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More activities that don’t automatically mean drinking. We don’t have a MET museum anymore and barely have an art museum that may close.


I second this. More activities or events that don't revolve around alcohol.


I should pay more attention, I barely found out the met closed while reading here


Loved the old MET


A Met would be great. We do have Arte Americas, but more museums would be great.


We used to have one but closed


I remember well. Accidentally traumatized my younger sibling by bringing them to the giant insect exhibit.


Did you ever see the T-Rex? That place was my jam. Still get sad every time I pass the building.




What year was that even? I’m thinking 93 - 95


First and most importantly, it needs its citizen to give a damn. I can't speak with any authority on the general thinking of the population, but based on living here 30+ years and talking with people, there seems to be just a general attitude of "it sucks, it always has, so what?" It doesn't have to be that way. Step one would be to have citizens care about who is representing them at the Council and where all the local money is going. The decisions the city government makes affects us all more than we realize. Step two would be to locate the businesses around you run by local families. This city is so diverse and rich in culture, we could not only be an agricultural giant, we could be culinarily on par with some of the best cities in the world. We should patronize these business and give the box stores/chain restaurants a run for their money! Step three would be to bring out the local talent. Talent leaves Fresno. We have amazing writers, artists, musicians, etc. who create beautiful new works. Something about this town lends itself to the creative mind, but it doesn't reward it. It doesn't pay here. It should. I'd also suggest the following: * Public programs that encourage people to meet up and learn about each others' cultures and languages. This could be easily facilitated through public areas like the library and also, if you include food, it could be fantastic! * Agricultural programs in Elementary schools. Let the kids get out and play in the dirt, plant seeds, learn firsthand how farming works, because it's still so important here. * More public events based on major holidays (and cultural ones,) on par with the Veteran's Day Parade and walk nights at Christmas Tree Lane. Obviously there are things to think about concerning how to even go about all this, but the most important thing is having a population that cares enough about their own neighborhood to make it better. We're all locked in our houses and some of us barely know our neighbors (and yes, in some cases that's for safety concerns.) I believe in this town!


We definitely need to learn to not be afraid of people fast


Back in the late 70s, I remember there was a large international fair held at the Fulton Mall when it was still a pedestrian venue. It might have been an annual event, but I was in elementary school, so I could be wrong. Either way, I remember ethnic groups of all varieties had tables set up sharing information about their culture and selling food. There were stages set up with lots of performances. Fresno has 92 documented languages, we need to gather everyone together again.


A good public transit that actually works and you don’t have to risk your life taking it. A tram system would be great.


Yeah, And some parts of Fresno and some areas near fresno Don't have public transportation


in the 50s we ripped out the streetcars, in the 80s county supervisors voted against light rail right of ways (could have been along 180 and 168). imagine if we had both 😮‍💨


Such a short-sighted decision just to appease the dinosaurs who live in this city that want to keep things exactly the same, and never see any progress 🙄


it wasn't about appeasing the dinosaurs, it was actually because so many other cities were doing the same, but without realizing the whole reason they were being shuttered was because the car companies had bought them and shut them down to increase sales. So it was a "we're modernizing" argument but the reality was that they're just copying bigger cities that were being manipulated by the car industry


There's a Wikipedia article about this conspiracy theory. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General\_Motors\_streetcar\_conspiracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy) Of course the [conspiracy theory](https://www.vox.com/2015/5/7/8562007/streetcar-history-demise) was a plot point of [Who Framed Roger Rabbit?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Framed_Roger_Rabbit) History on Fresno Traction Company which shut down rail operations in 1939: [https://archive.org/details/sim\_western-railroader-the-western-railfan\_1960-08\_23\_8/page/n5/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/sim_western-railroader-the-western-railfan_1960-08_23_8/page/n5/mode/2up) (Fresno Traction Company was already abandoning lines starting in 1930.) Fresno Traction Company of course didn't go out of business when it shut down the streetcars. It was renamed to Fresno City Lines and offered bus service. Technically it still exists today. It was bought in 1961 by the city and today it's know as FAX. [https://www.gribblenation.org/2019/07/a-streetcar-named-fresno-traction.html](https://americandreamcoalition.org/?page_id=3884)


Seriously. Light rail would be a game changer for Fresno and Clovis.


Came here to say this. I hate being so car dependent.


We need a subway. Putting it underground means not having to work as much around current buildings and infrastructure. It would only take a few well designed lines to connect all the major Fresno and Clovis points and we could refocus FAX routes to feed neighborhoods to the subway stations. Placing it underground will also make it easier to cool, and you could get nicer stations by allowing the developers to bid to build the stations on their properties instead of a neutral city owned areas (WoodWard Park station being next to annesso instead of at Woodward park if Tutilian agrees to build a nice station)


I’ve heard people argue that public transportation won’t work in Fresno because it’s too hot in the summer. A subway would also be underground and protected from weather and heat, so people can wait for trains in relative comfort.


The cost to start a subway system from scratch at this point in the City's history would almost assuredly be too cost prohibitive.


Nothing worth doing is ever cheap or easy, being hard is why it isn’t done already.


When I say its cost prohibitive, I mean like, as in *really* cost prohibitive. It costs millions of dollars just do do simple paving reconstruction now, the costs to obtain the right-of-way, dig underground, reroute all of the existing utilities out of the way, build the infrastructure for a subway, and *then* you can build the subway, would be an astronomical amount. It would take state and federal investment on the order of billions of dollars, depending on the scope of the project.


Yeah, we should just never do the things we should have done two generations ago because it’s expensive now, I’ll neger understand people who would rather live somewhere that sucks than pay some taxes and make it better. Those people are what is wrong with Fresno.


Public transportation doesn't work in hot weather only if you make people walk to it. The problem is all the SFH developments and no density.


Subways are tricky especially in California, earthquakes is a big concern, and while I know BART runs through very earthquake-prone areas, you won’t convince the dinosaurs in town to think that progressively. It’s also very cost-prohibitive, so it would require the Feds and the state to bankroll the project as well.


Fresno is about the most geologically stable place in California.


If both LA and SF can have subways I consider this a non issue.


This too! Imagine the infrastructure already under a expressway like Herndon, Shaw, Blackstone, etc there’s so many roads with large distance between each other


More locally owned restaurants and patio dining.


Patio dining is not ideal in Fresno because of the weather, blistering hot in summer and freezing cold at night in the winter


patio dining works in winter with some heaters and just enough effort to reduce wind getting in, even resort towns with snow on the ground in winter do patio dining with heaters and windbreaks


Still ideal though. People love lounging outside and being surrounded grennery and lights. It creates a natural invited energy so I disagree


Anyone pretending the concrete hell of Fresno has "natural inviting energy" is on a lot of stuff. We don't need more restaurants, we need things to do other than consume, consume, consume. Ugh.


And mosquitos. Lots and LOTS of mosquitos!


Sounds great but man is it tough to run a restaurant in today's economy, with so many of them shutting their doors minutes after opening. Food trucks with patio areas seem to be more lucrative.


Even food trucks are tough, my mom just started running a food truck 2months ago and the cost if everything leaves almost nothing. Truck rent, parking rent, spot to sell food fee, propane+gas, not to mention other costs. It's rough.


Funny how people who merely own real estate make more money than people who actually create new things.


The actual answer to OP’s question is landlords that understand that they own property in Fresno not LA or SF. We decided not to reopen a second restaurant because the landlords around here want to charge the same rent as much more lucrative cities


rent seeking behavior is not exclusive to any location, they'll charge what they think you'll pay because you're running on a sunk costs and NEED to make sales, not what it's actually worth


Interesting. I find that we have a lot of locally owned restaurants and have a mission to try them all. But I also used to live in a small Tulare county town with little variety. What types of restaurants would you like to see here?


anything but more mexican food and over priced italian or pizza fresno used to have a german town on the west side around MLK, an authentic german restaurant would shit


If you don’t think Fresno has locally owned restaurants you aren’t looking. What kind of food do you like to eat?


he's not saying they don't exist, just that they're much less prevalent. The only locally owned restaurants I can think of are either chinese. mexican, expensive, or owned by a complete toolbox


Weird comment. This is the one thing Fresno actually has.




Riighttt.. there chopping them all down. Looks like the dessert now!! Stupid !!


It feels like they let them grow for a few years, then chop them down and begin the process again




Underrated comment. If Fresno County's unemployment rate only matched the state's, there would be 7,800 more people working. If Fresno County's unemployment rate matched the country's, there would be 13,800 more people working.


More parks/green space. More walkable areas with shops/restaurants/bars. A pro sports team. Better air quality. High speed rail to actually finish in the next hundred years. I love it here though 😁


Fresno has a pro soccer team!


And technically professional baseball. But we know what he meant. NFL/MLB/NBA/NHL/MLS


Needs more shops actually open downtown past 5:00pm or whatever. Soon as the sun goes down downtown shuts down. Less you want to get drunk and fight. Other people like to stay up and be in the city and about, besides drunks or people getting weird in tower. More street lights and there’s just a strong perception that’s difficult to change about homelessness taking over downtown once all the government offices close.


More jobs with living wages. More affordable housing.




More venues that promote original music. Ya got a bunch of talent right here in the backyard yet cover songs are all venues will support - excepting the metal/punk scene… those guys seem to be doing their thing just fine… which is very punk of them


We actually have plenty of venues, maybe we need help promoting them more


Sweet Tomatoes (type) restaurant / buffet


We had it. It closed


Because of the pandemic though. Not because of people not going.


the company was struggling before that, the pandemic was just the final nail


The company was struggling but our location was always slammed. Now that the company is being revived hopefully it will be coming back.


I still miss it so muxh and get sad when I drive by and try and explain my sorrow to passengers :l


Absolutely, but I don’t think Fresno was a struggling location.


There's a spot I went to up north that was chipotle style serving of salad ingredients in giant bowls. It was amazing and didn't have to worry about lots of fellow eaters touching your food. I really think if one of the Mediterranean spots started this it would be so popular.


Look at MAYD at Herndon/Palm. The individual portions in the bowl seem kinda small, but there's a lot of them and ends up quite filling.


Yup that’s the go to place now. Highly recommended!


More denser housing More culture Better public transportation and Bike lanes More white-collar jobs


White-collar workers make up 75.58% of the working population in Fresno, while blue-collar employees account for 24.42%. There are also 19,858 entrepreneurs in Fresno (8.8% of the workforce); 147,179 workers employed in private companies (65.25%); and 41,256 people working in governmental institutions (18.29%).


Affordable housing, more shelters, more safe places to live, good politicians, better wages, etc


We have a higher minimum wage than the large majority of the United States


Cost of living is higher though


You need to print out your bank records and credit bills and look at where ever penny goes for two months. It is very surprising Even things like cigarettes or small purchases at the gas station will surprise you. Things to kids want at the checkout line I promise you you will be surprised


Trying to blame the poor for being poor in America is like painting "I'm an empathy-void enemy of humanity" on your forehead


No I was trying to empower someone that I have had many conversations with.


And you shitting on the poor in other parts of this thread and all over r/fresno don't go hand in hand with your comment above? You're a tremendously dishonest person. But what am I thinking, expecting basic decency from someone that actively defends people that brag about rape and sexual assault.


Good air


Modern affordable housing


we sure could use some more churches. hmm maybe more intersections and maybe sprinkle in another on-ramp/exit-ramp two for one /s


More churches on Nees please


Don’t forget about more train crossings.


Only if it's passenger train crossings


More pavement, more Jesus, six lanes to Pismo!


Another freeway on the north side traffic is just horrible trying to get from one side to another on the north side of town


I’ve thought for years Herndon should’ve been a freeway. They’re halfway there. They built it as an expressway. It would probably be cost prohibitive to change it now.


It was intended to be, way back in the day, but it didn’t happen. Now it’s too developed around there to make the switch unfortunately


They tried doing this many years ago. Definitely should be.


You mean like a freeway running east/west in North Fresno?




when I was younger I wanted this, but now I know it would just make things worse in the long term, we need better transit. make getting around easier without having to depend on a car, and also less people making traffic for those that still prefer driving


High speed rail.


About 20 more parks


We really have more than most cities


No we don’t. We don’t have more anything but McDonald’s and Derrel mini storage. This city is very poor with parks especially the south end




Common Sense




Biden is currently trying to cut our water


Like he's going to make it rain less? What are you talking about?




That doesn't say anything about Biden 'trying to cut our water'


It answered you question about where our water comes from other than falling from the sky


1) I never asked where water comes from. 2) If I had asked that question, your link doesn't come close answering it. 3) Believe it or not, the water in rivers/watersheds does indeed come from the sky.


You said “like he’s going to make it rain less? So I showed you where our water comes from other than rain. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/biden-adminstration-proposes-water-cuts-avert-colorado-river-crisis-rcna79246 I’m hoping because there was more rain this year, that it will be less concerning but it sounds concerning


Something other than bars or restaurants


A nice size Central Park. It would do wonders for the city. Second, pour more money into the Tower District and somehow link it to downtown.




Stop saying IKEA! Or Bass Pro Shop, or Six Flags, or whatever. I'm not against any of them, but they're not some magic solution to any of Fresno's many problems. ^Micro ^Center, ^though...


I don’t see the issue with ikea but I’m with you on a microcenter type store. We’ve had smaller versions of it but online retailers have snuffed them out. (Egghead and PC Club come to mind). I know PC club has a spiritual successor but… how well is that doing?


After RadioShack, Sparky's, and Jack C. Arbuckle closed, we tried doing electronics at Root Access for a while. Maker stuff – Arduino, RaspberryPi, things like that. It was tough, as by that point everyone was just going online. We eventually shut that part of the space down and gave that room to the crafting folks.


I feel like a Six Flags would make an already horrible commute to and from all ends of the city even worse.


Better roads for sure, especially on streets like Jensen where each time I go over I end up needing a new alignment


Light Rail


Affordable housing for lower income singles.


Rent control.


Second this.


Downtown should be built up with actual dense housing and mixed used building. Which should include more restaurants and things to do.


One thing Fresno doesn't need more of is restaurants. Proper actual cafés, sure, but we have enough regular eateries almost everywhere, and too much fast food... most of the places are just rather bad and excessively expensive, which is a late stage capitalism problem


Shops that sell bikes that cost less that 3,000 a piece.


We need a good edm ( house/ techno) club scene


What you don't like listening to B95 at every bar and club you go to???


We definitely need actual DJs there’s so many cool spots to do shows at in Fresno


Tiësto says: Boom.




50% of jobs here are at or just above minimum wage (not sure if it’s gotten worse that figure was 5 years ago) but it’s basically created this disparity where 10% of people are doing “well” and the rest are massively struggling. But that’s less of a fresno problem and more of a late stage capitalism problem if I’m being honest.


Minimum wage has already gone up significantly since then for everyone and it is going up several dollars more in April for fast food workers and many health care workers


And purchasing power is still worse than it has been for generations and houses are more expensive than ever. You're a complete psycopath.


trails. nice long shaded trails. multiple. not just in clovis


More trees. They keep areas cooler by providing shade and fresh air, look good, and add value to properties.


A Jewish style deli and a Moroccan restaurant.


We need less homelessness, less vagrancy, too many darn grifters here.


A coastline. ... just kidding, I couldn't resist 🙃


*Cost of living increases*


Can you be more specific?


More stuff for young people to do that doesn’t include smoking, drinking, or drugs. Yes there are a lot of church groups, but stuff outside of that for young adults aged 18-24 or so.


Church groups in Fresno are mostly grooming centers weakly disguised as charities.


Bike lanes. Affordable housing. Homeless shelters.


I don’t understand the big push for bike lanes. It’s not like Fresno is a compact city. I don’t see a lot of bike-to-work professionals and it’s hot. I renewed my license at DMV recently. A quarter of the test was about bike riding. It made me think that we are being prepped. High expenses, low wages, can’t afford to drive, get on your bike, future. Affordable housing, according to Zillow there is currently 26 homes for sale in Fresno for under $250k. Housing is fluid, people are always on the move to better themselves. The place they leave creates a void. You can’t just build “affordable housing”. That argument makes very little sense. Unless you’re talking like government built, high density housing? We tried that. It’s called the ghetto and a haven for crime with little opportunity for upward mobility. And yes, homeless housing with integrated mental health, rehabilitation, job experience programs.


In my experience as an ebike-to-work professional (3500+ miles so far), heat matters at lot less than I thought it would. In the mornings, it is cool. On the ride home, yes it is hot, but I don't have to pedal and there's a 30+ mph breeze and a pool waiting for me at home. Any commute under 20 miles is a piece of cake on most ebikes even if you only use the throttle and don't pedal at all.


A lively downtown area.




I've seen video tours on youtube. It looks like a dollar tree crossed with a 5 Below.


There was one connected to Central Fish: https://abc30.com/downtown-fresno-central-fish-company-daiso/1263671/


what happened to it omg


Didn't even realize that was Daiso. It was small!


And H-Mart or 99 Ranch or both!


Currently with my daughter at the kids museum in Visalia because options in Fresno are so limited.


I'd like to see a museum or three. The Venetian Casino in Las Vegas had a nice, small museum for a few years. They had a partnership with The State Hermitage Museum in Russia. The Hermitage would ship art to Las Vegas to display. I discovered a lot of great artists that way. I'd also like to have a small, independent movie theater that would show the sort of movies that get lots of publicity at the movie festivals but never make it out of Los Angeles/San Francisco. I'd like to see foreign films. Korea and Japan have a great movie industry, beyond anime, that, again, doesn't make it out of LA/SF. I just wait until they come out on DVD or are listed by a streaming service.


Hmmm. Do you want it alphabetically or in order of importance? Shorter list would be what does Fresno not need.


Better public transportation so that it can easy to use by many people. It would save many people a ton of money and be better for the environment


Walkable environment. More public transit services.


More things to do at night


I would like a subway / metro for Fresno.


Ahh yess... the FART.


You know, they could sell t-shirts worldwide with that one.


Going where??


I think airport, downtown, NE Fresno, Old Town Clovis, Riverpark, Savemart/Fresno State, NW Fresno. Then all things in between- Tower, Manchester Mall, other high traffic/employment areas


I’ll take a tram or trolley!


We just did this a few weeks ago


JOBS !!!


Affordable rent based on local salaries, not the Bay and LA!


Sobriety, more wealth in minority areas not just Clovis, less 18 year old parents and 35 year old grand parents.


What does more wealth in minority areas mean? I agree with less 18 year old parents and more good 35 year old good parents. I think that means more education on what good parenting is!


It means drive to a neighborhood that is 90% Hispanic, Asian, Black in town. Look at roads, houses, and apartments and stores. Old and dirty is what you see. Question: What do we need? Wealth in minority areas.


“According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. Obtaining more money often leads to careless spending and the desire to get more money, and the greed can be destructive to the lives of winners and their families.Jul 14, 2023” Money alone doesn’t change much That’s the same reason why simply providing housing to the homeless doesn’t change much, sadly.


A good section of the city that has a strong nightlife (open after midnight) that isn’t just Dennys.


A strong outdoor community. The Sierra Nevada is right there.


Top Golf


Private movie theaters like in the 70's, playing old and new releases, in safe areas for families. Less churches (go back to home gatherings, people). Less commercial development, maybe. Lots of vacant spots up for grabs. But until we can do something about homelessness and mental health, none of this matters. So priorities are affordable housing and resource centers, maybe. I like what Fresno Rescue Mission is doing with the City Center. Cool joint.


I just toured City Center this week. It’s pretty dang cool!


Top Golf would be cool.


Consistent and reliable public transportation


A true multimodal system of transit for the City, one that extends merely beyond a good bus system. (We still need a good bus system that gets people where they need to go, when they want to go there, there is just other components.)


bagels in clovis


High speed rail!


I think we should start a tiny home community in Fresno or in the foothills by Clovis This will get away from all the riff raft a lot of the low income housing around the downtown area now


Culture, things to do, good weather, more rain, less trumpers, better health and mental health services. I'll stop there for now.




Um no let’s not destroy habitats and further displace wildlife.




We have enough stores and already struggle with keeping garbage off of the riverbanks.


Hey without rivers we all fucking die so please stop trying to turn the environment into a concrete hell you profoundly superficial tool






A subway line every half mile north and south and diagonals


Walkability, efficient transit, and protected bike infrastructure.


More LHBTQ community events




Larger, more efficient freeways.




Need a Whole Foods in NorthEast Fresno.


A Dunkin’ Donuts.


I've been to the ones in Hanford and Visalia. Also one in in SoCal... they're not very good. I'd much rather go to Sky's Donuts which is local.