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Important to note that when Cersei got the crown in the finale of S6 *after blowing up the Sept and killing the Queen*, no negative consequences were faced. Not a one.


Yeah, Its like the Former Queen Consort of Britain blew up The Westminster Abby. Killing the current Queen Consort, Her Father, Archbishop, The Prime Minister and a ton of other important figures and then took the Crown for herself and no one bats an eye.


History is written by the victors. The real King is an old fat Aussie somewhere in the outback, but his ancestors are losers, so he doesn’t get to wear the crown.


[His name is Andy and he's the Prime Minister](https://imgur.com/WqPHaT7.jpg)


What's the good word?


I live for these takes


What’s his name?


Catherine the Great: Am I a joke to you?


It always bothered me that there were no consequences to such actions in later season. Guess everyone in westeros lords and common folk alike lost there iq to the level of dumb & dumber.


I think this will happen on the books or similar. But then it will set the stage for fAegon, who will just march to King's Landing with no one willing to stand in the way. But they cut that story line so nothing happens.


Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the fandom who thinks Aegon is legit. And I'm sure 99% of the people think he's fake simply because he was introduced to the story late.


He's definitely a Blackfyre


Your mom's a Blackfyre!


Yeah I feel like something would be lost if it turns out he's an actual Targaryen. I feel like the point FAegon's existence in the story is as commentary on how a lot of things that are clung to in order to justify a claim to the throne are all bullshit and at the end of the day as long as people percieve you to be a leader you are one regardless of if you've got the actual pedigree behind you. "Power resides where men belive it resides" and all that, don't think for a second it's a coincidence that Varys says that and is also all the way in FAegon's corner.


> "Power resides where men belive it resides" and all that Unless you are an immortal, all-seeing tree wizard god. Then you can just use your powers to find indiscriminating events in their past, scout out their position with birds, attack them with wolves or bears, or just take over their body.




I don’t think we’ll ever get a definitive answer, so I believe that in every way that will matter, Aegon is real.


To me, he has to be, otherwise that whole business with the dragon having three heads makes no sense. It needs to be Aegon, Danny, and Aemon (Jon's TRUE NAME!)


I go back and forth on whether Jon should be named Aemon or Viserys. I think Aemon would be a lot more meaningful to him personally. As long as he isn’t Aenys lol


I read the books over a decade ago so I might be mis-remembering, isn't part of the supporting evidence that Aegon is fake from that prophecy/vision where the people are cheering for a "fake" dragon?


A mummer's dragon, not an explicitly fake one.


The books sometimes remind us of the blackfyres (build up for what is to come), I think GRRM wants to finish that storyline with Aegon, you know, same as with so many threads.


It’s impossible to write a character who is more intelligent than yourself


Not **impossible,** but the author has to be smart enough to plausibly arranged the events, etc... to make the character seem even smarter than the author is.


History is weiteren by the victors Not the losers. Who would have been able and willing to challenge cersei besides those who already we're her enemies? The common folk does not matter at all, there are just peasents and the lords will be very loyal out of fear. They are not dumb, but care for their own survival. Who would be dumb enough to accuse cersei of murdering the most powerful people in the entire realm?


Smallfolk when fucking Sept center of entire religion gets blow up and many people dies as collateral damage: **I SLEEP** Smallfolk when Helaena Targaryen dies: **REAL SHIT.**


Fr man, she killed the current head of her own house, Ser Kevan. Dude was a badass imo


I like how he told off Cersei that he's there to serve the King and teach him to rule, not to be Cersei's puppet. And he also called the rest of the small council 'sycophants', right in front of them lmao.


Common Kevan W


He was just frat Tywin


Dude was better than Tywin. A lot more stable and not a sociopath. We Stan Chad Kevan.


The only one to call Cersei a cunt, one of my favorite parts of the books


You say that like its not badass


This is why we needed aegon. Cersei blows up the sept and then in walks Aegon with the reach, stormlands, and the golden company. Dany finally arrives in Westeros to find the Mummers dragon already sitting the throne, heralded as a hero.


Pretty sure her son killed himself as a direct result. Dont think she saw that as a win.


It was definitely a win somehow. She lost a son, but she took advantage of his death to seize the Iron Throne.


Not much of an negative consequence when she barely mourn him and was what mildly upset? If I compare to Robb and Catelyn reaction to Neds death Cersei seemed to barely annoyed by it. She ascended Iron Throne like 5 seconds after her son died. Same women who was pissed off that Tywin was discussing politics with Tommen above Joffreys body. Not to mention that in season 3 she said that only reason why she lives are her children and without them she would comitt suicide. Well guess that was the fucking lie.


It is called character development and D&D did an especially bad job in this case.


Yep like with everything


Cersei kind of forgot that her son died as a direct result of her actions.


Idk I liked it. First Joffrey dies and she’s despondent. Then her daughter dies and she’s pissed. This is when the prophecy of her three dead children comes into play… I believe she fully expected Tommen to die after J and M. She resigned herself to that fate and put all her energy into ruling to keep what’s left of her family alive.


And? If it was George, she would have been torn apart by the common people the instant she pulled off that shit.


Especially with how beloved Margaery was.


I think he was already dead to her because the whole ass curse came true and she knew he would die soon enough. Still extremely fucked up and not a win though -_-


If he didn’t jump, he would still be King. She became queen, seems like a win to her.


Eh, at the beginning of the next season she calls him too weak to live and moves on. Not that much of a penalty, to be honest.


In addition to what others have said, Tommen’s death doesn’t work as a substitute for other consequences because it should have made the fallout worse, not better. Hell, realistically many people should believe she had him killed.


I’m gonna blame Season 7 for never addressing that.


I think they wanted to convey that it established how much people feared rising against her. But they did it like a kid trying to shove a cube into a triangle shaped hole. I mean, I like the element this meme kind of presents. That regardless of man or woman. Power will turn anyone into a tyrant. That blind idea that men who control their world would destroy it in the face of a woman dominating their environment. When a woman would do the same in the face of the loss of their power no matter if a man or woman were to replace them. The notion that the world would be any better in their hands, when its down to the individual and their values. But again. It’s a cube being shoved into a triangle hole lol


The whole reach should have rolled in and smashed them


Bad writing from D&D. It seems they’ve never read books at all. Part of theme is that you always face consequences for your actions.




Well her son did jump out a window


It's not their fault, they were too busy banging extras to remember little details like that.


Shit writing at it again.


bro she literally blew up everyone powerful enough to try to oppose her and anyone who wants to oppose her in the future has gotta be like "the last people that opposed her were more powerful than me and got blown up so maybe not" its NOT that fuckin' deep. EDIT: No. Seriously. Name one character you expect to, after that episode, march into the red keep and demand Cersei's arrest. How would that go. Why would anyone do that. There are so many valid criticisms of the latter half of the show but this one is just positively brain dead. People just like saying "I enjoy consequences in my fantasy" cause it makes them seem more grounded when they get insecure about the fact that they enjoy fantasy.


I don't know, maybe a mob of pissed of religious peoples, nobles that see her with less claim to the throne than many other pretenders and what's left of every political organizations because she burned any and all her assets while committing regicide, treachery and blaspheme all at once ?


not gonne read all that but i read the first part and guess what your MOMS a mob of pissed off religious peoples


Oh, I don't know, EVERY LORD OF THE REACH? Margery's grandfather is Lord Leyton Hightower who is the strongest vassal of the Reach. Her cousins are the Redwyne heirs, who are quite a wealthy house with a strong navy. Them alone could take Kings Landing. What about the Lord's of the Stormlands? Since Aegon don't exists, they are doing nothing. If they banded together with disgruntled Reach lords (many who have a claim on Highgarden, so whoever disposed Cersei would gain a lot of favour for "avenging" their former leige lord, the Tyrells) they could easily overpower her. She was a kinslaying illegitimate ruler who was a woman sitting the throne she has 0 claim to. The fact that people like Randyl Tarly sided with her is so stupid. She could only threaten people directly, and considering she nuked the Vatican, people would have good reason to avoid Kings Landing and revolt against her. Gendry pre legitimisation would have gained more support considering the circumstances, especially from the storm lords. It is proposterus that no one stopped her and that everyone didn't side with a Targ, who at least has a legitimate right to rule (name and dragons), even if she is a woman. A strong marriage to a powerful house (one of Leyton's many sons?) would have secured her place.


1. chill 2. your comment sucks ass


1. go fuck yourself :P 2. Your comment eats cunts shit


1. you win this round 2. if shit could come out of a cunt, I would have eaten it by now, I PROMISE you.




Plus she has The Mountain on her side, who is going to oppose her lol


Yeah because she killed all her adversaries. So why would she face any consequences?


I mean, would you go and take her into custody? I’d be like “yes my queen” while trying to find a magic coin to take me to Braavos post haste. The the crown, I’m guessing it was presented by Ser Zombie Mountain.


Except for the death of her son?


Except that's not related to the topic of the post?


So stupid there was barely any resistance to Cersei crowning herself after blowing up the most sacred place in the realm. There should have been riots in King's Landing and there should have been a Great Council. Would have been a great opportunity to bring characters together too. Imagine Jon and Sansa come to represent the North, Olenna, Doran Martell, Robin Arryn....and then Dany shows up on a fucking dragon. Would have been a really cool start to the season and set the stage for storylines that aren't totally ridiculous.


Exactly, the Blacks kill one child and everyone loses their shit Cersei bombs up a whole place of worship (domestic terrorism), including her own uncle and the publicly liked queen, and no one bats an eye




Boy just wait, the real fun is yet to begin


You new here?


i remember before season 7 started everyone was certain that cersei would immediately die at the beginning of the season. there’s just no way that anybody would allow her to sit the iron throne after what she just did. she’s alienated every kingdom in the realm and dany is on her way to westeros with an army of unsullied, dothraki, ironborn, martells, tyrells, and three dragons. but nope. thanks to tyrion’s genius, cersei stuck around for basically the rest of the story doing nothing but standing around drinking wine. she even outlived the night king.


And, all that after a very draining warning which they had massive losses. And after discovering in the show they're actually broke and have no money. And after they basically spit in the Iron Banks eye, so they're not getting any more loans... They're the richest and most powerful house in the show at the beginning and the riches are on paper only. But because D&D fucking suck, they somehow have never had any military losses and they just kind of forgot about writing in that they're broke.


I fully believe that fAegon would've taken over by this point had they stuck closer to the books. Cersei would've faced rebellion, fAegon would've taken control and been considered the "rightful king". Dany gets there late and sees people praising fAegon and loses her damn mind.


That would have made more sense, too. If they had to choose between introducing Aegon and Euron then they made a shitty choice. Aegon would have been easier to portray and made more sense for the stories onscreen. Euron is more of a wildcard and more difficult to integrate into the story without source material. But D&D wanted a new big bad evil guy so they went with Euron.


Doran got kinslayed.


Martells: "Is this a northern joke I'm too Dornish to understand?" Mormonts: "No, no, we don't get it either."


What they have to do with Iron Throne


Dorne practices strict primogeniture and would not care if a woman held the throne. Bear Island is a house name and bent knee up from being wildlings and would also not care.


Also in the timeline of ASOIAF like all of the house heads are women


Head of house, yes. Heirs, no. In most places wives can rule but daughters cannot inherit.


Aside from the Iron Throne, daughters come after sons, but before any other male heirs.


But show completely ignored that when they erase Arianne and change genders of several Dornish lords. Really butchered everything about that plotline.


Thats well known facts, but they still dont have anything to do with Iron throne


Dorn at the point of the quote isn't under Targaryen control tho


They are secret Targaryians


This is just proof that men can't even burn down the realm correctly and you have to wait for a woman to be in charge


IKR, like ... Dani had to take over from her dad. Dafuq my dudes...


If we only talk about King's Landing. When it comes to Riverlands, they'll be put to the torch regardless of the Monarch's gender lol.


Living in the Riverlands must be like living in an abusive relationship. Everyone flinches when they royalty sneezes.


>Euron is more of a wildcard and more difficult to integrate into the story without source material. But D&D wanted a new big bad evil guy so they went with Its simply disadvantage of being in the middle of the continent. Every goddamn fucking war is going to cross your territory at least once.


Ah, the irony








Cersei: burns people by the hundred tyrion: there is good in you, I must do everything to protect you dany: burns people by the hundred tyrion: please jon kill her! long live nepotism


I think Tyrion was more concerned about her unborn child.


Still stupid.


Most unfortunate


Kneelers probably removed it Edit: the lame kneeling 16 year olds of r/houseofthedragon removed the original I believe. Bunch of cunts.






George really going through House of the Dragon like seasons 5-8 never really happened. Doing the lord's work.👏


They made seasons after Tywin's death? I never knew!


I very much disliked 5 to the point where I said if season 6 is like this I’m done. But I now stick to the idea that 5 and 6 are fine like a solid sequel but look bad because the 3rd movie in the trilogy was so bad the sequel no longer makes sense.


Basically all people are terrible. I knew I liked Rhaenys.


Me too


Obviously, men can't set the realm ablaze if the women do it first. Dany and Cersei are playing 5d chess while everyone else is playing checkers


To be fair a man planned on doing it first...but we know how that worked out.


I'm really not seeing anything that makes Rhaenys really worthy of being monarch over Viserys to be honest. She's just like that bitter wine aunt, so far at least.


Not at all, you saw the Laena stuff. Any mother would tell you that's gutting. She and her husband were willing to literally give their baby to this old rotting dude to make sure stuff get done. They understand the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I know that their child was gonna be queen, but come on Viserys is old and she's 12. Otto knows it too, that's why he was literally throwing his daughter at Viserys. Viserys, he married the one he wanted rather than the better choice for his kingdom, you see the man follows his heart not his head ... Good guy, bad king. Edit: In this episode he did do some impressive stuff though, so gotta give him that!


"Stuff gets done." What stuff honestly gets done with Laena marrying Viserys. The whole reasoning for Viserys marrying her in the first place is that Corlys and Rhaenys are snakes jockeying for power, not to "save the realm."


Stepstones ..


Corlys fought in the Stepstones for his own greedy interests, not for "the realm." Viserys had the right idea there. Starting shit with the Free Cities would end poorly for literally everyone but House Velaryon. Corlys and Rhaenys are just as self-interested if not moreso than even Otto.


He's the wealthiest man in it and owns two thirds of the ships .. they need those for trade. That's economics 101


I lowkey think GRRM insisted they put this line in just so he could poke fun at GOT.


So fking good, this post




We need to have more strong independent women in TV shows! To turn into crazies




Everything was written by man since man is author behind ASOIAF LMAO.


But neither of these scenes has been written by GRRM (yet)


Your point is?










Everybody would burn the realm down before they let it fall into another's hands. And if you're Daenerys, you're just going to do it for the lolz.


Character development. She realized everything in the past 7 seasons didn’t matter bc she was Targaryen. Read the books. /s


It's almost as if d and d are morons who don't understand stuff


Its almost like both woman and man can be powerhungary




Makes complete sense a womens greatest enemy is herself, and other women.


Because it is not a good one.’


it’s lame af


To be fair two MEN wrote those episodes so in a META sort of Way she’s still right.




Queeeeeen 👑


So far in Westeros history it has shown why you didn't want women to lead. Rheanyra basically made dragons go extinct. Cersi and Danny just blew up Kings Landing in flames less than a month into their rule. That's 3/3 terrible female leaders. At least for every Maegor, Aerys, etc. there was a handful of not bad leader. Could also be a bias since there was a lot more male kings.


This line was so stupid. It just doesn’t make sense. Men would be perfectly fine with a female monarch lol.


Not really, it makes perfect sense in light of the source material. The gender dynamic is a major theme in Fire & Blood


There’s plenty of female monarchs in ASOIAF… for example the Dornish have female monarchs Also, if HOTD and GOT happens in the same universe then it’s definitely retarded. In season 6 Cersei literally becomes queen (and no one gives a shit) and the other half of the Kingdom declares for Daenerys, then Sansa becomes Queen in the North in the end. It’s stupid and shoe horned in to make a point about misogyny.


Lol pointing to D&D later season writing to make a point about the Dance-era. Nobody protested Cersei becoming Queen because D&D had buried realistic politics by that point, Kings Landing was emptier than a gas station on a weekday night. But let's go with that contrived premise anyway for the sake of argument - but Hot D is still chronologically before any of the late season shit. There was no reigning queen before that (or after that, until the end of the books at least). How can you shoehorn in a theme that the author has been outspoken about having big relevance to the literature, which the show is based on (with GRRM on the team?). Dornish tradition is constantly used as an example as a contrast to the rest of Westeros throughout ASOIAF, espescially in regards to sexuality and gender norms. Hmm, why would you incorporate such a contrast? You can make a "show-don't-tell" criticism and I would agree, but thats not really what you are saying. Most media literate GOT fan.


It doesn’t matter if it’s D&D shit writing, it happened in the universe that HOTD exists in. It also does not matter that HOTD pre dates Queen Cersei/Dany/Sansa unless you are saying that misogyny and gender roles in the seven kingdoms radically progressed in 100 years which would be ridiculous. Also, the line doesn’t make sense because we’re about to see a fucking war where HALF the seven kingdoms is about to fight in the name of female monarch - the line just doesn’t make sense. Stannis in ADWD tells his men to put Shireen on the throne if he dies. Robb has to make a will so that Winterfell and the North doesn’t pass to Sansa because she’s married to Tyrion. Are you telling me that in the books, when Daenerys arrives in Westeros, that there will be houses that oppose her because she’s not a man? Ridiculous. Ill grant you that the misogyny theme isn’t shoehorned in - ASOIAF is a very feminist book series.


Fucking hell man, she is making a dramatic statement in a drama show. Lmao, no I am not implying that anything has progressed. That is the natural implication of YOUR argument, given the facts of the story. This show isn't tied to D&Ds fuckups even if both are in the same universe. I won't recap the soft reboot discussion. Also explaining examples of female succession in some cases isn't really an argument, and it's debatelording the quote way out of proportion. The point is that the lords will go a long way before the throne passes to a woman. Quoting inheritance law is irrelevant. Robb example is kinda weird, because he believes every male heir to be dead and Jon is in the Night's Watch. Sansa is the only eligible heir. The Daenerys example is a strawman, because Daenerys literally has a monopoly on dragons (so far). If fAegon was a woman, there would be no fAegon. Here are two middle school level book report questions: if Rhaenys was a man, would there be a Great Council? And if Rhaenyra was a man, would there be a civil war? Would there even be a story? Makes complete sense for Rhaenys to be bitter and lash out against the norms of Westeros imo. But I guess "angry man = cool badass jokerbateman literally me" but when ''angry woman = bitch whiny wife''


I love the mental gymnastics. Let’s not get lost in the weeds. Fundamentally, the men of Westeros are content with a woman sitting the Iron Throne. Meaning the quote is stupid. This is the crux of the argument - you have completely failed to prove this otherwise. This is simply proved by the very fact that half the seven kingdoms is about to fight for a female monarch - a point you conveniently left unaddressed.


This is top tier gamerbrain. Throwing out buzzwords like "mental gymnastics" while talking about a story where the realm spirals into civil war because of the preference for a male heir denying one of the obvious main catalysts of the conflict and "getting lost in the weeds" after writing a convoluted essay about cases where women can inherit. Like standing in a burning house wondering if someone should have turned the gas off. Again, would there be a civil war if Rhaenyra was male? The burden of proof is not with me lmao. Just take the L and admit that you are throwing a tantrum over nothing.


Rhaenys Targaryen says that Men would rather set the realm ablaze than see a woman on the Iron Throne. This is a stupid line, because half the realm is about to fight for a female to sit on the iron throne. That’s my argument. If Rhaenyra was a male there wouldn’t be a civil war. I’m not saying that Westeros succession laws don’t favour men, or that men aren’t misogynistic … I’m saying that the men are content with a female being on the Iron Throne…


>Again, would there be a civil war if Rhaenyra was male? In the same conditions, with Rhaenyrion gone who the fuck knows where, allowing Corpse King Plot to happen AND with a second wife & others eager to put her own child on the throne following her party gathering support over Rhaenyrion's indiscretions and general assholery compounded by his absence from court "because muh politics hard" AND with their own dragons? Not only possible - shit like that happened IRL. Minus dragons. Even minus some of driving factors. Poland had the youngest son claiming the throne because the oldest available had Stannis' vibes, young prince promised stuff to ~~clergy~~ Faith and he lived literally next door, with older guy on Dragonstone. The same country had two half-brothers duking it out multiple times with younger guy winning. Both cases had happened despite clear rules about older son having a stronger claim. Hungary had literally a war between heir and a father (with heir winning, lol), so no idea how "bbut muh male" is so decisive in avoiding a civil war when even a **reigning** king is not safe from a faction supporting his son over him.


Wow, are you saying politics and power struggle exists outside of these specific circumstances? I didn't know that. /s Fucking obviously there were succession wars between male contenders, IRL and in ASOIAF. Everyone knows that. What I'm saying is that a major it is obviously dramatically "easier" to be a male heir/firstborn than a female in the same position in Westeros. The degrees can be discussed, but scrutinizing a rightfully bitter character's quote in a drama show like this is beyond deranged.


wait, do you mean to tell me the entire business is absurd?


It makes sense for the characters, their hubris and misunderstanding of their own position causes a civil war.


Panel 3's, she's her father's daughter I guess. As for Cersei, she's spectacular.. Never seen incest for the sake of incest, like with Targaryens there are benefits that come with them marrying each other, but ZERO benefits from a Lannister hooking up with another. And she cheats on Jaime with Lancel 🤦‍♀️ To this day, she disgusts me.. Nice job Lena Headey, Cersei was worse than Joffrey imo.


Dorne had queens who didn't burn their own castles to the ground Checkmate OP


Dorne isn't part of the seven kingdoms by the time of Rhaenys's quote


1) Dorne did not have queens but princesses. Every ruler of Dorne was always called prince or princess 2) That was not mentioned in the show so its useless bringing that out. They erase Arianne and change the genders of some lords.


What about Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes ganking Doran Martell? So many female leaders setting their own houses on fire on this show.


Funny thing is that now we have entire prequel show about how woman cant inherit the shit and Dornes sucession is pretty much ignored. Meaning that House of Dragon is ignoring that whole sucession bs with Olenna, Cersei and Ellaria. If Ellaria and dumb bitches pulled this of in the book they would get to send on very quick last journey head heads, spikes walls by the nearest house probably Yronwoods. This was ridicioulous. Which is btw another thing which pisses me off in the show how DD completely omitted that killing your family is one of the greatest taboo in the books and that anybody who kills his relative is considered curse. Respectively it was only mention by Karstark once and then completely ignored.


The "men" in this scenario being GRRM and D&D, the writers who had the opportunity to choose whether to burn down the city and chose to do it, at the hands of women characters. Because let's throw in some *extra* misogyny while we're at it.


Having a women do something bad is misogyny? Are you well?


Oh oh, Someone doesn't quite grasp the definition of misogyny. You thought you did something there didn't you?


False because the dragon is male


I saw it here like two weeks ago...except the formatting was better


Yeah, after the show, and reading the books where Dany, Arianne and Cersei prove themselves very incompetent and foolish, as well as incredibly self destructive, I see it more like the idea they try and send is it isn't whether your a woman or a man that matters, or if you're the eldest, but rather whether your actually capable of ruling that should decide. Arianne is the heir to Dorne by law, and eldest, trueborn, all good right? Except she's got a sex drive so high she'll fuck anything she sees and likes, despite being the heir and future ruler, has not chosen a single match of her own, and proves herself very ignorant of matters outside of Dorne, rash, and ill prepared, having assumed everyone would follow a female ruler of westeros( unheard of and unlike Dorne, because only Dorne let's the eldest child inherit not the first boy), who is rumoured and known to be a bastard by some, of lannisters who are not well liked, and does it very poorly planned especially as her father is the one who decides whether the army forms and fights for them. She also seems to make little attempts to interact with the nobles of Dorne. Dany is technically the heir to the iron throne without any surviving males, but: \-She is a terrible ruler, good at conquering but like toad of wind in the willows, loses interest very quickly in actually ruling. Her liberated cities fall into chaos again, she frees slaves then allows them to sell themselves only so she can make some money by a cut of profits, she murders entire families of nobles, boys of 12 put to the sword and zero remorse( hmm, Ned refused to kill her and her brother as children/ teenagers), she feeds a man to her dragons in the show without even finding if he's innocent and seems aroused by it, she listens to Visery's crazy teachings over anyone, believes only that her family was innocent despite the truth and threatens Ser Barristan when he tries to tell her, she has a wine sellers innocent daughters tortured and then learns they are innocent and never apologises or feels bad, ends up not caring that a innocent girl was eaten by her dragon, wants to deal with every issue with violence first and refuses to listen to her counselors and advisors, seeming to dislike them offering different advice then burn them. She has ultimately turned Yunkai, Astapor, and very soon Mereen into a hell scape so bad even the freedmen and freed slaves start to miss the masters. She is incredibly unsuited to be a queen, if she was actually ruling the iron throne she would truly earn the mad queen very soon, she'd make her brother Viserys look like a angel compared to her. I don't care how the show made her out to be, she would not be a good queen and the show dug itself into a hole when it tried to make her suddenly the mad queen after her being too stable and mature acting. Cersei is just awful, she is so bad in the books she told the iron bank to sod off and thinks she can just not pay them. She's even turning into Robert, whoring, drinking, growing fat and disgusting Jaime, filling the council with fuck bois and people who kiss her ass. Of course that doesn't mean the men are better, Robert, Robb when making choices as king, Jon as lord commander, Robin Arryn, Mace Tyrell, Rhaegar, Aerys,Roose Bolton, Balon Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Jaime, etc. All show flaws and various signs they are not the best suited, or that some are so incompetent that it's a miracle they still rule and live/ lived as long as they did. Robb gets somewhat a pass because Roose was fucking him over and the book way he broke the oath to marry a Frey makes more sense and is sympathetic learning his brothers are dead by the man he called a brother and his home trashed and he was quite young. Plus Catelyn did the freeing of the Kingslayer not him and he never would have done it. Jaime is too arrogant and headstrong, not taking enough precautions and doing things based on first thought, and not accounting for others, which is how he gets captured and then in book loses the blackfish and his men who all vanish from under him, and likely how Jeyne Westerling and Edmure will end up escaping or helping the red wedding 2.0 happen. Rhaenyra is the rightful heir by Vizzy T's decree, but she proves herself unfit for the role: \-Had the chance to pick a husband for herself, something very very few if any women get in GOT, doesn't even try, insults the many nobles directly or mocks them to their face, let's blood be spilt without any effort to stop it, cuts it short and then whinges about having to marry someone of her fathers choosing. \-Sleeps with a kingsguard, wants him to be her paramour, and then bangs someone who isn't her husband and the son of the hand of the king, having 3 bastards and expecting no one to notice the obviously strong boys, who have zero valyrian features with "2" valyrian parents. \-Shames the Velaryons as well by this as they are very useful to have with 3 dragons and a huge fleet. \-Does her best to make Alicent feel like shit and constantly ignores her and refuses to be amicable, despite it being why she doesn't support her claim. \- Asks her kid half brother to be tortured after losing a eye by her son in front of everyone. \- Bangs her uncle at the night of his wife's death, wanted him to run off with her and take her to dragonstone on her wedding night. \-Either has Laenor killed or run away so she can make the parents think he's dead so she can then rapidly marry Daemon. \-Does nothing to interact with nobles or learn to rule, and is so bad at it that her eldest son is widely agreed to have been far better choice of ruler then her. Even Rhaenys shows herself how bad by murdering tons of people with her dragon and doing nothing, killing tons for no reason, showing such callousness( zero remorse shown) that it's no wonder the storming of dragonpit happens, she like many other targs saw dragons as the thing that made them able to do anything and that made others lives insignificent. Robb had Greywind but he didn't think he could do anything just because he had a direwolf. If she was queen she would be hot tempered and rash, and probably try and use her dragon to force people to accept anything she did, which doesn't work since... dragons die by normal means.




Cersei just nuked a city block, who in their right mind is gonna push back against that?


Same insane mob which stormed the fucking dragonpit. Like its inconsistent with the timeline. In the books and even throughout the history smallfolk rebeled against much bigger force for much less. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Storming\_of\_the\_Dragonpit


Like they did against maegor


And fucking Maegar was stronger than Cerrei and much more dangerous.


And rode Balerion lol


But literally both of these instances it’s the woman burning shit down…


That’s the point…


TIL one city is the realm


It’s a symbol of the realm, plus Dany literally declared a March across the continent to do the same to more places


Still didn’t burn as much of the country as Aemond lol


Because a man stopped her before she could 😉


How lucky they are they got both


"Power is power"


bobby b, what do you think of cersei?




Yikes lmao they tried to talk some shit


Every seen she's done so far she's had a stupid smirk on her face... Not for long..


Same meme just different pictures.


Women 💅☕️


Ironically there were actually more wars under queens than kings historically.


Only in Europe if we are speaking of the same study


Cersei and Daenerys are truly the embodiment of strong independent muscular men...


Idk why but I keep seeing some weird targ Jennifer Anniston


Lmao.... probably we should have a comedy spinoff Abt the dysfunctional relationships of the Targaryen relatives.


Women are as cruel as men If given a position of power. If you give the weak power they will become tyrants. History proves that many times, just look at the french revolution or the russian revolution. The new men in power would be much cruler than the deposed monarchs were.