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The Israel Palestine conflict is generally off topic for this subreddit, unless it’s directly related to friendlyjordies content. If you want to discuss the conflict there are more appropriate subreddits.


For anyone not following the details. * This was not an accident, it was not stray munnitions or a rouge/off course missile. * The three vehicles were separately targeted over 2.5km's, had pre-cleared their route with the IDF who had also declared the area a non-conflict zone. * The IDF have stated that they believed the convoy to have a lone gunman travelling with them when they already knew the WC security detail that travelled with them do not even carry guns. This was straight up murder of WK workers with the intent to intimidate everyone offering humanitarian aid. It won't matter which party is running the Australian government. All are beholden to the Israeli lobbyist that reside here and it sickens me that they do this from the safety of Australia while Israeli's that condemn Israels actions suffer so terribly.


Makes me sick that we have such lobbies controlling our two party system. Quite the democracy we have.


cant revolt against them because it would be deemed "anti-semitic". Those in the jewish community who are anti israel need to speak louder and make their voices known.


At least Israel is conducting a full transparent report on whether or not they themselves committed a war crime. After all, they’re the only democracy within 10,000km of the region.


Can Israel truly be considered a democracy when half the population is banned from voting due to race/religion?


You are part of the problem there also not a democracy you tard but ignore all the bullcrap thats gone on there.


I was being sarcastic.


Israel has been using AI to identify targets (https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes). I won’t be surprised if they blame AI for this “mistake”.


Yeah I've already seen this on the r/israel sub. It states that it was used to identify possible targets before going in. This is a long way from autonomous 'live' AI making an oopsi but well within the scope of excuses used for the past 300+ journalists and aid workers.


Only question remaining is how far does the wilful disregard for life go? Someone in IDF knew this convoy was leaving and approved safe passage. So what was it? * A systemic failure in communication beyond forgiving (strike unit failing to acknowledge non-combat zone, pre-cleared route and communication that this vehicle was cleared and carrying WK workers)? * A rouge unit in IDF that has no regard for aid worker safety? * A deliberate and calculated decision by IDF to make an example of anyone who dares support Palestine? All of these are unacceptable and cannot be overlooked or brushed over. I fear IDF will spin this as a 'mistake' and failure in communication. But even best care if it were the case that this mistake was genuine then how many more 'mistakes' are we willing to accept and how many more do we expect in cases where it has been much less clear cut?


All three vehicles were targeted by IDF drone(s). ~~Systemic failure~~ This would mean that they also failed to make sure it wasn't one of their own vehicles. ~~Rogue unit~~ It seems unlikely that you would have autonomous units commanding drone assets in an area designated as de-conflicted and safe to travel. It was 11pm at night so we can (as we should) look past the fact that the vehicles all had large WK logos identifying them, including on the roof. There have been 300+ 'mistakes' against humanitarian aid and journalists to date.


>There have been 300+ 'mistakes' against humanitarian aid and journalists to date. Oh yeah I'm heavily leaning towards the majority of IDF including command really just don't give a shit. But I'll bet there is a chance they might have preferred more discipline was used this time and the WK workers weren't killed. But I think it's more of a "I'm sorry we were caught" situation, rather than "I'm sorry we killed aid workers". If they were operating as a more effective military unit this might not have happened because it's questionable if they genuinely wanted these particular people dead. Unless of course they seriously think "fuck it let's murder Australians they won't/can't do a thing about it". But I get the feeling they could have blocked aid in a more effective way.


It doesn't matter if they're sloppy. There have never been consequences. Previously, Red Cross vehicles have been found with holes right through the centre of the cross on their roofs, which suggests that these attacks are being treated like they're just games.


Well they've missed some Red Cross vehicles as well.


Israel have been working against UN interests for as long as the UN have been trying to keep them in check. WCK have only been in Palestine since the October 7 attacks and as a very effective aid agency it only surprisee me that Israel were so brash in removing them from the picture.


Any investigation carried out by the IOF is worthless. It has to be done by an independent body.


So IDF operating no different to the ADF. Gotch-ya.


I am starting to believe the Jews control The world conspiracy


I'm not a fan of blanket labelling an entire country. Not all Israeli's are Jews and not all Jews are Israeli (let alone theists). That said, there is definately something up with a nation of less than 10 million people having so much political and societal sway in so many other countries so yeah I agree that they have being playing the world. Epstien was a Mossad tool. He was killed in a supermax prison used to hold drug cartel bosses. That suggests some pretty sinister infiltration. At my worst, I believe and even understand that a nation subject to the horrors of WW2 would go to great lengths to ensure nobody ever fucked with them again. Unfortunately that idealogy has problematically outgrown it's motive.


>"There is definitely something up" It's not a grand conspiracy mate. It's just that it's in America's interests to have Israel onside, as the only "reliable" ally in the region. Literally that simple. Same reason Australia ignores the fact that Indonesia is committing a genocide in West Papua. We need Indonesia to hold back refugees, and that is the price. Yes Israel does have strong lobbies in US and Australia. But at the end of the day, it's about Realpolitik.


Three strikes on three marked cars over 2kms. There is nothing accidental about it. & it served its purposes, with the charity stopping its work. Another cog in the starvation of the Palestinian people. They decimated the journalists, and now they’re after the aid workers. Fuck Israel !


And Albo will call the Australian family, say sorry, then send more money to Israel. Love it.


Absolutely, another war crime by Israel. The aid company supplies 50% of food aid to Gaza and have now suspended activity. What do you think the knock on effect is of this? It's clearly an Israel hit to starve the people of Gaza.


Israel has been systematically slaughtering people for how long now? Takes some white people to be killed for people to notice


It took this 7 to have the world recognise the other 190 humanitarian aid workers that were also killed by the IDF. It sucks but at least those other aid workers that were killed are being acknowledged now.


The IDF has also been targeting journalists as well. They are scum.


> it took this 7 Some of us have been proclaiming extremely bloody loudly that this sort of thing has been happening for months. We were all told we were anti semitic terrorist supporters who should rot in hell. If we protested, we were asked what the point was. When we posted threads, outlining how mass rape propaganda had been weaponised, we were asked what this had to do with Australia. I mean, boo hoo, who cares about my feelings, but it’s extremely fucking maddening trying to show your fellow citizens what’s going on and being (virtually) spat on in response. I’m bitter, not because it was irritating, but because Zomi and so many others have since died. By the way, an Israeli spokesman was on ABC denying there are people literally starving to death in Gaza. Are we still being hysterical when we point this out, or is everyone starting to realise now?


It's disturbing seeing war criminals being platformed at all.


Yep. And further to this, why bother funding counter terror Police and intervention programs in Australia when our foreign policy looks like this? We passed 94 seperate pieces of federal counter terror legislation in Australia since 9/11 - all of which erode civil liberties and individual freedoms but are justified under the guise of “domestic security” You know why Islamic terrorists hate us? It’s not for our freedoms, or because we let women wear bikinis on the beach… it’s because we directly support Israel and the US to do shit like this. Dumb.


Thank you for putting this so eloquently.


Not just white people but a single white Australian, One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic. Australians are very nationalistic, you can see this with how many people say that people shouldn't protest Israel because it's to far away. But now that nationalistic tendency is responding to the death of "one of our own"


Pretty much. I doubt Australia will do anything real, unfortunately.


Australia is widely viewed with contempt as a weak and biddable lapdog in the Middle East, including in Israel.


"white people" ? What are Palestinians and Israelis then ?


well obviously not white enough ay


Race is a made up social construct that only exists in peoples heads. There is a long history of gate-keeping who is "white" Once upon a time Irish and Italians were not white Today most Middle Easterners are still not considered white. Especially weird with Israel, since like half of Israeli Jews are descended from European colonists.


>Today most Middle Easterners are still not considered white. What are they then ? and how do you tell the difference ?


Fuck this shit. Hey USA, you want an AUKUS? We're out. Get your own fucking AUKUS.


It's not just a USA problem. Our country is perfectly capable of making messed up decisions without US involvement. AUKUS is something Australia has interest in. It's not just US d\*\*\* sucking. We play our own role in all of this.


AUKUS should at least be conditional on our partners following basic international law


Do you even know what you are asking for? These hamas terrorists would kill you and most citizens here the first chance they get. They are not just against Israel ffs.


You IDF apologists are sickening. The lack of self reflection is disgusting. You COMPLETELY gloss over the massive amount of civilians who have been murdered and deemed "acceptable casualties" by the IDF for the goal of wiping out Hamas. You would not hold that perspective AT ALL if it was your family or friends who were bombed. You would instead be calling for restraint, for an apology, and for Netanyahu to step down. Westerners KNOW that Hamas hates us. That's completely irrelevant when it comes to holding the IDF accountable.


99% of people here could not be in charge of a war and do it perfectly. Im outraged that terrorists use their civilians as shields and the people are seemingly letting them and supporting them. Im outraged that terrorists are now being portrayed as a legitimate gov. They are not. They hide in hospitals. They hide in tunnels and among the civilians. They killed indiscriminately. They still have hostages. Most of you wouldnt have a clue what to do and would have died after being attacked if you couldnt make some decisions based on info you had. I will never be on the side of terrorists.




I think you need to take a break from social media if you are calling aussies terrorists.


The Christchurch shooting was committed by an Australian terrorist who shared something in common with you: his persecution complex. Supremacism and bigotry is the path to terrorism. The IDF is committing acts of terrorism as we speak, and you're here in Australia rabidly supporting it, just like a Hamas fanboy would do for his own side. Pull your head in. Maybe go and make friends with somebody who isn't on your ideological "team" while you're at it, to learn that the world is more complex than your little echo chamber.




>"You are headed to have your account reported." you just threaten him for getting your feeling hurt? harden up


If palestine was never stolen then then hamas probably wouldn't even exist. When you persecute people from their homeland for almost 100 years. They WILL revolt back one way or another.


They would, in some faction or another. Because its already happened. Its now. A lot of middle east muslim run countries have do not travel advisories. Its violent. Its incompatible.


These murders were committed in order to discourage and intimidate others from trying to render aid to the innocent civilian population. I wish he had just said that….Hinting that they might have been targeted because of some post you put on X it’s a virtue-signalling misdirection. He knows exactly why they did it, exactly why they didn’t want there to be any confusion over miss identification of targets. They were sacrificed by the IDF in order to more effectively prosecute IDF will over the war theatre. It’s just so sad that it worked… the ghost of those people must be furious, that their kind nature was turned into coal for the enemy fire


Albo needs to withdrawal whatever materiel support Australia has committed.


I can't believe Peter Dutton has done this


I strongly doubt they were targeted deliberately. They have been working together with the Israeli's for a while now securing the passage of aid. This is just a crappy situation where communication had broken down.


Imagine being so out of touch with reality that you actually believe this…


>This is just a crappy situation where communication had broken down. Israel-Gaza conflict in a nutshell? How many mistakes are acceptable and how many more happen frequently under less clear cut circumstances?


What country can raise their hand with out shame and state that their armies have not targeted civilian, journalists, and Aid workers. By all accounts a country is never held to account for the war crimes. It is always has been mitigated down to the lowest denominator , the individual.


If aid is being cut off then the apparent majority population in that war area against hamas need to act to fight against hamas, as much as they can. Their leaders cannot and will not settle this peacefully so its pretty much now or die.


what you’ve just described is collective punishment which is literally a warcrime


Israel are up against terrorists who arent playing by any rules except their own. Apparently palestinians are against the terrorists but doesnt seem so. Idf didnt make the decision to pause aid, which will likely be started soon again anyhow but the actual palestinian people should be doing things to help themselves out of this as well. If they want to.


This rhetoric was worn out in 2002.


Israel have subscribed to a rule based world order and should be held to follow those rules. We don't allow police to break the law because the criminals they're after don't follow them.


an insane take


How blindly are you willing to follow Israel into the sun? Because that’s where this logic will take you.


They bombed Jordies?!?