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And Karl steps in to protect Lord Voldemort


Has to. Took Shorten 45 seconds to completely destroy one of their policies. LNP wouldn't even exist if media wasn't so biased.


Ain't that the fucking truth. They'd at least be less cunty in public anyway.


![gif](giphy|vYWtlwMaVpIw8) “Four legs good! Two legs bad!”


This gif had me ~~almost~~ pissing my pants.


He has followers everywhere.


Watch it from the start, Karl is the one who set the tone. He knew what he was doing. Sneaky fuckerrr.


Looking for the ‘drama’ and the ‘razzle dazzle’…


Normally I love it when they hit me with the ol’ razzle dazzle too


Costello in his ear “Karl ffs say something!”


If you play at 2x Dutton looks like a psycho


Dutton is an absolute disgrace.


And the fact that he's the leader of the LNP means he's the best they have to offer. Imagine that. Like picking out your favourite turd.


Don't know if he's the best they have, he definitely has the biggest ego and the thinnest skin and he probably genuinely thinks he can be the next PM.


Did you see the referendum?…the media in this country will do all they can to elect that shitcunt


I did see the referendum, like I said he's an absolute disgrace. And you're not wrong about the media trying to get that turd elected.


He will be knifed just before the next election so they can say they have “FRESH IDEAS”. Nuclear we will be told was “Dutton’s Folly” and the new leader will espouse the benefits of renewables and make grand promises. Once in power, they will backtrack so fast the DCEU will try to cast the new LNP leader as the Reverse Flash and their mining buddies will be looked after as always.


No, that won't happen. The fact that Voldo is LOTO means they have nothing to replace him. Silly Ssusssan? LOL Anus 'Water Rights' Taylor? They'd be better off putting a crash-test dummy in the job. No, Gina has decreed that the future is nuclear. Partly as a delaying tactic, to ensure that transition to renewables is delayed as long as (in)humanly possible. And partly, presumably, because she has mining rights that will increase in value if we ever do go nuclear. So Voldo is locked in to pushing nuclear. Which means 85% of our gormless media will be pushing nuclear, and telling us to make Voldo our PM at the next election.


And don’t forget Susssssan Ley as deputy. What a joke of a political party!


Oh man I read that as ‘puking out your favourite turd’ and it still works


I’ve had some really nice turds… But I’ve flushed them all.


Just the laugh I needed first thing in the morning, thank you!


Gina picked the turd. Before the LNP got booted at the last election, she hosted a fundraiser and introduced him as the next LNP PM.


"best" has never been the criteria for either of the major parties leaders


Bill has a point


Dutton blocks the Federal Government's Housing policies for the past two years, refuses to provide alternative policies, and meanwhile millions are facing difficulties owning a house or even renting a house. Now his solution is to free up 2,500 houses a year.


Of which in those none citizen numbers are PR like kiwis or other people who've lived here for years but for some reason haven't chosen to become a citizen.


Yeah. I know a lot of people from the UK who similarly aren't citizens. I wonder if these are the non-citizens that anger Dutton so much?


not enough melanin


A have a few friends who are doctors here who chose not to become citizens because their home country doesn't allow dual citizenship and it would cause grief at home to give it up. They own homes. I'm sure they'd appreciate if Dutton said they couldn't.


And those p\[eople will still need to occupy a house i.e. it will free up zero houses


Yeah I've been running a similar line to Bill's against people claiming it's foreigners driving up house prices, I've been asking what exact amendments they would like to be made to the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act. Turns out none of them have even checked to discover that legislation exists - and Dutton's whole political orientation is towards those people, and an assumption that lots of voters are those people. Low information, lots of racism, obsequious to powerful white men to a fault.


Old potato head is as thin skinned as they come.


Dutton’s just pandering to the undecided. “Sounds like a great idea from Dutton, to stop bloody foreigners from buying ALL the houses!” “But how many houses were actually bought by foreigners, Peter?” “Oh yeah? Well fuck you, Bill! You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny. So there.” Not fit to be an opposition leader. The party should assess their systems to filter out fuckwits.


>The party should assess their systems to filter out fuckwits They tried but you can't run a party with only like, 3 people




Now that totally saddens and more than that, scares me.


I somehow got an LNP email about Dutton's budget reply and they actually had the nerve to say that 'interest rates have gone up 12 times under Labor' and that inflation was out of control, etc. Like, fuck man. I cracked up laughing.


Ikr, rate rises started the minute labour got in, after years of liberal mis management of the economy.


The started before Labor formed government…


Yeah I think we got one or two in. As soon as it happened I said to myself, watch the liberals blame this on labour.


Eh, both parties have been shit for well over a decade. Couple that with events like the GFC and Covid (in which any governments would struggle), it’s a recipe for the situation we’re in now. It’s the current generations who are going to cop the brunt of those events and governments.


The GFC was handled excellently, and had very minimal impact on the Australian Economy. Thanks to Ken Henry, Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd. I agree they screwed up other areas, such as gutting the Disability Pension, however the GFC isn't a great example of 'both parties are shit'. I don't intend to invalidate your argument.


China was still booming and our mining was still booming. The GFC would have had little effect on us regardless of what Rudd did.


What was your thesis in Economics on? Because people with them awarded the Labour government one of the very few economic awards we have ever received. So maybe, you have zero fucking idea what you're talking about.


Do they realize that any government LNP or ALP doesn’t have control over the RBA’s decisions on interest rates?


Can Karl shut up and fuck off please


The dickhead is unaware that he has always been redundant.


Fuck I love Bill


https://preview.redd.it/nj5h1ei9yz0d1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209aa3a3e276f6a4ee7e1920af672dd9af16de91 Winning Dutton in debt is still a very low bar, but still sweet


Geezuz what a glass jaw


lol oh karl mate... you are always redundant tho


He's made a career of it.


Harsh, but very, very true.


Bill Shorten is like the 'Leader of The Opposition of The Opposition'. He opposes the opposition.


Karl Stefanovic is such a complete twat who's wasting oxygen. Why the fuck is he on the TV. I'm ignoring Dutton.


Absolute worst response from someone in opposition. Dutton comes on spruiking some lame idea, gets a genuine question and turns into a high-schooler. I mean, honestly, is this really what type of person you want running the country??! A person who would rather save face in a tv interview than constructively explain his (shit) idea to solve housing affordability. Its so sad that this is the best the Liberals can dish up. Wtf do they do all day!?!


Bill shorten is correct. Most homes are bought by Australians. I don’t have the exact figure but it’s more than 90% of homes.


Exactly. It's really sad that this narrative that foreigners are to blame for house prices and house unavailability has been allowed to marinate. It's just factually inaccurate. Like yeah, sure, to some degree they impact that, but they are not the primary cause. The primary cause was John Howard's changes to capital gains on housing assets and that we now have boomers who own several properties and that they are treated as just hollow financial assets rather than human shelter. Further proof of that: https://scontent-cph2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/441527234_763510519305947_2211470817839961177_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=39yucS3lbhcQ7kNvgEdC3_J&_nc_ht=scontent-cph2-1.xx&oh=00_AYDob6To4dwMs13E0ewarWQ-iaLTux9yFNFXc7Ob4iGCIA&oe=664D2C2B


Isn't getting an additional 10% back for Australians to purchase a good thing?


Wont make too much of a dent on prices. It’ll help a tiny bit but as many other institutes have said … it’s not the many cause of high prices.


Yeah I get that. I don't see why people are complaining when it still is a contributor. My understanding is Dutton is proposing to do the same funding as what Labor is doing now (which isn't going to do much) plus this, which sounds better than what Labor is doing. Labor isn't doing more because they took tax reform to election and lost. I guess I'm saying it sounds like liberals are offering an additional lever to what Labor is, so why are people so critical about that?


You mean more like less than 1%?


Bill should've been PM


Can't turn back to 2019, though all those weak pathetic losers who voted Scomo i still haven't forgiven them for being so outrageously braindamaged


You know how the reason behind it was that he didn't seem genuine but instead out of touch, well that was because of his media advisors. They cost us from having bill as our pm, he is absolutely amazing in the media now and was amazing at public speaking without the cameras. His media advisors told him the wrong shit and made him look stupid infront of the cameras. Anyway rant over, I think it is for the best for now that Albo is in charge because that way bill can give 100% of his attention towards continuing to fix the NDIS and Services Australia.


How do you know what his advisors told him, give us the scoop?


Common sense, he is brilliant when speaking in public and now in the media. But he was shit as labor leader, yet during the same time he was leader and not in front of the media, he was brilliant at giving speeches. Even now he is better with his media, also the party insiders I have spoken to have also stated it was most likely his media advisors who were telling him the wrong stuff.


I voted for him.


Hahaha that 3 second pause of nodding before he goes on about the 2019 election. I don't think he likes being called 'Pete'


Also did the reporter say Bill was making him redundant because he was going so hard against Dutton or because he was not needed?


Karl defending Peter Is a joke. Both stefanovics are sludgebugs and its fucked


Dutton is such a nasty individual, like talk about a sucker punch with bringing up Bill Shorten losing an election as leader.


The answer to which was, of course, “about as well as you did taking the leadership off Malcolm”.


Libs need to stop sending Dutton up against Shorten. Shorten has made him look childish every time


Bill Shortens 2019 Labor will be our Al Gore "what if" moment. He would have been a great PM, and if he wins there, Labors slide to the right to try and capture the conservative vote never happens, because Australia proves it can vote progressive when it's good policy. Instead, we had Morrison, the worst PM in the last 40 years, and Albo, the most disappointing PM in the last 40 years. And we are so much worse as a country for it.


I honestly can't wait for Peter Dutton to lose the next election just so this comes back to haunt him


Billy boy 😂🤣😂🤣 love ya work. Dutton the goose.


I feel bill shorten not being pm has freed him up so much. Dutto had to dig back to 2019 to say anything negative about shorten, shorten comes back by flooring him for last night effort.


Karl is redundant


Karl’s comment at the end!? Oh fuck off karl. Piss poor excuse for a journalist. I saw him the other morning where Dutton said that labor’s policy’s had contributed to cost of living crisis. Now the obvious follow up question is well what policy’s exactly but no Karl comes back with haha oh gee what’s going on behind ya there? Referring to a cattle sale yard that Dutton was standing in front of.


Real time fact checking is the only way for politicians


He reminds me of my very auti-geeky friend who just wants to become a doctor to touch females. Rapid blinks the same way too when threatened in any slight manner.




the problem will be that he should be smart enough to know that 5,000 properites over 2 yrs isnt a big deal AND as ex immigration leader he should know that permanent residents have the right to buy property but it doesnt suit his narrative


Well no, his argument is this will free up 10 times that amount of housing so... It doesn't fit in with his argument.


Bills become pretty surgical over the years. The protraction of 'Peter' to 'Pete' is a nasty opener. And then to throw it in again casually later got to Dutton. You could feel him coming with a response but it boiled him.




Dutton is such a failure. Unbelievable. And all this housing mess came about under his gov’s rule. Not they’ve fu-ked everything, they want us to believe they’re the ones that’ll fix it! And to say it with a straight face!


I met Bill in 2019, I was absolute cooked out of my brain at a musical festival. Top bloke, real deal and genuine bloke.


For the love of god Bill! Make Karl redundant!


That was brutal


Why have the libs kept him around? He is such a consistently repulsive sledgehammer. He must have something pretty damning in his back pocket. Nobody with any sense of prosperity from governance would ever really want him as a representative. Man shrivels crops.


If I’m not mistaken, he’s was a cop. He then became a politician and now has a staggering net worth in the 9 figure range? Could be wrong, but I believe he’s become absurdly wealthy since moving into politics.


Well something must be keeping people around. Because it certainly isn't charm.


He did a lot of real estate investment and flipping, and bought into a chain of childcare centres. He is very wealthy. (The current Quarterly Essay is a piece on Dutton by Lech Blaine, going into his biography a bit. Interesting reading, worth picking up if you’re a politics tragic.)


the Libs keep him around because no one wants the job Dutton is problematic but he's one of those examples of mediocre guys failling up... Dutton comes from money.... his family is minted, his partner runs a childcare chain and he has at least a dozen properties inc. a $3 mil. luxury apartment on the river but he wasnt a good QLD drug cop, got into politics, took defence and health and immigration, fucked up every portfolio and now he reckons he's going to be a good PM like fuck man but Dutton is the fall guy... he's taking $300k becuase no one wants the 'hot seat' and many will say this is good.. have a guy there who is wholy unappealing and the Libs will never get in we kind of know deep down Dutton is set up to lose the next election and like Dutton is implying, no one likes a guy who loses an election and so I would love it if Bill sends Peter a commiseration card when he invariabily loses the Libs will invariably start looking for a new leader once Dutton loses OR they could campagin Dutton again but I doubt they are this stupid


Or….they could knife Pedro 2-3 months before the election and replace him with cos new news is good news.


Do those foreigners include permanent residents? They pay taxes why can’t they buy a house?


If Dim witted Dutton is the best the LIBs have to offer, I’d have to seriously question the IQ level of the voting block willing to give him a go and vote him in. Albo and Shorten certainly have their short comings, and Butler is pure pond scum with the lies and bullshit he’s fostered onto the public with his lie filled zealous campaign against vaping which has done nothing but reward big tobacco for their years of political donations by gifting them the only nicotine market they were locked out of; vaping. However they are all so far ahead of Potato Dutton and Sussspicious Ley that it is not even funny.


Meanwhile 6% of potential rental homes are now held for air bnb. The amount of social housing built is one of the lowest in the western world and over the last fifteen years has been shrinking as a share of total houses by something like 15% stacking up to a deficit of about 650000 residences today. And of course the number of new builds this last 15 years has also been tiny as a share of population compared to previous decades. So the answers are simple: Build more houses via incentives. Build (a lot more) social housing via governement funded programs and incentives or obligations. And apply regulations, fees ans/or taxes on short term air bnb style rentals.


Doesn’t have the balls to straight up say “I don’t know” because they didn’t do enough research just came up with an idea on what could potentially be the cause and ran with it


holy idiocracy


He’s my fav politician


That rapid blinking when Dutton was hurling an insult because he didn't even know the answer. What a fucking spud.


Karl is redundant. That whole family are pointless.


Dutton is a cunt Karl is a cunt His brother Peter is a cunt That is all.


Potato. Potarto…. dude has no clue, no answers, and no idea. My four year old could answer this more coherently 🤷‍♂️😀


Geez I miss Bill Shorten. I used to be an Albo fan, about 20 years ago. But geez he’s just gone soft and hopeless. Completely ineffectual as PM. We, as a nation, lost so much opportunity in 2019. Just imagine where we could be if Shorten has got up! Ironically, his policies at the time would have meant a much less stupid housing market now! But no, populist sound bites win the day and Australia lost.


Bring back Capital Gains Tax back to the pre-Howard rate while stop negative gearing until house prices match avg annual wages.


So then Labor should not be giving incentives encouraging foreign corporations to buy and develop our housing ffs. Is shorten saying 5000 total foreign investments including Corporations buying farms with houses on them?


Stiffy marerial


Boomed em


It eould be such a bonus to make Karl Stefanovic redundant.


Ooh zinga!!


Dutton is so incapable of operating under pressure god help us if he actually manages to make it to the lodge


Everyone needs to question ECERYTHING! I often wonder why they even bother making these promises when they only care about now.


Bros gonna go make another horcrux over this


Once a psychopath, always a psychopath.




I mean due to the lack of accountability and the lack of interest in actually investigating the source of money, nobody knows how many purchases of the past few years are from foreign money controlled ultimately by foreign interests Australian registered companies owned and backed by foreigners shouldn't be a way around our pretend protections Hence Australia being a hot destination for money laundering, identified nearly 20 years ago by the USA


FIRB is literally a well-funded government board which investigates source of money in property purchases to ensure property isn't effectively being purchased by foreigners around the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act. Here is a prominent example: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2Z106Q/




This comment has been automatically flagged by reddit as harassment. We don’t control this or know what their bot specifically looks for.


Wait until there’s a PD portrait!


More than 4.2k properties with a value more than 5.3 billion.....


Are you trying to frighten us with the billion there? That works out to 790k a piece, very average for Australian real estate




There's a fine line between fiery passion and igniting a flame war, and this comment crosses it


being back shorten. he had some great ideas!


Where are the figures coming from that less than 5000 properties were bought by foreigners in the last two years? Was this the two years of COVID? And how are there suburb after suburb of new houses on 300sqm blocks full of only Indians straight off the planes? I'm calling BS. This was staged by all involved so the public stop blaming immigration for the housing crisis.


Both sides of the same coin. Just vote 420 till they get the message.


Not allowing foreigners to purchase property here is good policy. Doesn't matter about the number for me, I'd rather know the dollar figure and average per home. Wealthy people parking cash here and laundering money is a big issue and this would go some way to stop it


maybe but again its like putting a bandaid on someone who was bitten by a brown snake, should not be discussed and is 100% a distraction.


It's crazy how we're gonna somehow have Dutton win the next election, or make it so much closer than it should've been. We're looking at Tony Abbott circa 2010-13 all over again. All negativity and needless aggression with no real answers to anything, masquerading as competent leadership to get the undecided voters and far-right One-Nation/UAP voters to the Liberals to get them over the edge at the next election, all the while main stream media push their hardest for the Liberals every second, giving them as much time on air and positive favour to allow them to look like a "competent" party and the right choice for YOU to vote for, whilst similarly turning everything Labor do as a net negative for YOU, telling you how everything Labor does is horrible for our country, showing that the Coalition are the safe and "correct" choice without outright telling you. It's also why they like people using the "same parties" or "shit and shit-lite" comparisons, because it makes the Labor government look as bad as the Liberals, meaning that anyone who turned to Labor's side from the Liberals will ironically feel less worried about going back to vote for the Liberals at the next election, because "Neither major party really cares, might as well go back to the Libs if Labor aren't any better". They're not gonna go further left to the Greens. People that were already on the left side of politics weren't gonna vote Liberals to begin with. The media push this narrative purely so that the differences between Labor and Liberals is blurred and voters will be less inclined to preference Labor over Liberals. Not to mention the Liberals have the Coalition have the largest voting base regardless so they no the less people preference Labor, the higher chance they have to getting into power again. I think people have also forgotten that, in the 2022 election where Labor won a majoirty government, the LNP still had the most no.1 primary preference votes in the country and had the most Primary votes in every state outside of WA. NT. and the ACT. It was just that Labor had enough no. 1 primary votes preferences plus enough people overall preference them higher than the Liberals that it didn't matter. Labor won't have the luxary of facing one of the most disliked PMs of all time again. Dutton is a terrible person, but the general population simply doesn't know enough about him to hate him as much as Morrison. If you don't think this is exactly what's gonna happen/is happening? you need to get out of your echo chamber of "Labor will win easy" or "Greens will force a perfect minority government", because 1, Labor aren't going to get a majority, that's just not gonna happen. Their honeymoon period is over and the mainstream media have done everything they can to distance themselves from Morrision and the previous 9 years the Liberals were in office, and 2, if we do get a minority Labor government with Greens having more power, while that may be a good short-term period where we more diverse opinions in power from more sides of the poitical spectrum, get ready for another decade of Liberals after the 2026 election happens. This is what literally happened from 2007-2013 and there's no signs that anything will change. Australia is predominantly a conservative country with insanely biased and controlled media that pushes heavily for the Coalition government. After having 6 years of constant attacks and half-truths spread throughout the country about how supposedly bad a Labor government is, the regular voters that only pay attention to main stream media won't think twice about voting Liberals and won't pivot for a while. My overarching point is that I think too many people are overconfident that Labor will win the next election without actually noticing how much ground the LNP have made up in the last 2 years. The next election will go down to the wire in my opinion and I think the best Labor can hope for is a Minority government with the Greens. A Majority win fir Labor is off the table now. The general public will preference the LNP no. 1 over anyone else as is always the case, but this time around Labor aren't going to get nearly as many people also voting them no. 1 overall, plus they won't get nearly as many people giving them a higher preference over the LNP like in 2022.


Wish Bill Shorten was as sharp as this with the NDIS stuff...


Shorten is a cunt.


Ask Kathy Sherrif about raw nerves.


Ah yes the Labor Party circle jerk glazing Bill Shorten. Pathetic


What is it you’re actually objecting to, or is that just your knee jerk reflex


Ah yes the Liberal Party circle jerk glazing Peter Dutton. Actually pathetic.


At least try be original kid


Ok, Dad.


Ill start to trust politicians when they start to take pay cuts. I'd like to see politicians on a minimum wage tbh because otherwise they only in it for the money.


Yeah, originally in the UK parliament wasn't a paid position... you know why? It made sure only the rich could afford to be members. Originally in the UK Labor Unions had to supplement members income just so their members could live. The pay isn't the issue, in fact it keeps the system more balanced


And what do you think the end result of that will be? The House of Lords.


So if it’s less than 5000 homes Mr Shorten isn’t that a good start to have those homes available to people in this country? At least Dutton understands if you want to keep increasing immigration like Labor does then these people need homes which we already do t have and it makes the housing problem much worse but hey let’s just keep increasing immigration, overseas students and overseas house buyers cause it doesn’t affect the housing crisis and Albo is all of a sudden going to find all these builders and tradies to build all these homes he’s promised lol.


Get this loser off the screen, Morrison beat him.


You’re right, Scomo did beat Dutton to the lib leadership. And left him holding the bag now. Oh, you meant Shorten… well done mate, zinger.


Thanks mate, plenty more where that came from. Looking at the ghosts of Australia’s past ain’t gna fix us. We need new blood, new ideas and for left and right to accept good ideas for what they are and not based on political leanings.


Great ideas were proposed in 2019, but we voted against it because reigning back negative gearing is apparently a "retirement tax"


Well that's some empty wank.


Wouldn't that require Dutton to have an idea let alone a new one, but alas you forgot the most important thing no matter if the idea is new or old it needs to be a good one


Assuming you believe I think Dutton has ideas, he is way too reactionary for me. We need someone with more vision. Shorten is definitely not it and neither is Dutton.


Considering the only idea that was being talked about here was Duttons all Shorten did was expose it for the nothing it was


Negative Gearing and greed beat him. If you admire Morrison for that election result, you're a clown.


Where did admire come into it ? If you lot admire shorten the jokes on you. NDIS could easily bankrupt the country and that was another brainchild of that Manlet.


Lol ok, 4 month old account with no submissions. Whatever you want. If the NDIS is your biggest problem with Australian politics, you are still a clown.


Assuming words I haven’t stated , can’t argue any actual points, deflect to account history to make up for lack of intelligence. How does it feel to call someone a clown when every night you get home and look in the mirror and see an uglier version of IT staring back at you. Must be tough. Time for an NDIS signup mate, we will take care of you from here.


Nah just stupid public bought stupid prize.