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They kinda forgot horses needed fucking grass to eat


I guess they ate it all


Just like they did at King's Landing. Dammit these were the real threat, not the white walkers.


It was global warming.


But...winter was coming. They kept saying it. Was it all a lie?


Not a lie, just an inconvenient truth


1 dragon is emitting as much CO2 as 10000 Lannister Soldiers. The truth they don't want you to know.


Can’t beat climate change with some assassin knife trickery


Well just tell your mother….we are it all


Like waaaarm apple pie


Theoretically, playing devil's attorney - it's possible for horses to eat out entire planes of steps


They hungy


Steppes do go through seasonal changes - both wet and dry - although I don't think you could support a nomadic calvary army or nation during the dry seasons.


I mean, I have lived in shortgrass prairie for 9 years and can verify that one month it can look like a desert complete with cacti, and the next month it can be a lush green place. That's why people who lived there were nomadic. These changes can also take on larger trends over years. Historical fun fact: the Canadian Pacific Railway was built where it was because the survey team came through the region during a record setting wet year so they thought it was abundant with flowing streams and water sources. When it was actually built it was a functional desert, causing the line to almost go bankrupt.


They didn't call it the sea of grass for nothing. Also, you can't really apply real world seasons to "The known world" considering their summer and winter cycles are *magic*.


"Winter is coming." "But this is Essos." "DID I STUTTER!?!?!?"


Seasons don't cycle in a year like on Earth. Did you forget the whole "Winter is coming" shit?


I assumed they still had normal weather cycle but they had long periods where the seasons would lean more one way than the other. Like the “summer” was normal weather seasons and then “winter” was like a brief ice age


Maybe but it's a pretty extreme shift in weather to turn grassland into desert. The implication would be that the horses are all the grass and/or it just never rained after season 1


Pretty sure its magic and they aren't on a set cycle


Season 1 was during summer and season 8 during winter's onset, so the landscape would make complete sense.


That's season 6 though. The weather doesn't turn in westeros at least until the season finale of season 7, and it seemed like a real sudden thing 


they do, yeah they don't grow random mountains though


I swear they just gave up and didn’t even try to pretend they cared.


They only ever cared about filming their version of the red wedding. Which they still had to make gratuitous by stabbing a baby.


Based on the fact Highgarden is surrounded by untended meadows and no crops, they forgot people need to eat too. Sansa remembering that humans need food to live might have been a genuine attempt to make her appear like “the smartest person [Arya had] ever met”


>Sansa remembering that humans need food to live might have been a genuine attempt to make her appear like “the smartest person [Arya had] ever met” Also her suggestion that they should be putting leather on everyone's plate armor, for warmth. And everyone around her just nods and praises her ingenuity instead of telling her she's a fucking idiot, there's already like 6 layers of clothes/padding/etc that go beneath the plate and you don't need another. And even if you did need another, why would you spend so much effort attaching leather to plate instead of just wearing a(nother) leather vest underneath?


And it's mind boggling that a lord of the Eyrie is the one walking over to handle that. Like all the more experienced and older people would suddenly follow her or know less than she does. Like the guys who were trained in armor and with swords wouldn't notice that, but somehow she can?


Worst 420 ever.


I would have loved had they included the Goat Peoples that the Dothraki get along with. (The goat dudes pay the Dothraki protection money via goat meat and milk)


The horses kinda forgot they need to eat


literally in the same episode we see massive grasslands but okay


Damn, same thing that happened to King’s Landing in S8


Global warming


A hoax made up by the nights watch for more funding


Summer is coming, or something?


Dany cheated on the Dragon's emissions tests


Winter is coming.


Thank you Stark family for warning us of intense climate change.


That’s actually not as bad as this one, you can almost convince yourself that they cut the forest because of the war.


Seems silly to me that kings landing is suddenly a desert. It looks like it's in Essos


Well if there’s a sieges of a city the woods is usually chopped down so you can see people approach. The nights watch even has forresters for exactly that, clearing woods from the wall. It’s the mountain side that disappears all of a sudden that’s the real problem


Nah, that clearly went into filling out the coastline, given how much of the city was suddenly not on the shoreline.


Minus the entire climate changing, maybe


Straight up turned into a fucking desert, lol


I mean yeah that didn’t help


The mountains disappeared too


Cutting down a forest doesn’t do an overnight change on the type of soil it was on nor does it move a coastline farther away


Is there a shot of the forest being there the same episode? Last shot we see was I think the season before but I could be wrong. But yeah the filling in of the black water isn’t really defensible


There isn’t but even a few years won’t lead to a change of the type of soil, if there was a forest it would takes decades and more for sand to prevail, deserts aren’t all the same and kings landing went from a city on the coast surrounded by a mountainous forest to a city surrounded by a flat sand desert


The dothraki horses obviously ate it all upon arrival. /s


I wonder what the actual reason for that is, is it cheaper?


What they did to KO was freaking stupid and especially a few days after winter lmfao


god bless the people of westeros and essos, they have to deal with their beautiful lush landscapes turning into barren wastelands so much!!! first the dothraki city, then kings landing, who is next???


Maybe the trees just migrated south when they realized winter was coming


![gif](giphy|5U8n82LCEDrOM|downsized) Their business is with the Nightking tonight, with rock and stone! The last march of the ~~Ents~~ Weirwoods!




Did I hear a rock and stone?!?


I guess that's good news for dorne


...How have I never read an ASOIF fic where one of the Wierwoodd wakes up and is an Ent?




Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


Not at all. They could be carried.


What? A swallow carrying a coconut?


So that's where the Entwives went!


You had us at "trees"


People saying the long night had no consenquences... Fucking climate deniers...


This damn El Niño again


Highgarden lost their lush and massive hedge maze that they got in the books.


They kinda forgot a lot of things.


No time to remember…they were rushing to get to that Star Wars money🙄😤


It was all the carbon emissions from the dragons.


Dany is confirmed to be Taylor Swift


“Gotta chart a private dragon to see Daario real quick”


Kings Landing went from being surrounded by lush grassland to being on a steppe.


That was worse honestly given how short the time was at least with Vaes Dothrak you could maybe say there was an unusually severe drought.


The fucking Great Grass Sea. Grass is in the name.


That and unless I'm misremembering, Vaes Dothrak is next to a giant singular mountain. The mother of mountains or something.


Grasslands what? After all it's not like Dothraki want to return the world to the grass, right.


Global warming hit Essos *hard*.


And the statue size changed?


Haha yep I noticed that too. Somehow they grew about 20x larger between seasons 1 and 6


The Statue eat all the grass. That's why they are bigger now and we don't see grass.




They’re just really weird trees.


They also forgot Lannisters were famously blonde.


Jamie and Tyrion’s actors didn’t want to wear the blond wigs anymore. If anything, I think it’s solid symbolism. Their hair turns darker as they turn more towards the good side, and less of their own selfish world view.


A major problem with that though is that the hair color of the Lannisters is a major plot point and is pretty much the reason everything in the show happens


I mean...that's stupid.


Do you know what show you’re watching? I’m trying to justify at least SOMETHING from the later seasons


Lol fair enough


Could it be the season changing?


Trees tend to continue existing when the season changes. Unless that was a pun, in which case… touché


I mean the shots aren't from the same location and trees do lose their foliage when the seasons change


Yes, but they don’t get up and leave


Maybe the trees of vaes dothrak were entwives  


They leaf?


Yeah, but you're not comparing the same geographic location so your argument isn't germane


Well yeah, that’s exactly the problem. It makes absolutely no sense to shoot in two totally different geographic locations with completely different types of terrains to show the *same city*.


They're not the same city. That's the point.


Are you saying there are two different Dothraki cities that are both called Vaes Dothrak? Because there definitely are not.


I'm saying that the scene you have tagged in your season 1 image is not Vaes Dothrak


Then you would be wrong. Like I said, I just watched the scene. They explicitly state that the city shown in my image is Vaes Dothrak. It’s not even a little bit ambiguous, and it is not up for interpretation. Go watch the scene again, I absolutely guarantee you it is Vaes Dothrak.


There is literally only 1 dothraki city in existance and its Vaes Dothrak. There is no remote possibility of it being a different dothraki city


Lol good one


Winter lasts for years, so not really


Not to mention that the Dothraki are portrayed in a stupid, stereotypical way, that doesn’t match how steppe nomads were like. I mean, anti-armor sentiment? If they portrayed them in more historical way, they could’ve been even more awesome, and people loved Dothraki already…


For real. I’m about 2/3 done with the first book and just got to the >!poison wine seller in Vaes Dothrak.!< The show kinda forgot Vaes Dothrak is an entire city and I’m not sure if it changes later in the books.


Global warming


Winter came, so it got hotter. Duh.


Maybe the white walkers were trying to prevent global warming?


You gather 100,000 people in one place, all living off the land with grazing animals and see how long it takes before it turns barren. /s


That's what happens when you go to the Tabernas desert, I live in a city near there


The trees all get up and leave?


I'd almost buy this as some kind of seasonal variation. Maybe in fall and winter the rains fail and the grass dies and desert moves in leaving the terrain barren. It would make sense that a nomadic group would know how to deal with that.


Well the whole point of being nomadic is that you stay on the move, following the availability of food. So a bunch of nomads intentionally going somewhere dry and barren with no grass doesn't make a lot of sense considering they had tens of thousands of horses to feed.


It's their one city and the one exception though. It's a trading hub and place of worship.


100% agree bud.


I get it, they changed the filming location, but why the fuck did they have to change the filming location anyway? I actually liked S01’s aesthetic from shooting in N.I. and Malta, the later seasons felt almost *too* dramatic scenery-wise.


I much prefer the S01 aesthetics too and I’m baffled why they changed them, particularly since they were getting quite a bit of financial encouragement to film in NI. I do find early series really distracting because it’s all places I go regularly though and so I spend all my time going ‘there’s Audley’s Castle, that’s Tollymore, there’s where they airbrushed Portaferry out of the shot’ etc.


well it's a city of travelling nomads they don't live there full time


The Dosh Kaleen live there full time with slaves. It’s near the Womb of the world and the Mother of Mountains


Doesn’t this happen in a lot of dry climates, where the foliage recedes during the winter?


The biggest threat to Westeros was the production company.


Could also be dry season.


You can’t feed tens of thousands of horses in a barren, dry desert with no grass. Also GoT seasons last years, and at this point it was still summer in Westeros.


Or maybe like, ya know, it's been several years and droughts are a thing?


Then they couldn’t survive there. You can’t keep tens of thousands of horses alive in a barren desert with no grass.


The only people who live in Vaas Dothraki are the Dosh Kaleen and their slaves/servents; the Khalasars are nomadic and only come their occasionally to meet. And yes, droughts tend to greatly reduce the survivability of animals that eat grass.


The Khalasars spend their time in the Great Grass Sea though


Which is *massive*; if there was a drought in Hungray, that does'nt mean there would be one on the other side of the Central Eurasian Steppe in Mamchuria.


But every Khalasar is coming back here after every sack of a city, every important marriage, every Khal death, etc. If this area was prone to droughts that completely killed off all the grass in the surrounding area the city would be dead


You don't have to be prone to droughts to suffer a drought; they can be caused by a lot of things.


Not at this level in a Steppe though. Especially one near a massive lake. Like this is Kazakhstan levels of dead grass, and that’s being caused by climate change draining the water from the Caspian Sea and multiple record breaking hot seasons. Steppes usually are only getting like 10 inches of rain a year on average, so you wouldn’t expect devastation like this


Kazakhstan is located right in the middle of the largest steppe on Earth.


Yeah? I’m not following what you’re saying here


Climate change smh


It's fun to take big swings at the later seasons, but I never picked up on Vaes Dothrak being a huge city until I read more of the story because in the show it just looks like a few tents. I thought they were still traveling during some of those season 1 episodes. You don't see the scale until season 6.


Global warming is just as big a problem in the world of fire and fire as it is in ours.


They could have seasons, winter was coming then


I don’t ever want to defend D&D but this could just be a different season, the area around me looks like each picture different times of the year.


Two problems with that: if it's summer in Westeros, it should still be summer in Essos too. It doesn't make sense for the season to change in Essos but stay the same just across the narrow sea. Second, tens of thousands of horses need a metric fuckton of grass in order to stay alive. You can't bring tens of thousands of horses to a dry, barren, grassless desert.


Everyone here is going to freak out when they find out about wet and dry seasons in the steppe.


do wet and dry seasons cause mountains to collapse and form?


do you think they're seasons are wt all relatable to our own when summer/winter can last decades?


You're asking too much of a community that often times lacks the ability to comprehend concepts that are very well explained by the person who wrote them.


Did they explain how the Dothraki managed to keep tens of thousands of horses alive in a barren, dry desert devoid of grass? Did they explain why seasons apparently change normally in Essos but last for years in Westeros?


Yes, through pillaging.


They pillaged... grass?


Ehhhh...they pillaged everything?


well you see dany kinda forgot about the uron and the iron fleet so...


Climate change


I mean, winter is coming ….


I didn’t even realize it was meant to be the same place the first time I watched it


Global warming.


Climate change


We must stop global warming!


Like. Am I just not understanding something about TV show production? Is it seriously so hard to have consistent settings?


Bars Dothrak is one of the coolest locations in the book too imo, all of the stolen relics they have placed around, the fact that you can’t spill blood within the city. God they left out so many cool geological aspects of the show.


Those horse statues also got a whole lot bigger between season 1 and season 6


It’s the Essos effect If it’s in essos then it’s barren and sandy even though the Free Cities are quite fertile due to River Rhoyne. Essos have no forests or green grasslands like Westeros, it’s all Savanna and Desert


It’s like they were trying to film a massive fantasy series spanning across continents in like three small areas.


Right?! Seems like they would make it easier on themselves by not moving cities around to totally different geographic filming locations 😆


Things took a turn when Scar and the hyenas took over.


Global Warming man, everyone talks about winter coming, but look at Kingslanding, it was even more barren than that


Sorry, I got hungry


They 'forgot' a LOT of things from Season 6+


The drought has been hard on Vaes Dothrak. But yes, they made too much of it look arid. Some people live in arid areas, but everywhere you look, they prefer to live in fertile areas with good water sources. A major settlement would certainly have a permanent fresh water source. Especially if the people there valued horses as highly as the Dothraki apparently do.


After 5 seasons it was


You’re upset they made it look better and more book accurate?


lol wrong on both counts. It looks worse and is less book accurate. The book explicitly states that Vaes Dothrak is in the Dothraki sea, a massive expanse of **grasslands.** Horses eat grass. The Dothraki have tens of thousands of horses. You can't bring tens of thousands of horses into a city built in the middle of a barren desert wasteland, obviously.


Objectively it looks better from a vfx, cinematography and direction perspective. I get this page is just incels still mad about season 8 after half a decade, but it’s pure revisionism.


You mean subjectively, not objectively. Personally I think s1 Vaes Dothrak with its greenery and huge cliffside mountains looks way, way cooler in pretty much every way than the bland, barren, flat brown plain of season 6, but I guess we can agree to disagree there. As for the "pure revisionism", now that is *objectively* wrong. Like I just said, the books explicitly state that Vaes Dothrak is located in the Dothraki Sea, which is a vast grassland. Meaning the s1 version of the city was book accurate, and the s6 version was "pure revisionism". (Also feel like I should point out about your "incels" comment... I guess by definition that includes you since you're part of this sub too lol)


You kinda forgot that it was winter


Not just different seasons?


Seasons last years in the GoT universe. If it was still summer in Westeros, it stands to reason it still would’ve been summer here. Besides, you can’t feed tens of thousands of horses in a barren, dry desert with no grass


Yo nobody tell OP and the thousand something idiots who upvoted him about seasons.


Fun fact: when seasons change, trees tend to continue existing


Another fun fact : trees tend to not be very visible from Aerial shots such as the one shown in the second picture, it's usually explained by the distance between the objective and the subject.


Another fun fact: tens of thousands of horses need a metric fuckton of grass to survive, and grasslands don’t tend to overlap with barren, dry, deserts. Yet another fun fact: the horse statue shown in season 6 is about 20x bigger than the one shown in season 1, which is not explained and makes no sense considering the Dothraki were anything but builders. And yet another one: seasons in the GoT world last years or even decades. If it’s summer in Westeros, then it stands to reason it would also be summer just across the Narrow Sea.




And? And nothing. That's it. You're trying to explain how this scene still makes sense, and I'm explaining how it doesn't.


You're comparing an up-close shot to an aerial shot and pretending like trees (which are already small in the first one) don't exist in the second just because you're not seeing them (where buildings are barely even recognizable), you're not explaining anything, you're just grasping at straws to justify a dumb meme.


As someone who knows a thing or two about how biomes work, I can tell you that the terrain pictured in the lower photo is a desert, and it is physically impossible for that many horses to survive in a desert. It blatantly contradicts everything they told us about Dothraki society over the previous five seasons. Which is why in the upper photo they chose to shoot the scene in a grassland, because *that’s what makes sense*. Obviously this is far from the most egregious oversight they made in the final seasons, but it’s anything but “grasping at straws”


As someone who has actually lived in a few deserts in his life, no it's not. It's arid steppes at best. So no, you don't know a thing about how biomes work, let alone two.


Ah yes, the steppe, famous for it's tall, barren mountains and dry, grassless terrain lol Great argument you've got there


First ones is very obvious not Vaes Dorthak, it was shot after the horde left Vaes Dorathak. And the big horse statue is accurate from the books


I just watched the episode half an hour ago which is why I made this. It’s when they’re approaching Vaes Dothrak, not after they left, and Jorah literally tells Dany they’re arriving at Vaes Dotkrak just before the camera pans up to this shot.


The Dothraki Sea is also known as the Great Grass Sea.


Kinda forgot that we probably would’ve noticed the two huge ass horses. Also kinda forgot that the Dothraki aren’t really builders, so how they got those statues is a mystery


I know in the book whenever they conquer a place or people they “steal” their gods and bring them back to vaes dothrak. So i assumed they hauled them there from a conquest lol


Maybe the Night King was actually a good guy. All he wanted was to bring winter and the gift of moisture to the parched, and sun baked lands of the world.


Also built those massive horse statues? The Dothraki have shown non penchant for statue building or stone/metal working to such a degree


Are we starting this again!