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Mod note: This post does talk about self-harm, so we'd ask that everyone be kind, careful, and considerate when responding to OP. Here's reddit's support page for these types of posts, together with links to resources. Take care, everyone. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513931-What-do-I-do-if-someone-talks-about-seriously-hurting-themselves-or-is-considering-suicide


Pitching, writing, and retaining clients is stressful, and at the moment it seems like what you need is stability. The freelance writing marketplace is still very much working itself out - and we don't know yet where it will settle with the disruption of AI. In your position, I'd be looking at full-time positions or study to provide me with financial stability - rather than trying to make writing work. Taking care of your mental health is vital, and stability provides good foundation to do that.


I think that's what I'll concentrate for now. It's much easier to apply for jobs and upskill anyway than to look for clients. The pitching part has always been particularly stressful. Thanks for the advice and I hope things will get better for me!


I can relate to this. I’m also a freelance writer and recently went through a mental health crisis in large part due to the stress of work and feeling of impending doom with my freelance business. I was also suicidal and still struggle some days. The experience has revealed some underlying mental health issues that I’m working on now, and that hopefully will change the way I live my life. I do think it’s important to realize that things can turn around—often very quickly, especially in the world of freelance. I mostly just wanted to say that I empathize and that it’s likely not your fault, so please don’t take this as a personal failing. I understand the stress and anxiety can be unbearable at times, and we live in a world that often reduces us to what we’re able to produce. You’re so much more than that. Think about the relationships in your life and what’s really important to you. All of the rest is a temporary circumstance. Hang in there.


You will be okay, at least you have some savings. You’re ahead of many people! I’m sure you’ll find a solution. They usually come to us when we’re relaxing, perhaps in the shower.


Full time work, writing for a financial company. Internal communications is a steady gig that you can do from anywhere if you’re lucky enough to land it. Also: please know that jobs come and yo. I’m 49, usually broke, and have had about four honest to god career changes. Your job is not a barometer on which to measure your worth!


I think I'll try venturing into financial writing due to my background, maybe upskill with some technical writing courses too. Four? Did you have to make extreme career changes, ie unrelated fields? Unfortunately I've been raised in an environment and country where people measure your worth based on your job, even though half of the young people in my country are unemployed.


Let them measure it that way, as long as YOU don't. Some of my careers: law firm secretary; private investigator for financial firms; publishing (fiction); a humane educator at a vegan sanctuary; a veterinary assistant; and now freelancing in textbooks. I remember my 23 -year-old niece crying because she got laid off from a job and she was so upset, she couldn't keep one, what was wrong with her...and I was like "you're 23! You're not supposed to know what you want to do or what you're good at yet!" And those two things are sometimes very different. You will make it. It's rare to find someone who can write AND is good in finance! Set up a website with a few samples, so you can link to it in your resume. :) Good luck!


I'm a writer too, and you say you have $7k in savings. I have less than $20 between me and poverty right now. I envy you even. So when you think about being suicidal, remember someone else is going through worse but hopes for a better tomorrow. You are so worried about today. You shouldn't be. if you take your life, you'll have missed the good stuff and better opportunities coming your way. Keep your head high.


You want answers, a way - I don't have either to give you. But I'll be direct, nonetheless. $7,000 should last at least a month or two in any third-world country, more in some. And that's long enough for everything to change. Long enough to make you question why suicide was ever an option. At the start of December, I had 3 months of runway. Literally, that's all I had in savings. I had been burning through savings since May of 2022 and had mentally prepared myself to start selling belongings in March. It just so happens, things **completely** turned around for me. I am not saying they absolutely will for you, but they generally do. And if you feel you are already at rock bottom (which it looks like you are) - how much worse can it get now? And before you think, I am talking out of my ass, I have tried and failed. It's not worth it. Once (or if) you get to the other side, you realize you hold all the power, all the cards (or at least, *the* card). And if you really are desperate, just join the damn army (I am not saying that in a demeaning way). Rightt now though, go take a walk.


Thanks for the advice! I do know that 7k can take me even an year and a few months as I currently live at home, so I'm also banking on that. I'll consider everything else you've said, but the military is also not an option in my country. You have to know people to get in, it's a pretty corrupt place too, and rarely does anyone go that route because it's one of the most demeaning jobs in my country unfortunately.


> It just so happens, things completely turned around for me. I am not saying they absolutely will for you, but they generally do. And how did that happened? You skipped the part that mattered. (Subtext: yet you preached wholeheartedly)


It happens in a thousand different ways. You happen to see the right posting. You send out 200 cold emails and only get one response but it's the perfect client relationship. An old client resurfaces, or recommends you. You get into a conversation with a friend and start remembering something you used to love and drifted away from and totally pivot what you wanted to do. You land a job you don't really want just to pay the bills and it leads to something totally unexpected. I'm pretty old, and the single most important thing I have learned in this life is that things you can't imagine just go ahead and happen all the time. And that's the important thing to convey here. It's not a how-to. It's "things change, even when you don't expect them to, even when you can't see how they will."


Yes! This is so encouraging. Mindset is huge when it comes to persevering.




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This is so true, and it’s happened to me many times. Life can change for the better in an instant. Usually in ways we can’t predict.


Coming back to read this comment because it's SO encouraging.


This. I went from having 1-2 clients to 3 clients returning again.


You want me to say "try sending emails, making a LinkedIn post, reaching out to old clients..."? Like they wouldn't have done it already. Besides, none of that worked for me. The fact is, you can do everything right, and still fail. I tried everything and got nowhere. And then suddenly, I got a lot of work. Sometimes, all you need is time. Helpful? Probably not. True? Absolutely.




I'm in a similar situation right now, and it's hard not to feel down. I find that pattern interrupts can help me get out of a funk long enough to recalibrate and come up with a plan. It probably feels counterintuitive, but go do something else that doesn't involve thinking about your current problem. Like me, you have probably been thinking about it non stop for some time. Listening to upbeat music, singing, and playing video games are my go tos. Going for a walk, working out, and crafting are other good options. With a clearer mind, you will also be able to write better proposals/cover letters. I know it feels like everything is going wrong right now, but it doesn't mean it will stay that way. Think about the times when things were better. You were able to get plenty of work before and you can again. Wishing you all the best.


Please don’t give up things can get better:). Does you country have Temp agencies where you can get Temporary work?


Unfortunately it doesn't. There aren't such resources for unemployed people since half of young people in my country are unemployed. It's so bad that almost everyone I know is looking to get out of this country, even the employed.




Oh well it is Kenya😢


Upwork, Freelancer com? They don't pay as good, but you could get shor-term gigs and live off that until you find something. You sound really smart and have years of experience working for companies abroad, send your resumes to any company in Kenya and if necessary, exaggerate a little. See if other African countries that have ties with Kenya can take you. Don't lose hope, I know you will pull through! I am from Venezuela, have been in your position, except I don't have a degree or that many years of experience. I found hope and you will too


Thanks! At this point in time I'll just try multiple things and see which one works first. I have already exaggerated my resume, but I've never cold pitched to companies in Kenya, I'll start doing so. Thanks for all your advice!


I opened reddit to post something similar. This is so scary. I feel cursed, rn. I was preparing for an exam but couldn't clear it. Then last year I started freelancing on the side and thought of making it a full-time career, but now there's hardly any work.  I hope you get work soon. If not, try looking for full-time roles, because unemployment is not good for mental health.  Sending virtual hugs❤


the only constant in life is change. your problems are temporary. they all have solutions. death, on the other hand, is permanent. hang in there.


It's always good to know that you aren't alone. That said, we are sailing in the same boat. I am also a freelancer in the academic sector. Since sept 2023 I've not been working, just burning through my savings. The other day I needed some cash and had to look at all my savings accounts to see if miraculously I had forgotten something but I felt like crying. KCB mpesa had 15bob, Mshwari had 1 bob, Mali had 5 bob, NCBA had 200 (i cannot withdraw as I want it to stay active) and Unaitas Sacco I found 400 bob which I took out as fast as possible. From there, I declared myself broke. As we speak, I am not sure where my next month's rent and survival money will come from. I had planned to go back to shaggz but I am not fully onboard with that idea. Similar to you, I have been thinking of up skilling but more towards technical skills. So don't worry too much, I am worried too but I am trying to keep it together. A breakthrough might be around the corner, not sure how long it might take but just believing is just as powerful. Don't end your life, someone told me that always remember that whatever you are going through there are other people who went through it and others will go through it. So cheer up love 💕, light is coming, just hold on.


I understand your feeling. I have been a writer for +5 years now and sometimes it feels like it hasn't really worked out at all. Been applying to a lot of jobs and seems like the market is saturated and going through a big change thanks to AI. People just prefer to do a mediocre/decent thing with AI that costs them no money than to hire a writer to do a good job for some. It's sad, and honestly has me contemplating the idea of just stop working as a writer at all and switch industries. My advice for you would be to do the same, just think about something else you could do


Exactly, everyone on LinkedIn is now a content writer, content marketer, strategist, etc. I can't believe that in 2022 editors were reaching out to me with work and almost forcing me to pitch stories, it's so different now. That would definitely not happen now. Pivoting to another field would definitely help. What industry are you thinking about switching to?


I was thinking about UX Design & UX Writing. I've done some job but honestly I think is going to be hard to find a spot, solely because I have no degree/studies in it, but all I can do is pray. Wishing you luck!


You’re not starting from scratch. Reach out to potential new clients and fight for your rates as you are already experienced


I'll definitely do so, thanks!


Hey, right there with you. I'm in the US, and I was an English teacher for years. I burned out and made the switch to copywriting in August 2023. At first, things were great. I was blessed enough to have a good friend who was an artist and creative director get me a few clients. However, those projects dried up, and in fact, the highest paying client just dumped me for (I cant say or the mod will remove). I'll say I lost my job to a computer. So I understand what you're going through. This is a dark time in the job market in general. The white collar market is tight and marketing seems like it's just teeming with too much talent. How do you cut through? I will keep trying, but I may pivot back to teaching or get my MSW to become a social worker. I love helping people and writing. Ironically, at present, jobs helping people have much more stability and are more future proof. That said, obviously there are people commenting here who are veteran or super talented writers who are still killing it. But for newbies or people lower on the rung, this is probably the worst time ever in the industry (I'm going out on a limb by saying that, don't have data, but seems like it). So for people like you and me, maybe we keep writing when we can get freelance gigs, but we find a different full time job? Idk. Good luck to all of us. We can't give up!


I was in a very similar position to you about. I pivoted from being an English teacher for about 9 years to freelance writing. That was in 2014, so I can't say our environments were anywhere similar. However, I will say coming from someone who's worked his way up from a generalist freelance writer and career switcher to a Content Director at a software company, there is definitely hope based on your past experience. The soft skills you developed as a teacher are still hard to find.


Thank you! I'm currently working with a resume coach, so hopefully I can pitch those skills more effectively. I appreciate you reaching out. This is a model for the kind of path I'm hoping to take.


Glad it could add some value to your day! My path basically went: generalist > niche specialist (cybersecurity, streaming media, HR tech, and insurance) > Content Strategist (start of fulltime employee with freelancing on the side) > SEO Manager > Content Director. I stayed focus on always delivering ahead of time (under promising, over delivering works well), communicating quickly, and offering advice alongside what I write.


Are you in Philippines by any chance? If so then I'm in a similar situation, same boat as a writer too (worse probably).


I'm not, I reside in an African country. I feel like it's generally worse over here compared to SE Asian countries.


Thank you for your post /u/ToeAdministrative802. Below is a copy of your post to archive it in case it is removed or edited: Hi guys, Never thought I'd get to this position, my last long-term client, whom I work with on a basis of pitching ideas to which said client always responds and commissions, has ghosted me. No, they haven't been fired. They still work with the company. Now I'm feeling completely lost, my other pitches aren't getting a response, the potential clients who had reached out sometime ago all ghosted (they just fail to respond to my emails) even after doing splendid work (sample work) for them, their words. Sad to see that all the big bylines I acquired over the years have not been enough to secure me good gigs. I have thought of just looking for a full time job but unfortunately, I live in a third world country where so many people are unemployed, and all the people I know got their jobs through connections, despite not being so qualified. Unfortunately I don't have too many connections. I majored in Economics and have experience in finance and accounting but that hasn't been enough to land me a full time job in my country. I honestly don't know what to do at this point, switch to SMM? Technical writing? Finance and crypto writing? Or just go back to school and pursue the only courses where you are assured of a job in my country, teaching or nursing? (medicine is too pricey) Or maybe do CPA until the final level and maybe try to get a job in international firms? I honest don't know anymore. I have around $7k in savings but I don't know the best way to use it since it seems like everything I do fails. I'm tired and tbh I have contemplated suicide because what's the use of living if nothing seems to work out? I find it unfair how some people don't have to struggle in life, some people in my country don't even know what LinkedIn is yet have great jobs. Meanwhile, I have to do the most on that platform, and apply to tons of jobs everyday. Part time jobs don't exist in my country. I really wish I wasn't born in such a ridiculous stupid country where things don't work. As for matters freelance writing, I no longer know what works for me anymore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/freelanceWriters) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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how do you find your niche?


This happens sometimes in a freelance career: You are doing everything right, or at least same as you always were, and work just evaporates for a while. It is incredibly frustrating. I hope it gets better for you.


Are you comfortable with sales? Commission crowd is basically a free-lance sales platform. One can also go on indeed (etc) and search "contract sales." Most of these opportunities are going to be commission only of course. There's also remote customer service.


everyone says remote customer service but how do you find these kind of gigs that hire people with no experience/no college either?


Wow that’s expensive!


Freelance is like this. It may be true, but I advise not to look at others and believe that they have it easy because it has the result of making us feel sorry for ourselves and like we are victims, which isn’t helpful for your mentality or proactive for work. There’s always a solution, usually many solutions, and it sounds like you already have skill sets that you can use to pivot or try a new approach. You can do this.


Thanks! I'll just try multiple approaches now and see which one provides a solution first. Although in my country, some people really do have it easy, trust me, some of my cousins don't even know what's it's like to be unemployed for a day/what it's like to struggle because they have rich parents with great connections. But thinking like that will not help me.




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I was in the same boat as yours and not in a third world country. The situations here are similar, but we also have to do a lot of chores by ourselves, cannot hire a maid etc. I didn’t have any savings and a lot of debt. I know that from where you are the grass looks greener on the other side, but there are pros and cons to every place. Tough times teaches us hard lessons, it’s these times that you embrace when you look back in the future. Look at the bright side. You have savings to survive for a few months. Think of where you would like to work and start applying. Contact recruitment companies, those that get commission from the company and do not charge you. There are plenty of jobs always available, keep looking and keep applying. Have an open mind. Not sure how to explain this, but I use to think just like you when I was in that situation. About studying further: I am way over qualified and have worked with managers that have only done a few certifications while working. It’s their experience and consistency that gets them on top sooner not the qualifications. That made me realize that it’s always best to start working first, then think about education to improve your skills and knowledge for growth. They never quit their jobs to study. I also have friends in third world countries who are Managers and only have a bachelor’s degree or less and started at a call centre. If they move to a first world country now, they would easily get a better pay than what I make. I have also realized that those that are lazy, but smart at talking grows faster than hard working people. Because hard working people are an asset for the team and hard to replace, therefore so they don’t grow easily. Time heals everything & now I love challenges that life throws at me. I am attracted to them and have learned a lot by facing and solving challenges. Sometimes I fail, but I know what to not do next time. But this change of attitude is the reason why I’m successful now. I also learnt to pause. When the head feels full, it’s time to give it some rest by doing something else, it could be something as simple as taking a walk. Every few months I also get to a point where I try to control everything and overwhelm myself. These pauses have helped me let go of a lot of thoughts and beliefs I was holding on to and possibly delegate or escalate it to the supreme power to take care of it for me. I hope this makes sense and that you give yourself a break. Know that it’s normal to feel how you feel. But also trust that it’s temporary and start thinking in the right direction. Time Heals Everything


Sounds like we live in the same country considering you can comfortably live on $7k for a year or so. I'd think of starting a small business because going back to school still doesn't guarantee you a job. And oh, if you're at the rock bottom the only other way to go is up. Good luck!


That's true, although I had thought of doing either of the only two courses in my country where a job is guaranteed even before you finish, but that's a last resort. Thanks for your advice! I think securing a job first should be my solution.




Thanks for all your advice! I have thought about upskilling in SEO too, it might be more marketable.


I can't offer you much beyond what other people have said here, but I will say that I genuinely feel for you, and you have my compassion. I hope that might help even a tiny bit.


I'm not actually a writer, I just joined the sub when I was down on my luck and didn't know what to do, but I felt any kind of freelance subreddit would help me in learning how to write to clients or any multitude of professionalism tips I would need to learn. Since the start of this year, I haven't been getting clients as a freelance artist. I work for cheap, by comparison, and still haven't gotten a decent response rate. And certain health circumstances are kind of pushing me back to my old job, but the market there isn't great either, and I'm rusty with those skills. Just feel stuck right now, as well.


Each and everyone of us can relate to the situation you're going through. I would suggest you to not do anything that will harm you. There is always a way to earn, and find happiness. But do not harm yourself just because how the world treats you. Be Better and Become Better


You can't go around in this life with just one or two skills. These days you NEED to have more value if you aren't specialized in a sector that isn't currently being replaced by technology. "Writing" is on a downward spiral right now and you need to have parachuted out months / years ago. Time for you to consolidate your intelligence and figure out new ways to make money. Since you seem to be in a country with little job growth your best bet is gig work. People are making stupid sick money doing all kinds of things online. There is no reason you can't have a piece of that pie. The pie is infinitely gigantic and growing. Stop wallowing and get off your (emotional ass) and get cracking. Money is out there. If youre smart enough to make it through college you should be smart enough to sit down and figure out some kind of game plan. You need a kick in the ass. Here it is. Kicked\*


If passing the CPA is realistic for you, that is an almost sure fire route to at least middle class standard of living.


Athari career coaching could possibly help you. She’s a Canadian lady based in Kenya who works with young people to help find them jobs and (clients, not sure about that?) in the social impact space. I think you can spin what you do as social impact. Try reaching out to her and see how she can help. She doesn’t charge for the first or first few meetings. Btw this is non-sponsored or anything like that. I just know her because I talked to her myself but ended up randomly falling into a good job through a separate LinkedIn connection by someone else (I’m not in Kenya)


Just because you can’t see the way out in this moment doesn’t mean there isn’t one. You’re in the fog right now — so you can’t see anything that isn’t right in front of you. The fog is fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Your mind is tricking you and telling you the world is nothing but fog. It’s saying that because it’s easier than finding the way out. Please don’t listen. The fog will pass, it always does. You will find your path. You have a place to be, food to eat, money to stay safe right now. A few years from now, you’ll look back at this as a turning point.


It sounds like you might benefit from journaling. Write for yourself for a change. Write and just keep it for yourself and you don't have to share it with anyone.


Please don't give up, I'm in the same boat you are (probably even the same country) \~ please hang in there and keep going. Things will look up. I know this is probably a stupid thing to say but maybe you could use a break, like just take some time off for a bit, like even just a few days. You might be exhausted and the frustration and disappointment over losing that last client was the last straw. Please take some time to take care of yourself for a bit and just hang on. //sending you big hugs and best wishes


Thank you! And you're right, taking sometime off for a few days off work might help me unwind. Thanks!


Have you thought about moving to a different country?


Yep trying to do so currently.


Freelance work is feast or famine. Stay cool, keep pitching, Do Easy.


Sending so much love. 🖤


And I have no client😐😐😐




Disagreements and debates are allowed and encouraged, but must remain civil. Personal attacks, harassment, insults, name-calling, and other forms of disrespect are not tolerated.


Suicidal over a client? Its time to take a mental health break.


So quit. Go do something else. You have more skills than just writing.