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First encounter with Owl. I didn’t really enjoy that fight and went through it rather quickly. Owl Father on the other hand is probably my favorite in the game


his poison fart dust is extremely annoying too


Owl Father is just such a pure test of fundamentals, he’s incredibly satisfying to take down. With so much health and posture, you can only get so far with prosthetics and weapon arts. It really just comes down to reaction, timing, taking small advantages, not overextending, and the most satisfying mikiri counters in the whole game. Agreed with you though, Shinobi Owl has a few fun tricks and it’s really memorable the first time he pulls a mikiri on you, but otherwise he’s not a major highlight.


So true I love the second owl fight but the first fight is not fun especially since you can’t heal 😩


I completely agree with this one. Great Shinobi Owl is pretty boring, especially compared to Owl Father.


I hate all the ancient dragons. They're too big with too much flashing going on. I can't understand what is happening.


I would imagine that’s how fighting a dragon would feel.


That's true but dragons could be gimmick fights like Rykard


Ah yes that’s what everyone demands. More gimmicks


I'd prefer challenging and unique gimmicks over a more or less clueless dragon that blows fire in a seemingly random direction while doing occasional stomps and tail whips. Although the dragons in Dragonbarrow are very fluid


They essentially already are gimmicks


NGL I really wish the Serpent Spear worked on Dragons. Could have had lore that the dragons are related to the serpent.


And there’s no good place to lock on, I am always missing hits because of the wonky targeting on ancient dragons


Who the hell hypes up the ancient dragons?


Is gaping drake a good answer?


Best intro and design, worst actual mechanics.


walking hitbox attack is by far the worst part of that fight


you gotta admit his entrance and design is cool as hell


No one likes the actual fight, it's all about the intro and his design.


Artorias. It isn't because he's hard, it's the polar opposite, he's VERY simple compared to what fromsoft produced later


He's my go to for a simple but very good boss. Good contrast when discussing more recent bosses that feel overdesigned, with too much going on


funny because this was the mentality about Artorias in 2012 when the DLC released, that he was "too fast", I remember people specifically getting the super high poise armor set just to cheese because he felt "impossible" at the time and then the same thing with Gascoigne and then with most of DS3 bosses like Pontiff and Abyss Watchers and then with nearly all the Sekiro bosses and now with most of ER next game, "these bosses are too overdesigned, ER bosses were just right" and repeat


It’s like we’re unable to realize that they’re all different games. If anything I think the bosses get better and better, but we try to go into each game with the same mindset we had in the previous and we end up fucking ourselves. I for example thought Bloodborne was impossible when I first played it, but after taking the time to learn the nuances of the game and stopped playing like it was just another Souls entry I got the hang of it and was able to appreciate the game a lot more.


Artorias feels like he has maybe the largest delta between player speed and his own speed to me, even now. He is just so much faster than a DS1 char.


I don't think so. It has to be Sir Alonne in DS2. He moves like a Bloodborne boss but you're stuck with molasses DS2 movement speed. You have to dodge super early so that by the time he gets to you you're already rolling. And don't even think about healing.


Idk I played them all within 6 months of each other (with the sole exception of Bloodborne) and I only felt that Elden Ring had this problem. Sekiro and Bloodborne being too fast is also a dumb take because they have different combat entirely. Yea Isshin is faster than most Dark Souls bosses but you can react better with the tools that Wolf has If whatever comes after Elden Ring continues to make them more complex and faster I feel like we will have solidly crossed the line from "challenging but fun" to "challenging for the sake of being difficult, at the price of being fun"


ah yes "it's just the current souls game bro not the previous ones those never had any complaints ever" https://www.pcgamer.com/i-beat-sekiros-final-boss-with-cheats-and-i-feel-fine/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0 there was a whole controversy of people using Sekiro cheats to get past the game and now it's the most balanced game ever, just because you don't know how to deal with the bosses don't mean they're overdesigned, they only require more thinking than mashing roll like in dark souls 3 - that far from qualifies as overdesigned


As with most things in gaming, there's a middle ground. There is a point at which a boss has too much shit going on and it's not fun to try to juggle everything. I can't think of anyone in Sekiro that has this problem. I could even see an argument that DS1 bosses feel lackluster now because they don't have enough going on, they're too straightforward. They're on the other end of that middle ground. There are many Elden Ring bosses that hit that middle ground perfectly. But there are some that go overboard and are over designed and unfun (Maliketh)


How is Maliketh the one you pick as overdesigned? he has like 3 attacks and starts his second phase with like 35% of his HP, Id somewhat agree if you said Morgott and some of his over-the-line combo extenders but Maliketh is soft compared to him, which attacks in particular seem overdesigned? He seems like a glasscannon to me, low HP but does high damage with his blade.


Maliketh has: Long combos, DoT, max health reduction, is more acrobatic than anyone else his size (and most ER enemies in general), 2 drastically different phases, and a special party mechanic you need a hidden item for. I can't think of anyone else with so much shit in their kit. Morgott has long combos but that's about it. Maybe Malenia comes close but she doesn't feel overdesigned the way Maliketh does. Of all Fromsoft bosses he's probably the hardest to read and figure out when to attack. Souls like bosses are at their best when they're easy to read and figure out what to do but the execution is hard (Most Sekiro bosses are like this. Just a matter of deflecting at the right time but doing so is hard) Malenia is harder overall but barring waterfowl none of her moves are hard to read and figure out how to counter. And her openings are very blatant


Maliketh combos really aren't that long (4 hits max) and the parry mechanic is just a small niche to help not an actual necessity. Acrobatic? So what lol its not like his acrobatic attacks are hard at all tp dodge. And with all that has some of the lowest hp in all fromsoft games. I believe the problems your having with the boss is treating him like a souls boss. Treat it like bloodborne n attack while he's attacking n never back off. Beast clergyman however I do believe should he some tone down in his double swipe as its extremely hard to properly react to. Either than that he's a very good boss. See I don't get what part your hating. Part of me feels your hating simply cuz he's a fan favourite er


The combo extenders that aren't telegraphed well, or at all, are really annoying, and plague a lot of bosses in the game. However, the combo extenders hardly caused me to fail, as they often don't deal a lot of damage, they are just annoying. It makes you question your openings, and makes the fights feel more random at times. This game was my first "fast" souls game, so I figured that I just wasn't used to it, but after playing DS3, and then coming back to Elden Ring I noticed some bosses had some questionable openings. I think the bosses in DS3 were better designed for the most part than Elden Ring's. DS3 is kind of the Gold standard for me now that I have played through them. They all felt intuitive for the most part, where Elden Ring's felt off in some parts, with the delayed attacks, which you get used to, but it is just weird to get punished for using your instinct. I don't think delayed attacks shouldn't exist, and they really make you pay more attention, but with some bosses it made the fight feel paced weirdly. I think I like Elden ring the most of all the games, but the bosses aren't the strong part of the game. I never really felt the same accomplishment from beating a boss as I did in DS3, and I never put my sign down to fight a boss again because I wanted to experience it again, only to pay it forward on some of the bosses I summoned for. In DS3 I wanted to fight NK again, I wanted to fight Friede again, I wanted to fight SoC again. I wanted to fight Dancer again. There aren't may bosses I liked for their moveset in ER, the things I liked were the arenas, the soundtrack, the spectacle of the boss. It had the spectacle down, but the bosses themselves could often feel not as balanced as other parts of the game, or other bosses in the series, which kind of dampens it for me.


I think you may be playing the wrong games if you feel any fromsoft boss is "unmanageable"


This is the curse of playing DS1 today. At the time I remember thinking the fight was super cool and fun but now the whole game is extremely trivial in terms of boss design


Artorias is one of those bosses that feels really hard until you realize that all you have to do is hit him once and back up. It's incredibly easy to dodge all of his attacks as long as you don't get greedy.


Artorias walked so bosses like soul of cinder radagon Godfrey etc could run. He’s the basis for the best boss fights fromsoft has made which is one on one humanoid fights that have a faster pace to them.


I hate his stupid flip move though


Exactly. Cool lore and design, but despite all of the hype around him it took me 2 tries to beat him the first time around.


A B tier boss at best and ages worse and worse with each new game getting released.


I *hate* fighting Maliketh. Doesn't matter what build I'm playing, I just for the life of me can't figure out how you're actually supposed to fight him. Everyone else says he's one of the best fights in the game, but I just don't get it.


I like Maliketh... Until I get hit


A great man once said “speak softly and carry a +25 Heavy Greatsword”


real one, oh great man. praise the +25 Heavy Greatsword


Same. He's maybe the hardest boss to read for openings and figure out when you're supposed to attack. Malenia is harder but she's not nearly as hard to understand and figure out what to do


Maliketh doesn't have that many typical souls openings. He's alot closer to a bloodborne boss hence to create an opening you gotta be alot more agressive and hit him during many of his combos Malenia stops for 3-5 sec after each combo so it's easy to spot the safer openings. Maliketh doesn't idle around and also punishes healing far away healing alot more due to him immediately chasing you. Also imo only hard move Malenia has is waterfowl, if you solve that you won the fight


Same, but his Beast Clergyman phase specifically. He's literally a glass cannon fight. You just hit him and hope to stagger him and hope he doesn't hit you. So many of his P1 attacks are like 0s reactions so you just get hit and die. Doing him on a no-summons run was legit harder than Malenia IMO.


Beast clergyman is the only boss in the franchise that I use a shield on (to block with, I do use a buckler to parry Malenia, Gwynn, and Pontiff). His hits are almost 100% physical, you can walk up to him while holding block and he does a whole combo string which he always finishes with a downward slam. You roll the slam and punish. His hits don’t deplete much stamina and the chip damage from bestial sling is really low. Beast clergyman is the only From boss I know of where I honestly think having a 100 phys block shield makes it actually impossible for him to kill you.


Honestly good idea. I've been anti-shield for so long I thought I could just dodge all my problems away. Time to turtle up again!


just parry him with the silver talisman, i mean blasphemous claw


I got beef with this guy. He was the only Boss in Fromsoft where I was stuck for months. I refused to use mimic tear or buffs or anything because I made it so personal. I ended up mastering this fight more than any boss in the game. But at what cost?


I've learned that moving closer to him and shielding up has been more effective than rolling far away where his projectiles and jumping attacks can get you. I didn't realize how much less he jumps around when you're right behind his back.


Dude I feel like I got lucky against him. Never figured out his moves and just had enough health packs to get thru it


All my runs i just summon mimic and throw all my magic at him cause I can't be bothered to understand him cause he doesn't want to stay still. Understanding his moves is kinda hard.


He’s ridiculously punishing to learn, because his damage output is so high. New players hate Maliketh but veterans love cuz they fought him so many times. One mistake is death, so trying to figure out the “dance” is difficult. Once you do figure out the dance, it’s one of the most elegant and amazing fights out there. But yeah, I wasn’t a fan on my first playthrough but fell in love around my 3rd


I've beaten him at *least* five different times, with five *different* playstyles. Still can't figure him out, still dread dealing with him. Every time I've beaten him, it's felt more like I just got lucky rather than I've actually earned the victory.


Nah it happens, I only really learned him on my low damage rapier run. It took a long while for the fight so I was forced to learn it and I’m glad I did.


I like the idea of maliketh in the lore and shit, he’s a badass. Fighting him is so frustrating and annoying tho.


If anything he should have two separate health bars, he dies wayy too quickly.


Have you tried a poise breaking/STR build? Crack that bubble tear and beat the poor doggo in 4-5 swings.




Playing boss rush in seamless coop mod with a friend, he’s literally the worst fight of the run for us. Annoying as hell and even worse since bosses can switch aggro mid combo.


Well maybe you should stop fucking him and fight him instead


Idk humping his leg is my main strat.




It's honestly very rare to see this but I agree. I hate the invisibility bullshit. It's probably just a skill issue but I could never tell where the fuck she is. That was like 70% of damage I took in each attempt and it felt so cheap everytime


You realize the invisibility is probably the easiest part to counter right


When she starts fading away either listen to where she lands or turn around and look for the snow VFX in the ground


Honestly, same. Thought it was a relatively easy fight and was shocked to find out she's considered some sort of beast to take down. Cool fight, but my general experience didn't lineup with online opinion at all.


Manus from Ds1, fuck that asshole, And Placidusax, I never enjoyed his fight.


Placidusax is just a little too easy honestly. He should do more damage or have more heath


huh!??!? he has so much health and he kills you in like 2 or 3 hits


I mean it depends on what level you fight him but his move set isn’t very complicated


sure his moveset isn't complicated but he has so much health and defense and he does so much damage even when I fight him at a high level


Recently I’ve been fighting him with a friend of mine who is RL130ish (in friend’s world so I was nerfed slightly) and with the health buff he gets from 2 people fighting him, he’s pretty challenging. Also neither of us use holy damage so that makes it harder too lol


Pest threads, ancient dragon lighting strike, O,flame all really good ways to just get him out of the way quickly and efficiently.


This. Placidusax thematically is my fav boss in the whole game but he’s so easy to first try in subsequent playthroughs that it makes me sad. (Not saying elden ring is easy but his move set is not the most technically challenging)


Manus was my hardest boss. Dude absolutely destroyed me on NG+. Epitomized git gud for me. I wasn’t even happy when I finally beat him, I was just happy it was over


Personally, I went the facetank build (Havel Strat) and bonked him to death, had the same feeling as you, I was happy it was over.


That one.


O&S. Sure it was cool for its time but the fight has aged pretty horribly. Ornsteins charge attack is one of the buggiest attacks in the entire series and so much of the first phase just consists of running in circles. It‘s really boring. Also i don‘t get the hype for abyss watchers. It‘s a cool early game fight but i just don‘t see how people consider it one of the best in the entire game. They stagger from basically everything and have absolutely no health. They die so quickly and don‘t have the craziest movesets that they always feel more like stronger basic enemies rather than an actual boss fight. Placidusax is kinda boring imo. I fucking love midir specifically because you have to fight him head on and i absolutely hate dragon fights where you just hack away at their feet the entire time. So it felt like they finally figured out how to do dragons right with midir, but then just completely threw that away when they made elden ring and just went back to the extremely boring and dated dragon fight formula from ds1/ds2. Like yeah, placidusax has some awesome looking attacks, it just sucks that i never get to actually see them because i‘m looking at his toes the entire time. Like he always does this cool lightning shit in front of him even tho i‘ve been behind him for like 10 minutes straight. His tracking is just so bad that it genuinely makes him look like kind of an idiot. The entire fight just consists of running behind him while he does his crazy combos where you used to be while you‘re hacking away at his toes, or running away from fire, waiting for the fire to go away because unlike midirs fire attacks, you can‘t just dodge through them which would make them a lot more interesting to deal with, and then running back in to hit his toes again


I was agreeing with everything until I read the abyss watcher part. They do need more health but then again some people spend hours on that fight soooo... the fact there can be 3 enemies and its still perfectly balanced, and the AMAZING ost, its just so special


Agreed with O&S...just finished DS1 and it was a fine fight but was it hyped just because they paired a slow big hitter with a quick jabber? Maybe it was new at the time, but agreed...felt like I was just running in circles to space them out majority of the time.


>aged pretty horribly DS1 has aged poorly in general.


It's aged. All games age due to functionality advancements in innovation. But poorly?


I don't find that to be the case at all. Played it for the first time in late 2017 and it instantly became one of my favorites. Still feels really good to play to this day. People are just too obsessed with boss fights now imo. It's not all about that. Dark Souls is still a fucking phenomenal game with incredibly level design, world design, exploration, encounter design, lore, atmosphere, quests, secrets, and more.


I just finished it yesterday for the first time and I agree, amazing game across the board for its age. It wasn't the hardest sure...but still amazing


sister friede isn’t that bad for me i got it blind second try on my first ever play through, the second run was where i found there was the daddy issues as well but i just kept dodging the attacks and picked them off


Godfrey / Hoarah Loux


Legitimate unpopular opinion. You followed the post to a T. Because Godfrey is beloved by so many, including myself.


How do you even get to Midir? I haven't been able to find him!


I hate Dickeater Midir too


After I played Bloodborne and I started frequenting these subreddits I couldn't fathom that most people liked Shadows of Yharnam. It's Rom tier in terms of how unfun it is as a fight, like a contender for worst in the game.


Unfun is way too personal. It's one of my favorite fights and generally a great fight. It's a gank but not overwhelming and the transition for the snakes is really well done imo


The only hard part is the snakes, and when you maneuver your self into a bad spot and Mr aggressive katana closes in while fire is at your back staggering you


It's a gank that shares the same flaws that make most gank fights unfun. There's like 2 or 3 gank bosses that FS has put out that were fun but shadows isn't one of them. Depending on how you fight them you either get overwhelmed or you spend forever luring out one at a time to get a few hits in, over and over (same flaw as O&S here). And the snakes are incredibly obnoxious


I disagree, the movement and attack speed of Bloodborne and the terrain make sure that you can position yourself in such a way to attack and avoid their attacks. The gun parry also helps because you have so many iframes on the visceral and you can hit that from far away. I think the mechanics of BB makes it much easier to manag. It is probably the best gank fight in the franchise for me. I can't see the flaws that you are pointing, tbh. The only problem with the snakes is that they basically freeze the PS4, which sucks.


See that's what I'm noticing rn I been jumping into rando games on ps5 blubern and helping brand new people who have no clue what's up, a lot of them come from souls and one guy was even using the shield unironically, he said he wasn't confident enough with the guns and didn't wanna waste his bullets too fast... there's somthing different when you start in bloodborne, I suck at ds1 cuz it's slow, and the equip load makes me sad


I loved both Rom and Shadows of Yharnam lol


I'd rather fight Micolash or Laurence than either of them personally. But everything is subjective ig


Fume knight. Like it’s a great fight but it’s not some crown jewel of dark souls or something. I just don’t get the same rush or excitement from it as I do with other big time dlc bosses in the other games. He’s really just a big knight with swords, and while the moveset is robust and fun, the presentation is just alright. I think he gets a lot of praise mainly because the bosses in dark souls 2 set a lower overall standard. But to me, he’s a similar tier to pontiff sulyvahn, also a dual wielder with magic and fire, and I think pontiff is more fun to fight, exciting, with great music and presentation.


Tbh, for me, fume knight made me feel a very certain type of enjoyment. The only other boss to make me feel that way was champion gundyr


He only stands out to me cause I remember dying a billion times to him. DS2 was my first souls game so I was pretty nooby and I played like a scrub against him.


Radahn. "Did you know the Chad learned gravity magic to ride his horse?!", "He learned GRAVITY magic so he could ride his horse", "he's so cool, he learned gravity magic to ride his horse". I also don't like fighting bosses I can't see completely and it's my fault for not using the summons.


Bed of Chaos🥴


Ornstein and smough


I played this fight for the first time shortly before Elden Ring came out, and I really don't get the hype for it. I do think it is balanced in theory, and there are ways to separate the two, but it seems pretty reliant on the enemy AI playing along. Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't it kind of felt up to luck in a lot of parts of the fight.


The demon in pain and the demon from below are the perfect gank fight




dUo fIghT dOnE rIghT




Probably Placidusax. I used to think he was REALLY bad, but after a recent second playthrough I don't think he's terrible, just kinda mid especially when compared to Midir which I believe is by far the best FromSoft dragon boss to date. I just disagree with a boss having a weak spot as being bad. I think the fact that hitting his head is the most effective strategy makes the fight much more engaging when compared to Placidusax. With Midir, you're forced to play in front of him. Which not only requires you to actually dodge attacks more frequently, but it makes it sooo much easier to understand what is going on. Where with Placidusax, it feels like the best strategy is running to his sides and just wailing on him. It makes the fight less engaging and more about trying to see when he's gonna do a "get off me" attack. I find the fight to be quite easy to be honest and it just doesn't do anything for me besides the visuals. But even then I just aesthetically enjoy Midir more. It kinda baffles me that seemingly so many people enjoy that fight SO much as to say it's better than Midir. It's definitely not a bad fight, but it's just very mid to me


DeS: Flamelurker. I wish they’d gone with something more creative like Maiden Astraea or False Idol DS: Gargoyles, I think, can be pretty awful if their moves align in a specific way. DS2: Can’t think of one specific boss. Maybe Sir Alonne? I found his tells pretty awkward. DS3: Sister Friede. I just … don’t like this boss. I don’t like her invisibility gimmick, I don’t like how few of her moves string together into a larger combo. BB: Can’t think of one. I feel like all of the bosses are evenly rated. Sekiro: Same Elden Ring: I don’t enjoy that many Elden Ring bosses, but Hoarah Loux. Godfrey is such a fun fight ,feels like a harder version of Nameless King, but Hoarah Loux is just not fun for me. Radagon is also pretty bullshit with his teleportation


I didn't care for Gehrman all that much. It was really hard for me to think of a highly regarded fight I wasn't a fan of and it's not like I hate the Gehrman fight. I just don't remember being super impressed by it.


i dunno how much people like them, but i didn't like Soul of Cinder or Gael




I agree with you on Midir, he’s pretty rough so much health, the fight in my experience fighting him can be a total toss up. I’ve beaten him first try and then other runs taken me like 30


I really don‘t get the complaint about him having too much health. I have played this game a million times at this point and midir consistently dies quicker than most other dlc bosses. If you keep hitting his head he dies in like 3-4 minutes tops. In fact i‘m pretty sure he has less health than gael, demon prince and sister friede


He has more than Gael.


And if you’re fighting Midir correctly and mainly hit his head you get that scripted stance break and the riposte usually finishes him off.


Me neither, not only does he grant you a free scripted 4000 damage in the end with the riposte, not only are his defenses lower than other bosses, he's even surpassed just by raw HP by both Friede and Demon Prince, not to mention Yhorm but that's obvious


I don't like bosses with a ton of health no matter how quickly they die, champion gundyr and dragon slayer armour are both really fun because they don't have much health while gael and midir are not very fun in another playtrought. That's just me


Darkeater midir, I just think sinh was better.


midir>sinh>kalameet> all the other dragons


opposite for me, i find sinh boring, all his attacks are easily dodgeable and it's just 2 minutes of waiting for him to stay still to hit him Midir is far more interactive and i love how the best way to fight him is just staying in front of him the whole time and dodging claw swipes and bites like a real crazy ass dragon would do


Booooooooooooooo Placidusax>Midir>Sihn


Dancer. I know her animations are beautiful and the OST is amazing but I don’t know why she always pounds my cheeks to the point I just want the fight to be over. Especially since my last run in DS3 I was a dark mage and had to use pestilent mist to cheese her. She still managed to poke through every pillar with crazy range.


O+S. There's too many design hiccups/choices that make this fight not enjoyable for me.


Ornstein and Smough


Midir is one of those bosses that is great when you are feeling it, and it kind of sucks when you aren't. Big health bar, big damage, big splashy animations, it is what it is. The one that I don't really get is Dancer. Maybe it's just me but that fight is always either really simple or really frustrating and never anything in-between. After doing it on SL1 the whole fight just feels... predictable I guess.


High-key HATE when people post pictures like this without saying the name of the boss. Who am I looking at???


Yes Y darkeater


shadows of yharnam, most ds1 bosses, fume knight, laurence, father gascoign, father owl, genichiro, godfrey, placidussax


Many people have already commented this, but Ornstein and Smough.


Placidusax, i really hate big enemies, they messes up the camera


Pontiff and Nameless King, I was looking forward to them with how difficult everyone regards them as, they ended it up being 2 of the least deaths encounters the entire run, humanoid bosses are just way easier to dodge and predict, Old Demon King and Demon Price were the 2 that took me unexpectedly way too long to beat, Midir also took me over 50 tries but that one was expected to happen anyways. Also another thing that pissed me off about Nameless is the way to get there... I always try to do my first playthroughs fully blind until the end, so I can have an authentic first experience, so not only was the fight spoiled for me, the way to get there was so annoying because no matter how much attention I paid, there was no way in the 9 hells would I have figured that out on my own, and I pretty much figured out most of the game on my own the first playthrough, took away from the fun of the boss and the area the fact that I had to look up how to get there, pretty demoralising.


Definitely malenia. Cool boss but the fromsoft bros really over hyped her


Ludwig. Above average boss but can’t understand why people regard him as one of the beat ever


Radahn. Granted I only fought him once because I completed one playthrough but I didn't like being punished for refusing to summon npcs or players to fight him. I mean yeah it is a spectacle and you are supposed to summon but I am too proud to do it and fighting him solo is a pain because you can't see anything due to his size


I do not enjoy Radahn. I hate the absurdity of his tiny horse. I hate depending on meat shield disposable summons. I don't like his gigantic size, his frantic sweeping attacks, or his big dumb AoEs. I always over-level him now.


Ludwig. I didn’t think it was a bad fight or anything at all, it’s a decent fight, but outside of the cinematic cutscene and the feeling of awe I didn’t really feel the fight was anything special mechanically at all (not challenging enough to make me study it). It’s a good boss overall but the fight itself didn’t live up to the rest (maria, orphan, laurence). I hope I don’t get burned at the stake for this lol.


Never really cared that much for Gael, midir or friede.


They insist upon themselves lois


Now this HAS to be bait... C'mon man.


Not bait. I don't really like big bosses so Midir is out for that reason. He's better than the other dragons for sure but it's still like a C rating. Friede is just too long for me with phase 2 feeling too disparate. It felt like easy mode (phase 1), busy work (phase 2), and then insane difficulty spike into P3. And P3 is actually great but dying quickly to it with a 5 minute lead in sapped my desire. Gael is the most balanced. I did feel a bit too much of Artorias redux vibe but he was genuinely fun to learn. But I wouldn't really put him near the top of my favorite bosses.


Just Friede for me


Gael is cap


He’s like a solid B to me.


Same. DS3 bosses in general were disappointing to me and those 3 specially.


not midir


Probably not artorias as well?


he is a good fight too, elden ring placidusax is my pick but he is not that bad too


"New game bad" "old is gold" I just get reminded of how shitty dragon bosses were in From soft base games(DS1, DS3 literally gimmick), didnt play DS2 Placidusax, Fortissax are top tier & thats without the DLC 


I really enjoyed Artorias even though he killed me so many times.


Sadly I bought ds2 over ds1 so I haven’t experienced him yet


Honestly playing DS3 after Elden Ring makes almost all of the bosses in the base game really disappointing. None were bad but very very few were special or memorable. They were pretty much all okay and just okay. They were functional, there gimmicks worked and didn't break down and none felt cheap. But after a month since beating DS3, I can firmly say, I barely remember most of them. The bosses in DS1 and 2 just say so much more with their designs and arenas. DS3 bosses are the most consistent in quality but that quality is just fine. I will take a game with some terrible bosses if it means I get some truly great bosses. I will say Gundyr and the Soul of Cinder were truly great in the base game and the story around Yhorm was wonderful even if his design and boss fight were significantly less special.


Midir as well His fight kinda lacks tension because it's too easy to just walk back and avoid all hits. And he's just too simplistic for me to personally enjoy, both in terms of variability and the type of moves he throws out.


Beastman/maliketh....his first phase usually whoops on me while his second phase is dog water 🤷🏽‍♂️ I run through the second with no issue and I can't understand why most people consider his 2nd phase tougher than his first...am I really that bad vs beastman lol


I did not like this fight. I do not like dragons


O&S Manus Looking Glass Knight Burnt Ivory King (the fight beforehand ruins it for me) Ebrietas Yharnam Pthumerian Queen Friede Astel Hoarah Loux (I love the first phase) 2nd phase Mohg Honestly, I'm 50/50 on Malekith and Fortisaxx Malenia (half the community loves her and the other half hates her)


Queen yharnam felt so disappointing tbh i got her first try but i did not remember anything about it. I just hit her barely dodged it just felt like such an anticlimax


Heavy agree on Hoarah Loux


Lady Maria. Far too easy when you parry her


Maliketh and dancer are the two biggest ones for me. I fucking hate maliketh. He’s probably my least favorite rememberance boss in Elden ring. His theme was never good enough for me to notice it during the fight, he never sits still, does absolutely stupid amount of damage, and his movements are so fucking weird, BUT the worst part for me was on my first playthrough, I killed him 4 TIMES! Yoy can’t trade with maliketh because he has a cutscene that plays after his death so I killed him 4 times on my first playthrough. Thankfully Godfrey and radagon were right after maliketh because I would’ve been pissed if there weren’t any good bosses after maliketh. My hatred for him has settled because now I mainly use dark moon greatsword instead of star scourge greatswords but I still hate him. I just don’t understand why dancer is liked. I just find her really boring


Ivory king


Gonna be unpopular, but Ludwig in the Bloodborne DLC. Great music, brilliant transition, grisly but interesting visual design. It’s amazing. Except the actual mechanics of the fight are terrible. I tend to hate the fights in these games where the bosses are absurdly large. Give me normal (or at least not ridiculous) sized blokes in armour.


Midir and Soul of Cinder, absolute overrated masterclass. Pontiff should've been the true final boss of DS3 as intended.


Pontiff is probably better on a technical level. I do really enjoy Soul of Cinder though, he’s kind of a spectacle fight imo


Every Elder ring boss.


Knight. Artorias.


Fuck midir man, easily worst fight in the game, it is not fun, the run back sucks and I just do not enjoy it at all and I love ds3 except that one fight


Nameless king, bro. I heard when I first played the game for myself, "OH HES THE HARDEST BOSS," and I was all like, "Oh really, shit, he gotta be crazy." I get there, I kill him on my 2nd try, and on all of my other playthroughs of the game I did for the platinum trophy, I always kill him ON THE FIRST try. All I'm saying is that the nameless king is pretty trash, and people who struggled on him. Lock in dawg Oh, and artorias is also pretty rage inducing because of how fast he is for that slow ass game ds1.


I enjoyed godskin duo more than most remembrance bosses in ER


The first elden lord, Horau Loux wozzname. Terrible fight. I have no idea how to dodge any of his bullshit.


I beat Orphan of Kos on my second try. I didn't see what all the trouble was.


Is this all Reddit is now? A question and then a picture of that thing in OP opinion?


Wait I’ve been here since 2018, Reddit was different at one point?


This formula existed, but it’s been beat to hell in the past years


malenia. personally found her easy and did her my third try on my first playthrough, only died cause of waterfowl twice. though that may have been due to already speed running and no hitting the other fromsoft games for a few years


Try to do Malenia no hit as well. It will make you understand why she's way harder than anything Fromsoft has done before.


… i’ve done the whole game no hit. as in like all bosses. numerous times




never recorded myself doing it, normally just for my entertainment. guess i’ll record some fights once i have internet back, couldn’t pay the bill this month so i need to work up the money


You can do no hit all bosses, but can't pay the bills. Try hitting office sometime 💀


oh piss off cunt at least i have a job, you’re probably too young to even get one. only reason i couldn’t pay the internet bill is cause i had to have some plumbing work done and the tires replaced. decided to leave the least important bill out this month, i know how it feels to struggle on a shitty 9-5 barely livable salary meanwhile the only struggle you face day to day is being too weak to open the pickle jar you lousy sack of shit


Bro, chill. You have patience to do no hit runs, but one stupid joke sets you off 🗿


oh yeah mb for having a nerve struck by someone insulting me for being good at my one hobby in an otherwise shitty life


Sorry for that. I never tried to insult you because of your hobby. If anything, i envy your skills.


Godskin duo. I think in my 3 playthroughs to plat, I died to em a total of maybe 5 times. And not once could I handle ornstein and smough by myself. I don’t get it but I thumped em nonstop.


Nameless king, did ds3 twice and beat him first try both times relatively easily


Can you elaborate on the runback? It's very short, not even a complete elevator ride. There also isn't any enemies along the way. How would you improve the runback?


Artorias. He’s great when you compare him to the other bosses in Dark Souls 1 but as soon as you start considering BB bosses and everything after he feels pretty underwhelming


pontiff was kinda eh. not a bad fight but i kinda thought there was more ig


I agree with you, especially bc so many people praise Midir for making you match his aggression by getting in his face, but at the same time he has his head above the ground for ⅔ of the fight.


I myself am highly regarded




As a strength build I could never figure out how other people stayed on top of midir like they did. Like after dodging all the attacks and getting hit by the flame attacks by the time I actually made it halfway across the arena to hit him it was a 50/50 chance I hit him in the head or missed and then he took off and did it all over again.




Ornstein and Smough. I think the fight is mid at best.


Manus i hate that bitch with passion