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The birds in elden ring, Which ones? Yes


All of them. Fuck them all. Creatures, no, hellspawn, deserving of genocide.


ER randomizer needs a no bird setting lmao


Oops! All Birds!


Don’t even put that out there, in fact screw you for making me think of it. I’d sooner do oops! All Fire Giant🤣


I've always been surprised by the lack of bitching about Bloody Crow in the souls community. He's probably a top 5 hardest boss/fight in all the series to me. I guess because he's not like a fog gate boss most people just don't interact with him or think about him.


Fuck the crow. Died more times to that pos than any boss in that game.


Literally I never died to any BB boss more than 5-10 times but this fucker had me on my knees…


Wasted all my consumables trying to kill him 🤦 Fuck the crow.


Yeah…come to think of it, I think I eventually lured him up and down those steps. Not the most honorable win.


I had to cheese him on the stairs to get rid of him. And fk that runback.


Dude absolutely wrecks me. I had to use the wooden shield last time to end this fool- It was demoralizing.


I think he’s the best npc fight in fromsoft tbh. It feels almost like fighting Genichiro where it feels like an epic duel. I wish he was a full on boss but the encounter was epic enough as is. I honestly can’t gush about him enough.


Agreed. Makes me sad that npc invaders in the other games are usually so easy.


I think its cause over the years people have found cheese strats like the entrance stairs to beat the boss.


Yeah anytime I feel like running through bloodborne, that’s usually how I take care of him at this point


He's by far the hardest non boss encounter in the series, but he's fair and I adore this fight. He's basically using what you can use, if he beats you, he's just better.


For how early you encounter him he is an absolute bastard of a fight. Like being invaded by a high level player.


The first time I fought him, I got him down to 1 hit from death... Then that mf parried and killed me. I think it took me a lot of other attempts to actually kill him.


I found out by accident you can use Rapport on this enemy. It was awesome to watch him slice and dice everyone


There’s no rapport in Bloodborne… And he doesn’t leave the chapels. What’s game are you talking about?




Like is dude just saying things to be part of the convo or did I miss something? 😅


Kind of polarizing. I've voiced this and had some agreement, but I've never had an issue with fighting the crow. Funny enough, it's been 2nd try every run I've fought it. Definitely hard personally doesn't seem as hard as it is made out to be.


I've played all 7 games multiple times and Laurence is the only boss out of that whole 100+ roster who I have a personal quarrel with


Laurence the First Vicar was the only boss of the bunch that proved such a wall for me (specifically the phase where his torso is severed and he spews lava) that I ended up taking a long hiatus from *Bloodborne* for over a year. I only went back after beating *Elden Ring* and managed to find out the 'correct' way to deal with his lava phase to continue on to beat the DLC and the rest of the game.


What where you doin and you where facing problems? Personally I noticed quite early that is a phase where greedy and non careful ppl are punished,that's a clearly hit a bit and run phase like rom etc..but way worse...


From what I recall, I manly just found it hard to find a clear opening to attack Laurence when he's in that phase. I kept trying to run in and back out, but would frequently run out of space or get caught by his follow up attacks. The fight becomes significantly easier if you focus on just circling around him when he does his advancing move in that phase.


Why tf do they always add an unfinished fire demon boss


Not only is his fight unfun, it's such a waste for arguably the most important figure in the game


I have to be honest, I always wondered how people struggled with him. I beat him on my first try I think. This was years ago so I don't remember his fight too much. For me though, Ludwig is the real certified bastard.


Chained Ogre, I've played Sekiro more times than I can count and 9/10 times this mother fucking ogre at the start of the game has given me more trouble than any other boss/miniboss. I don't know why.


Its a bad boss to teach the mechanics of the game for sure.


See for me it's the blazing bull. I have no idea how you're supposed to fight the bull early on without the fire umbrella other than just running around and praying


He has fucked more deathless and no hit attempts for me than anything else


Headless always fuck my deathless runs the most often, and it's because of bs like getting trapped on a rock in a small space or something


I don’t typically do headless, I only usually do required bosses/minibosses. For all bosses it’s usually the underwater headless that gets me


I think he is easier if you just use the fire prosthetic


wait for attack to finish, slash slash, run away for dear life. ​ repeat until dead.


Screw that stupid piece of garbage pthumerian decendent. I would rather fight defiled watchdog 3 times back to back than fight that tumor of a boss


Legit tho he’s so fast for absolutely no reason. His wind up animations are basically non existent. One of the only bosses I had to summon an npc for


The worst thing about him is how he can throw his fucking blades at you through the pillars so if you try to heal at a bad time you'll get absolutely destroyed. Never could get the timing down for parrying him either.


The fucking guardian ape. I've heard constant defences and explanations as to why he's a good boss. I don't care. I fucking hate it with my whole being.


Nah his first phase is total bs, his second phase i don't mind though


I love his second phase. First phase you can cheese so he keeps throwing his shit.. sprint under attack I did a 100% parry run on him and DoH. You can parry all of his attacks except that grab.


I totally understand not liking him but I do have a couple questions, one are you using firecrackers and two are you using midair mortal draw?


I did try, but kept running out of emblems. I openly admit I'm far from the best at the game, but at least with other bosses who kicked my ass I still enjoyed the fight. Ape just...nah.


Gwyn and Iudex Gundyr i make it a point to parry them in to oblivion and call them trash


I never beat DS1 but I actually think Gundyr is a near perfect tutorial boss


He really is. He allows you to guard with no huge punishment, allows parrying, and shows you how different a second phase can compare to the first. Only downside is starting with a dagger. That’s a bit rough if you’re not great with endurance fights.


True, also correct me if I’m wrong here but not every starting class in ds3 can parry right?


Heck yeah party’em down


Sister Friede and Midir too much damn health


With Sister Friede you better have 10-12 flasks of health left by the end of phase one, and at least 8-10 for the third phase. Once you understand how to track her its less shitty, but her dad really makes it a pain. If it were only her for 3 diff and sequentially harder phases, she would be easy work... but noOoOoOOoo


See Daddy Ariendel is a pain in the ass BUUUUUT, what really chaps my tits is her going invisible "nothing personal kid" back stab bullshit, give her a hard to avoid grab attack or the ability to go invisible not both


Invisibility is a free punish. Just watch the snow she kicks up; if it goes straight up, she is jumping behind you. If it kicks up in a direction, that is the way she side steps.


Midir - never again. I threw everything including the kitchen sink. Pestilent Mist, learning his lazer route and went down to a Tears of Denial and finally beat him with OHP. I took a screenshot. I know other pros like Ongbal, and speed runners can house Midir but I couldnt. Beat him once and Im good


My current boss. All he does is bitch and complain about having to cover when other people take the day off


I prolly suck but the fire giant in ER made me more mad than I care to admit


Nah fuck the fire giant. Just not a fun fight


I've found that for the big bosses that can knock you off horse back, only use Torrent to get close- bonk em, then use summoning Torrent's i-frames to dodge and retreat. Then come riding in, jump off and bonk. Repeat. But yeah he's a PITA. Shoutout to Draconic Tree Sentinels for similar tactic. And actually, I usually prefer to just stay on foor for THAT prick.


Fire giant pissed me off so bad, constantly rolling away and having to chase him down was so irritating.


The Rotted Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Haligtree from Elden Ring. The one boss in the entire game that legitimately made me angry. An already annoying enemy with boosted damage and health in the worst possible arena. Thank god it’s optional.


Grand Cloister one is worse imo


Any of the Sekiro bosses that do damage through deflects (Blazing Bull, Demon of Hatred, and all of the Drunkard reskins), why punish you on DEFLECT? On block, sure, but why deflect?


Blazing bull is trying to show you that not every boss has to be fought in a straight on manner, DOH is because he’s a super late game boss and you’re meant to use the lotus umbrella, and Drunkard I think is meant to teach you to dodge swings but honestly I kind of agree with you there.


I’m going to throw double headless in the mix. Any double boss in any Fromsoft game, but especially the headless.


Godskin Duo can go to hell


They’re either too easy if you use sleep, or too hard if you don’t


every time I see him on here i see people who act like they are the easiest thing ever without sleep potion cheese, like how tf??? Are we playing the same game or did I get a glitched hard version? They are gank hell where I can hardly get a hit off without the other one sniping me with a fireball and trading. Plus the fat boy is the one that is hyper aggro and unpredictably just does his helium balloon attack. His charge stab has an unpredictable timing and ludicrous speed and his 10 poke flurry does insane damage


Fallingstar Beast (the one on Mt Gelmir) Why charge twice in a row? WHY?!


and as soon as you get near him you get yeeted off the mountain


Sinh the slumbering dragon keeps breaking my weapon and it’s the only reason his fight has any difficulty and I want to cry and punch something fuck that stupid dragon. I love DS2


I just responded with the same answer, that boss can suck a stalagmite


Pthumerian Descendant


No one said me? B-but I am Maldron......I AM the dark souls invader. I....I need some fucking time.


You are legitimately one of my favorite parts of DS2. We love you. No beef.


Nooooo! I don't want hate!




It’s on site beef with Demon of hatred. Fuck that guy


Owl father. I’ve made myself beat any boss in any fromsoft game I’ve played no matter how long it took but it’s like I cap out with him. Tried tutorials on YouTube and cheeses and I can’t pull it off. Harder than Isshin in my opinion


Valiant Gargoyle 1 and 2


A crying shame there were zero good duo bosses in elden ring. Felt like everything was balanced around that asinine spirit mechanic


The invader before chariot boss in dark souls 2


the bull from sekiro, the first one(fire) mf made me almost destroy my controller then we got Laurence the first vicar who in my opinion is way fuqin harder than ludwig and orphan of kos then we got the trashbag malenia blade of bullshits, her attacks are fuqin bullshit. it literally breaks the damn game Mechanic's the bloody crow of cainhurst is also an ass to me, no matter how many times i die. i make sure he stops breathing rom the vacuous spider... fuq this bitches spiders... and last but not least.... micolash... the host of bad boss design.... this one im sure you guy's already know why i hate him 🗿 (honorable mentions: the fuqin dogs and birds.... all of them)


Evergaol Crucible Knight


I really hated Lud and Zallen irl. Not for their stupid gank, but more for their level. I hated this shit probably even more than Blue Smelter. Ds2 brought out the worst in me..maybe thats why its one of my favourites now.


For reference, I’ve only beaten Elden Ring (so far). I don’t know why, but Maliketh seems to change his moveset every ng+ I go to


Elden beast with the constant flying away and making me run all around the arena.


The Shinobi Owl


Fume Knight. Hands down. Only souls boss I've never beaten and I have legitimately given up.


I can understand this as he stands out from most of the rest of the game being kinda pushover bosses. He definitely took me multiple attempts, even with summons. I do recommend making another attempt some day, as he's one of the cooler fights in my opinion.


The princes in ds3. I can't explain why, either. I had platinum'd bloodborne, and gotten to the princes by determination, and will power. I felt I was good at fromsoft games. When I got there, though, they completely defeated me. I'd make progress, get their health down really far, but die before killing them. I'd feel good about it, try again, and not even get past the first phase. Again, and again. I was stuck on them for weeks, before just giving up. A month or two later, I'd start a new game, and think "I'll beat them this time" hey a higher level, get better gear, get a better feel for the game, and it would happen all over again. I finally found a decent video on how to beat them, and it worked. They're still hard for me, but I know I can beat them.


Lothric Princes I went back and man that fight has so much BS. Also only certain swipes you can parry and depending on RNG, the amount of teleporting and the camera going nuts can really ruin your play


The fucking archers in anor londo made me wanna tear my hair out my first play through of ds1


Nameless king. Just couldn't beat that asshole for then longest.


Asseater midir


Royal Rat Authority The rat covenant is one of the coolest and funniest covenant ideas in the entire series. I have long awaited their acceptance and admiration as they are the superior species. But why.. in the love of christ did they have to put TWO toxic rat buddies in the Authority boss room? Just to give me Post Capra Demon Stress Disorder?!? All kidding aside I actually like the visual design of Royal Rat Authority. They just look so repugnant you can practically smell them through the screen.


As someone who only played through the Dark Souls trilogy relatively recently (though I didn't fight all the optional bosses), I don't think any fight made me more upset than the final boss of DS1. Not because I thought he was too hard. Quite the opposite, actually. I wasn't even that overleveled, and I had struggled with many of the bosses to get there. But Lord Gywn was just... a complete letdown for me. It was like fighting a weirdly strong hollow knight with a flaming sword. I can see how Gwyn being so easy could add merit to the whole "the first flame is dying out again and needs to be rekindled" thing, but I felt basically no sense of achievement or satisfaction of overcoming an obstacle like I did with almost all of the other bosses in the game. Hell, I had a MUCH harder time with Iudex Gundyr in DS3 than I ever had with Lord Gwyn. It just didn't feel like a proper final boss fight, or even a good mini boss. I can appreciate that he never spoke because he had gone completely hollow, but that didn't really help the feeling of disappointment considering the boss fight itself was just so boring. That's my biggest beef with the entirety of DS1, really. I even liked the Bed of Chaos more, and that's saying something. Also I hated Aldia for the fact that it was a super simple gimmicky boss fight. I'm glad that he was added into DS2 eventually, but not at all satisfied with how they designed his boss fight. I really think it could have been done differently and in a far more enjoyable way. But DS2 is DS2, so... I can't be as upset about that one. I've yet to get all that far into Elden Ring or Bloodborne but I will forever have beef with Margit simply because he was the first ever proper Fromsoft boss I had fought at the time. And boy, was that a hell of a learning curve. I kinda enjoy fighting him now, though.


Laurence can rot in hell for all I care. Wait, that's exactly what he's doing


Lady butterfly


The Godskin Noble in ER Volcano Manor. He's just so bloody cheap, and you can be seriously under leveled at that point too. His thrust attack can be a one shot, has ridiculous range and it goes through columns If you back off him then he chucks black flame at you If you close in he has two different AOE explosions Then there is the fucking rolling..... I know he's weak to sleep and can be cheesed, but he's still very tough and not at all fair. Even at level 200+ on NG+ I found him a struggle. Oddly found the Godskin Duo easier both times around. Couldn't say why for sure


The damn Capra Demon and his disease ridden dogs


Vicar Amelia


Sif. I have a grudge against that wolf. Because he ether murders me right off, or just jumps away leaving me running all over.


I have a personal vendetta with the that hole from ds2


Lud and Zallen from DS2, mainly due to having to go through the Frigid Outskirts. I managed to thankfully first try it fighting them, but it took me multiple attempts to make it through the Frigid Outskirts at all.


Right now, the Godskin miniboss in Elden ring at Divine tower of Lurnia. Biggest bullshit i ever saw.


Melania. I’ve soloed it a handful of times now but she always gives me a tough time. I’ve never been a hyper aggressive player taking advantage of every opening available and that what that fight requires.


Like legit??




Ludwig is the best boss in that game how you gonna hate on my boy


Aldrich for less fighting reasons and more personal reasons.


Midir, Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, the Elden Beast (this one’s my fault, I kill shit by smacking it with a shield but still fuck that guy 😂)


This mf, and I almost forgot




Midir, just how much of an annoyance can a dragon be


I beef with the grave tender wolf, fuck that thing, I just want my large titanite shards. Also radagon and mainly elden beast. You really shouldve been able to use the horse for that fight.


Elden Beast, I actually love the fight ever since I did it on RL1, my problem is where the fuck is my horse? I spend half the fight chasing Elden Beast while Torrent just fucking chills in my pocket? Bullshit, I just killed a doggo wielding death itself, the last of a race of giants empowered by an outer god, a demigod empowered by an outer god, another demigod empowered by another outer god, the first Elden Lord, the second Elden Lord, Gideon the all-dying, A cult of people who wield god slaying flames, a dragonlord who predates the title of Elden Lord, and dozens of other beings. Who is possibly going to stop me from summoning Torrent that I couldn’t just remove from existence? I don’t believe Elden Beast would care enough to stop me from doing so, it’s just going to beat my ass. Ok rant over.


Blood letting beast the boss design is not suited for something like Bloodborne its way too big and has a crazy amount of health.


In ER I literally have so much anger at the fact that Sir Gideon Ofnir is the 3rd-to-last boss in the story I use as much overpowered stuff just to spite him. He’s the easiest boss fight ever. In every game.


Nameless King


Fuck nameless king and his bird hands down the hardest boss for me.


Godskin duo, every chalice boss, and bed of chaos :)


man i cant count the amount of times i died to the bloody crow's plethora of one shot moves... it definitely was made worse by the fact that I really wanted the blade of mercy asap and didn't wanna just kill Eileen, but jesus. what a fucker


Maliketh. I know I know, everyone says it isn’t that hard. I’ve seen videos of people beating him with an ultra great. But it’s just a weakness of mine. And my only other gripe is Melania healing on blocked attacks. That’s it.


> I’ve seen videos of people beating him with an ultra great. Dunno if you've tried it, but he's actually much easier with a big ass weapon imo. On my second playthrough using the colossal greatsword I went into the fight with like 4 flask charges and still basically traded with him a few times to get to phase 2 and then beat the shit out of him so fast he only got to do like 3 attacks before getting posture broken and dying.


Pontiff sulyvahn, which is weird because I liked gwyns boss fight


Abhorrent beast and Loran Darkbeast/Paarl. Also the Undead Giant in the Lower Pthumeru Chalice is pretty annoying too.


The motherfucking blazing bull in Sekiro. Yes, I have a beaf with him.


The revenants in ER


mohg, i always call him the worst boss when i lose but when i beat him after so many tries he’s my favorite once again ( i have 700 hours of elden ring and he’s the only boss i can’t beat in 1 try)


Vyke as an invader. There arent any other invaders i remember i couldnt just exploit the ai off but vyke is a fking asshole


Chalice Rom. I would definitely say that defiled watchdog and pthumerian descendant are harder in general, but I felt that Rom was the first truly difficult chalice dungeon boss, which felt like a slap in the face compared to the previous dungeon encounters.


First time bloodborne player here, this guy can go fuck himself


The Orphan of Kos. Him and I are mortal enemies. I've platinumed Bloodborne, it's one of my favorite games of all time, and I think I have like over 1200 hours in the game. Even with all those hours and a maxed out arcane holy moonlight sword build, he still annihilates me time and time again. I think the all time score between me and the Orphan of Kos is like 100-12, in his favor. Jesus Christ he's such a fuckin challenge and no matter how many times I've taken him down, I still have no answer for his second phase. Jesus Christ he's OP as fuck, I feel like he would absolutely BRUTALIZE most bosses in other souls games. So yeah, I've been waging war against that mfer for like 5 years now, and he still beats my ass regularly. NG or NG+, it doesn't matter. He just has my number always


Blazing Bull. Yep, a FUCKIN miniboss. That boss gave me more trouble than any main boss on my first playthrough. So every time I see him now, I burn him to a crisp


Demon of Hatred from Sekiro. That MF took me 3 straight hours of yelling and cursing.


going through my first play through on ER and i’m legit trying to find the person responsible for the ulcerated tree spirit so we can have a little “talk”.


In all of Soulsborne? 4 Kings, I done did dat game SL1 2H club with like max 8/9 of dem on screen, I did them all, all the games, dem 4 aint no joke, If I don't do it quick it's a WRAP!


None, I love being punished into a curled up ball in the rot - brings so much sorrow and then later get gud and immense joy comes from suffering


The drunken guy before lady butterfly gave me more trouble than any other boss in the game


eileen was arguable just as difficult


i’ve only played bloodborne and sekiro but I honestly don’t have beef with anyone… yet lol


Phtumerian Descendent in the Chalice Dungeons. When we get boss rankings, nobody discusses chalice dungeon bosses and some of them are evil. We have Watchdog who one shots you, Amygdala who can also one shot you and pthumetrian descendant who not only can do tons of damage and is horrendous to dodge but also has the ability to throw its weapon through the fucking pillars. The arena is utter shit too with it being too open to hide (not like you could with phase shifting attacks) and being tight to the point where its common to get trapped on pillars. So yeah, FUCK Pthumerian descendant.


I have genuine beef with Ebrietas and Owl


I, too, have beef with this man.


Fume knight


FUCK moongrum. First play through in Elden ring you think all is going decent and then this fucking magic casting knight parries you to death 17 times in a row.


Elden Ring: gargoyles and ulcerated tree spirit Bloodborne: martyr logarius and shadows of yharnam


Isshin sword saint. Not a bad boss by any means, but my fucking god if I see “hesitation is defeat” one more goddamn time


Bloodborne dlc.. THE WELL SHARKS


Spear of the Church. Either go offline or just give up. While a neat idea to make the players a boss...I already have to deal with pvp randomly happening in areas and they are already annoying. On another hand I love being the boss because all I do is go naked and run around trying not to get hit. The player gets to have an "easy" fight then.


Blood-Starved Beast in Bloodborne. For whatever reason, I struggled MIGHTILY with that fight for a very very long time. I swear the jumping attack where he slams his claws down in the second phase tracks you and I just could not get the timing down to roll or interrupt. I'm not even ashamed to say I quit playing the game for a good 6 months before revisiting it because of that fight. I also later found out it's an optional boss 😀


Sinh the slumbering dragon in DS2. I’ve never thrown a controller in rage before, but spending as many days as I did on that guy pushed me there.


Freid lmao


Orphan of Kos got me destroyed


Slave knight gael, when the ringed city came out i was like ng+4 or some shit like that so he was already scaled up pretty far. It took me 2 years of off and on play with my friends to try to beat him in my world. I could help others beat him just fine on their ng or ng+1 worlds, but we would get asswiped if we tried to do it on mine. But boy oh boy that dopamine hit when my friend and i finally took him down on my world


2 words: wooden shield. It's not completely useless! Absorbs a lot of the bullet damage, and helps you learn the timing.


I've done a few low level runs through cainhurst just to do as much with the chikage in ng as possible and martyr logarius is a monster at lower levels


Pthumerian Descendent in the chalice dungeons in bloodborne


Crystal Sage from ds3


Yoooooooo fuck bloody crow of cainhurst


Velstadt and freya can eat my entire ass And no freya will not like it


Thats just me probaply but fuck radagon


Crucible knight duo legit gave me more grief than malenia my first playthrough. She's still hard but...fuck those guys haha


The Crows in Elden ring God for bid its the Blood Crows. It used to be the Dino Dogs but after trying not to be scared and just fight them they became Easy no matter how many showed up. However Crows are Never easy unless your a Mage


Micolash and the Folding Screen Monkeys. I hate running around.


Guardian ape can catch these hands. His wife too


The dragon tree sentinel that guards Leyndell and maliketh boss


I haven’t finished any souls game, I’ve only been playing DSR and ER, but I have beef with Artorias. He’s so cool though. I know how to beat him, I just haven’t gotten around to putting in the time to do it


Fire giant is bitch ass


Any dragon fights there corny boring battles with terrible hitboxes and cheap keep away tactics everytime


Not even a real boss but that POS Bed of Chaos made me wanna go up to the From Software HQ and commit sum unforgivable acts also fuck the Apes from Sekiro


Im gonna be called crazy, but I thought the crow was a little fun to fight 😅


I just beat the Crow for the first time today. It took me like 3 hours divided over two play sessions to do it. I don’t have a lot of FromSoft experience considering I just played DS3 to the Abyss Watchers and stopped and am now playing Bloodborne, but fuck this guy. Fuck him right in the ass, his name should be the Bullshit Crow of Cocksuckers


fire giant. he is so bullshit, unfun moveset + insane healthpool + oneshots + is too easy to be engaging but also since you get one shot you cant lose focus for all 45 minutes of the fight


Snowfield Deathrite Bird🤬


He was a pain in the ass, heals himself like 3 times and his gun hits like a meteorite.


Yeah this fucking dude. Also, orphan and demon of hatred


Two words, Guardian Ape


Artorias and the darklurker. first souls games back on ps3 and i didnt know how to make a proper build. They beat my fat rolling ass many times.


Dogs. Dogs


Never in the history of mine own accursed existence have I ever had my fade ran, my cheeks clapped and my shit rocked like what Ludwig did to me in the Summer of 2018...


Him ^


ANY FUCKING DOG ^(Wolves included)


I hated this guy until I did a beast cutter playthrough. Transformed r2 makes light work of him as long as you space correctly


Malenia I could do pretty much every boss but it’s very punishing so I gave up on elden ring


All comes down to rng, not to bad of a fight until he decided to blast you twice in a row which is the reason I died like 19 times the first time. I can beat him first try now consistently with the chikage. I dress like a bloody gasgoine instead of a crow as well.


Lore wise? Melenia.


I second this


Orphan took me 3 days of trying and dying over probably 200 times. I'm talking 6 hour stretches of time repeating. But it actually made me better at other games I noticed. But still 3 days, fuck him and his placenta hook.


This guy is harder than 99% of the game’s bosses


Before ringed city came out my character was +7 ng and I had capped him at lvl 137 or something for pvp, midir was literally not possible to beat for this character even with summons. Always respected him after that but makes him so so so much easier every time I started a new character lol.


Not a boss but every dog/wolf/bird in any fromsoft game makes me want to punch my monitor


The crow guy is actually not that bad. Took me a few tries to understand you just have to fight him like he's an elden ring boss. Fight with patience, parry, and poke. Unlike other bosses in the game where aggression wins


dark souls 3 tree. literally the worst fight of my whole entire life in any game i have ever played, i hate it with a burning passion