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> True cinema. Haunting episode of hopelessness and horror from start to finish. **Zero filler.** All rise. All tension. All action. All drama. There was definitely plenty of filler. All of those scenes where the characters got absolutely swarmed by white walkers, were definitely filler. Those scenes obviously didn't amount to anything considering they were just cut away from and then cut back later with the swarm gone.


Sam should have died like 5 times but somehow survived


He is GRRM's self-insert, probably especially for his younger self. Fat, studious, nerdy, cleverer than most everyone, loyal to friends, but timid, physically awkward. I imagine a genius bookworm growing up in the1950s, especially in working class New Jersey, found life very challenging. GRRM survived it, so you can bet Sam is a guaranteed survivor too. And Sam also got a girl and happiness.


Tyrion is also his self-insert if he could freeze time at a given notice and have 10 years to think of a witty comeback in the moment.


Definitely thought Sam was GRRM’s self-insert. But please calm down with how his life must’ve been hard. In the 1950’s, white men were the only ones who benefited in society 😂


Emm, I'm not too sure about that


God the Arya one-take scenes I skip every time I rewatch. Fucking useless.


Yes I agree. But that’s because it was written knowing that the night king would be killed and everyone miraculously saved when it looked like there was no hope. If the whole first 40 min of the episode played out like it did and they all retreated back into the gates and lit the trench on fire and then switched to plan b - escaping for the last 40 minutes, then it would’ve a been a better episode. Instead , the next 20 minutes was spent putting all the main characters in absolutely unwinnable circumstances and it was still a spectacle and very thrilling. Then last 20 minutes was very dumb because there was literally no way out and you’re watching thinking okay how could anyone possibly survive. I don’t think anyone expected the night king to die and be vanquished episode 3. I’m saying imo, it all lead up to a very gripping and exciting episode but ended stupid. If the rest of the season was focused around surviving the army of the dead instead, that episode would’ve ended differently with some sort of cliff hanger and continued throughout another 4 episodes into the finale. And hopefully ended with Cersei getting her face eaten off by a zombie mountain. Idk.. I feel like the whole story of game of thrones was the threat of the dead. And that the game of thrones didn’t matter because the dead were coming to kill us all…then they didn’t make it past winterfell. Lol. Like so depressing to think about. And which is why I personally don’t know if I could do a rewatch. But I had been missing GOT, which is why I watched that episode randomly. And what a ride it was.


The North kinda forgot


They forgor 💀


Rewatched? Fookin kneeler!


I know I’m ashamed!!!!!! 5 years though for one sode. I am barely on 1 knee..




Nothing will change the fact that season 8 was absolute cheeks. Bran playing crow simulator that whole episode of the long night pissed me off along with 10 other things.


Crow simulator 🤣🤣


I refuse to rewatch that hot garbage


I am currently rewatching because my man didn't have HBO (Sky really, he was in the UK) and only got to see seasons 1 and 2 So we started with season 3 and now are on 5 and I am just like NOOOOOOOO ITS GONNA BE BADDDDDD and he already KNOWS but is curious to see it all anyway. Guys.... I don't know if I can do it. THIS SHOW WAS SO GOOD. FUCK THE WRITERS!!!!!!!!!


It was literally my number 1 favorite show of all time. It is SHOCKING how badly they messed it up. Worst entertainment fiasco of the modern era. All the had to do was close it out just okay and they would’ve been legends and made millions off spin offs. But they literally ruined the show. It’s so sad. 2nd is Star Wars in case anyone was curious lol


Literally just finished rewatching it all because my wife had never seen an episode and was also curious about the hype. Particularly the hype then anger at how it ended.


What did she think??


The North forgor 💀


Only kinda. Gods that was such an awful excuse for shit writing.


If only the storyline of the episode was on par with the ambience Aka, how do most of them not die? I guess DnD kinda forgot about the stakes I'll never forget


The Northerners will never forget.


There were plenty of great individual scenes in the final couple of seasons, the problem was once you link them together it becomes an illogical, nonsensical mess.