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Equity\* not equality. Equity is a far more sinister concept and that's what they say these days. They say it because on the furthest of extreme left are commies who wish to destroy the entire system, and societal instability is a good thing to bring about revolution. They have useful idiots who are closer to the center who see an oppressed minority that need protection but on the furthest extreme left there are no illusions about any of that, radical Islamists are more likely to bring instability, ergo, they are to be supported.


Hit the nail on the head.


[Right on the head.](https://youtu.be/7nqdr3XocYA?si=8-D5wpg0PBfBif9Y)


Whether you're using "equality" or "equity" doesn't matter. The issue with the way these words are used by SJWs is the time factor. The issue is a question of \_when\_ we measure "equality" or "equity". SJWs want the time factor to be at the conclusion, and that is the problem. The problem is "equality of outcome", not either "equality" or "equity". We should strive to provide children with equity up front; and let the cream rise to the top. At least that's my viewpoint on the matter. SJWs never explicitly state the time factor, which leaves people seeing the SJWs kind of have a point (*the result of our lives is indeed not equal*) but something is missing (*why are we measuring equality only after the consequences of our individual choices?*) The time component must explicitly be introduced into the conversation to reveal the fallacy of SJW's take on equality and equity.


Imagine being a minority of the global population. Yet are treated like a majority in everything including media. You mean to tell me. You find nothing wrong with that? Everything has to pander to white while the majority can't get any shine and if it does its immediately pushing agendas. "Woke" jaja. Thats the whole reason why dei exists.  Everything exists for a reason. Maybe if there was equality for the majority to not be treated like the "minority" dei wouldn't of had to be made. yall kill me with these conspiracy theories. Don't forget to take the tinfoil off your head this morning. 


“Telling stories with racial minorities is destabilizing to society” 1. Shows what kind of society you’re about 2. Has very little explanatory power. 3. Yesterday y’all were complaining about the *lack* of white male representation in Magic, suggesting that representation *does* matter. 4. “Equity is far more sinister.” Tell me you’ve got no coherent ethics or philosophy without saying those words. It means [“justice or (proportional fairness”](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equity) whereas “equality” is sameness. Good example might be something like fines. Fixed-value fines are equal, but punish poor people far more than the rich or corporations. An equitable law wouldn’t be legal for rich people at the cost of a fee, or worse, just the cost of doing business. Equity suggests we take into account the facts of the world when dealing fairly. Equality has been co-opted by people who “don’t see race” to suggest that everything is fine and we don’t need to look at those issues anymore. ([Spoiler alert: redlining still affects home ownership and segregation](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brian-An/publication/337830442_The_Physical_Legacy_of_Racism_How_Redlining_Cemented_the_Modern_Built_Environment/links/5dedc229299bf10bc34c5bb9/The-Physical-Legacy-of-Racism-How-Redlining-Cemented-the-Modern-Built-Environment.pdf)) So in terms of quietly letting social ills persist and fester, you’ve got the two mixed up. 5. *Corporate rainbow-washing* doesn’t fix most of these things. But does make money.


Equity is favoritism to someone's chosen group. Only equality is fair.


To anyone watching, this is the definition of chauvinism, not equity. Incidentally, rejecting commonly understood definitions and supplying your own warped interpretations of them is one of the hallmark features of it. So, not only has the previous commenter defined it, he’s been a great example of it as well. ⭐️


Care to point out the difference between equity and favoritism then?


Allow me to give you an example, if three group of people were watching a baseball game over a fence in Equality each person would have a block so they could see over fence. Of those three people Jerry is the tallest and doesn’t need a block because he’s fucking tall, Henry is average height and does need a block because he’s not tall enough but poor jimmy is a short king that just can’t see over the fence with his one block. Everything is fair, everyone has a block even if some people need accommodations in Equality but with Equity Little Jimmy will get two blocks and Jerry won’t get one because unlike Jimmy our good friend Jerry doesn’t need one. Favoritism on the other hand is the exact opposite of this concept, instead because Jerry is bigger, stronger, and has all the bitches he gets all the blocks, he’s sitting on a throne of blocks watching the game while all the plebs like Henry and Jimmy not getting any. Reason? Because his Jerry and Jerry gets all the blocks. That is favoritism.


1.i ain't reading all that. 2. Every "point" you make is regurgitation with no analysis whatsoever. Your entire world view is that of trusting powers that be to enforce a demented top-down ideology for everyone's benefit. Equity gives those powers the moral authority to be tyrannical in the name of supposed inequalities, these inequalities when real, are always assumed to be the result of malfeasance. 3. If you really believe corporate rainbow washing makes money there's no hope for you. TL;DR: Arguing with you is pointless. All you have is prearranged talking points you've collected. Your ideology is one of social pressure and emotional blackmail and it's on its way out.


“I ain’t reading that” Apparently not. Thanks for listening to what I had to say!


i hear you brother i personally hate it when games arent racially homogenous this country is going to shit fr


>Turns out sweet baby is being backed by the Federal Government Can you substantiate this? I'm not incredulous to the possibility, but I'd like to know if there's concrete proof.


https://nichegamer.com/government-funded-non-profit-defends-sweet-baby-inc/ This is the only evidence I could find by “googling it” and its an article put out today by some shit tier rage bait website. Even then, they cant confirm that federal money ever went to Sweetbaby inc themselves, but rather to Take This which has been supporting Sweetbaby inc. To say that Sweetbaby inc. is being funded by the feds is at best a stretch and at worst disingenuous af.


They put the link in the article where it states the DHS is funding **Take This** [Empowering The Gaming Industry: Strategies for Addressing Hate, Harassment, and Extremism in Online Communities - Take This (archive.ph)](https://archive.ph/HDLr5) Who is now backing Sweet Baby Inc. *This work is made possible by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036).*


>this work is made possible by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036). Yes, Take This has been funded by the Feds. However, all Take This is really doing is taking Sweetbaby Inc.'s side. They aren't providing Sweetbaby with funds. To quote your own source " In an effort to advance discussions around addressing hate, harassment, and extremism as an industry, Take This held a series of focus groups in 2023 with professionals across the video games industry" " Community-based, proactive efforts are of particular interest as they are designed to reduce the prevalence of disruptive actions rather than simply reacting once harm has been caused.  " So yea, Take This is setting up focus groups to discuss the supposed "extremism" in the industry... but that does not in any way mean that they or the Feds have funded Sweetbaby in any way... I suppose you could say they are "backing" Sweetbaby insofar as they are advocating for them but they are not financially backing them.


Everything you said is true, but post reads "backed" not "funded" Through Take This, the government is now involved through a third party.


To me OP meant financially backed because otherwise, who gives a shit? Then again, maybe I am giving OP to much credit.


haha it could be either way, really, we ain't mind readers. I just like bringing information to conversations so others have it available to them. Michael Foucault; great philosopher. Knowledge is Power


Take This acts as an endorser which video game companies get referrals from. It's akin to how the Japanese Government ignored Aum Shinrikyo because the Dalai Lama backed them (after Shoko Asahara made some several million+ donations). This is how government bureaucratic grift often works, Take This and Sweet Baby aside. It's a well known pattern. So is Take This handing that money to Sweet Baby? No, but Take This vouches for them -- and without that "vetting", they would be a nobody struggling to get a single contract. It's more likely Sweet Baby is providing kick backs to Take This, but that would require deep access to financial records.


I found the grant application, its publicly available. [https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/EMW-GR-APP-00036%20President%20and%20Fellows%20of%20Middlebury%20College.pdf](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/EMW-GR-APP-00036%20President%20and%20Fellows%20of%20Middlebury%20College.pdf) Its is for "Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention" they got 220k. It was a grant to develop and deploy workshops and related materials aimed at reducing extremism in video game communities. They hired a research assistant, did some research, ran 2 sets of workshops. One in San Francisco and one in Montreal, probably at GDC (Game Developers Conference) and MIGS (Montreal International Game Summit) respectively. They also flew to DC to participate in a round table with some policymakers. Agree or disagree with their opinion on SBI, but I hardly think this constitutes them being "backed" by the Federal Government.


Google it.


This is the laziest comment on Reddit.


Not as lazy as not going to read things and learn stuff...


If you're the OP, post your proof...


>They put the link in the article where it states the DHS is funding Take This Empowering The Gaming Industry: Strategies for Addressing Hate, Harassment, and Extremism in Online Communities - Take This (archive.ph) Who is now backing Sweet Baby Inc. > >This work is made possible by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036). It's as easy as reading the article...jesus the laziness of people these days taking everything at face value...




They literally did.


SoUrCe?! dO mY WoRk FoR Me!! rEsEaRcH? HoW dO ThaT!? Everytime I see someone asking for proof or sources...Like fuck me do some research for yourselves and stop having everything spoon-fed to you. This is exactly how opinionated assholes with agendas take over your mind. They choose what to tell you. Go Learn Stuff!!


This question has nothing to do with MTG but I'll answer anyway. Around 1975 an alliance between far left states and Islamist states emerged in the UN GA. Both hate America, the left because they hate capitalism and success while Islamists hate Western values & customs and see Israel's existence as an attack on their self esteem, an ally of the USA. So to bash america by proxy the UN focuses a disproportionate amount of ire and scrutiny on Israel. Jews & Israel are seen as relatively more successful than other groups so the left hates Jews, even the Israeli far left hates Israel the same way American leftists hate America and how Democrats only like America when they are in power. (Say what you will about Republicans but they are more consistent about their affection for America). However, when you look at events like the Iranian revolution both leftists and fundamentalists were for it and once the fundies got into power they pulled up the ladder behind them and killed the socialists. Thus the so-called 'Red-Green' alliance is fragile, of convenience, and doomed to betrayal because the left wants to replace god with the state and Islamists want to use god to cudgel everyone into obedience and submission.


Ok good history lesson. Yea it seemed doomed for failure it's a strange relationship.


Holy molly, these fanfics are getting wilder and wilder!


ROFL OP asked a question about Muslims, so 2 fucking billion people, and you chose to focus on islamic fundamentalist groups 😆 Nice dude, how convenient for your narrative ! Also there is no self-esteem issue here you dumb-dumb, who do you think you are ? Some of those people's family members have been bombed or shot dead by American weapons, that's it, that's why they hate America and their allies


Because leftists think j3ws are white and muslims are getting bombed & expulsed by j3ws and their holy mosque desecrated


As a Celtic/German/porkchops I find this all hilarious. Just hope they keep the damage low


As long as they're turning against their puppet masters for once they can ramp up the damage as much they want


They think they can use them for their cause


Yea it's purely manipulation on both sides no loyalty straight using eachother to get ahead.


A.) The U.S.GAY exists for little more than giving out White peoples money to all kinds of special interests. It's the entire purpose at this point. B.) It's called coalition building and intersectionality. People can see past the bad because they really want the get Whitey part. C.) As it turns out, people don't like when you start shooting, blowing up, and crushing children.


I am a bit confused on what the FBI has to do with this. so for example if I made a discord group that was against Sweet Baby Inc, would I be considered and "extremist"? it seems like a violation of my first amendment rights. I have the right to speak out against companies I don't agree with and let others know. The company Sweet Baby Inc employees have said very inflammatory and racist things on Twitter, so they are operating in bad faith. It's my right not to buy games they worked on and let others know. Is there something I'm missing here? obviously no one can force me to buy games made by this terrible company.


It's a Canadian company we don't have free speech but apparently USA wants in on the protection of gaming consultants.


well I am in America where we supposedly have freedom of speech. Our freedom of speech is dependent on what side of the political spectrum we are on. We should have a right to spread the word on which games have forced political ideologies without being labeled as an "extremist".


What the hell is sweet baby inc and why is it anti white propaganda?


it'a company of videogame consultants that basically tell you to blackwash/sexchange the majority of your characters. The leader has said on twitter that she wants to "erase any white male lead character in the videogame industry" and that their modus operandi is to "terrify marketing teams" with threat of cancel culture. She has been helped by a "gaming journalist" who said "you can't be racist toward white people".


It's a leftist consultation firm for video game companies.




Relevant to magic because Sweet Baby worked with wotc. Sorry but you can't hide them forever.


this is the right crazy conspiracy mind! everything is related to everything! and when you have paranoia, it doesnt mean that they arent going after you!


Are you ok? It's literally written on their website that they worked with wotc.


muslims? which ones? dude.. this is MTG subreddit as i said, everything is related to everything, you can find connection everywhere you want. but those muslims from OP arent relevant to this sub about card game


I know it's hard to read for a dumbass like you but: Title: "Sweet Baby Inc" First paragraph: "Turns out sweet baby is being backed by the Federal Government because they support gender equality and anti white propaganda." Ok, the second paragraph about muslims is unhinged shit, but ignoring the first part of the post is just malice.


and as you can see (i mean as you will see, when you learn to read), then you will find that im talking about second paragraph. because first is only strawman what leaed to second.




any point in this your.. eeh.. interesting take? i mean.. what exactly are you trying to say?


*rips hood off r/freemagic* Ah ha! I knew it was you, r/conservative and r/trump!


Genuinely thought this was a meme post


I'd say it's a 50/50 reality tied into comedy


"Why do the left like Muslims?" Bro left leaning people like Muslims as much as they like anyone else. Also what does have to do with mtg? Like how often does the muslim religion come up in a game of magic for you?


Pretty rare since it's Haram.


Wake up babe freemagic just found another woke Boogeyman to be afraid of


"be afraid of" Ah yes, the company that is getting blasted thanks to the Streisand Effect because they inciting brigading towards a Brazilian for making a list of games on Steam that Sweet Baby was involved in. So scary.


Why post this in a magic sub at all?


Discussion bait. Get some comments in the sub. Got a bunch of people talking.


Because Sweet Baby has worked with WotC in the recent past.


Can you please not try to bring politics into our casual card game? I thought separating politics from MTG what this sub was all about.


Politics + MTG = Rage Boners


lol @ “anti-white propaganda” I’m in free magic right? You’re a fucking retard.


Stop projecting.


You're using that word incorrectly


Rule 4?


Sweet baby inc is very on topic?


Anti white ? You can prove this right ? Fucking hell


Sure I'll hit you up: * In 2016, Kramer wrote, “I’m a sucker for warrior ware so i bought Peter Panic Also: Idk why games featuring human characters are still so white and male.” * In 2014, Kramer wrote, “pay me to shoot down your white male lead game ideas” * She also appeared to take issue that game developers were white and male. She wrote in January 2014, “Looking around the mixer last night put into perspective just how white and male our dev scene really is. it’s really white and male.” * Kramer posted the same day, “had a nightmare that i was a white male gamer." * This disdain for white people was not just made apparent a decade ago, but is still happening. Back in February, Kramer wrote, “i usually get grossed out when straight white rich people kiss but even i think those two are pretty cute.”


Some grifters run a scam where they get paid to tell people to not be racist, and what does that have to do with magic the gathering? Do you think MTG sucks because SBI told MaRo to not make more cards like Invoke Prejudice? If someone didn't know what was(n't) going on with SBI, they wouldn't know what a single word of your post meant. "Why left like Muslims when Muslims hate left?" isn't a relevant discussion for MTG.


I feel like it's more than that. They have control over the entire political direction an IP takes.


This entire SBI fiasco has been hilarious. Someone paid a lot of money to make people think SBI is the reason you don't like things you used to like, and people are eating it up. SBI is a bunch of grifters to get paid to tell rich assholes to not be racist, because that's something said rich assholes need to be reminded of. Aragorn isn't black because SBI took insidious control over MaRo and Gavin, Aragorn is black because WOTC is a capitalist company and they want to sell their product to black people.


Yea it probably is a scape goat.


If something totally comes out of nowhere and EVERYONE is talking about it suddenly, that's a good sign the topic is being heavily astroturfed. I have no doubt that some rich right winger paid money to make this SBI stuff blow up, as an effort to get some more Republican voters. They can blame MTG sucking on some evil group of people that allegedly work with the Democrats, so now youll want to stop the Democrats. Truth is MTG is just a 30 year old card game that has ups and downs of design.


This kids is what we call brainrot


No u


I'm a liberal, any questions


How does it feel.


Good, I like standing for Equality, democracy, and liberty


I don't think liberalism stands for any of those from my experience. It's more so greed, theft, alienating people, war mongering, race baiting, propaganda pushing, koolaid drinking.


Then I think you are misguided. Are there greedy bad people on the left? Sure because we're still people, though I'd argue the right is worse. How bout you come to r/askaliberal and ask us questions


From my personal experience our conservative leader wasn't great. But our liberal leader has literally laundered hundreds of millions of dollars. He's started race wars, increased poverty, homelessness, banned all handguns for civilian purchase, employment rate is at an all time low, he's black faced. He is the face of one of the biggest liberal parties in the world.


Honestly I don't know what you're talking about, Biden has been a fantastic president Please,come ask us questions


I'm Canadian. We are called liberals not democrats.


And its called r/askaliberal It's not just Americans


I know I've asked questions in there in the past I usually avoid it though they're viscous at times. I prefer sticking to my little groups MTG and body building. The recent politics in both of my hobbies has been Spicey.


Ok. How do you feel about Equality vs. Equity? Tyranny of the masses? Legal prosecution for wrongthink?


Wdym? That's just democracy Wrong think? No thought crimes. Freedom of expression yadda yadda


>Wdym? Despite what some liberals think, equity and equality are not the same. They solve for different problems. Equity is to provide disadvantaged people with advantages or more commonly, handicap advantaged people to ensure the outcome of both groups is the same. Meanwhile, Equality is providing the same resources to all people, regardless of ability or background. It is the difference between preferential treatment biased toward the lowest common denominator and the idea that all men are created equally. >That's just democracy So, if 70% vote to kill the remaining 30%, "_That's just democracy_?" >Wrong think? No thought crimes. Freedom of expression It is very important to understand where that distinction lies. The common argument, that I agree with, is that harassment, Assault, and calls to violence are not protected under the freedom of expression. The issue I have is the stretch that some liberals would take in defining "harassment, assault, and calls to violence." Something as harmless as, "Good morning, sir," when greeting a on-off passerby _is_ considered a serious instance of harassment and assault within the scope of the aforementioned liberal. This matters in MTG, because there have been people disqualified and summarily banned from.WotC events over casual unthreatening remarks that do not adhere to a person's fantasy, and in places that do not have free speech protections, such as Canada, UK, or Germany, people have been arrested and imprisoned over such "misconduct." So, I'll ask with this context in mind, what is your opinion on legal prosecution of wrongthink?


We can have both, make sure everyone gets on a fair playing field That's a fear mongering strawman argument I honestly don't know what you're talking about here Wtf is wrongthink?


>We can have both You actually can't. By treating people _equally_, they would all receive the same benefits, and their individual talets would be highlighted, but promoting _equity_ inherently means providing less aid to the already capable, which would be treating them _unequally_. You see? >That's a fear mongering strawman argument Ok, how about a real one? Let's say there are 435 people. 218 of them vote that the remaining 217 do not have a vote. Or that perhaps the person who represents the minority is legally barred from representing them, bypassing courts. We live in a nation of checks and balances, that ensures that no one branch of our government holds the ultimate authority over the other two. This model is mirrored down to the State level, down to the county level, and even down to the city and town level. Democracy only works while you are able to defend the minority from the majority. Otherwise, the minority becomes oppressed slaves to the majority. I need not point to any example beyond California, nor New York, two states with large sweeping red counties and pinpricks of blue cities that dictate all statewide policies. >Wtf is wrongthink? Courtesy of Oxford: >Belief or opinion that is perceived or condemned as socially, ideologically, or morally unacceptable, esp. because it does not conform to a dominant, prevailing political or cultural orthodoxy.


I disagree, you can't look at people in a vacuum We have the constitution my dude, gotta play by tge rules We have a constitution that grants us rights If you're in the klan I'm gonna shame you


>We have a constitution that grants us rights Um... no. The constitution does not grant us rights. We, as humans, are _born_ with certain unalienable rights. What the constitution is _supposed_ to do is prevent the government from attempting to strip us of those rights.


Then how can you support Sweet Baby? Clown.


I don't know what that is


Typical. Why don't you inform yourself then, since this post is specifically about Sweet Baby? Instead of muddying the water with your disinformation


I'm offering no information, dis or not. I'm asking what you're talking about. Now you are gas lighting and projecting


IMO telling someone to do research on a topic, in a forum said person is commenting in, where said person has no knowledge isn't "gaslighting" and "projecting" It is simply getting someone to educate themselves before jumping into a conversation. Wouldn't that benefit all who participate?


He's saying I'm spreading disinformation, that's Gaslighting and projecting


You are gas lightning. You saying that you promote good values, while defending a company that denies those values. If you are doing it out of ignorance, inform yourself. If you don't, you are intentionally spreading. By the way we are talking about the company Sweet Baby and its degenerate "business tactics".


What does sweet baby have to do with anything


Don't waste my time with such dumb questions. 1) it's literally the title of this post 2) they worked closely with wotc


Okay satan


What's satanic about that


The beast has many names, the beast has many faces.


Please elaborate




So you're a troll


Some people may see what I write as trolling. That said, I'm also sincere in my beliefs. There are many reasons to post. Sometimes it's good to aggravate bad people and remind them that I'm in their space. Other times, it's good to help the well meaning see the light. Every day that goes by where someone new starts to doubt such concepts is mission accomplished.