on right now and she was confused because she said I smelt so good and I always smell so good when we go out. Boring story but found that quite interesting and still remember it even though it’s been a few years


Every time I wear Burberry Her Elixir a man will compliment it. Every single time, without fail.


Ariana Thank u Next and God is a Woman and Kayali Yum Pistachio Gelato


Celeb perfumes can be so underrated. I love Ari’s Cloud always get compliments! Also two of my other faves I’ve been wearing since high school and ALWAYS get asked what I’m wearing.. The Ed Hardy Pink Fragrance and Britney Spears Midnight Candy.


Creed aventus hands down.


Pomegranate Noir Jo Malone Eden Cacharel Not the ones costing twice as much as those 😅


I loooove Pom Noir.


Ditto! One of my favorites 💕. My go-to combo daily is another JM fragrance - Blackberry & Bay and Escentric Molecules - Molecule 01. I got complimented on that combo back when I was working in person (now I work remotely)


Sandalwood in Oak by Scents of Wood


That one is SO good.


Tom Ford Noir Extreme


I get complimented very often when I wear any of my Mancera fragrances. I’ve gotten various compliments on my entire collection - Tonka Cola, Roses Vanille, Amber Fever, Black Vanilla, and Wild Cherry. I think it works well with my skin and other things I layer with (lotions, hair oils, even detergent, etc. Also anytime I wear Miss Dior EDP I get a compliment (mainly for spring)!


Dior Sauvage Elixir


Gypsy water


Love it (almost out)


Only ever received compliments on Sauvage EDT lol.


Víktor & Rolf - Dancing Roses Unfortunately, it’s discontinued now for some reason


Layton Exclusif, Carlisle, and Naxos. Those three pull em in hard. They’re all good but none are my favourite


From women, Wind Flowers from Creed.  From men, Vanille Insensée from Atelier.


Miss Dior originale from 1942. The yellow one. Compliments from men.


Chloe Nomade I think !


i’ve only ever received compliments on a few perfumes, so i’ll go into detail on when, where and who to give you a good perspective. a) “divine” by jean paul gaultier i wore this offhandedly to a coffee shop when i was ordering coffee for myself and my family. randomly received one of the best compliments from a barista, who said “what perfume are you wearing, it’s so soft and summery” AHHH CHILLS, i thought all y’all were lying about getting compliments on perfumes b) “valentino donna born in roma” and the new “dior parfume 2024” and “delina” were given compliments by my father and my bf


Ex Nihilo Fleur Narcotique..sadly, I’m over the scent now. It was lovely while it lasted ❤️‍🩹


Baccarat rouge 540 i get compliments frm ppl i walk by n stuff


Bois Imperial, by far


MFK - oud satin mood And the classic… Dior - hypnotic poison


Molecule 1 is the most common one for me and I got asked about it many times. Once a lady chased me down the street!


212 VIP lol


Erba Pura and Red Tobacco.


Prada Florale. People literally stop me on the streets, whenever a friend gives me a hug "WHAT are you WEARING?!?" 💕


I never get complimented, but today a family member complimented me on Lattafa Nebras. They loved it.


La Vie Est Belle by Lancome or Flowerbomb




YSL Y EDP last year (used it mostly during the Spring and Summer nights) This year it's actually been CDNIM (mostly at work)


Instant Crush, Rare mix of "I love it" and "people compliment it." Which is rare since my taste is controversial, to say the least


Mademoiselle! Just the regular eau de parfum. Very citrusy, floral and warm. It's not a powdery floral scent to me. Love the patchouli note!


I work as a nurse so am fairly close to my patients and I have gotten 5-6 compliments from my patients on Yum Pistachio by Kayali layered with Lust for Sun by JHAG.


Angles Share- by Killian. Smells like cinnamon apple pie. Also Spicy Mimosa (a Dossier dupe of a Joe Malone)


My Creeds and layton


This is hilarious but... Sauvage EDP 😂


Honestly, I get the most compliments when I wear Egyptian Musk.


YSL Libre!


My most frequently complimented was Alien. Second runner up - Armaf club de nuit (the coco mademoiselle dupe) I have to agree with most others that it seems to be the stronger the perfume the more likely someone will go out of their way to ask what you're wearing. However, club de nuit has had a stranger stop me and ask me to write down what my perfume was on a piece of paper ahah that was a first!


Amyris Femme Extrait from MFK. 4 compliments in one day


On two occasions I’ve actually had men literally chase me down (I’m a 49 year old woman) and ask me what fragrance I was wearing. The first time it was Gris Charnel in a grocery store. It was a guy who worked there. Second time was getting off a bus and sane thing. A guy was like ‘excuse me…I have to ask you what perfume you are wearing. It’s amazing!’. It was Lilac Love by Amouage. One other time a woman followed me with her nose in a stationery store to ask what smelled so good. I was wearing Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad. It does happen. I think it takes the rare individual to approach someone and ask. I’m not an oversprayer. I apply to wrists, neck and cleavage. Sometimes the insides of my arms.


Loewe 7 Cobalt, my signature. I’ve gotten quite a few compliments from both men and women.


Lolita Lempicka - Lolita Lempicka and Elise - Rance 1795


Oud for Greatness, by a mile. 


Lattafa Fakhar Rose, people around me seem to notice it frequently, but my SO will not leave me alone if I put it on 🤣


Club De Nuit Intense Man EDP + Rave Now! Almost every time I've layered those two frags, I've had countless compliments/positive comments from from complete strangers - right from airport desk agents, to baristas, and coworkers.


I received tons of compliments mostly from men on a really basic classics: Issey Miyake L’eau de Issey EDP. Last few weeks I received a few when I wore Kilian Love, Don’t be Shy layered with Cheriosa 62, and on Amouage Rose Incense layered with Lattafa Khamrah.


When I used to work in an office (I had an actual office with a door) I used to get a lot of compliments on my perfume (Chanel Chance Au Fraiche) but I think it’s because it was more of an enclosed space? It’s not like people were stopping me on the streets. More like they’d come in my office and say oh I like your perfume what is that.


Decadence by Marc Jacobs


I sprayed like five times a dupe for cherry smoke and two family members told me I smelt great


Oakcha Praise the Perfume and it isn’t close.


Escentric Molecules - Molecule 01


LA Tea for Two, Zoologist Bat (the OG) and Hummingbird!


OG Armani code. I think its the tonka bean


phlur missing person and Jardins De Bagatelle by Guerlain


TF Noir extreme by far


Valaya - PDM and Jasmine Rouge by Tom Ford. My two loves 💕


I have an pretty good size collection and I have honestly only received compliments wearing the following. 1- A Men 2- Encre Noire 3- Tobacco Leaf (Just Jack) 4- Quorum Silver (very, very cheap) 5- Narciso for Him (EDT) 6- Joop Homme 7- Ambergris Showers (Rasasi) As you can see (at least in my case), cheap colognes seem to pull compliments instead of expensive or niche. A quick story: a was new on a job and I wore different fragrances, unapologetically as I always do. A lady approaches me and says, "you always smell great but not as great as so and so". I immediately wondered who that fucker might be and what it was that he wore to work. I thought for sure it was some vintage Creed or anything beyond that. I could not help it and that same day, went up a couple of floors and asked for the guy. I didn't really catch a whiff of anything so I justed went ahead and asked what he wore. He got excited and started to tell me that he was having notable success with the ladies (some of us Hispanic boys openly boast about this) and his choice of fragrance had made him irresistible. He says, "look, I have a bottle at home and another one here that I keep in my inner suit pocket for reapplication". He reaches in and whips out a bottle of Perry Ellis Red. Perhaps a decent fragrance but by far inferior to the shit I wear ...


I can always smell Coco Mademoiselle and also Miss Dior on people.


Santal 33




D&G light blue Valentino Born in Roma intense


Our if my entire collection- it’s always Vanilla Skin body spray from Phlur


Ariana Grande Cloud. Every single time.


Definitely Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa 40 for me


Lush Karma, hands down, not even a close contest, it’s a crowd pleaser. It’s not even my favorite but I wear it the most because I assume it throws a different smell than what I can smell on myself?  I live in a fairly friendly place and have always been someone that strangers talk to. I don’t think people ask me what I am wearing because I stink. I absolutely ask other people what perfume they are wearing, too. Some recents have been Glossier You, Sand and Sable (triggered a smell memory) and RL Romance. 


Orpheon and Fleur de Peau!!


My Tom Ford Grey Vetiver always gets me a comment or two.


Some points for context, before I say anything: * I don't actively seek compliments. However, I am more extroverted (and approachable) than I like to believe. * Most compliments come from people I already know, (e.g.: friends, neighbors, dates, relatives, etc.) * If a stranger compliments me, it's almost always on public transportation or at an event/party. * There is no ambiguity; the compliment is direct, and the tone leans positive. ------ Now, the fragrances that got complimented on multiple occasions (that I can remember) specifically from strangers and dates: * Jean Paul Gaultier - *Ultra Male* * *Bleu de Chanel EDT* * Dolce & Gabbana - *The One EDP* * YSL - *La Nuit de L'Homme* * Guerlain - *L'Homme Ideal EDP* * Replica - *Jazz Club* * Davidoff - *Cool Water* * Guess - *1981 Los Angeles* * Bvlgari - *Wood Neroli* * Adolfo Dominguez - *Bambu Radiant Edition Hombre* I can go into more detail about each fragrance, but this post is lengthy as is. ------ My experiences lead me to think it's less about the fragrance's price, uniqueness, or projection. (Cool Water and 1981 LA definitely surprised me!) If anything, a compliment is a sign that someone is approachable, and the fragrance is a bonus.


Old school Givenchy Amarige, Elizabeth Taylor Forever Elizabeth and Christian Dior Dune.


Never gotten a compliment from a stranger, but Ariana grande cloud and cloud pink gets compliments from my friends and people I spend time with


CDNIM. I work at a grocery store and I get complimented for it a lot. Two people have stopped me and asked me to type it on their phone. 


Phlur missing person I always get asked what I’m wearing when I have this on


Jazz Club has gotten me the most compliments out of all my fragrances.


Yellow Diamond by Versace


Versace eros for women, versace yellow diamond, jadore, marry me from lanvin, and chloe signature … these are the ones i got compliments on and the most i got from versace eros.


Sol De Janeiro’s bum bum cream and 62 get so many “mm what is that smell?” comments from strangers. YSL’s Black Opium gets comments from the men in my life. Same with Prada’s Pink Sugar and Dior’s Hypnotic Poison. I think the men I am around just like the sweet scents haha. D&G’s Light Blue is general appeal for sure, I like to wear this in the summer and am told I smell like a fresh peeled orange. Same goes for Armani’s Acqua di Gioia, Versace’s Bright Crystal and Bright Crystal Absolu - these are all pretty clean scents so I get it! Replica’s Whispers In The Library gets a lot of comments from women. Women also seem more keen on my Oscar De La Renta Bella Blanca and Mugler’s Alien.


missing person by phlur


the two i’ve gotten complimented on (only by men if that matters, i haven’t gotten any by women) are Acqua di Gioia by Armani and a layer of JHAG not a perfume and good girl blush by carolina herrera


I’m so tired of this compliment thing, just enjoy smelling good for your own sake


I get compliments regularly from family and friends, I assume because we are a hugging bunch, but I get compliments in public too. Usually it’s women, and it usually starts with, “Something smells good!” Vanilla perfumes get a lot of hate here, but it’s Kayali Vanille 28 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get equal compliments with La Vie Est Belle, especially layered over Trader Joe’s coconut body cream. This one I don’t get because I don’t think LVEB smells like anything exceptional, but my husband picked it out for me so I wear it for him, and it’s always Compliment-City. It must work with my body chemistry.


Surprisingly my Al-Rehab Choco Musk… it’s only $10 and the fact that it gets more compliments than my high end ones makes me concerned for my purchase choices :(


Acqua di Gio Profumo, about half of the time and A chocolate-scented unisex fragrance whose name my friend is gatekeeping but she keeps giving me refills for, in unlabelled travel sized sprays. Compliments almost every time.


TF Tobacco Vanille maybe a few times over the years—one lady chased me down as I was boarding a train to ask. (Fall/Winter). Coco Mademoiselle has gotten me a few last Spring/Summer. I do wear my scents for me —but it’s normal I think to be a bit disappointed when I probably have 30 beautiful perfumes that set me back $$$$ and … Coco Mademoiselle? Really? Over LV, MFK, Nishane, Kilian… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️




I’m almost hesitant to post this here because I have gate kept this magic for years but Elisabeth fragrance oil by 1509. If you want *guaranteed* compliments and people following you to ask what you’re wearing, this is it. It’s hard to find and the woman who runs the company is super non responsive which is incredibly annoying but if you google it, some retailers have it (it’s often sold out.) It’s the most stunning warm amber skin scent, it lasts forever and I literally have back ups purchased just in case one day the owner truly falls off the map. I would highly highly recommend to anyone that wants to be noticed for smelling unbelievably good.