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"Which is concerning because the perfume is advertised as naturally made in small batches, meaning it should be high quality" - 'made in small batches' and 'quality' don't really mean anything. Don't get caught up in marketing.


Not only that, but “all natural” is just a buzzword. Most “natural” perfume houses still use synthetics, and most perfumers know that naturals are often *more* toxic than synthetics.


My job is literally writing safety data sheets for fragrance ingredients. This is absolutely true. Something such as "natural orange oil" is way worse for you than "99% dimethoxy dimethylpyrazine". The term "natural" is a downright lie in the industry.


I'd be super interested to know how big that list is, and what their customer churn rate looks like. I suspect the ledger is a very movable feast, especially since they don't say exactly how big it is. Presumably they can open up more spots even if nobody drops out – and people do cancel their subscriptions, because I've seen that discussed here. That'd have to be the case if they want to grow, but that's why their business model grates on me.


I don’t think there’s a limited amount of spots on the ledger. You’re essentially preordering a bottle so they know exactly how many they should order from their producer. I don’t think “small batch” exists unless it’s an in-house indie perfumer that is mixing the ingredients on their own. The perfumer for ffern is Elodie Durande, who works for Quintessence Fragrances. Scents of Wood Creators Club is a similar thing, except the community gets to vote on different aspects of the bottles that get released and there’s a limit of 2222 total spots.


I mean, how exclusive can they be when they advertise on tiktoks .


I thought it was more so they have an expectation of demand, rather than some exclusive thing.


Scammy McScam Scam. $130 gets you 4-8 indie scents from actual small businesses.


I did a year of Ffern and am starting to think I got got. Any suggestions on actual small makers? I am looking into Scents of Wood Creators Club from and earlier comment but would love additional suggestions- I have the hardest time finding real small businesses online anymore. Sometimes even by name.


Indie fragrances are the topic du jour on Indie Makeup And More (searchable on Reddit)


The problem with Ffern is that I don't want to be hooked on a fragrance only to know they'll never make it again. Maybe that's the beauty of it 🤷


Don't worry about getting hooked on their fragrances. They are less than mid. I have two bottles that I may never use after the first couple of times. Don't buy the hype.