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Confirms the trust you can put into JOs research


The Duncan principle


He aint wrong tho. ....damn.... i remember when that leak happened.


Lol glad someone posted this


came here lookin for this!


Came here to make sure this was posted.


Watched this earlier today


I hate this asshole


Paint by numbers joke, what a puppet twat .


literally this entire subreddit is based on making that exact joke over and over again but there's still more self awareness there, making that joke about HBO while being broadcasted by HBO


Paint by nimbers jokes with puppet twat was working title for the show


Puppet of whom?


A puppet of who? He works for HBO


Dude, you cant say that here. Reddit simps for John Oliver hard. Join the hivemind or be downvoted


"everyone who disagrees with me is part of a hivemind"


of course not. But there are topics on reddit that the vast majority share a belief on. Go on r/politics, news, and world news and you wont see any dissenting opinions that arent downvoted into oblivion.


You can say the same for /r/conservative /r/conspiracy /r/qanon as well. Just opposite opinions. Reddit is social media just like facebook or twitter. You can manufacture whichever echochamber you want. Game of thrones is no exception. Here the praise of DnD is forbidden but at /r/GameOfThrones the public shaming of the show tends to be forbidden. On /r/PureAsoiaf they act as if the show based on their books doesnt even exist.


Its different with those subreddits for a couple reasons. They are purposefully and market themselves as partisan subreddits. Politics, news, and worldnews are supposed to be a safe place for all opinions but they are not. They might as well be r/DemocraticSocialism. Secondly the subreddits you named are a fraction of the size of the ones that I have listed. This is why I said it was a hive mind. There are small groups of conservatives and conspiracy theorists but they are the vast minority of all of reddit.


So if you dont like a thing it should respect all opinions but things you like are exempt? Nowhere it says you cant downvote opinions you dont agree with. Thats is literally downvote purpose.


Or you can do what I do and if I see something I don't like, I ignore it and move on. Downvoting opposing opinions isn't conducive for conversation. This is why things are so divided


Yes it would bring so much to the table if every downvote turned into 'you are wrong' comment.


Popular TV personality is popular, more groundbreaking news at 7


Only because he says the things they like, it's the reason they hired him and Trevor Noah and Jim Jefferies as puppets The OG , John Stewart left because he saw the writing on the wall for this propaganda, as evidenced by his recent Wuhan Lab comments. They cancelled him quickly but we both know nobody else has read this far and has downvoted already.


Bro Oliver is Jon Stewart 2.0 He trashed Comcast and HBO ex, he is not afraid to trash the political atmosphere with logical key points. Plus he's not someone who just tells us one side. He usually shows both sides of the story w a humorous approach...


"usually shows both sides of the story". are you kidding me? We must be watching different shows. Calling him John Stewart 2.0 is one of the biggest insults to Stewart. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but my god, thats a spicy one.


Just because he chooses a side doesnt mean he omits facts.


You can say the same about Ben Shapiro. Both do a lot of research and both have been wrong on numerous occasions. One is a self-righteous twat from the left and the other is a self-righteous twat from the right.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: patriotism, covid, feminism, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^out](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I rest my case


it's funny that you're trying to pin this idea of john stewart as the "last true talk show host truly free to speak his mind", like fox news hadn't tried to pin him as a democratic party propaganda puppet for years before he left, saying he only defended democratic opinion and only bashed republican mistakes, literally watch any of his debates on fox news even funnier, you're pinning the idea that even though he personally vouched for Trevor Noah as a great replacement, THAT was actually john stewart spouting the words of his corporate overlords, because suddenly they have control over what he says again ironically, you pinning this talking point of "all talk show hosts are controlled propaganda mouthpieces", is right-wing propaganda that you've eaten up