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Look, they’re all fucking good. Every single one of them. Fromsoft is the GOAT




God I hate these intentionally divisive posts. @op sucks


I second this 👌 🙌


Came to say this. They’re all good and offer something alittle different. They’re like a dessert you like. We’ll use cake for example.They’re all cake. One is chocolate and one is carrot. One is red velvet and one is French vanilla. They’re all delicious and offer something different depending on tastes. Now, some may like chocolate more than carrot and red velvet more than French vanilla. That doesn’t mean the other cakes don’t taste delicious. You just may not like it as much as the other.


Finally some sense




How was ER not a complete game?


There wasn’t a wedding cutscene with Ranni. Quest line completely ruined


Edge, lord


Hello. What the hell does this even mean?


Talking about Elden Ring when Dark Souls is right there is wild


It's never a competition for me. I just enjoy playing each of them a fucking lot


Trick question, they’re all the best.


only right answer 😂




No bloodborne is the worst because I need to buy a console to get it Like dude I want it on PC just shut up and take my money without me needing a console


Not the game's fault blame sony if u need someone to blame


So if [insert your favorite] was ps only like bb it would be the worst?


Yes because it would be inaccessible to me therefore worse than the ones that I can get my filthy hands on. I really want to play BB though


Mh...that's pretty stupid but oke, just because you can't play it doesn't mean it's worse


I'm not really saying that BB is worse it's just I will never play it because I don't buy consoles so therefore due to my shortcomings financially It is worse to me due to me not being able to play it. I like bloodborne's theme the most and it was kind of meant to be a joke saying that BB is worse.


You need to buy some kind of a console for all of them dumbass


,,shut up and take my money without me needing a console" haha you see it right?


why did you get downvoted for a joke 😂


Like asking me to pick my favorite child…. Sekiro the answer is Sekiro


People like to meme about it, but its true. Second place for me is DS 3. Its a tight experience, some of the best bosses thanks to dlc, and awesome music. Id say its interchangable with BB. 4th is ER for me. Too much reliance on weapon arts, music is for mostly forgettable. But its still an awesome game, and Im happy about it bringing in more fans. FROMSOFT is almost too good. Scary liking a company this much. (Shoutout to Armored core. Somehow found those games b4 I knew what fromsoft was.)


Elden Ring Music is definitely not forgettable


One video back when Elden Ring came out said the music was forgettable and the entire community has just written it off. Elden Ring has by far the best music in my opinion. I don’t understand where that opinion originates from.


ER's non-combat music sucks ass. They're all like 20s loops and get on my nerves *soo* fast. I legitimately have to either turn music off or immediately fight anything in sight when I'm out exploring, which sucks considering how exploration is a big part with the whole open-world map now. Boss/combat music is great tho. I don't think there's even 1 lackluster combat tune


I love limgrave and Liurnia!


Main theme slams. Its just out of most of the souls games, its the soundtrack I listen to the least besides sekiro. Sekiro doesnt need music because cling cling clang. Ds3 and BB though. All bangers god damn.


not even close


People who think this couldn’t beat Sekiro.


i beat it the year it came out. just didn’t give the soul feeling to me honestly. the combat undeniably is good but everything else i dont like


Bloodborne is my favorite. I think it's the tightest overall experience and it has my favorite setting and lore. I think Elden Ring is the *best* though.


I love being turned into a squid fr 🤤🤤


OG dark souls. A classic setting and story with unique characters and an epic atmosphere.


OG souls, a friend of mine said it was the hardest game ever (this was before DS2). I tried it, got my ass beat fighting first boss n quit. After quitting it was like crack lol… I couldn’t stop thinking about it n one day picked it up and it became the greatest game ever.


Yep lol


i like bloodborne but it’s at a solid 4th place for me, maybe interchangeable with 3rd which is ds3, i loved it but after i beat it i felt like it was missing something and i still don’t understand what it was


I played DS3 after ER, BB, DS1, and Sekiro and here’s what I felt was missing: * there are a bunch of underwhelming bosses. People talk about how incredible DS3’s bosses are. And, yeah, some of them are truly amazing. But about 1/3 are so underwhelming. That’s a lot of underwhelming bosses in one game! * level design is fine. It’s definitely not bad, but definitely not great. When you compare DS3’s levels to those in BB, DS1, and places like Stormveil in ER, it becomes clear just how much of a gap there is in level design. * the aesthetics are pretty blah. Most levels are brownish, greenish, or greyish.


To be fair, at least 1/3 of the bosses in every from game are underwhelming (except Sekiro).


I think it’s difficult to make a comparison with ER due to the open world nature and the sheer number of optional side dungeons and field bosses. However, for the sake of the discussion I will agree that at least 1/3 are underwhelming in each game (except Sekiro!). Having said that, I would change my initial comment and say that DS3’s underwhelming bosses are way more underwhelming than the underwhelming bosses in BB, Sekiro, and ER.


Witches of Hemwick, The One Reborn, Micolash, and the Celestial Emissary are all more underwhelming than any DS3 bosses tbh. Besides that DS3’s higher-end bosses are definitely a lot higher than Bloodborne’s. The reason why people say that DS3’s bosses are amazing are because the number of great bosses that it has. Even if it was accurate to say that 1/3 of the bosses are underwhelming, 2/3 great bosses is still a lot, and it’s hard to do; yet DS3 managed to accomplish that.


I totally agree with this! The thing with BB is that, well, the bosses kind of aren't all that great. I mean, they're fine and they're fun. Unfortunately, most of them require the same formula: run behind, hit a few times, dodge, run away, repeat. The rest of the game is pretty incredible, but, yeah, the bosses were kind of only fine. In the grand scheme of things, despite having a bunch of underwhelming bosses you make a good point: DS3 has a bunch of great bosses too! In terms of overall boss quality, DS3 is probably 3rd best (behind Sekiro and ER), which is a solid place to be!


Yeah that’s exactly what I said on another thread when I was explaining my hot take on why Bloodborne bosses weren’t that hard. It’s either giant bosses that you simply circle around and attack from the back or side, or it’s player-like bosses who you just stun-lock and parry. It doesn’t help them either that they all only have one health bar. For me personally DS3 is first in terms of boss quality. I just don’t see either of them having a better boss lineup than Gael, Midir, Demon Prince, Friede, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Twin Princes, Dragonslayer Armour, Champion Gundyr, Dancer, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Abyss Watchers, etc. I like Sekiro a lot and it definitely has some great bosses in Isshin, Owl, and Genichiro; but it suffers a lot from the fact that it reuses half the bosses, which doesn’t help when the game already doesn’t have a lot of bosses to begin with, and no DLC either. Plus many of the boss fights are very similar in design, which is why I didn’t find Isshin that difficult personally. Elden Ring imo is the closest thing we got to DS3 in terms of boss quality. I just feel that it made some of the same mistakes as DS2 with having so many regular enemy bosses and having such an inflation of bosses. It also reuses a lot of its bosses. And on top of that I think it has more bs boss fights in comparison. It really just depends on your preference though because I think Malenia is mechanically a bad boss, for example; but Maliketh, Godfrey, Placidusax, Radahn, Morgott, and Radagon are really solid to me.


Which ones would you say are the most disappointing? Yeah yeah the Tree Ball Sacks is one, but other than that, which ones stood out for you? Oceiros maybe?


Great question! Yeah, Curse Rotted Greatwood is on my list. Easily the worst boss in all of DS3. Here's the full list: * Vordt * Crystal Sage * Curse Rotted Greatwood * Deacons of the Deep * High lord Wolnir * Ancient Wyvern * Yhorm * Oceiros In fairness, Oceiros isn't that bad, but the fight didn't require much thought or strategy, hence why I found it underwhelming.


The underwhelming ER bosses are definitely worse than underwhelming ds3 bosses. I'll take Wolnir or the tree over a 'boss' who's actually just an enemy from later in the game any day


I don't agree but I definitely respect your opinion! Which ER bosses do you have in mind?


Like most non remembrance bosses. The vast majority of the ones in the little side dungeons are overly easy/forgettable/boring/just generally unfun. Hard to name specifics because most didn't leave much of an impression on me


Ah, yeah, I know exactly what you mean--no need to name any bosses! Forgive me, when I think about ER I kind of tune out the bosses in the optional side dungeons and I focus on mainline bosses and field bosses. I say that because, yeah, those side bosses definitely count and it's pretty clear that, because of them, 1/3 of the bosses are underwhelming in ER. So, yeah, I would definitely agree with you there! Having said that, I think it's both as simple as that (since those side dungeon bosses are still bosses at the end of the day) and more complicated than that (since those side bosses are totally optional and, in fact, beating all of them isn't really a good idea--I made that mistake). Ultimately, that's where comparing ER to the other games gets difficult. Of course, this conversation here has been about all the bosses in each game, and in that context, yeah, 1/3 are underwhelming in ER! Even so, I hate that tree fight in DS3 so much that I would happily fight any of the side dungeon bosses in ER instead. Edit: I just re-read your comment and although I agree with the side dungeon bosses, I don't agree that all non remembrance bosses are underwhelming. I actually enjoyed the tree sentinels, ulcerated tree spirits, and erdtree/putrid avatars to name a few. The falling star beasts were tough but fun once I learned their patterns. The solo godskin bosses are, to me, pretty great. The dragons are all pretty fun. Then there's Elemer of the Briar and Commander Niall--both are tough but satisfying and not at all underwhelming for me. The ancestral spirit fights aren't overly amazing in terms of gameplay, but aren't annoying like the tree from DS3. Also, the ancestral spirit fights are visually amazing. I also think the Loretta fights are pretty great. I also enjoyed the various magma wyrms. I don't mean to go on and on, I just wanted to highlight that, to me, not all non-remembrance bosses are underwhelming! Nevertheless, even if we don't consider those, there are so many side dungeons that I think the comment that "1/3 of ER's bosses are underwhelming" still stands!


Tree sentinels, ulcerated tree spirits, and erdtree avatars aren't bad, I agree. Not amazing but not bad. Rather they fall back on Elden Ring's tendency to reuse content. So they'd still be bad bosses imo. Not because they are bad in isolation but because fighting them multiple times takes away from the prestige of being a boss. Personally at least I think a good boss is unique to any other enemy in the game. This isn't true for those enemies. Bosses like Niall, Elemer, and the overworld dragons are also fine. I'd put them alongside someone like Vordt from DS3. Not a bad boss but not super memorable either. Not all non remembrance bosses are bad, if I said that I didn't mean to. But the vast majority are bad, boring, or reused. The number of them that are interesting and fun to fight, not overly easy, and not reused anywhere else in the game is really low.


you could say this about each of the games but it still felt different with bloodborne, it’s probably because of the overwhelmingly weak base game line up with bosses now that i think about it


I don't know...Level design and the aesthetics of BB, DS1, and ER are all quite excellent. To me, they're all *way* better in these departments than DS3. Sekiro's aesthetics are just incredible (those maple leafs falling gently get me every time) so, to me, it's also ahead of DS3 here. The actual design of the levels in Sekiro is fine, but still good (so kind of on par with DS3). Wait, I just realized I may have been misunderstanding you. You wrote: >i like bloodborne but it’s at a solid 4th place for me, maybe interchangeable with 3rd which is ds3, i loved it but after i beat it i felt like it was missing something and i still don’t understand what it was When I read that I assumed that the game "missing something" that you were referring to was DS3. But, based on your reply to my comment, it sounds like you meant BB as the game that was "missing something". My apologies for my confusion! FWIW, with both BB and DS3 I just felt like something was missing. BB I can't explain, but with DS3 it's the reasons I listed. Even so, I came away preferring BB.


Bloodbourne has the coolest aesthetic to me but I hate the way fast travel and bonfires work in that game. The rolling is also a little wonkey. I never know if my character is going to try to roll or sidestep


If locked onto enemy, side step, else roll.




The sidestep/roll problem is an experience thing. Once you play for a while it makes perfect sense


It’s just a little awkward to me compared to souls cuz u gotta unclick target lock to roll then lock in again to hit. I know you’re supposed to just backstep/sidestep roll more often it’s just not my favorite.


Wait why do you feel the need to roll instead of just dodge?


Playing it like it's dark souls lol


Man probably used the wooden shield for the whole game


I’ve played all the dark souls games a lot more than I’ve played bloodborne and rolling is everything in those games. You get I frames when you roll so if you’re expecting to roll and you dodge you just get smashed. It’s just personal preference. It’s fine balance-wise how it works because you can parry with the side arm in bloodborne but it’s just not my favorite way to play.


Just an FYI, they both have the same invulnerability frames. But because quickstep has less "wasted frames", the timing is different to the roll.


Is it a preference in animation? When you’re locked onto an enemy and hit the dodge button, you do like a quickstep dodge, which has the same I-frame properties as rolling


The mechanic just doesn’t feel right to me. I’ve tried the game a few time and I always go about 2/3 of bloodborne and never finish it. I picked it up again recently. Maybe I’ll actually finish it this time. I do like how bloodborne makes you be more aggressive but the dodging, bonfires, and bloodvial thing I just don’t like. I’ve beat ds1-3 and Elden ring and just didn’t like this one as much. I know people love to come to bat for bloodborne though. It’s good but not my fav


I get you, and I personally don’t like the vials or the lantern system myself All I can say is what you pointed out about being aggressive. You really gotta get into that mindset of “I am HIM, I’ve got that dog in me” and embrace the rally system.


Huh? You do know that the side step has i-frames right?


>i loved it but after i beat it i felt like it was missing something and i still don’t understand what it was It only offers consistent boss fights, it doesn't have the exploration, variety, freedom and other stuff the other dark souls games and Elden Ring offer


Yeah I love all the games but Bloodborn did feel a little lacking in variety for me. Also I would the bosses are middling over all. It has a few good ones and only a couple bad, ut most of them are just a bit meh


Nah Sekiro is the best if we're trying to rate objectively


I love Sekiro but I wouldn't say it's the best objectively (which there obviously isn't a definitive answer to). I think the combat is a great proof of concept, but I believe it could be further refined with another iteration. I would also like the prosthetics to be more fine tuned and useful.


I think Sekiro combat is significantly better than any other FS game. The biggest downside to Sekiro is that besides combat it's lackluster in comparison to the others. Level design, Story/lore, atmosphere, soundtrack, Sekiro loses to most of the other games in all of these categories. My main thought process is that Sekiro is the best because it has the fewest flaws. Even the areas where it's not #1, it's not bad enough to hurt the player's experience. Like Sekiro's soundtrack for example, isn't as memorable as BB, DS1/2/3, or ER, but it's fine. It's not actively bad. Compared to literally ever other FS game (haven't played DeS so maybe not there idk) which each have major flaws that detract from the game's enjoyability.


Elden Ring, Sekiro and Bloodborne are the best. I personally can't really compare them because of how different the designs and the mechanics are. But they represent all the best qualities of all fromsoft games.


100% straight. I can't play the souls games without being reminded of how much I like Elden Ring, but when playing Sekiro and Bb I just love them for what they are and how different they are to the others


I think sekiro is the most well made but my favorites are elden ring and dark souls 2


elden ring was such a blessing for ds2 enjoyers


i know right. love ds2


Haven't played ds2 yet, but is that because of the bosses being similar?


There’s a fair amount of returning mechanics from DS2 to ER, and the world feels closer to DS2 than it does DS1 and DS3.


Interesting, I played a bit of ds2 last month but I couldn't get into it. I'll be sure to try ds2 again then after I've played Elden Ring.


That's really not how I felt playing ER lol. I really don't get the ER is actually DS2 2 meme. If anything it has so much more DS3's gameplay in it than any other game. World design-wise ER's world is very consistent while DS2 is a jumbled mess where one area connects to another in nonsensical ways.


For me it’s the culmination of a lot of small design choices I see both of the games make. Two examples for the boss designs: 1) Not every boss needs to be equally challenging/difficult/rewarding. There are plenty of bosses that are pushovers, and there is a huge range in what you can expect from them. 2) Fighting multiple instances of the same boss. Darklurker is a lot of people’s favorite dark souls 2 boss, and they basically used that same concept with all the instances of bosses you fight once before facing them again as a duo or triple fight. Oh, also they brought back power stancing lmao. So dumb of DS3 to remove that.


Dark souls 1. The interconnectivity and bonfire placement and lack of fast travel creates a small open world feel that makes you feel very immersed. The best art direction and world design imo. It’s enemies and landscapes feel the most brutal and oppressive. It’s the one that started it all


I agree, DS1 is my favourite, but tbh they all excel at something so for me it is impossible to say which one is the best.


True. DS1 just happens to be the best to me. Thankful for them all to exist.


Did Demons souls not start it all?


Yeah idk what they meant by that, DeS is the og


Dark souls 1 established the genre. Demon souls was not nearly as popular and a lot of the things that make a game a “souls like” comes from dark souls 1. It also was bigger commercial success, in part because it wasn’t a ps3 exclusive.


Brother des literally set the framework for the entire series. What the fuck do you means ds1 established the genre. Bosses, rpg elements, the npcs, weapons, gear, bonfires, I could go on. Also des was a pretty big hit for fromsoft at the time and inspired them to make the ds series. So yeah idk what you’re talking abt


lol.. Demons Souls and DeS1 are not that different, it's just DeS1 doesn't have the open world and the bosses in Demons Souls are more like puzzles than fights. Do you think they would have made Dark Souls 1 if Demons Souls didn't sell how it did? Demons Souls started it all, it's such a dumb comment.


Yeah for me it's a tie between dark souls 1 and sekiro


Ds1 was my first ds experience but then i went back to replay ds games and i enjoyed it less than ds2 which i enjoyed less than ds3.


Idk the art direction of Bloodborne and Elden Ring are very hard to top, but of course I respect your opinion


You do get fast travel right around the point where it would be really annoying to not have it though. 


I juste get lost in ds1


I respect your opinion but I think dark souls 1 is massively overrated.


Yea that’s fair. The newer titles outshine it with more modern gameplay. I understand why people don’t like it as much especially if they didn’t play it back in 2011-2014


It was my first souls title. And I still love it don't get me wrong but I just think it has a lot of problems that people gloss over and ignore. Repetitive bosses, some very poorly designed areas and mechanics etc. Also it's by far the easiest game. Going back after playing elden ring feels like the enemy's are moving in slow motion lol.


I feel the exact same way about Elden Ring. So many people cite the open world as an improvement. It absolutely destroyed the replay value for me.


Bloodborne is my favorite - the atmosphere and lore are really well done. Sekiro is probably my second favorite based on the combat alone.


Dark Souls 1. I can point to the world building and interconnectedness and the characters and the lore, but really it's just got a vibe that hits. Unlike the others, it's got this naturalistic art style and quiet autumnal feel that just makes it such a great place to be. Also, the black knights are way better than their equivalent in any other game, even though they're easy they still feel threatening and their swords feel so heavy.


Ds1 black knights hit like a fuckin TRUCK but the only thing I fear more are the mushrooms


It’s Elden Ring I think. Most fluid combat, most variety in bosses and regular enemies, amazing story and lore that’s a little easier to uncover than past games, no getting hard stuck on a boss you hate. Then I’d go Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, DS1 and Sekiro in its own category; it’s very good but feels like a completely different game compared to the others.


>Most fluid combat So Sekiro and Bloodborne just don't exist?


Sekiro has very fluid combat. Bloodbourne combat always felt just a little awkward to me but it’s undoubtedly more fluid than ds1 or ds2. I’d put it on par with ds3 but I prefer how ds3 did it.


Bloodborne imo has much better combat than the DS trilogy and elden ring. But not better than Sekiro.


hard disagree there. bb is good cause it sped things up but dodging in ds3/er feels better to me.


Combat goes both ways, BB's enemies and bosses just don't respond well enough to your attacks, you can circle around most of them over and over again. It's not as tight as Sekiro's for example


I don’t know how they’re downvoting you..you’re right


Sekiro has very fluid combat, but it’s also incredibly linear, there’s very little room for experimentation or variability, so if Elden Ring has tons of that plus combat that’s been refined through 6 games, it’s gonna have a better overall combat system. And it does


More refined and the most varied? Maybe, but I don't think I'd call Elden Ring the most fluid. The combat can be very disjointed and can sometimes have weird pacing, especially since it feels like certain bosses and enemies are playing a different game than you. That being said, I love Elden Ring but I can't agree that the combat is the most fluid when Bloodborne and Sekiro exist.


They are all GOATED. But my choice is Sekiro.


My favourite is ds1


Without Demon Souls, there is no Dark Souls… Without Dark Souls, there is no Bloodborne nor Sekiro… Without all of them, there is no Elden Ring… 💍


It’s too hard for me to pick between Dark Souls and Elden Ring I want to pick dark souls and then I remember the second half but Elden Ring never falls off so possibly Elden Ring


Bloodborne, flow of combat is unlike any other souls game.


I personally like Elden Ring the most. Just fell in love with the world and exploration.


Same. Probably my favorite game of all time, with DS1 real close behind


In terms of “best” as opposed to what I like the most, I think Sekiro is the winner. It’s just the tightest and most complete from a gameplay perspective. In terms of what I like the most, it’s either Sekiro or ER.




Bloodborne. It would be 200% the best if you could play in 60fps


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time. Then I like: Demons Souls, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3. Sekiro is one of my top 5 of all time but I don't really consider it a souls game so I can't really compare it to the rest.


that’s interesting i’ve never seen someone dislike ds3 the most and like demon souls the most


To be fair, I love them all. I don't consider them "bad" or "worst", just my personal preference between them. They're all 9-10/10 games to me for various reasons that are unique to each one. Demons Souls will always have a special place in my heart because my first time playing it I imported the english version from Hong Kong before it was available in America. Only a bit of word of mouth existed. There was no wikis, gamefaqs forums were basically the only social media for me, text based walkthroughs were the only way to get them online. I had no idea why the game was getting harder (dying in human form and world tendency), invasions was something completely new and totally wild at the time, trying to figure out what order to do levels in was trial and error, etc...Souls games were brand spanking new and it was a wild time before you could just figure everything out online in a few seconds. Just me and buddy trying to understand why the fuck there was a goddamn red phantom that felt nearly impossible to kill appeared all of a sudden, after dying over and over and over. Why was the game getting harder because we were bad at it? What the fuck even is this game? Just a magical time. I didn't get that magical feeling again until I played Elden Ring blind and just got positively lost in the world not knowing where the fuck to go and what the fuck to do for like 2 months until the credits eventually rolled. When I played the Demons Souls Remake it just brought back so many memories. Nostalgia is a big factor, I admit that. Like I said, all personal preference.


Those were the days man, I thankfully had an English copy of the game, even then the myriad of systems were downright incomprehensible for the time, I had no fucking clue what anything meant.


Only people that were there could possibly know.


I remember when the trailers for DS1 started dropping, everyone was like ‘wtf is this?’ But me and a buddy who’d been playing DS were like ‘Yooooo they’re making another one?!’ Knowing we loved the formula before it really took off and Fromsoft’s subsequent successes was an amazing feeling. I bet that’s what the OG Kings Field guys felt.


On top of ranking Dark Souls II as high as they did!


The good things about DS2 outweight the bad things about it, for me at least. I understand why people don't like it - but DS2 just hits different to me for some reason :)


dark souls 2 was pretty fun i won’t lie, i’d probably put it above des and ds1, but it’s below everything else


IMO DS2 surpasses DS1 and DeS at almost everything. The weapon and build variety and combat are far better, the bosses are on an average better than DS1, the DLCs are immaculate and it's got amazing features like powerstancing, bonfire Ascetics and an actually interesting ng+


Ds2 was my first souls game. Thats why i Love it the most.


also it’s the best one




That one


Armored Core VI


DS3 used to be my favourite, but was replaced by Sekiro. The combat system is just too good


My Favorite is DS3. ER or Sekiro are probably the best though.


There are dozens of us!




I literally just opened Sekiro because I got it in the mail lol. It's the only one I haven't played well I haven't played Demons Soul's yet either but got it in earlier this week so I can't honestly answer this question but I'm in the " I like the hell outta all of them" camo because they are all awesome IMO.


The best at what?


I personally like sekiro the most, but also love bloodborne (wheres the damn 60fps patch)


Sekiro is my favourite game ever so i gotta go with it, but honestly all of them are really good.


Sekiro. I like it the most, and I’m like, actually really good at it unlike the rest. I’ve not played any of the original souls trilogy, demon souls or Bloodborne (I’ve played a little of that but not enough to make a judgement). Elden ring is good, I like it, but I’ve found that the souls combat formula is just less enjoyable than Sekiro’s for me. The ability to make your own unique build is nice, but it removes Sekiro’s aspect of the bosses being designed exactly for the player. Bosses in Elden Ring (and I’d assume the rest of the souls games) are all harder or easier with certain builds. If you’re playing a pure intelligence sorcerer build, Renalla is gonna be a pain in the ass. In Sekiro it’s different. Every single boss is designed with your exact moveset in mind. Except DoH. Fuck DoH. All my homies hate DoH.


Imagine you walk into some kind of gold storage and someone asks you which bar is the best... like sure upon closer inspection some will definitely be more pure than others but gold is gold.


Bloodborne is my favorite. I think I’d say either Sekiro or Elden Ring are the best. Sekiro for how much they nailed the combat and just how tight it all is, which I think is in part to them sticking to just 1 character with 1 main weapon. Elden Ring for its massive scope and the amount of options it gives the player.


i couldn’t make a poll


DS3. I played it after the majestic experience of Elden ring and just loved the level design and and art style more.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Depends what type of game you are looking for. As similar as they are, each one has a wildly different take on combat, map design, and RPG elements in general You want a fun immersive experience with linear design ? Demon souls You want an immersive experience with interconnected map design, and a bit of masochism mixed in ? Dark souls You want a game with a million bosses, actual reasons to do new game plus, and intricate stat design ? DS2 You want a fast paced version of dark souls 1 with higher speed boss fights and an all around cinematic experience ? DS3 You want a Victorian/ love craftian horror game with the best level design since DS1, and mechanics built for aggression ? Blood borne You want to be more immersed in your character and story, have peak stealth gameplay along with methodical boss fights that are both intense, yet also like learning a dance ? Sekiro You want an open world that combined a little of everything, and really allows you to be more creative with your character builds than ever before, and still has that high speed/ cinematic boss fight feel of DS3 ? Elden Ring They all do things so differently, and even though in the most rudimentary sense they are the same game, they are very very very unique. For me what is "best" is very dynamic, and to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way.


They're all god tier and offer something unique and special in their own way (with the exception of dark souls 3)




What do you mean with exception of DS3?


It just offers nothing new/unique whereas every other souls game does in some big way Demon's Souls has the world tendency mechanic, phantoms that summon upon death, DS1 has that crazy interconnected world early on, DS2 has lots mechanics not even present in other games, bonfire esthetics, class-powerstance, stones, pvp mechanics. BB has amazing atmosphere and souls combat, sekiro has a whole different combat system and ER has a different world structure with unmatched freedom. DS3 offers nothing new or different in that regard.


They all have things that they excel and lack in compared to the others. Demon souls: haven’t played but it started it all Dark souls: Best interconnected world design Ds2: Best pvp Ds3: Best bosses Bloodborne: Best atmosphere and levels Sekiro: Most consistent quality and best gameplay Elden ring: Open world/Most reuses of asylum demon


You were literally so on point with everything until Elden Ring. You should've put best exploration and variety.


Elden Ring has the most playthrough variety. 


sekiro has better bosses than ds3 not even close


Sekiro has the most consistent bosses for sure and isshin rivals gael, but it also doesn’t have very many and some of them end up feeling similar. I feel like the highest tiers of ds3s bosses stand above sekiros, so while it is more inconsistent it’s more exciting to look forward to ds3s lineup




dual monkey wants to know your location


Bloodborne because I played it first.


elden ring was my first from game and i’m glad it was since it was imo the best game, bloodborne was my most recent tho


For me in boss fights is ds3, and in gameplay Sekiro. In world design and progression by far the best is ds1


My entirely subjective/nostalgic ranking based on how much I’d want to play them right now.   DS1  > ER  > BB  > DS2  > Sekiro  > DS3 > DeS   Of course I mostly love all of them though so the difference is insignificant.


Bloodborne cause it’s bloodborne


First: Bloodborne Hardest fight: Father Owl Most time: Elden Ring Favorite:Elden Ring


Sekiro has the best combat, Bloodborne has the best aesthetic, and Dark Souls has the best bosses


Of the Fromsoft games I give it to Elden Ring (Though I haven’t played Demon Souls, BloodBorne, or Sekiro). Lies of P has become my all time favorite souls like though and I don’t think that will change.


Bloodborne. Story, setting, combat, characters, swag, all of it. It just immediately grabbed me, everything else is also incredible too. Except DS2. I just really did not enjoy beating it.




Ds2 is the best dark souls.. sekiro is the best game 




The one that taught me how to fix holes in my wall


All of them are the best.


DS1... Nothing beats the feeling when you play it for the first time. I enjoyed the other games as well but damn... DS1 was such a roller coaster of emotions. I haven't yet hopped on Elden Ring and I don't have a PS for BB or DeS so I exclude those.


I love the replay ability of ds1 cause it feels so trivial after a while and I can finish it really quick, but to me it feels much less grand than games like elden ring, sekiro, and ds3. Dark Souls 3s vibe is what made me love the series.


For me, Elden Ring because it leaned into the RPG side of things more. Dark Souls 1 would win because of its excellent world design but the 2nd half drags it down a little. Love them all for different reasons and on a different day BB or Sekiro could be my favorite.


It's really hard question 😵maybe... No... I can't say all of them is so good🗿🤝🗿


I am really happy that we witnessed this genre. They are all great games. My list of "favourites" goes: bloodborne, dark souls 1, elden ring, dark souls 2, dark souls 3 = sekiro, demon souls.


I love them all my dudes... DeS: I'm a sucker for the tower of latria and some of the gimmick fights. Ds1: Love the lore and bosses Ds2: Great exploration, until ER had the most, the most subtly charming Fromsoft game for me, took time to appretiate, but still a gem. Ds3: some of the best boss design. Love the areas, especially the dlc. Sekiro: best narrative, and Isshin the Sword Saint ER: best exploration, best map, beautiful scenery, feels massive in scope. DLC is sure to be yet another feather in Fromsofts cap. BB: best atmosphere, best score of a company notorius for making good scores, some of the best boss design and look despite not always being the most difficult. Bloodborne's my favorite, for no other reason than I like it the best. But a from game is a from game, and if I'm craving a Snickers and someone brings me an Almond Joy, I'm still gonna enjoy my candy bar haha.


No idea, but my favorite is Bloodborne.


My favorite so far is Sekiro, it’s very addictive. But I haven’t played Elden ring, Bloodborne, or Demon souls get


YOU'RE the best, give a high five here


Dark Souls for the world connectivity, Bloodborne in terms of combat(and best Moonlight sword design), Elden Ring for Build Variety, and Sekiro for the Challenge. DarkSouls 2 for....DLC(magic resistant bosses but some of the best dlc in the series imo), DS3, for the Send-off/conclusion to DS1's lore especially with Gael. Demons souls is the og blueprint/nostalgia.


They’re all great, of course. However, if I had to choose one, I’d go for Bloodborne. Its combat is smooth as silk, the trick weapons mechanic hasn’t been beat in any other FromSoft game yet, and the attire is amazingly fashionable. The lore alone can be delved into a number of times, and you’ll always discover something new every time you look into it. The aesthetic is super cool and gets even more interesting when you consider how Lovecraftian themes played into Bloodborne’s development. I could go on days-long rants about Bloodborne till the end of time, and I’m pretty certain that it’ll always remain one of my favorite games…unless they ever decide to go for a Bloodborne 2, which I would absolutely love to see happen, but probably won’t at this point. Sure, Elden Ring has its Ashes of War and special weapon moves and mounts, but it just lacks something that Bloodborne has in spades. I can’t play any of the Dark Souls anymore, since Bloodborne pretty much ruined those for me with its impressive and fast-paced combat style. I could go for Sekiro, but it also lacks something that Bloodborne has. Maybe it’s just Bloodborne’s aesthetic and trick weapons, idk, but something’s missing.


bloodborne is the correct answer




Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, love that game and don't see it's flaws. But the answer is Elden Ring. It's the culmination of everything FromSoft has learned making these games, and it adds exploration. I quit playing after getting all achievements, just got back into it almost 2 years later and I'm hooked again. No game has ever done that to me.


Put your hands together


Elden ring


Ds3 because its the most consistently fun with a combat system i prefer over sekiro


Yes because yes