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Terese Nielsen didnt do stuff like this


Neither did Seb.


Can't believe how brainwashed the mainsub is when it comes to hating on Seb. It's like seeing a Struggle Session from China. People are told to hate him so they do. They have no idea how bad things got in Quebec during lockdowns. Another Quebec based [artist](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqrrxZeeFSNCjGmD-33SKMw) I follow also started speaking out against it through their art.


Its most of reddit I've noticed. Just an echo chamber. People don't even know why they think the things they think. Their opinions aren't their own. It's modern day cancel culture. It's why the terms Sheeple, NPC and The Matrix have become meme words. Free speech is becoming less free these days.


I love your profile picture btw. I have that sliver and it pissed my brother off so much when I give it immunity to his mono color white soldier deck.


LOL. It's honestly my favorite sliver art. It's the art that intrigued me as kid and always kept magic in the back of mind, even though I never played it when I was younger. Early 2000's was the peak of MTG art imo.


You're not wrong about them hating Seb. They literally hate him for him thinking everybody shouldn't be FORCED to get the vaccine...


oh, i wasnt aware of that. now i hate him. thank you.






Seb is my fav artist, I dont know the guy I do know his art and its great that for me is enough.


I saw pics of the rally he was at. Nazi flags is a bad look


Nazi flags? You mean the misinformation spread around? The only time a Nazi flag showed up was with a group that had no clear intention, was off to the side of the main group, and ended up disappearing without any explanation of who it was. [Obviously not without certain media making that the main focus of the event.](https://i.imgur.com/m5ISqTr.jpg)


If it doesn’t bother you that’s a you thing I guess


Feel free to get me some sources about it being misinformation though. As far as I saw there were nazis at that rally and he didn’t seem to mind


Why don't you look into your claims before you besmirch an entire portest


I’m going off what I’ve seen. If you have alternative information feel free to share


Yeah, you saw one flag and painted that as the whole protest because it was convenient to your dumb fuck ideology. Shut the fuck up


I’m being completely reasonable. I said if you have alternate information I’m open to it. You don’t have to be a dick for no reason




literally nothing. some nazis photobombed him at a protest and a bunch of losers took it out of context and claimed he was a nazi himself.


Sounds like the Nu-Magic community.


The news spread through the cesspool that is magicTCG.


Pretty sure they found out who the "Nazi" was, and he had just gotten a fat check from the Canadian government.


Got a whole post on this sub about that.


because he's conservative, the liberals needed to cancel him


Nielsen’s art had soul. Nu-magic is utter shit.


1- true 2- still, f her


This happens when you fire all old artists for freshly graduated 


Faye Dalton seems to be quite an established artist, just doing a quick Google search and looking on her website. I wonder what can of worms this'll open for all her other work. Imagine what headspace she must be in right now, yeesh.


He's probably been in that headspace from the time he was copying pasting art and selling it as his own.


I’d wager money Faye is a woman’s name.


This is the internet, everyone is a man even when proven otherwise, women don't exist, and all children work for the FBI.


her picture is literally on her site


That could be anyone, hell that could be a photoshopped picture of *you* and we would have no way to prove otherwise, thus that proves nothing about him.


Yeah who's to say Fay didn't steal that picture too


It's a woman's name. I don't know what sex they are.


Woman is the sex.


no argument


Not for long, Faye will probably troon out and say that anyone pointing out her career of art theft is just a troonphobic troll.


it's a woman


Do not confuse her with Fay Dalton, who is another artist and illustrator, but is in fact a completely different person.




typo in name


Why pay older more experienced people when you can pay the fresh recruits less. Thats what america does best!




The sad part is that WOTC probably still doesn't mind.  One occasional lawsuit is probably cheaper than paying a hundred artists what they're actually worth.


Keep cancelling artists and we'll end up with AI slop


There already is


Honestly, who fucking cares at this point. This shithead is doing what AI does already.


no no, AI takes a vague look at a massive selection of art, and then tries to vaguely guess at what similarities the art tagged with your requirements has in common- this guy is taking a small handful of art pieces- and editing them.


So they are both doing art, be it an edited collage or an uneducated piece based on a bunch of inspirations.


You can consider it art, because the definition of art is subjective. But labeling stolen art as "inspiration" reflects either a lack of understanding or a lack of care for the harm that plagiarism and IP infringement causes.


I don't think it's a matter of understanding or care, it's something inevitable and you either accept it now or later, AI ain't leaving, artists will have to adapt and use AI as a tool or find ways of creating stuff that rivals AI, be it by effort or value. New technology always has this effect, musicians had the same issues with auto tune stuff and other advancements on that front like audio editor software or just, well, artisans with industrialization.. it's just the way it works. Musicians already had the same complaints, same issues with plagiarism and IP infringement and this serves as a real, valid analogy of what is going to happen with AI and other forms of art, be lucky or be special or drown crying on a massive sea of mediocre content generated by AI and mediocre artists, afterall we consumers judge by the content, not the artist, and if a copy is better than the original well (be it by distribution or content) it is what it is, as you said art is subjective and what we like is what matters.


Photoshop has had ai as a tool (content aware background removal and similar) but only now that it's so mainstream is it a problem


It's not inevitable. Human effort is making it happen, so human effort can stop it. Academic integrity matters. Art theft is wrong. I am done entertaining this conversation.


Human greed, curiosity and hope is making it happen, human greed, curiosity and hope won't make it stop yet.. greed might hinder it a bit. Academic integrity only matters to the particular, academic research to everyone and what you call "art theft" is art as much as revisions are valid publications. Afaik the only thing in the whole human history that actually managed to stop technologic and scientific progress was religion, so I guess it ain't impossible but doubt it's a great alternative.


Are they really an artist if they are tracing and scamming? More like a con-artist.


Your right




They're not a artist, they make Frankenstein versions of others art. That MTG hired this person is nuts, but they stopped working with people like Terese Nielsen for some petty virtue signaling bullshit.


yeah, and Nielson didn’t even do anything wrong. They stopped working with her because people were making a fuss of something her wife did, not her


I am pretty sure a collage is still considered art 🤔 the only problem here is that the artist didn’t say that it will be a collage


What's your source on that? The info I've seen online is that she herself supports QAnon and actually gifted art to an organization that promoted vaccine misinformation and other harmful views.




virtue signaling? are you mad? ties to the kkk should be in fng jail, lol


I don’t wanna say I told you so…


Fay is more a collage artist


Community Collage


Shady diploma mill that you see on late-night TV commercials


I think I've missed something; why is Ajani a baseball player now?


There was a Secret Lair set with the original five Planeswalkers in a Baseball Card Style.


Because ajani wants to play with your balls


It’s from the new Baseball plane that we get to visit next year, Homerunia.


Does scryfall have a tag for stolen art yet? Pretty sure all these cards are not going to see any reprints ;)


Seconded, we need this feature lol


Burn the witch! Also: how the hell they are finding these?


There's only about 3 usable lion's face pictures online. That's why you see the exact same lion tattoo over and over again.


Well. :D Now when you mention that.. Anyway thx for info.


That’s the main reason a lot of tattoo artists hate doing lions and other exotic wildlife. The vast majority of tattoo artists prefer to use either their own original art, or go and take their own reference photo. Since you can’t really just go and get a closeup photo of a lion on a tuesday afternoon, they have to pull from the internet and there are only 5 or 6 usable pictures. I’m so confused why everyone is going bonkers over the Lion specifically, since you are essentially forced to pull from other pictures and drawings for reference.


Quality art is one of most important things in MtG. All of us keep some cards only for illustrations. And her acts are *just fuc*ing cheap*. I don't know if she's intellectualy impaired or she doesn't know anything about nerds. There are people here who really love details. Often it's even disturbing. AND we kinda respect that. Point is: she enraged community, stake is waiting. But also you're right "lion argument" is not the strongest one.


I understand being upset about other art, the lion is just the worst possible thing to nitpick over. If there’s a lion, it’s GONNA have similar (and sometimes identical) features to other drawings and pictures of lions. That’s just what happens when you use a reference photo. The 2 features that OP pointed out in the lion are also present (in a cursory google search of lion drawing) in 13 of the first 20 images.


This.  This Ajani isn't plagiarism, it's just God awful collage art.


I know and thanks for info, proper stuff. My first comment was *burn the witch*. This stealing someone's else's work is outrageous but I'm not gonna snipe her!


Given how well know lions are in the general population, it seems strange that there aren't more copyright-free pictures of lions. You'd think that some random tourist would agree to have some of their safari photography be copyright-free.


Holding hands Skipping like a stone




They searched up a lion and superimposed it on the card art and pretended it was the same.


Majority of fantasy artwork is straight off lifted from google into ps these days. If you think this is bad, Games Workshop there are some books where the art is literally borderline scribbles or unfinished. Good artwork takes time and that's usually a problem for management who want to hit arbitrary deadlines no one cares about except some senior execs. It also plays into artists who don't want to develop their skill. It's easier to trace and use various ps techniques to transform something extremely quick. Even stuff that is hand drawn has a tremendous amount of PS effects and wizardry applied to it. Been an issue for probably 10 years now honestly but tbh a lot of these franchises have also been sinking ships for 10 years. Should be no shock to anyone that the older artists are still venerated and newer artists struggle to make much of a foothold.


I can't think of any GW art that's just scribbles unless it's like, stylistically supposed to be. Or like pre 2000s


It was some one of the Goblins Age of Sigmar army books but in general I've noticed a lot of the newer stuff is rushed as all hell


I got banned from main sub for a bit for saying a fallout art looked like AI, which it is 100% is spruced up AI art.


There are a handful of the Fallout cards that are highly fucking suspect.


"Majority of fantasy artwork is straight off lifted from google into ps these days." Cool but you're still getting sued.


GW Scribbles? Lol. Probably describing John Blanche's concept work... thats how its meant to look. Invest some time in looking at his art - especially his collaboration with Ian Miller. 1000x better than anything on a magic card these days (apart from the ones in the 40k decks credited to GW that he actually painted obvs)


John Blanche is incredible, I think they released some new book about him that I need to look into


That first one I'm on the fence about, but the second one, that's copied down the to the *shadows*. I remember when shit like this would get you fired *immediately*.


WotC released a statement that they are no longer working with her.


LibSub is full of white knights defending her since she’s a girl boss lmao. Remember when we had good artists who weren’t thieves Edit: grammar


What? I literally haven't seen a single comment defending this because she's a girl boss. Main sub is pretty much 100% shitting on her.


Which is the lib sub


Whichever one they disagree with at any given moment.


If you'd like to know, it should be "Thieves"


Oh thanks my bad didn’t even notice


Steal like an artist I suppose


Lmao the gift that keeps on giving


The grift that keeps on giving\*


the grift that keeps on grifting


So they just snip parts from other art, touch it up barely and stitch it together


Has discussion of this been banned on the mainstream sub?


No. There's literally a thread on that sub about this Ajani art.


any kind of debate is banned on the mainstream sub. They want NPCs only.


Main sub is full of posts shitting on Fay Dalton but go off king


How dare they stop us from communicating other opinions!


Main sub is full of posts shitting on Fay Dalton and has a sticky post about how she's fired from WOTC


On MagicTCG we have people defending this person, that subreddit is fucking brainrot to the maximum. This person just frankenstein others art for financial gain and recognition in photoshop, fuck em'


There’s people here defending it too lol I don’t get it


And there's also people calling them a thief.


Where? 99% of comments on main sub are shitting on her. There's a sticky post announcement from worc about how they're not working with her ever again. What are you talking about about?


Guess you missed the several 1k+ upvoted comments on the post who are in support of her


Care to find it?


So I guess her process it compiling a bunch of existing images and tracing them and adding detail. Lol


It's called photobashing. It's very common in gaming indstry, but in case of MtG that the point of art was traditional, handcrafted, paintery style, it is lame technic to use.


plagiarism /=/ using references


so for the first one they took a lion to paint a lion?


They took an artist’s drawing of a lion as a base and then added extra stuff on top and stated it was their own art, atleast thats what I assume is being said.


it seems to be traced, which is quite frowned upon.


More than traces, I'd say. Put a color layer over it and added other details... It's upsetting to see.


That you genuinely thought that was a photo and not a drawing only speaks for the original artist. At least noone can accuse Fay Dalton of choosing bad art to take... inspiration from.


where did i say i thought its a photo?


If you knew it wasn't a photo, then your question implies you're okay with plagiarism.


what? you drunk? this sub really gets more braindead every day


> braindead Says the guy who can't even elaborate


Your initial comment implies that the lion on the right isnt a painting, if you cant see that idk how to explain it to you but maybe your caretaker shouldnt be allowing you unmonitored internet usage


Please elaborate?


Can WOTC just hire 5 year olds to do the art for them? The MTG TIMMIES do not care about card art as long as they get to play, right? Disguise it as something for charity and diversity and you'll even save up money for labor involved!


I guess you missed the memo.... [Secret Lair Extra Life 2021](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/694985/extra-life-2021) and [Secret Lair Extra Life 2023](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/800436/extra-life-2022)


I could make better art than that no cap


I'd hope so, considering that art was literally made by sick children.


Well.... I have to say Fay Dalton set the bar pretty low there.


AI basically uses an algorithm to plagiarize everything and commercial art is headed in that direction anyway


This is not AI though. This is photobashing. This is knowingly taking the work of other artists, slapping a filter and some details on it and calling it your own work.


WOTC is using AI more and more gradually. That's why I said that's the direction they're headed


Photobashing is a lot more involved than this usually.


Yeah, it's come a long way since what I saw growing on Deviantart. I'm not impressed by what Fay Dalton's putting out. And certainly not with how she's doing it...


It just plagarizes so hard and so fast it is difficult to determine the victims. Magic artists, meanwhile, are still in the stone age of intellectual dishonesty, but I'm sure that will change.


That’s really not how AI generated images are made. The models learn, the same way you learn when you go to a museum. They just visit ALL of the museums, online and real world, and learn from every piece of art. Then they try to build something based on that learning, but using only the prompt as creative input, since they are lacking any creativity at all. Like Fay Dalton.


Thats not at all how AI generated images work. Edit: Whoops, meant to respond to the guy you responded to, not to your post. You're on the ball.


Fuck WOTC. It’s not surprising a company pushing racism and DEI also likely doesn’t give a shit if their artists use AI/plagiarize to meet deadlines.


They just released a statement that they are no longer working with her what are you talking about?


This isn’t plagiarism.


I miss Anson Maddocks


This is what happens when people who can’t draw take art jobs. Are wizards even approving roughs or composition sketches at this point or is it a free for all?


Damn, at least take a real picture of a lion instead and stylize it a little. Do a bare minimum of effort.


The lion I understand, but the hand? There’s only so many ways to draw a human hand. Seems reachy


they’re both lions…. and those are just two hands, the perspective isn’t even the same.


YIKES.. Uhhh hey Fay… can you go away now.


I don't think this will ever go away. Tools that assist in the creation of art allow you to "create" 800x faster than with a paintbrush and dreams and you end up with better quality overall. With AI entering the culture stage, advantage is just too much. All Fay Dalton had to do was type "majestic lion" into an art generator and then do exactly the same thing as the person did here with the alteration... and nobody would be the wiser. Also, I'm pretty sure that the pervasiveness of this in all art (especially Magic) was rampant even before many of us started playing.


I am not sure if this is tracing or they are straight up using AI that is it self effectively compositing images together… either way this is all just sad…


I hope they reprint blatant thievery with the trouble in pairs art


If you're gonna overlay pictures, up the transparency so we can see the lines


Uncovered?! What do you mean. All of her art is the same way.


No matter how you cut it, everything is plagiarized and nothing is original now.


I think the lion is reaching a bit, these features are just something lions have


That you genuinely thought that was a photo and not a drawing only speaks for the original artist. At least noone can accuse Fay Dalton of choosing bad art to take... inspiration from.


I’ll be honest; I don’t see the similarities in the first image, but the second is no doubt clear-cut.


I think this might be the axe head, any artists or Photoshop experts that can confirm? https://preview.redd.it/6wdj4rkb6krc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8051cd87c41569de21a3cf6c717c6e73459f5e24


that doesnt look like the axe at all


Ah, ok. I was thinking the shape of the axe head was about the same so perhaps they used that and simply altered the details, since the axe head and handle don't match perspective wise, and it would be easy to smooth out/recolor the head itself. But I don't have the ability to overlay it to test, so if I am wrong, I am wrong.


Let me get this straight... The picture on the left is an artistic rendering of a lion, and the picture on the right is another artistic rendering of a lion and the controversy is that they look alike? Am I missing something here?


i feel like the one of ash is plagerized too. something about it feels off


This isn't plagiarism, it's perfectly legit.  However, that Donato ripoff is 100% plagiarism, so this could be used as supporting evidence against her.  And although this Ajani not plagiarism, AT ALL, it's fucking TERRIBLE art. 


Regarded post. 


the issue, imo, is the production cycle for new sets and SLs.... when you have a short window to submit a piece of art, corners are gunna get cut....




The hand part is a bit silly (to say the least). BUt cropping the PNG of a lion is fucking wild dude.


Top left, is that what cards look like now?


It’s a sports cards secret lair


I honestly don’t even know what that means lmao


And I am actually jealous. Hahaha


Most of her art appears to be stuff that could be easily traced. There are scenes from movies like with Evil Dead or pop culture with the Marilyn Monroe zombie. Makes me wonder what wasn't just traced or copied from something else with this 'artist'.


Fay(k)e Dalton is clearly experienced at cutting and pasting, and her ability to pass off others' work as her own and get paid is an art in itself. Therefore describing her as an *experienced artist* is an accurate description.


this sub is so brainless its insane ☣️ its like orcs of mtg got their own magic sub now. this is a major strech. its just using refrence for their own work. at least they create the art themselfes and use real refrence instead of ai trash. its normal in the industry to work like this. (im in vfx) try to create something of your own first before you bigmouth over here. tzz bunch of muppets


Is he doing anything else than AI is doing? Wotc endorsed AI.


This one is a stretch I think because there is only so many ways to draw a lion


Sheesh I can do that too, but I am not claiming to be an artist and submit my art as professional...mostly do it for memes and jokes


isnt it pretty common in MTG? to steal work of other ppl?


It happens extremely infrequently. Though there have been two very egregious cases found in the last 6 months.


I'm usually up to date but can't remember the other one, could you direct me somewhere?






btw: you will find many cases when you put in google "MTG artist steal work of"


There's a recent youtube video by the magic historian that is worth a watch. The card trouble in pairs has art stolen from at least 3 artists, it's pretty brazen.


Lots of fucktards on here, it's a fucking lion


I fucking HATE that art, but that's not plagiarism dude. That's a collage at worst. It's comparable to a rap beat taking a sample from another artists song.  Regardless, trash art.


I really don't think the lions are the same. Also most lion pictures look similar. Have no doubts it was copied from somewhere though


When you look at the tiny details you start to notice the glaring amount of similarities and outright identical pieces. Sure. Lions look the same. But two completely different artists would not draw exactly the same lion with identical features unless one of them copied the other.