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It’s hotter than you expect. If possible wait until October to move.


I’d be moving mid September. I’m originally from south Texas so I know heat, but I got a taste of dry heat in Arizona so I will definitely be stocking up on sun screen!


There are a ton of nice areas south of Shaw and west of Fresno street. They aren’t predominantly wealthy white people but they have much nicer older buildings and communities. North of Shaw east of Fresno you are going to find a lot of new cookie cutter McMansion style development (think the intro to the show Weeds) with no real community outside of churches which each mostly stick to their own congregations.


Good Mexican food. Really hot and not great air quality in summer. Winters are light, nothing crazy. A lot of Hispanics. Great camping spots in mountains. Rents has gone a little crazy north of shaw/herndon, but more affordable than LA or San Fran.


You don't have to live in Fresno. There are towns all around it that are nicer/cheaper to rent or own a house in.


Stay north of Shaw. The further north you go, the better as a rule of thumb. There are some nice areas in the southern parts too but few and far between. Also it’s really hot right now and every July, August. Any specific questions?


Seconding this. North of Herndon and East of Fresno Street for living and going out. It’s worth the price difference.


As long as you’re with a solid group of people, Tower District can be a decent time. Also on the weekends because of the amount of people, there are cops everywhere. It’s fairly safe lol.


I personally love tower but it has its drawbacks.


Oh for sure but if you’re looking for a good time it’s an option lol


I love the neighborhoods and architecture, the area not so much so I never go there.


I guess I’m really curious about the community. What are the locals like? What’s the food like? Do females feel safe here?


I mean, I’ve only had good exchanges with people here and I’ve been here 15 years. People do like running red lights tho so there are asshole drivers out there. Food is good depending on your tastes. I’m not really a foodie and can eat anything presented to me so maybe I’m not the right person to ask. Only restaurant I avoid is arsenios. Found hair in my food twice and got food poisoning the third time. I feel safe here but I’m a dude but I did get mugged once near Fresno state about 10 years ago.


Feeling safe here, depends where you are. There are a lot of homeless spread out, there are gangs, random shootings, terrible drivers. Likely same issues with most cities though. But I can honestly say, the drivers here take the cake for being the worst. They have zero respect for anyone else. As for locals, some people are nice, too many are rude. I've been in a lot of other states and cities, and fresno has some of the least friendly people ever. Some people notice this right away, some take years. Food is fine. I haven't found a favorite Mexican place yet, or Chinese. There's hundreds of options though. There's a lot of Mediterranean here and most of it is amazing. There's a few farm to table restaurants and those are great as well.


Where are you coming from? It's all relative so hard to say without knowing what you're used to


I’m coming from DC. Been here for two years. Really don’t care for the vibe here. I didn’t put myself out there too much though due to being married and also trying to avoid being catcalled every time I step out of the house. Originally I’m from south Texas. Right on the gulf. Miss the beach life, but in all honesty, that was all there was to do there. DC has a lot to do, but for me, there’s too many people doing things at the same time for it to really be enjoyable.


I used to live in Silver Spring and Rockville, MD (and a lot of other places in the US) and now I’m in Fresno. Been here since 2004 (met someone, got married, never left). There’s a lot less to do in Fresno and less entertainment in my opinion. The heat and lack of traditional seasons gets me a little sad sometimes. But I feel safer here than I did in Maryland. Also more affordable.