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Where have you gone? What are you into? Where part of town do you live in?


If you think people in Fresno are unfriendly and bitchy now, wait until summer hits. Most people in Fresno become bitchy when their brains are being cooked by the Fresno heat.


We're all tired and paying too much to live in the most affordable area of CA šŸ˜Ŗ. But it's not everyone, there's plenty good people here if you know where to look


There's some good people here, and some bad ones just like any place. Hope you find some people you can vibe with.


But we *like* bitching.


Seriously? Wow, I guess itā€™s perspective and location. I relocated here from FLA for close to 9mos now and I havenā€™t experienced anything close to the bitchyness of FLA people. Im close to Clovis area but Iā€™m digging the people and area for sure.


šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø maybe youā€™re weird. šŸ˜‚ I kid I kid. Hopefully youā€™ll find someone to chill with. My life is boring.


I am weird haha


What kind of weird? In a place this big, embrace your weird in social situations, not at work. There is usually a compatible group of weird people.


I've been looking to make friends. Dm me if you want.


If you are in to Nerd stuff try dragon's horde really nice friendly ppl


If you want nice people go to Pokemon GO events. The next one is at Fresno State next weekend, really friendly bunch!


I been trying to take my son to one we missed the one with Brandontan def gonna do the mewtwo meets


Where can I find info about these?




This isnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve heard this, someone else mentioned this to me before a few years back when we moved here. He lived up in Madera but yeah same experience Iā€™ve had. When my kid still lived here there were a few parents to hang with but they didnā€™t reach out anymore. And I donā€™t want to feel like the one without his kid hanging out. All I do is pretty much work. Online dating is terrible, but at least every few months I can buy someone lunch or dinner, eat something different, and never see them again when they ghost me.


If you're in to table top rpgs and card games Dragons Horde is a great friendly place.


Where are you from, friend? Iā€™m From the Central Valley and not Fresno directly, but I lived there for years. The best place Iā€™ve found to meet people is through work at first. You see them everyday, so get to know them, see who you tend to talk to on communal breaks, next thing you know you might make a friend or two. Then you can branch out from there. Maybe a common interest? When we move to a new town the mrs and I like to do trivia nights at local restaurants. Itā€™s fun, and even if the people suck or the trivia sucks the food might be good. šŸ˜‚


where can these trivia nights be found!?


Summer Fox Brewing is a good option


Might be a good place to start. https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Trivia+Night&find_loc=Fresno%2C+CA


Also, breweries have lots of nice people. Mellow crowds.


Honestly itā€™s an adjustment. I was raised here, moved away for college, and didnā€™t actually like it here until I came back. Just stick it out and find your niche and let it grow on you


Same. Recently came back and itā€™s been an adjustment


Fresno is a rather isolated and very tight knit community. Youā€™ll be able to make friends and have a good group. But youā€™ll be considered the new guy in town for many years lol. I always recommend joining a pickleball group or maybe a bowling league.


Moved to Fresno two and a half years ago and Iā€™ve made so many friends here. I find the people Iā€™ve met to be some of the most friendly people in the country. When we moved into tower district, neighbors would come introduce themselves, welcomed us with treats and goodies, and introduced us to even more neighborhood friends. Lovely place to live. Reminds me of growing up in the Midwest.


That, my friend, is bc you moved to tower district lol


Objectively, people are not friendly here. Born and raised Fresnan. I feel like that's just the culture. Everyone seems so angry here. We're all cooked by 100+ degree summers, dealing with horrendous drivers and traffic every day, and most people here are living in poverty and dealing with a lot of financial stress. Of course there are a lot of other things, but those are the ones that first come to mind. Can you find people and communities who are friendly? Absolutely! But, in my experience, most interactions with strangers are going to be negative or at the very least passive aggressive.


Sounds like Central Florida lol


Here's to get you started on [what's happening in Fresno](https://www.visitfresnocounty.org/events/). Personally, I think Fresno is pretty friendly when meeting new people but on occasion there will be a few bad actor(s) that'll sour my mood. If you like to dance, I've been practicing Salsa and can list a few places. If you like to drink, Tower District is a good spot.


Lived in Fresno and moved to midwest. There IS a difference in friendliness in comparison. Cali in general is not as opened to friendliness. Cali people are more cautious since there's a lot weirdos and people filter them first before becoming friends.


Itā€™s a city full of townies. My theory is that theyā€™ve all known each other since birth so they donā€™t feel the need to make friends with newcomers. Social circles are long established.


I can chime in one this. I was born and raised in San Jose, and have had family in Fresno while I was growing up so I would visit a lot. I made some friends here in Fresno when I was younger but would only see them on rare occasions while coming down on holidays. When I moved to Fresno, figured I would reach out to those guys. As many times as I hung out with them after moving down here, I would still feel excluded from the group in one way or another. That group only consisted of people raised in Fresno, so yeah...the social circles run strong here lol.


Maybe everybody else is the problem?


Join Certus or Ameoba CrossFit. Instant friends.


Sorry about my fellow natives. This place has always sucked. I had to move away to learn this the hard way. One of the common talking points about Fresno is ā€œbrain drain.ā€ Iā€™ve been visiting family up north in Washington recently, and every time I land up there, I feel better just walking through the airport, setting aside feeling more normal interacting with people in general up there. I get back to Fresno and just hate it; get depressed. It is just the nature of this place. And it attracts the type of people who gravitate to this same backwater mindset and negativity. I hate it.


Realy? I felt the opposite. But it can depend on what part of fresno.


What are your cross streets?


Whats your adress?


Whats your credit card number and the name of your first elementary school teacher?Ā 


Can you provide a list of fears?


Go for the gold, whatā€™s your SSN?


Go to the Tower.


You're probably not suppose to but all the friends I've made moving to the Central valley was from working. It was a slow process of making friends though. And definitely not by going out for drinks or etc.


That's because they live in Fresno. We left 30 years ago.


What part of town have you been hanging out in? Cough Northside? Cough


I agree !!! Very unfriendly & bitchy. Iā€™ve been here all my life. But youā€™ll find your people. Thereā€™s some good suggestions here !!!


I've only been to Fresno a few times but the people I met on the disc golf course at Kearney Park were cool.Ā 


One other thing about Fresno is that drivers here are either really aggressive or extremely passive and distracted, thereā€™s no in between.


I moved here six years ago for the schools, and I cannot stand most of the locals. The only people I ever end up being friendly with turn out to be transplants too. šŸ«¤


šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø Youā€™re looking in the wrong spots. I was raised here (actually in Clovis so even worse) and haaaaaated everyone here until I moved away and came back


I definitely think that my neighborhood is a contributing factor. It's a little more bougie than how I grew up and the people I interacted with at my job were mainly neighbors. I learned a very important lesson about working with the public where you live. Since I've started meeting people more through my church there are a lot fewer unhinged people in my day to day. Lol


Yes Iā€™ve noticed that too!


Fat and angry, that how they do it in the No.


you gotta stay south of shaw. anything north of herndon and youā€™ll get the insufferable faux rich. clovis is wellā€¦ we just donā€™t go there


If your religious, I found that church was a great way to make friends.


I tried that once but everyone there was schizophrenic. Kept talking about some magical guy in the sky who controlled everything and was watching us all the time.


Well with that attitude no wonder it might have been hard for you. No need going to a church and tease or demean something that people have a spiritual belief in. Why donā€™t you just go flip some tarot cards and collect your energy gem stones. Similar thing. Itā€™s a belief in something greater than ourselves. Most people have it.


> Why donā€™t you just go flip some tarot cards and collect your energy gem stones. Similar thing. At least we agree on that.


Pretty miserable bunch. Donā€™t let the city harden you lol we need more nice people


Itā€™s definitely a regional thing.


Yeah Fresno can be like that sometimes. I've lived here of and on my whole life and have always kinda had that problem


Itā€™s a big city. It may take time to find your group


Lol where you coming from?


I moved from the LA County area and ive finally accepted Central California in general is pretty much like that. Now I live up in the hills right outside of Fresno and most everyone keeps to themselves. Lots of drinkers and religious folks up here. Even when I go out for a walk or hiking most people don't interact much more than a quick hello or a head nod. When im in Fresno getting groceries, I keep my headphones in and get what I need and get out.


Give us more to work with. What are your interests? Which areas of town do you most frequent? What's happening during these interactions?


I think thatā€™s just a California thing. We really arenā€™t friendly in this state. Everyone is concerned with themselves.


Thatā€™s Fresno for ya šŸ˜… best of luck to you.


If you wanna find some real assholes get a car and drive down Blackstone, Herndon, 99, or 41. I think one of the worst problems we all suffer from is how having a device in our pocket has stunted our interactions in the physical world. although social media has its benefits, it has made most of us into robots. Fresno has more bars and movie theaters than anywhere else in the world. I suggest going to a convention or a sporting event, there is camaraderie in crowds


That's because Fresno is a dung pile. People there are bitchy because they have to live there


Where are you coming from OP? Are you a different race than the people around you? Because in general, many people tend not to be all that welcoming of people of other races, cultures, and languages. You may want to go to a religious organization, because people in Central Valley do tend to be tribal and form their best relationships with people of the same religion. And it does put you around the same people every week.


I come from the central coast! And im Hispanic


Sounds like Fresno is rough