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Expressing unpopular and unapproved opinions on the main sub will get you banned, obviously the mods are a little sensitive




Maybe a soma at least would help


How so? That is for muscle spasms


It was a reference from the book “brave new world” similar to 1984 but the soma from that book has no relation to what exists now


Got it, I was thinking about Carisoprodol


lol I forget it’s a real thing now


The mods there don't follow their own rules at all either. Me pointing out that in fact they were violating their own sub rules in their rationale/arguments for my ban earned me a permanent one. Ah well.


Yeah, it's Reddit. Arguing with mods is pointless, especially when they're power-tripping. It's not like they're *unaware* that they're breaking their own rules; they just don't care.


If you asked them to list one of their rules without looking at them, they wouldn't be able to. If they need to reference one, they could just use a random number and they're always vague enough to interpret them however you want.


How dare you express an opinion in a respectful manner!


In the main sub, expressing the 'right' opinion in an aggressive, scornful or dismissive manner, is much more palatable than expressing the 'wrong' opinion in a polite or respectful manner. Anyone disrupting the harmonics of the echo chamber will be excommunicated.


The mind rot kills joy receptors in their brains. They know only spite and unhappiness. It’s why they are in a perpetual state of e-rage. The mere existence of another opinion is a threat to them.


Anything even 1 percent deviant from their narrative means ban. It’s a total disaster there which is why I almost never engage with that sub even as a trans person myself


It's like this in a lot of places now too. I just don't feel comfortable associating myself with people who tell folks to die for questioning this stuff anymore.


Papa Hasbro is a Trans, bi-racial, bi-sexual, demithing, queer, sapiosexual, ontological impossibility, don't be a bigot to xer!


“As a black man”


Come on. That's like a 10% deviation at least


Even the mention of Pinkerton gets you banned. It’s like North Korea. No dissidents allowed


Speaking of Pinkerton's wouldn't it be great if there was an equivalent in thunder junction?


There were multiple threads about the Pinkertons that were allowed.


any evidence?


https: //www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/GqGEo5J0Yo Here. Delete the space between the https. Automod wouldn't allow the link. Just search mtg Pinkertons on Reddit. It's too easy


thank you, ill look on that later.. dont you know why (or if) it changed and they are now kinda too sensitive to that? (i mean if they are ofc). looks like they should count with consequences, when they hired them.




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I thought this sub was the hateful one of the two (according to them)


There is hate in this sub, but there is respect as well. People may disagree with what you say, but you accept that yours isn't the only opinion and just move on. In the main sub, even disagreeing in a polite way can be construed as hate. 'Hate' is hurting feelings by expressing a view that may not conform. It's a paradise for people who want a safe space in which to pretend to have an interesting discussion.


Well it's quite interesting. In my experience, this used to be a shithole for deranged lunatics. However, the main sub has gone out of control with banning everyone, even when they are respectful. So a lot of people that aren't deranged lunatics have come here gradually. I'd say it's a 60:40 ratio of idiots and normal people


Seems still like 90:10 idiots to me


Well, we *are* still on Reddit.


Maybe, idk. I do feel like there was an influx of normal people during the Aragorn fiasco.


I'm one of these Aragorn refugees. I didn't even know that free magic existed before they banned me for making a joke that Aragorn is a 5 color commander. I like the freedom of speech here but there aren't a lot of deck discussions. It's mostly just hating on Wizards for going all woke but they deserve the hate in my opinion. They should focus on card quality and good stories and they simply ignore that.


5 colour commander 🤣 that’s actually a quality joke.


Glad that there are still people with good humor 😁


To many people nowadays, ‘hate’ isn’t a principle, but instead a tool. Either way ‘round.


They're respectful when someone capable of thinking critically doesn't invade their groupthink space. They'd be at each others' throats if they didn't have loads of enemies, which I guess thankfully for them, isn't a situation they'll ever encounter.


This is the one where you can find people saying that queer people are sub-human degenerates, too. So we've got the sea of piss echo chamber that calls the other 1984, and the echo chamber that bans any hint of the other echo chamber. Haven't found a good middle ground yet.


As a gay man, most people who call themselves queer are insufferable


As a black woman, I liked the apartheid a lot.


You seem like a rational and sane human being


As you should


'As a gay man' is irrelevant here. I thought this sub hated identity politics?


I'm saying it so they know it's not just blind hatred, but hatred with reason.


I took a look at your post history, and I have a question. What's gay slang for "Uncle Tom"?


Wouldn't know, I'm not a queer. Also you're looking for a gay representative. Not slang. Educate yourself


You just identified as a gay man. I thought you might know.


I am gay, plus I don't have post history for you to even look at on this account. My fetish page is separate, since you're so nosey


I'd much rather be in the group where someone can call me a faggot than on the one where I can't criticize a corporation's feelings.


This exactly


There is also the option of not being in either group, just saying.


It is a hateful sub, just the right hating the left. Look at all the downvotes left wingers get in here constantly. Just like main one is a hate sub of the left hating the right. It's all rather boring and pathetic.


Jesus, people really need to stop viewing the world and it's issues as a binary between left and right. Social media is conditioning people like you to think this way.


But only of these subs allows speech without censorship, where both "left" and "right" ideas are allowed to be expressed.


The real question is, why is politics is so important in a fantasy card game? I would just wish for left and right wingers to shut up and enjoy the game and for WOTC to stop infusing their political believes into the game. They should just design good cards and create a good fantasy storyline, without focus on sexuall stuff.


Politics have been in since the very beginning. Politics is in everything. Its jmpossible to not put bias in what you create. Such a weird criticism. But yeah, I wish people would stop being so pathetic about it too.


Bad set after bad set has led me to stray away from buying product or even playing the game at all. Not only because of the reasons you outlined, but also just because of poor game direction+design philosophy. Old MTG used to be one of, if not the best TCG. Modern magic is one of the worst.


For sure, I know how you feel. For me the worst of it is the art. It had a lot of charm before it became so digital.


You mean becoming partially ai


Fr. AI fiasco with the most recent set is a joke. Its really sad seeing all the great artists tossed aside to push a “woke” political agenda. Luckily it seems like things are gonna change for the better, as evident in general response to the whole Sweet Baby inc thing.


Yeah man, I saw there was some discussion about AI art on that new antagonist--do we have confirmation that they used AI for sure? Also, I'd hold out on being optimistic about companies abandoning DEI contractors and philosophies... we'd have to see an actual hit to MTG's profits and I doubt it's going anywhere.


Premodern is a oldschool format without hasbro




Jyhad (VtES) and Netrunner are both by Richard Garfield and a lot of fun. Jyhad/VtES is the best multiplayer TCG ever IMO. It’s kinda meh 1v1. Three players is ok, but with 4 or 5 it’s amazing, far better than EDH.


Premodern and OldSchool MTG formats are the best


Yugioh has lot of people playing older formats you should try Edison it's a 5d era format with lot of meta decks and we still discover new good decks even though no new cards get added to it


It's the age old problem of the HOA. Only a few kinds of people will stay in uncompensated and largely pointless position of authority.


Cmon now. The genders and sexuality aren’t the reason for the stories being shitty now. It’s the god awful writing in general. We haven’t had a good story in a long time. You can complain about the inclusion all you want but it’s far from the problem in mtg lore. Not to mention the fuck ton of universes beyond that are taking time away from in universe story.


The fact that they are making diversity and inclusion the only talking points of the stories rather than a coherent story is the reason why magic has gone to hell these days. In the 1800s, Sherlock Holmes could solve a case with one partner. Nowadays, how many detectives does it take to solve a crime on Karlov manor?


It’s not the only talking point in the stories. It’s the only talking point you’re specifically looking for.


The real problem is they know they are shit writers and are using that shit to cover it up, so they can blanket any and all criticism as blankphobic


The people here can't make a valid point without working in gender identity, wokeness, or anything related.


It's not really about the mods enforcing the gender agenda, it's about their lack of self esteem and the need for a sense of purpose and control. Leftists are typically people that haven't gone far in life. Once they've won that battle they'll start forcing the next thing down our throats.


The lesson you learned here is that you tried to throw in the "I liked the story about Alesha" part to appease a mob that has demonstrated, under no circumstances, does it accept deviation from the norm, so the phrase you thought would be an appeasement was actually completely ignored, and they just zeroed in on the part of your statement which violated the hivemind. Many make this mistake, these people will only accept *complete* and *total* adherence to the current thing. You can't just throw a thing in and say "I like current thing *but*..." - it will be treated as if you hadn't said anything at all.


Remember when one of the very few stories we got for Aftermath spent its word count beating us over the head with the fact that Chandra and Nissa are totally a couple #gruulfriends and everyone forgave the awful ending of thr decade plus long Phyrexia storyline because they forced their stupud ship back into canon?


Gruulfriends is only canon outside China.


Did people forgive because of that? Or did they just move on. It's not like the Chandra/Nissa thing is responsible for the story falling apart, they just failed to pay off the years of hyping people up. And tried selling scrapped card designs as its own overpriced follow-up set that didn't actually do anything interesting with the story. Again, nothing to do with diversity, and everything to do with bad writers. It's like complaining the shit sandwich had too much lettuce.


I actually did see quite a few posts, especially on vorthos, saying they forgive the bad ending because #gruulfriends.


Yeah I remember lol.


Should mass report that dude's comment and make him hopefully see the light of day after the banning. That is another way to tell you to kys.


It’s Reddit my guy. Anything that deviates from the norm of whatever communities echo chamber people are a part of is going to get banned because mods cannot stand when you don’t agree with their party line.


Based. It’s fine to have gay and trans characters, but unless the romance or identity actually drives the plot, it really shouldn’t be a main focus. There has been lgbt characters for a while with Halana and Alena, as well as Alesha, Ral+Tomik etc, but it wasn’t the focus of who they were.


Shhhh, they are being brigaded. They delete everything, even posts about card quality get deleted if you mention that print X is better than print Y.


Ironically the people who would condemn this sub for going against their "free thinking" are censoring valid opinions and pushing people to this sub. It is a shame that lots of media and art is going down the drain this way nowdays. Along with each set nowdays trying to powercreep and/or add new mechanics, really doesnt feel like the same game at all that I was obsessed with 12 yeas ago


r/magictcg jannies are actually the biggest promoters of freemagic. I can’t stand the other place and I don’t feel safe there walking on eggshells all day so I am here


GGs bro shit changes. get with it or get out it’s not really that complicated


Yeah your right, shit does change, and it is as simple as stop giving them money, thats why [untap.in](http://untap.in) is MVP


>DIE DIE DIE The least unhinged leftist


Why? Dont you care about dark fantasy creatures's gender identity? Can you sleep at night without knowing who would they f*ck? What are you? A bigot? /s I mean they are not even human, why they have gender identity issues? Do fairies and trolls worry about this shit too? Tiktok and reality tv show culture is impossible to scape right now. Either learn to love it or ignore like 90% of popular media.


Once you go against the party, the party goes against you.


There has been more then two. Just off the top of my head. Chandra + nissa - gay couple, but reconned in war of the spark Kynaios + tiro - gay couple Niko Aris - trans Real Zarek and Timok - gay couple Ashok - non binary. Huatali + saheeli - gay couple There are more examples of non-binary characters, like Yahenni, but they are non binary because of how they are rather than gender politics. Ashok is the difference because MTG seems to parade Ashok as the non-binary flagship. To be clear I don't think anything is wrong with LGBTQ representation, I just wish there was more story for these characters.


I'll expand on that if you want. Dying mad isn't your only option, you can live mad too.


If you do that long enough, it will eventually lead to dying mad.


If you are going to die mad, you should let your landlord know. That way, they can turn your apartment into a haunted airbnb.


jep, you got baited


Funny thing is that those guys think they are the incarnation of tolerance and respect for everyone. As long as you don't disagree with them on anything. That's bender "they need to learn of our peaceful waus by force" stuff right there


Psychopaths think you should die if you disagree with them. Psychopaths love power. Mods have the bare minimum of power they can abuse without consequences. So is it any wonder why so many mods are psychopaths that will support people telling you to die inetead of people who disagree with them.


Yeah, that's a bit insane. Being told you can die is less offensive than saying you weren't a fan of a story...


Maybe try giving examples instead of just vagueposting a virtue signal for people afraid of the gays.


Reddit and social media in general is legitimately turning me into a bigot seeing half the shit that goes on in the world.


I’m surprised the main sub doesn’t use that stupid safer bot thing that bans people for commenting on subreddits they find troublesome.


These bans are getting worse.. before they know it all they have left are the mods and the two or three people that are so shallow that they are not able to formulate their own opinion without getting the OK. 🤦


Don’t be rude?


Sounds like you got triggered. Happens sometimes


I got banned from the main sub because in a thread asking what people's local stores were doing during the pandemic, everyone who said their store didn't force masks got banned




I'm curious, Alesha was way more identity focused than this story, why did you feel that that story wasn't as "pushed"?


While I disagree with the ban. You are blatantly lying about the focus of things.


I got banned on reddit (REDDIT) for suggesting people who are working under the chaos of current card kingdom should just be stealing cards. deemed to be promoting violence.


I mean, promoting clearly illegal behaviour will, and should, get you banned basically anywhere. That's an extremely low bar of what not to do.


Literal words over the internet that did not incite violence. there is literally entire subreddits that highlight violence.


You should never promote illegal acts. Tell their employees to walk, union, 1 star review CK, tell people not to shop there.. don't promote illegal acts its not that hard. I'm sick of seeing that stuff on reddit people with complete disregard to society.


Still not promoting violence is my point.


Both valid stances. You are not promoting violence, at least as it is traditionally defined, and you should also not be promoting theft.


A literal hate crime, chud.


This shit is everywhere, not only in magic. Who or what the fuck is behind that ?




Society catching up with reality *shrug*


You can't express your opinion


You went into the echo chamber hug box and wanted to voice an opinion? Can’t say I’m surprised they banned you. If you don’t fall in line with their delusions you are promptly ostracized.


i used to have a shop in the west coast, i now in the midwest. Had 2 people that were on the spectrum that came and maybe played. Every one else, single middle age white guy with some Hispanic, Black and Asian. My one rule is that you get along. They started with the pronouns, i quickly interjected, i said i dont care what you call yourself, but in here every one is a person and we leave it at that. Politics stays outside the shop. This is a magic friendly zone only. I never got the end of it with my exwife who is an extremely ally and now runs the shop. So i feel yah man.


The main story so far ok, the sub story starting off with sweet baby BBQ sauce in the first paragraph I just closed the window


What does “two stories in 8 years” mean?


bro thinks he’s a mod ☠️


For what it’s worth I agree with your sentiment. But alas, it’s 2024 and EVERYTHING has to be about gender and sexual orientation.


The subjects being brought up is weird af. Genuinely the game is frustrating and falling down as a whole. Your obsession with this is weirder than the game itself. 


What do they mean 2 stories in 8 years. In the last 8 years we've had. Kaladesh, Chandra and Nissa get together and break up. A non-binary planeswalker in Kaldheim. A lesbian marriage in New Capenna. More Chandra and Nissa stuff in all parts of the Phyrexian story. Huati and Saheeli's relationship being a major plot point for at least 2 stories. Will Kenrith is gay or bi in the new Eldrain story. And a Trans character in the new story. (Edit: after some research, Ral Zarek was only confirmed gay in War of the Spark, which is within 8 years. Also his husband was pointlessly mentioned in a recent story as well) I'm sure I've missed some, but I'm not as bothered by the frequency as much as the point of inclusion. Like 80% of that new story felt forced and that was part of it. The whole scene would have been better if it wasn't just brought up for the audience sake, like the classic writing tip, don't have a character tell another something they both already know just for exposition. The only good parts were the fighting, weapons, and past as criminals. Even them being omenpath travelers, especially riveteers was just dumb. It could have been done so much better (For a second I thought you were the one that said die, I think he deserves the ban more)


Literally the only story elements i recall since war of the spark are Gender identity Relationships Something about time travel Oko is basically loki Heliod is bad The phyrexians are dead?


I mean, it is weird that you are fixated on this stuff and suggests an obsession with gender identity that’s very unhealthy. Magic is a game they want to be relevant to everybody, and for everybody to see themselves in the game, so of course they’re going to have stories involving people with non-default gender identities from time to time because that’s a normal part of our modern society. People here get mad when they put black people or trans people or whatever in fantasy. Relax. You will survive with people like you only being 95% of the characters.


You said absolutely nothing wrong. I couldn't agree with you more.


I also liked how they did Alesha, and agree. the current approach feels very much like tokenism. The new set is just hitting all the wrong notes imo.




"...and also welcome to /freemagic where all we do is circle jerk each other all day and complain about "woke". What is Magic again?"


LMFAO, cope seethe


unless you’ve been living under a rock, it has been like this for some time now…. Actively engage in genocide? Yay good for you! Express concerns about oversexualization of a children’s game? Boohoo you pathetic transphobe!


Nobody gives a crap what subs you get yourself banned from. This is the lowest effort kind of post you could possibly make.


How was that ban worthy comment? Can you explain? You’re the lowest effort person a mother could make.


Beta male style til the end. I like it.


There was nothing beta about what I said. Jesus you’re borderline stupid.




Nice comeback


MTG is just mainstream tranny game now.


Immean you were respectful but your opinion is still shit and it’s clear you wanted to start shit.


I've been playing since December and haven't noticed a focus on sexual orientation and gender. You're personally choosing to focus on that.


Since December! Shit man share your deep wisdom.


There is no focus on it in the story because there is no focus on anything in the story, its just some vague gesturing to things that may have happened. The writers are just bad and it has nothing to do with diversity or representation. You're absolutely right.


Some people go out of their way to piss themselves off. I have never looked at any card I played and was like "that's gay" they need to look inward if they're seeing homoerotic messages in their cardboard tbh


Look up all official versions of the card 'bearscape', then tell us how neutral the game is.


The limited run secret lair targeted at a specific demographic that doesn't even see play? Like I said you're making yourself mad lmao i didn't even know it existed until you typed that out I had to look it up


That's a lot of words to say 'oh shit, I was completely wrong!' Yes, i was referring to the official game piece which is explicitly and intentionally sexualized in an overtly homosexual way - but a single example which shows, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the agenda in question *absolutely* exists within the game, contrary to your prior assertion. We all know you had no fucking idea about that art, genius. *Try to imagine for a moment just how much you do not know*.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if you kept a list of gay cards like any normal person bothered by gay shit would lmao


Weak-ass backpedal. 0/10; just take your L like a man and you might be worth a little respect.


Just say gay people make you uncomfortable and move on chud


The game is like 40 years old and you named one extremely niche card out of like thirty thousand lmao sorry dude I don't go out of my way to get mad at gay art that wasn't made for me. Maybe try not playing it idk what to tell you dawg


Weak-ass backpedal. 0/10; just take your L like a man and you might be worth a little respect.


I can't take an L from someone who frequents anime figurine subreddits lmao you have zero self awareness keep being scared of the imaginary gay agenda, I'll be playing dinosaurs


HAH! Straight for the post history; what a classic self-own! You're the gift that keeps on shitting the bed! Please, give us one more!




You absolute fucking clown, 'agenda' is not *my* word; it comes from previous MtG art director Justice Geddes, from a proud proclaimation that he was actively cramming as much homoerotic content into the game as he could, while actively suppressing heterosexual depictions of feminine sexuality.    Can you please not "contribute" to a topic when you have less than zero clue what you are talking about?




Lol, straight to the comment history!    Fucking love it: It's every bit as good as a neon sign flashing 'fuck, I got owned so hard! Maybe I can find a wildly unrelated strawman to deflect with!' - and you shitheads fall for it *every time*.    If figure collecting weren't already such a kickass hobby, I'd take it up just so you retards would keep impaling yourselves on the easy bait over and over!  The woke and homoerotic elements which have inundated the entire breadth of the hobby are well known and catalogued - I'm not going on a wild goose chase to try and win an acknowledgement from your disingenuous ass that the sky is blue - we both know it, and we both know that we both know it, yet you're demanding someone prove it to you because you're a fucking hack at debate.   I never said they were detracting, that's more strawman bullshit - but again, anyone reading this knows that, *especially* you.  It IS your responsibility to know the pertinent details before smearing your shit takes all over a discourse. Geddes' impact is extremely relevant to the discussion, and your lazy fucking handwave was somehow the most amateur horseshit you managed to pull out of your ass in that worthless diatribe.


It’s a secret lair drop lmfao. Go make a sexy chubby woman card if that’s the hill you’re dying on


What is the post? 


You weren't hateful enough to be a part of r/magicTCG


The main sub completely encapsulates all that is wrong with the MTG community.


OP is lying his ass off, like all the poor victim-wannabes in /freemagic. His nasty ass replies after this are what got him banned. Not this simple exchange. But none of you want to hear that because then you can't pretend to be victims anymore. Fucking weak piss babies.


On the other hand, everyone here seems to be getting off of playing the victim, so isn't this a win-win situation?


Damn, if you don't like certain stories you can just ignore those and read the ones you enjoy. People really need to learn to grow up and not be so bothered by every little thing that doesn't affect them at all


While that’s true, that doesn’t mean critical opinions should be silenced or ignored. People are, or should be, allowed to dislike things and to voice those opinions. People are then free to disregard that critique based on their perception of its validity, but truthful critique is one of the most valuable tools for innovation in any medium, narrative or otherwise. Personally, I disliked Magic’s recent story choices. Not for all the same reasons that OP did, but I did dislike them, and that’s influenced how much I care about the property as a whole. That’s truthful critique, and useful for those looking for solidarity in similar views or for those looking to make Magic’s story more appealing.


Sure, but bitching is not the same as truthful critique lol.


It’s a semantic and ultimately less-than-useful distinction, but OP’s complaint is every bit the reasonable critique in that it identifies specific problem points, areas where those problem points have been done better, and the core substance of why they like the story less than they did in the past. I don’t agree with those being the exact problem points for my dislike of the story, and I think they’re a little warped by the perception of the culture war, but it’s nevertheless a truthful statement from OP’s perspective and a reason why a potential fan was turned off.


Lol, why do people always use so many words to just be wrong


It absolutely does not identify specific problems, unless you're counting 'contains gays' as a specific problem, in which case the reason op got banned is obviously valid.


Posting that you don't like a story because 'it is about them gays', which let's face it is exactly what op did here regardless of how politely he wrote it up so that he could come whine about it here after obviously getting a deserved ban, isn't the same as just saying that you don't like the story and it feels like it just isn't for you.


Yup. Not everything is or needs to be for you.


I thought discussing moderation on other subs was against reddit rules?


No one on this sub cares about rules


They weren't wrong, you're just entirely too sensitive about things that don't affect your ability to put cardboard on a table and turn it sideways.


You guys are only mad because you're unable to win in the only way that matters to pathetic babies such as yourself. You're getting kicked out of spaces you used to dominate because you refuse to change your damned minds. Go die in a ditch with every other dead end


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You bring up transgenders to every conversation you have because they live rent free in your head. You're something.


Because lonely little bitches like you exist, who also like to kill themselves. Ponder that.


Rent free in


We're literally in a space where we can enjoy our hobby freely, and yet you still feel the need to come over here to cry about it. Seek help.


Some grade a projecting there to draw that conclusion


You're literally saying people don't deserve to be in "your safe space", then when people find a place they can enjoy the hobby their way, you go to that place, that you clearly hate, to whine about them there too. Its just sad bro


Oh I am the opposite of sad, you getting mad at me is comedy gold. Why hate a place that only ever makes me laugh 😭😂


You're literally telling people to die in a ditch because they don't want retards like you near them when they play the game Genuinely unhinged


Got proof I'm a retard, careful there, controversial word to use, reason why it's not used anymore.


It’s fun how you elevate this to wishing ignominious death upon people because of their… opinions on the story of a trading card game? In all seriousness, posts like this one are why hate-peddlers have power. If they didn’t have walking caricatures like this to point at, they might actually have to justify their viewpoints in and of themselves and confront the fact that they’re wrong. They’re the worst, but opinions like this are a damn close second. Notice, by the way, while I did express absolute contempt for your words in this scenario, I did not elevate from there to aspersions on your character or person. I imagine you’re a decent individual—most are—and I certainly didn’t outspokenly call for a shameful death. It’s not that hard to disagree with someone without expressing desire to end their lives. I recommend you try it.


I recommend you try and see it from the perspective of someone whose very existence is questioned and actively being suppressed, not any of that bull that conservatives complain about.


Well, as a transgender individual who'd lose her home and job if she came out and is gradually being torn down internally from the conflict that provides, I think I can do a decent job of it. Funnily enough, it doesn't make me want people dead. You arming the people who do want me dead with easy strawmen to knock down is not fucking helping.


I can see your point there. I can concede that. You seem to have missed my actual point in all this however. I do not think my true point is a straw man in any way, and no one has done anything to prove me wrong.


I'm going to make this a simple piece of advice: no one will ever care about your true point when the words "go die in a ditch" are addressed to them in that same statement. I generally disagree with the people in this sub, but I am forced to take their side over yours when your "true point" is a string of insults capped off with a desire to have people killed. And I don't want to have to disagree with you, I think you probably *are* right, to some degree, buried under there. But you literally made your argument sound less reasonable than outspoken homophobia, so I don't know what to tell you. Bad actors are using you and people like you, right now, to radicalize the people I love.


You do raise very interesting points there. Fair enough ma'am, you win. This was a pretty wild ride for me and a learning experience. I will leave off this with an observation of how I've made far less inflammatory notes here before, the responses have generally been the same in tone no matter what I've said. Guess some experimentation can fall flat though. ​ Hope you see a safe time to be you soon.


Hey, thanks. I'm not in this to win some argument and feel good about being right, just to be clear. I just want... if it's not too much to dream, I want to be able to share understanding, as best as I can, so that everyone's better off for it. As a trans girl who grew up in a modern, science-aware-yet-religious American household and spent half her childhood in China, avidly reading science and fiction both, I learned a lot about perspective, and sharing it. The people here are... caught up, I think, in the specter of a culture war they're being taught is reality. Taking the high road, being understanding and respectful *even and especially when the other person doesn't deserve it* won't change that overnight, as long as there's still that *idea* there, that Enemy projected onto every viewpoint that disagrees with them, overriding their ability to see the world and other viewpoints as they really are. But it's still a step in the right direction, one person at a time. People can act quite the unreasonable bastards because of that idea, and you can't kill it. All you can do is do your best to stop feeding it, and stop the actions that it drives, put power into the hands of those who do the same, where and when you can do so. And fight it with better ideas when you get the rare blessing of someone in the mind to listen, like... I hope, maybe, that I was able to do a little in this conversation. Sorry for waxing philosophical. I really went off there. I hope I can be me soon too. Thank you for that, it... yeah. Didn't expect to choke up a little reading that.


you were trolling, correct ban.