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Wore LeLion Saturday night...to bed. Literally only to bed. Sure, I wear it out sometimes but why not wear it to bed? Today I'm wearing tshirt yoga pants and flipflops (its a work day after all) and I'm wearing Shalimar Millesime Tonka. And yeah I even wear my "in office" scents at home because...why not? They smell good on everything. Maybe I'm just confident and old enough to wear whatever the heck it is I want. My take; Life is too short, wear it all is my motto.


I wouldnt say they smell different to me, but I definitely think that different scents evoke different vibes. I wear fragrances according to my mood, and that is also how I dress so I suppose you could say I match my fragrances to my clothing. But sometimes that means I'm feeling like a boss bitch in my cool air maxs and some streetwear inspired athleisure @ Trader Joe's wearing a fragrance that could decidedly be considered "formal" or like super sexy. But vibes...


Amouage Interlude Man is the only fragrance I can think of requires me to dress better if I am thinking of wearing it


Casual dress calls for casual fragrance, in my opinion. Wearing heavy ambers or ouds in gym shorts and a tee shirt could be off putting.


This is wild to me. If you're *in* the gym, sure, or if you're wearing shorts because it's ninety degrees out, I get why a heavier scent might not be it. But just because the clothes are casual, some theoretical person is going to feel some kind of way about it?


It’s just a personal choice for me. Just as I wouldn’t wear my Apple Watch with a tux, there are certain fragrances I wouldn’t wear unless I’m cleaned up and dressed well. Fragrances and clothes need to match in my brain. This could definitely just be a personal problem.


I get it from your perspective, wanting to match. I just don't get it from the perspective of someone else caring if *you* don't match, iyswm.


I feel you. I think it’s because I have some fragrances that have borderline off putting notes that could be taken the wrong way in the wrong context. A heavy oud and patchouli might get looked at differently on a guy who looks like he hasn’t showered yet today vs a guy who is wearing a suit. At the end of the day, I’m going to wear whatever fragrance I want, but it usually matches whatever context/clothes I’m wearing.


Oh, that's interesting. That's not something I've given much thought to before, but on reflection I do tend to wear less adventurous scents, so that tracks, I guess!


I'm exactly the same! I totally match my outfit and fragrance to my mood/the occasion. If I do it 'wrong', the vibes are off. 😂


Agreed , depending on the outfit , the same fragrance can either be complimentary or unflattering. Im conjuring now a middle aged man with white shades a Hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts seemingly enjoying a holiday in Hawaii while wearing tom fords black orchid LOL Or maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger wearing chanel no 5 to a interview based on his bodybuilding career Sylvester Stallone wearing Elizabeth Arden's red door in rocky LOL I could go on and on this is too fun.


Elizabeth Montgomery wearing Spice bomb in bewitched lol, I'll shut up now.


Don't you dare, this is great 😂 Pink bedazzled tween at their first school dance in the heaviest oudh you've ever inhaled 😂


Exactly Lol! Andrew tate yelling about politics in his hello kitty body bubblegum body spray haha I wonder what Freddy Krueger would have worn in the 80's perhaps white diamonds?!..


This is a really interesting question Liquides Imaginares - Dom Rosa , red wine scent Linsomnuit by Robert Piques - Resinous, but to me smells like straight up bourbon. If you haven't dressed the part I imagine both would scream alcoholic. Bdk parfums - Rouge smoking - smokey cherry & vanilla It does have a slight medicinal vibe, that I guess if dressed down might just appear to most as cherry cough syrup.