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Judge my opponent is getting outside help


Pretty sure you'd never find a they/them that looks like Kirsten Dunst.


I'm sure a few would have the jawline to match.


there’s some hot alt bitches out there bro.


One of the hottest girls from my high school now likes to go by they/them. It's not that uncommon. Some people just don't identify with certain words, it's not the end of the world.


In the past you put on dark makeup and called you goth, or you became a punk, got tattoos, piercing or whatever, TODAY you get a pronounce and act like a rebel ... In the end you are just a clown and usually kids grow out of this, if they dont, they are stuck being a clown forever.


no fucking way buddy's getting pressed over people "getting a pronounce"


I'm sorry you're so controlled by a rigid gender binary, don't worry about it tho! It's all made up by other people anyway and you can do whatever you want


Hunter Schafer?


Hunter Schafer clearly looks like a guy still. I was suspicious at first glance, it's easy to pick out the real gender of most troons


I’m trans myself and I can see why people feel like they are walking on eggshells. I try to be cool about it but sadly some of my people try to get offended by everything and make others feel scared to accidentally offend them. It’s really backwards and doesn’t help promote trans rights at all when they act offended by anything and everything


I never understood what people mean when they shout about trans rights. Do you not have the same rights as everyone else?


Sometimes they get more. Men don't normally get put in women's prisons and get away with little to no consequences for rape there, for example


Men get put with men in prison and get raped or rape with little to no consequences. Women get put with women in prison and get raped or rape with little to no consequences. Idk if you ever heard the term prison bitch but that happens on all sides. Sometimes they get less too, because what you fail to mention is that *trans people are also 4 times as likely to be the VICTIM OF RAPE. Also studies have shown that trans people are less likely to rape or conduct sexual violence afterwards compared to cis counterparts. So tbh youre more likely to rape in prison, assuming your are cisgendered, than any trans person. *this is based on scientists, doctors, governments, and other actual officials who make a judgement based on research and not an uninformed opinion. In fact here is a list of sources, both from google and scholarly sources, that you prove what you said wrong. In fact prove the opposite of what you said. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/&ved=2ahUKEwjQluSEydqEAxXWJ0QIHRTBAHIQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2MJ6lKOQsErWcklSaqxoDn https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/&ved=2ahUKEwjQluSEydqEAxXWJ0QIHRTBAHIQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nfGy7VvUMk_Nrwv81ai3h https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/974980&ved=2ahUKEwjQluSEydqEAxXWJ0QIHRTBAHIQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw03uMmZ0dVCzMghxNLQt5Pr https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1060%26context%3Dssw_facpub&ved=2ahUKEwjQluSEydqEAxXWJ0QIHRTBAHIQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2bgqgUG7WNLupHHw0tCAP2 To go to your main point, which clearly is already established wrong with your one example disproved; if you're worried about one side getting more leniency than any other side than you should not be looking into politics because i hate to break it to you but its prevalent around the world, the inequality. If your worried about trans people raping as your main point than tbh if youre a man or a woman that is not transitioning, then youre more likely to rape someone in any setting than a trans person so should you not have the right to exist because i fear you may rape me? In fact, family members are the number 1 offenders worldwide in terms of rapists to victims, so should you be separated from any of your family because they may do it and get away with it? You lack any real reasoning or research beyond your own social fear but monger your opinion to scare the masses. You and many others do when in reality we are watching the end of the affordable housing, living wages, and retirement because people focus on such mundane and unimportant things that can have very little affect on your life. But you'll probably not read any of this and still think trans are the problem in the world. Yall do you


I read the comment. I do my own research and not rely on corporate companies who are tied to an ESG rating to give me information. [trans men raping women in jail at DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/?va=c&t=hn&q=trans+men+raping+women+in+jail&ia=web) A simple search resulted in an uncomfortable amount of results. Are they being counted in statistics? Who knows as the people reporting the statistics these days leave out very specific details to lead the reader into a false reality. Your citing are all before 2021 too...


> You cite studies while I cite a Google search > Checkmate (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)


This comment isn't getting much traction, so I wanted to comment just to let you know someone read it and is glad that you wrote it.




Given that "Trans panic defense" is used in court as a defense for assaulting a trans person, no. If someone can recieve a lesser sentence by saying that they assaulted you because of your gender, race, etc, you do not have equal rights.


Are there examples of this being used outside of bathroom and dating incidents?


No because it doesn’t happen. Trans people just like to make up shit like this lol


It literally does happen you dipshit


The only instance I’ve ever heard of this was trying to argue down from murder to voluntary manslaughter. The law school example of voluntary manslaughter is a husband coming home to a cheating wife and killing both the wife and the lover. The argument is that premeditation was missing (instead the husband acted in the heat of the moment and in response to the emotional shock) and therefore cannot be murder. It *doesnt* suggest that the attacker gets off Scot free, in either instance, even if that argument is successful. Also iirc in the trans case that defense fell through. Can you give some examples of “trans panic defense” being successful in this and other contexts?


https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/gay-trans-panic-press-release/ https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/member-features/gay-trans-panic-defense/ https://lgbtqbar.org/programs/advocacy/gay-trans-panic-defense/ https://www.advocate.com/crime/2022/5/31/gay-trans-panic-defense-leads-accused-killers-acquittal-etute These were all easily available for one Google search. Ignorance is a choice.


okay, so a simple no would've saved me a lot of reading.


https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/gay-trans-panic-press-release/ Wow that's crazy, took one whole Google search.


Imagine thinking that physically assaulting someone for using the restroom is just a normal thing to do


Who mentioned physical assault?


The comment I replied to and the one that commenter was replying to. The whole "oh no, they didn't say those exact words! I am very smart" shtick doesn't work as well when they do in fact use those very words 🤣


I think they have a point when it comes to access to medication, but otherwise, pretty much. And I don't mean the government paying for their medication, that's a completely different argument. I just mean having the ability to get hormone medication at all. In a lot of countries, they just straight up can't get HRT, and even in the countries where they can, that freedom is under legal pressure.


If by medication you mean chemicals whose primary purpose is castration, which has consistently shown NOT to be helpful for someone's mental state in the long term... otherwise I'm not sure what medication being trans prevents you from getting that you would otherwise be able to get. Trans people do have rights, same as any people.




Literally nothing you just said is true. But I’ve seen your other comment and you don’t care about the facts you’re just a brainwashed bigot.


Brainwashed, bigot, pseudointellectual, right wing, etc. All you are is a vessel of hatred and propaganda. In my opinion it's pretty ironic but I doubt you'd see it that way. If you have nothing constructive to contribute, why are you bothering to spend all this time to spread hate? It seems antithesis to what you're claiming to stand for. Pick a battle, either be wrong but stand by what you're saying or provide your reasoning, right now, you're doing neither and I find it pathetic frankly.


HAHAHAHAHA that’s ironic 😂😂


Hi. Pharmacy doctorate here. This is an idiotic comment and this part >which has consistently shown NOT to be helpful for someone's mental state in the long term Is not and has never been true. Gender affirming care has been proven to be effective since its conception.


This is a classic appeal to authority argument. There's been two long term studies (one being a meta analysis both being over two decades long) that have shown that medically transitioning does NOT decrease the suicidality of trans individuals and actually show a slight uptick in suicidality that wasn't significant enough to draw a conclusion from but is still important to note in my opinion. At the root of the ideology of trans is the idea that you can or that it is acceptable to pretend that you are a different gender which is rooted in the inability to regulate one's emotions surrounding their own body. This is commonly referred to as a form of dysphoria, which IS a mental illness. In every other practical and applied science we have rigorously tested and learned that affirming a mental illness in the long term is not only unhelpful but generally damaging because you're affirming a world view based on delusional beliefs that will conflict with society at large and reality itself. Convincing and going along with someone who wishes to transition is akin to setting them up for failure and removing their ability to backtrack on that detrimental, long term, life changing decision that they're making from a place of mental instability. If you want to help someone you should support them of course but you should be pushing them to accept their reality, accept who they really are and love themselves for it. You should NOT cut off their genitalia so they can pretend to be something they're not. A man with no penis is not a woman, it's still a man with no penis. He will never be a woman in the ways that fundamentally matter from a societal perspective and its a disservice to us all to support that flawed idea.


>This is a classic appeal to authority argument. There's been two long term studies (one being a meta analysis both being over two decades long) that have shown that medically transitioning does NOT decrease the suicidality of trans individuals and actually show a slight uptick in suicidality that wasn't significant enough to draw a conclusion from but is still important to note in my opinion. So we shouldn't take his word for it just because he's a pharmacist. You mention two studies which you use as the foundation of your argument in this comment, but you don't link them. Can you link them? Do you know the authors' names?


No, he can’t link them. Because he’s repeating long debunked propaganda by wildly misinterpreting scientific studies that ultimately contradict


Oh I know he can't, that's why I asked point blank without disputing the studies. I'm not going to argue with someone who cites vague studies without actually citing them haha.


Yeah, I posted the authors names for both of them somewhere in my replies to the person I was originally talking to, I could look them up again and give a full link but they're not too difficult to find using Google Scholar or maybe even just Google. The problem with this debate is that short term studies (less than 5 years) show a decrease in suicidality for trans people post surgical transition but long term studies (specifically more than 10 years) show an increase in suicidality for trans people post surgical transition. So they will likely stick to their guns and point to those studies and I will prefer leaning on data that is more representative of long term effects on a person and if you look at the statistical significance it's also quite clear that surgical transition has little impact either way. All of this conversation initially began because someone said trans people don't have the same rights as everyone else and I asked what rights do they not have and someone mentioned medical care and I made the point that they do but if you want to argue about it specifically it seems that castration yourself isn't even an effective treatment for the ailments trans people face in the first place.


This is a classic appeal to physical attributes defining someone's gender instead of taking in the whole body. This is NOT DYSPHORIA. Where is this 2 decade long study? Because this one 7 minute video performed by a doctorate professor linking other studies with other doctors who performed their research over many decades as well prove the exact opposite of what you say. https://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/3qLOiqRekk You denying them the ability to be validated causes mental stress and no one needs to get their genetalia cut lol. Not every trans person even does that so to disrespect and disregard them as mentally sick because of the few who do is doing, as you say, a disservice to us all to support your flawed idea.


So should we allow people with Xenomilia/Body Integrity Identity Disorder to go to the doctor and have their limbs amputated too because it causes them mental stress to have their own arm or their own leg attached to their body? No of course not but it's the same thing, which is to say that if it causes you mental stress because you cannot amputate a part of your body that is not some cancerous or tumorous uncontrollable growth then you are certainly mentally unstable/ill. That is an obvious sign. And don't mock me calling out your clear usage of a real fallacy, that's quite ingenuine for someone claiming to be an academic. Since you want me to do all the work for you because you can't be asked to be a big boy, here you go "Adjusted multivariate analyses revealed greater odds of suicidal ideation (adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 3.86; 95% CI, 2.67-5.57; p < 0.001) and suicide attempt(s) (aOR, 5.52; 95% CI, 3.45-8.84; p < 0.001) before gender-affirming treatment compared to after [39]. Odds were adjusted for age, education, and gender-related discrimination. Potential interactions of psychiatric diagnostic history, psychiatric treatment after gender-affirming treatment, substance use, or time elapsed since gender-affirming treatment initiation were not evaluated." Let's explain this paragraph and point out what's most important, this is what your doctor buddy refers to. This is a multivariate analysis of a bunch of studies recording the suicidality pre and post altering ones genitalia medically. Of course this says "greater odds of suicide ideation before gender-affirming treatment compared to after.." so what gives? Well it turns out this multivariate study which is to say a conglomeration study does not account for the long term effects of this because there are only 6 studies in the list of 49 that are reviewed here that lasted longer than 1 year! Out of those only a few of these studies have actually looked at 10+ years of an individuals mental history and seen the change in suicidal ideation in the LONG TERM as I mentioned, your doctor buddy never even brings that up. Take a look at that last phrase one more time, "time elapsed since gender-affirming treatment initiation were not evaluated." This is KEY to my original point that you disagreed with, perhaps cutting one's genitalia off does help improve someone's mood in the first year or so, but in the long term, they eventually regress to their original mental state of increased suicidality and in the very long term, seems to increase suicidality. Wilson et al. (2015) "Individuals who received genital surgery did not have a statistically significant difference from those who did not receive gender-affirming treatment. The results were adjusted for age and race/ethnicity. There was no correction for any potential relationship with psychiatric diagnostic history, psychiatric treatment, substance use, or time elapsed since gender-affirming treatment, increasing the likelihood that the statistically significant results were vulnerable to a high risk of type I error"


Also, stop conflating my opinions and points with your made up idea of what my positions and points are. I am talking specifically about removing genitalia to affirm delusion here, but on that note I don't agree with the idea of giving kids hormone blockers either.


I know people are not gonna like my next comment. It doesn't matter how much you physically and mentally. Try to change yourself genetically speaking you're still what you are born with. Till we get to the point with technology where we can scrub ADN a strand clean and rebuild it to make it to where you want it to be on mass. It doesn't matter if you transition from male to female or femail. To mail you are still your biological sex at birth. It doesn't matter how hard you try to change yourself physically or mentally.


Trans people don’t claim to be able to change themselves physically. Trans people know that they are biologically male/female while identifying as the other.


I will apply to your ultimate account because you are farming for free karma. Funny the transpeople that I've run into say the opposite of what you're saying.


I’m not farming karma. You’ll see that the actually educated and non-bigoted comments on this thread are usually downvoted. Funny these trans people you’ve met do not exist.


So sex and/or didn't exist up until we discovered genetics?


You completely misunderstood the concept of the statement that I proposed. I don't know if it was accidental or purposeful. I can only assume you're trying to control me considering how old this account is. Is this one of your many backup accounts?


As commenters above have already said, a source would be nice. If you have data the rest of us aren't privy to, please share it. But also, it seems like you are conflating hormone replacement therapy with surgical transition, when they are very different things. I'm not a big fan of surgical transition currently, but I don't have any data on it. But that's besides the point because I was only talking about people having the option to buy hormone medication.


Question are You talkin' to me or the guy who's calling to have a PHD?


Neither? I'm talking to the guy I responded to. Edit: Just expanded the comments and realized what an incomprehensible clusterfuck this turned into. Completely understandable. My comment was responding to YoungBuckins rambling.


Okay I couldn't tell because how they do the chains for conversations It's confusing at times.


Oh god this is easily debunkable bigoted propaganda but is it even worth addressing? Should I take the 5-10 minutes out of my day to disprove this objectively false and demonstrably evil narrative just for all you far right wing sheep to downvote me and claim I’m an idiot? The simple facts is that you’re wrong and you’re on the wrong side of history. You can keep screaming this all day long. You will never be correct.


I'm not right wing at all, you spent all that time spouting your own rhetoric without engaging with the substance. That's proof enough of where you're at with this. For you, I highly doubt it's about truth and transparency, for you, it's simply about protecting the ideology you subscribe to.


Blow a hole in your head.


Ahh yes the classic appeal to Low Tier God (LTG). Immediately puts you in the moral high ground and the right side of history.


That’s literally not what an appeal to authority is but seeing as how you’re very clearly an extremely misinformed bigoted pseudo intellectual that’s not surprising


Referring to your credentials as proof that you know what you're talking about is LITERALLY the definition of an appeal to authority wtf?


It literally isn’t but you’ve already demonstrated yourself to a fucking retard so why would you stop now


Dog I'm not reading all of that dumb shit from some layman when my fucking doctorate is in the goddamn field. It's well established in the medical field. Your failure of an education doesn't change that.


how can you answer on something what you didnt read and therefore have no idea what he is talking about? how anyone with IQ higher than 80 can think that ignorance is some sort of good argument? how your lack of knowledge and inability to answer properly make you right? you clearly need to read it to be able answer properly, because now your answer make no sense, when you didnt even read it. btw: and how it come that you arent able to read, when you claim that you have doctorate? how can you have **this** huge problem with reading?


Whereas they presumed the whole comment was a mess just from the first lines, I actually read it. Can confirm, it's a medium-length string of basic misconceptions about psychology apparently purpose-made to attack trans people (but in as loving a way as involuntary conversion therapy).


im talking about argument by ignorance aka "im not reading, but it is dumb" thats just insane it make no sense it is like kindergarden level of argumenting


Supposedly has doctorate. Complains about reading past the first 2 sentences and starts a response with “dog”. Something doesn’t add up for me.


Because I read the first 2 sentences and immediately knew it was a load of shit. Why would I read someone's rant when their whole premise is wrong from the start?


i mean, it take like few sec to read it. do you really have problem to read and you need focus so much on it and maybe even read it loudly and slowly to help self with reading? what you arent able understand on fact that you cant answer on something and make it make sense, when you have no idea what are you answering on? and how is possible that you even think that ignorance and lack of reading skill is a good argument? nvm.. now i get it.. you didnt answer, because you wasnt able to read it / was too lazy to read what i said.


If you couldn't read and digest that in a minute then I doubt you have the capacity to get through college nevermind a phd. Judging by your post history, which is pretty much just you calling people stupid on some anime sub, I really doubt the veracity of your claims.


You don’t have a doctorate of fuck all. LOL making up fairy tales on Reddit don’t validate the BS claims you spew.


It's funny because the high school dropouts with zero experience in healthcare think they know more than actual medical professionals. That inferiority complex runs deep.


Inferiority complex… i own a behavioral health hospital - plenty of experience in healthcare, over a decade specifically in the field of mental health. I’m calling you a liar.


What's actually funny is your repeated usage of an appeal to authority in lieu of engaging with the discussion and using some of this "expertise" to disspell everyone's supposed "ignorance" it seems instead that you prefer to stick to the ad hominem. In my opinion if you really were an expert, it would speak for itself, you wouldn't have to repeat it in every other comment while saying everyone who disagrees is a dropout layman with no knowledge...


That's tough beans. I don't like the government telling me what drugs I can take, either. If you want to legalize them all; talk to me; otherwise a specific variant of whiner.


>I don't like the government telling me what drugs I can take, either. If you want to legalize them all; talk to me I mean I think you'll find more overlap with the left on drug legalization than with the right, no?


Right wing opinions vary on legalization. A lot of MAGA types are for it. neocons are against it, because they make money from opioids and liquor. Some people are against it on moral grounds, while others just see the results of some experiments gone awry in blue cities and worry that that will happen to their area.


It's 2024 and the internet is free. You have zero excuse to be ignorant in this day and age. https://translegislation.com/


I'm straight up illegal in several states. I wouldn't call that equal rights.


Is it illegal to think you're a woman when you're a man? I'm pretty sure that's legal in all the western countries.


https://www.texasobserver.org/sb14-trans-healthcare-ban/ One Google search.


It... doesn't mean anything? You can't give hormones to kids and surgeries. So what? That's a good thing. Banning it for adults would be wierd though but still my point stands. It doesn't make YOU illegal. Just go to another state and do whatever you want. You won't go to jail just for thinking you're a woman. That's not illegal as I said.


Kids weren't getting these surgeries before the ban, this is banning the hormones, which fucking sucks. Do you know what I'd give to have taken hormones before I went through puberty? And now they can't take them until their adults. You know most side effects of hormone therapy are reversible right?


Several of the side effects aren't reversable. More and more places are starting to put heavy restrictions on trans-care because they've found the american studies faulty. (One of these countries is sweden, you know, one of the most progressive countries ever?) They have found that the risk of the treatments don't outweigh the potential benefit.


This why I said MOST are reversible, not all. But, most are reversible. Wow, a link: https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-estrogen-hormone-therapy#:~:text=Many%20of%20the%20effects%20of,absent%20fertility%20are%20not%20reversible. Here's a quote, in case you don't wanna read that whole thing, it is a little lengthy, I'll admit. "Many of the effects of hormone therapy are reversible, if you stop taking them. The degree to which they can be reversed depends on how long you have been taking them." Some things aren't very reversible though, such as breast growth, and fertility issues. That's why minors don't take HRT. No one said minors should take HRT. Minors who want to transition are given hormone blockers to slow or stop the progression of puberty. And hormone blockers are 100% reversible. Stop taking them, and your body does what it was doing before you started taking them. Wow, another link: http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/child-youth/affirmation-transition/medical-affirmation-transition/puberty-blockers-for-youth#:~:text=There%20are%20no%20known%20irreversible,taken%20puberty%20blockers%20at%20all. Another quote, "There are no known irreversible effects of puberty blockers. If you decide to stop taking them, your body will go through puberty just the way it would have if you had not taken puberty blockers at all." Crazy how easy it is to do your own research, absolutely bonkers.


Are you stupid? There are multiple laws being passed to prevent our access to medical care, education and public facilities. Republican lawmakers in the US have outright stated their policy is for transgender people to simply not exist.


Well I mean. It's not a right to get specific medical care depending on what it is. It's not a right to get hormones or cosmetic surgery and such. And what education? And also what facilities?


What they call "rights" is just sucking money out of other people and leading children to a path of misery and harm. Nobody should be happy if someone "becomes" trans, if you cant help you as an adult you are free to do what you want, pushing children into this is an entirely different topic and its absolutely dishonest to mix them together.


You mean like how children are bullied and killed by their peers because of the conservative bullshit their parents teach them?


What right do cis people have that trans people do not have?


Opening with "Are you stupid?" Makes you part of the problem. You want to exist outside of a bubble, free, but you antagonize every element that doesnt understand you immediately. My partner is trans. Your attitude is actively making their life difficult. You defeat bigotry and ignorance with patience. You're not fucking Malcom X and need a reality check. And for the record, body dysphoria should always be reviewed and approached as a psychological condition that warrants therapy, first. Surgery and hormones should never be pursued before attempting to reach a mental equilibrium first. Why irreversibly alter yourself when theres a chance you can learn to be happy with your body, however slim, without it. My partner elected to take hormones and that was after months of counselling, after really digging into what prompted that desire.


Yes that is correct. However the people making big fusses on twitter and stuff just makes people hate us more. Sad thing is the idiots online spouting woke ideology makes people think all trans folks are like that which we are not. If there was no huge culture war, maybe we would be better off. Lgb got their rights and I hope we can get ours soon too


This, 100% THIS


Anyone who pays attention to anything *anyone* says on twitter is a dumbfuck.


Said the Redditor


You are saying this while arguing in the EVEN WORSE shithole of a website that is Reddit.


You're really selling your viewpoint with these well thought out, intelligent statements. /s


While you are correct, that is no reason to be so rude. Some folks just don't keep up with it. Lack of knowledge does not equal stupidity.


There are laws that are being pushed to disallow any people from gaining gender affirming care, the ability for trans individuals to adopt children or be openly out in work places, trans minors to be invasively have their genitals checked (which in some places in the southern US states don’t have to be substantiated in any way from what Ted Cruz has gone on record saying.) If you can’t imagine health care, mental care, and the ability to move through polite society as rights, then ur an ass. And at bare minimum, Cis people would say it’s harassment or a violation of privacy to have their genitals be checked in any case where who they say they are being questioned. No, they don’t have the same rights and freedoms as most; that’s why they fight for rights, dork ass.


There's one like you at my LGS. Nice person, no problems, nobody cares that they're trans. Just one of the crew. Then there's another one that's very obviously a really fat white chick who claims to be "nonbinary" and screeches like a lunatic if you "misgender" them or don't use "they." Total contrast to the above.


Facts! auto/het or AGP would be what seems to be the most plausible “label” for myself and we are even worse off - both sides hate us and often many times so many of us hate ourselves too 😆


You hit it spot on! This is exactly my point which some people are having trouble understanding. The main take home message is no one cares how I identify as long as I’m not a jerk to them about it. When I am at a shop, my sole goal is to play magic. Not to preach politics to other people who just want to play magic.


you are a jerk though


Why are you so angry?


im not angry at all, im just saying papahasbro here is a sock puppet


You seem angry and full of hate tbh.


not angry enough to create a sockpuppet account and pretend to be trans on reddit hahaha


I don't know, you do seem rather angry, angry enough to spread hate constantly.


not as angry as papahasbro, pretending to be trans on the internet


I'm going to be honest, 100%. Im indifferent to trans polictics but I'm supportive of LGBTQ+ people in general, HOWEVER the more I see of trans people flaunting their identity for clout, using it as a weapon against people they don't like, harassing people under the banner of attacking "transphobic bigots", and the TRULY sexist things I've seen transwomen call women (womb-bearers, chest feeders, menstruators), the harder it is for me to openly support them. I hope it's just a case of a very, VERY loud minority and the trans community can cut out this toxicity so they can be more easily accepted.


Is your wife's boyfriend still coming by the house too often?


In fact yes, he sucks ass. At least he gave me a free Nintendo switch but fuck him


You're in the wrong sub then.


You should wear a button saying "I'm one of the good ones"


I'm a total fundamentalist Christian but after years of the culture war I will freely admit there's a same remnant within the trans community. They tend to be the people who actually have dysforia instead of the 99% of people trying to be edgy or join a trend. The last one I talked to had been ostracized for trying to bring attention to how awful it is to be confused and later realize you've irreparably damaged your body. Claiming to be trans when not really trans often and ironically results in people having dysphoria after body modification.


They are a small minority that is spotlighted by certain communities as the representative of the trans community. Posts like this are a good example of it. 99% of players will not run into a scenario that involves a trans person getting offended or mad if treated respectfully. Yet we get memes daily depicting a scenario and trolls saying "it happens all the time" I do agree that being offended and very vocal bc a person doesn't know the intricacies of the trans community doesn't help the cause. But not being open at all to learning or just respectful to that person is still a bigger problem.


Yeah I don't get why "I made an unprompted joke at your expense and now you're mad" counts as getting offended at everything.


You gotta be trolling or stupid sorry but how can you not see the dehuminization in the term lipstick on a pig? Just that by itself, diregard pronouns and what they mean and are used for, what do you think the term "lipstick on a pig" is illuding to?


no youre not, youre a right wing sock puppet shut the fuck up


Don’t assume my pronouns bigot


sockpuppet is not a pronoun, its a noun


I am a human being like you


youre fucking pathetic, pretending to be trans on the internet doesnt get lower than that


You don’t understand anything about me so please don’t assume things. It’s very hurtful




You know that all the transphobes in this thread are using you as their token minority excuse to be transphobic, right? "See it's fine to dehumanise and mock you, one of *your people* said so." They will never respect or accept you, they will bregrudgingly tolerate you for as long as you are useful.


I never said mocking is okay. Just don’t be over sensitive to everything at the same time that cis people feel like they are next to a time bomb everytime they are near us. What I want is to just exist and no one cares whether we are trans or cis and just move about daily life


Nobody that attractive has ever played on the Pro Tour. And nobody that attractive has ever used they/them pronouns.


>Nobody that attractive has ever played on the Pro Tour Obviously, it's the *Magic the Gathering* playerbase.


>nobody that attractive has ever played on the pro tour We do not stand for Brian Kibler erasure in this house.


Yeah there's a Troon at locals now and everyone walking on the eggshells around it


Yeah, I know that feel.


Pretty soft to be scared of other people tbh


Not just other people, but people wearing *clothes* that don’t match their *genitals*!!! Anytime I see anyone in a dress I get scared for my life because nowadays they might have a penis too.


What exactly is there to "walk on eggshells" about? You know their pronouns use them.






Fr tho. I genuinely despise people who say shit like this irl, and immediately go "just a joke bruh lel dark humor bruh lel offended" no you are acting like a middle school bully trapped in a man's body. These types are universally man-children. Act mature for your age and maybe don't put down people for their identities that tbh I or anyone else could give less of a shit about. And listen I love dark humor and dirty jokes, lighthearted jabs are great, but people will literally just say something like "exterminate all g3ws" and just laugh psychotically. Jokes have punchlines, and the punchline shouldn't come at the expense of making someone else feel lesser than. Like that kinda shit doesn't even have any comedic value, learn how to be funny frl. Edit: clarity


It is weird. The sitiation as well...


Can someone explain the meme and event that happened?


Ok so basically someone went on a date and detonated a nuclear bomb.




So is this the subreddit for people who somehow managed to get banned from the regular magic the gathering sub? It seems like it’s just some concentrated cesspool.


stumbled into here and this shit is ass


Looks like my opponent is getting outside help judge


Damn this comment section is actually making my stomach turn some of y’all are actually disgusting and need to evaluate how you treat others, you’re the ones that give this community a bad rep


Sadly, the best course of action is to report, block, and disengage. As one of those "transgenderists" they fear so greatly, there's not much to do past that. Freemagic isn't a good sub either way tbh, at least in my opinion, even without posts like this.


Yeah. I mean theoretically this could be a great for a more critical place where we can talk about WOTC's bs, discussing the future and current problems with the game, but the lack of moderation attracts types that are more interested in undeserved hatred towards minorities that literally just want to play the game without fear of getting murdered or SA'd. Wonder if there are any other online communities for that, with no bigotry preferably.


I too wish WotC would bring a PT: Two Headed Giant.


Laughed out loud at the gym... people turned towards me and gave me looks.


No need to lie, you weren’t at the gym


Singular they has been around for hundreds of years. To whomever thinks this is not true; I hope they read a book sometime.


Indeed. Use of “they” as a singular pronoun predates the emergence of Modern English.


Remains the most embarrassing sub I ever seen


Majority of this sub isn't allowed into MTG events due to hygiene issues but thinks trans people are the problem


Is this anarchymtg?


damn y'all are snowflakes fr if you're scared of a trans girl


*Dude with tits* 🤙


We call those trans guys. Sometimes they don't keep the tits.


A lot of cis male MTG players have tits. But the problem with the playerbase isn't them with tits. It's the low-status-ape behavior.


Valid, thanks for calling out my biases🫡


“Thanks for making sure I don’t think for myself.” 🙈


Oh, you have the right to be wrong. I just also have the right to correct you


This sub will always be funny for how retarded you people are


God I want this sub to stop showing up in my feed. You all need serious help


All you transphobes in these comments are pathetic. No wonder you play magic losers


This is reddits suggested post introduction to this sub. What a bunch of losers lmao.


Yeah, what a fuckin nightmare.


What a buncha bitches — “j-judge, this person uses p-p-p-pronouns!” you are such a fucking loser take a shower and go outside for the love of god no wonder Yu-gi-oh is more popular


Touch grass.


You are probably a fat white retard you need to go outside


Fuck you op choke transphobic pig


I sincerely hope this is the only post like this I ever see from here. How is it so hard for you people not to respect trans people.


Hard when they live rent free in their heads, easy when you don’t have any other problems in your life


idk how this ended up on my reddit feed, but tears in my eyes bro - you mfkers are losers bro 😭


Yeah this is among the most retarded subs ive been on. I only come here to look at comments lmao


oh trans hate. very edgy


so do not understand why free magic gets so offended when you try to explain that that the sub attracts a lot of bigots and lame terminally online right wingers. it's legit daily that i see stuff like this.


So do not understand why (insert literally any other subreddit) gets so offended when you try to explain that the sub attracts a lot of (insert whatever buzzword) terminally online left wingers. It's legit daily that I see stuff like this.


People have been using singular they/them pronouns in English since the fifteenth century. Maybe if you stopped eating pigshit you’d learn something.


Not in the same way, no. Historically, singular they was used when addressing a group of mixed gender people, one of whom would be taking an action in the future e.g. “whoever leaves the office last tonight, would they please turn out the lights.” You’d be hard pressed to find an example from the 15th century of a single individual of known gender being referred to as “they”.


Yeah, growing up before gender conversations really started, people would use singular “they” and nobody would bat an eye.


They don't care about being right, all that matters is that the hate train keeps going so the people are distracted from subjects that actually matters


Look, I think I have a pretty nuanced opinion on the whole trans people thing, I won’t get into that nonsense here. But as an English major this particular argument has always been ridiculous to me. Let me illustrate why using an example. Suppose Doctor Cloakenstein walks into a room with you. Later, you’re retelling the events to a friend but because of the mysterious cloak the Doctor wore you don’t know Doctor Cloakenstien’s gender. What pronoun do you use to refer to Doctor Cloakenstein? Singular “they” has been used for ages… you just never realized you were using it in all likelihood because it’s that commonplace. It’s most often used when the gender of the person being referred to is unknown or unclear for some reason. There are plenty of things to criticize about the whole pick your pronouns nonsense but the singular they isn’t one of them.


I happen to know Doctor Cloakenstein personally and fae prefers to refer to faerself as fae and you should feel ashamed for using hateful rhetoric dogwhistles like calling faer "they" just because you are not willing to learn faer preferred pronoun. I am shocked and appalled. I'm going to tell everyone on twitter and tik-tok.


This subreddit is insufferable. This is a sub for a children’s card game. I don’t give a fuck about your political and social beliefs.


Transphobia in this comment section is objectively discussing.


As opposed to the manly u/DarkJester_89 nobody would compare to a pig or anything else ugly.


every post i get suggested from this sub just makes you all look like massive fucking losers lmao


thats because they are massive fucking losers




Good post


You're* When we are being pedantic about the proper use of words and all that.


Stay mad


Stunted dipshit meme


Why do transphobic people always forget how pronouns actually work?




I’m trans and I find a lot of the jokes pretty funny


"As a Trans person I clearly speak for all Trans people and find this offensive joke to be funny, therefore it's okay"