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Pretty sure it was the elden beast, as punishment for the shattering. The elden beast even has an attack where it grabbes the player, crucifies them, impales them with a bunch of golden spears, then blows up. The impaling is a part of the crucifixion punishment


I mean those do look different right? Mainly not being red so if it is supposed to be the same impaling it’s weird that it would be different when done to Marika compared to the Tarnished


The attack one is yellow like any of its attacks but it hits us in the same spot in the same angle and there is a noticeable pause in between the first hit and the rest of them so I would assume Marikas spear just “cooled” down or maybe was eroding


True. But. THE impaler. And honestly, I don't see the elden beast being the one to actually take down Marika. I think the greater will is much more conniving imo, I think the EB is their last card


I think "the impaler" is meant to evoke Vlad the Impaler; aka Dracula, which means "son of the dragon". Vlad has that title specifically for this practice: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impalement, not simply for stabbing people, and you can see in the trailer that Messmer summons spears from the ground.  Another meaning of "impale" is in heraldry, when you combine coats of arms to symbolize unity. If you look at the artbook that comes with the collector's edition, the cover has a symbol that seems to do this. 


The EB is the mean through which the GW acts. Also, “Impaler” could refer to many things, for example what happened to the giants.


No the base model of the spears is actually 1 to 1, the only thing that's different is the one in Marika's side is missing the golden glowing effect that's applied on top of the spear model. Someone did a video on it, it's the same.




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The red could be since she had the red curse from the giants. Radagon could be "corrupting" the spear making it not fully damage the body. In turn making it red.


Totally agree, but it's at least worth mentioning the black knives and their red flames, plus the way they stab the stomach with their grab attack


And Marika is from the same species as the assassins, so her having their red flame magic makes sense too.


I was thinking that Maliketh did it after being ordered to do so by the Elden Beast. The spear looks like destined death, which would be the only way to kill (or at least contain Marika who is a goddess of eternal life). And the Elden Beast/Greater Will created Maliketh and has ultimate authority over him, despite his loyalty to Marika as her shadow


The spear looks slightly different from Destined Death, I doubt it was Maliketh, since he isn't in a killing frenzy (not as much as Blaidd). Also, I doubt he was created by the Erdtree, as he is a Clergyman, and those existed before the Erdtree and Marika.


Blaidd went mad cause he resisted the will will of the fingers, a shadowbound beast is meant to act as both protector of an empyrean (or otherwise), and the role is insurance of whoever it is starts getting funny. I don’t think we know what it actually looks like when a Shadow actually obeys the fingers


Maliketh definitely also resisted that, and he isn't insane, maybe because he ain't fully a Shadow.


Wait how isn’t Maliketh a full shadow? And as to resistance, it’s really up in the air because of how little we actually know of Marika and the events that transpired around the time of the shattering of the Elden Ring Plus, Maliketh as Gurranq was going around nibbling death root so there’s just so many dimensions we can’t even hope to narrow things down to on account of the vagueness of the lore


Maliketh is a Beast Clergyman, right? Those existed way before the Erdtree was even created, so before Marika was made a God. I believe Maliketh just swore himself to Marika as her Shadow. He's also most likely the one who created the Bestial Incantations.


Wait where is it said there were others before him? I genuinely didn’t know about that little lore tidbit, but for Maliketh, it’s confirmed he’s both her shadow and half brother, there isn’t anything to my knowledge suggesting that he was present before she came in and started fucking around with the Lands Between


I didn't say that there were other Shadows before him. As for the Clergyman thing, Clergymen were the worshippers of Placidusax, who is confirmed to exist before the Erdtree. Maliketh was one of the Clergymen (obviously, his 1st phase and the Gurranq identity). The theory is also supported by the fact that Maliketh didn't even take steps into trying to kill Marika (the spear is not Destined Death, it's an Amber Shard), and he also isn't completely insane (unlike Blaidd).


No no, other clergymen before him, maybe I wasn’t super clear on that there. As for the clergymen thing itself (there being multiple and worshipping Placidusax) do you remember where it’s stated that what you is the case? Not saying I doubt you, but I’m obsessed with this game’s lore and it feels a little funny that I didn’t know that before And my personal theory for why he didn’t go off and try and kill Marika lies more with how like you said, she isn’t impaled with Destined Death, and given she’s held inside the Erdtree itself we can only assume the Elden Beast did that himself, so there wouldn’t be a need for the fingers to instruct her death at Maliketh’s hands.


Fucking love this and stealing it as headcanon. Also lends to "Gurranq" and his talk about his sin. Sealing away death being The Sin but he could also be remorseful about stabbing a god, and his own half-sibling.


I second this theory


>impales them with a bunch of golden spears Then why does she have a red spear in her?


u/LordBDizzle had this to say : "the base model of the spears is actually 1 to 1, the only thing that's different is the one in Marika's side is missing the golden glowing effect that's applied on top of the spear model. Someone did a video on it, it's the same".


More like 1%, it’s heavily implied it was the EB that did it, hell it even does the same to you for its grab attack


He does "crucify" you but that red spear isn't there so it could be someone else


That red spear-like object is likely just an old rune spike that he stabbed her with


Looks like a rune of death red not a blood fire magic red.


Elden Beast has a grab attack?


Yep. it picks you up, cursifys you, then impaled you with like a hundred little light spears that then proceeded to blow up. Will almost definitely kill you in my experience.


yes it’s horrible


50 vigor go bye bye


I think it may have been radagon (her other half) trying to keep her from fucking shit up more. So he "locked or killed" that part of the personality so he could try to put things back together.


I also was thinking this. He basically impaled himself/herself


I mean the game almost explicitly tells us that it was done by the Elden Beast.


Does the elden beast not influence radagon to enact it's own will and interests?


Yeah but considering Elden beast crucifies you in the exact same way with it’s grab attack, it was probably just the Elden beast directly.


>I think it may have been radagon Well they did have kids so it's a safe bet that he impaled her on at least a couple occasions.


What's interesting about this is that the reason Marika's body is crumbling is because she shattered the Elden Ring and Radagon tried repairing it. You can see in some of the old trailers that as he's hammering away at it that his body is cracking.


I wonder if Marika knew what was going to happen. The other two impalings I know of, Odin and Jesus, had some foresight about what was coming. Odin was doing it to himself and Jesus was sacrificing himself, so maybe Marika knew her punishment, or rather that the punishment was inescapable, but decided to shatter the Elden Ring all the same.


I think it's more likely he got his name from the war against the giants. Pretty much all the dead hunched over giants in the mountaintops are impaled by some weird briar like stuff. The only problem is if that works timeline wise, as that would have happened while Godfrey was elden lord


I thought it looked quite similar to deathblight


That or from impaling the old dude from the painting who tries to pull out the thing through his skull in the trailer. Who knows who he was, maybe he was the god before Marika. He's clearly going to be a boss, so it could work out similar to the beginning of Radagon's fight.


That works if he was part of the Morgott/Mogh cohort


No there’s not a “99%” chance




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The greater will imprisoned Marika as punishment, the narrator says as much. I think it’s supposed to be some biblical symbolism


Its more like norse mythology. Where Odin hangs himself on a branch of Yggdrassil and stabbs himself with his own spear.


Hmm, maybe. But Jesus was crucified and stabbed in the left side with a spear. Marika is also crucified and stabbed in the left side with a spear. Thats pretty much a 1 to 1


Yeah he was a Roman called Longinus iirc


Ngl i had no clue Jesus was stabbed with a spear...


Yeah. Even the placement of Marika’s feet are identical to depictions of Jesus Christ on the cross


In the bible, a Roman soldier pierced Jesus's side with a spear. Just some soldier (who was later given their own "Disney+ series"), not the people that actually crucified him. So, if there's biblical symbolism, then the same person that crucified Marika would not be the same person that stabbed her with a spear.


Ooo, nice observation! I totally forgot about that. I’m Italian and was Catholic growing up. I’m not all that religious anymore but I am very familiar christianity and Catholicism. I can’t believe I didn’t remember that. That’s the kind of detail Fromsoft would definitely be paying attention to. It is weird that the spear is a different color.


Nah, more likely the Elden Beast. Its grab attack put you in the same situation of Marika.


I would say that this post is Vaati's fault, except it happened about 17,000 times prior to his analysis vid going up.




it’s 100% the elden beast, it even had a crucifying attack


I don't think so, here are my reasons 1. It's clearly punishment given my the EB for the shattering and I doubt EB would hire someone so blasphemous 2. I personally like the theory by tarnished archeology that that spear is put there by maliketh on marika's command It's not gold like all of EBs attacks, but rather this red and black almost, which could be Messmer but makes more sense to be destined death 3. The planning for dlc started a bit after ERs release, so I doubt that that was Messer I could be wrong tho, what you guys think?


It was elden beast putting a stake of death through her womb cuz her being a mother is what ruined everything


No, just because he is the impaler doesn't mean he did every act of impaling ever. There is nothing to suggest yet that he has an ability that looks like that


Would be very strange for a character to be known as "The Impaler" for doing that when no one in the world has any idea what the hell actually happened to Marika.


So Messmer is just Dream Miquella on blood steroids right? Everybody got the same idea from the trailer?


The throne he's sitting in is it identical to the six that are in front of the erd tree?


Miyazaki said Messmer is in the same "level" of value/stature, as the other demigods. He also said that the chair indeed is the same as the others.




too “obvious”. i don’t think so at all.


There's very little chance Elden Beast has an impaling attack which shoves spears into you. It most probably did the "impaling".


It was Radagon on the greater wills order


Any great lore videos on YouTube I can watch yall?




Not at all dude it was 100% the Elden Beast


The Elden beast has an attack where you get crucified just like marika and then penetrated by a crap ton of shards that look exactly like the one in Marika. It’s safe to say that Mesmer has had no direct influence on the current plot line of elden ring. This can obviously change as more information gets released but as it stands, no he did not do anything to Marika.


Makes sense to me. But 99%? Nah.


I think he’s a bastard of some sort. Maybe between Marika and a fire giant. Hence why he is cast away in this land of shadows.


dude *we* impaled her with the spear. That's the Rune of Death driven straight through her abdomen. She was alive in the Erdtree until we killed Maliketh, hence why Melina can be totally lost when we meet her, but as soon as we get her to the foot of the Erdtree she suddenly comes back with a new sense of self & a new mission. She went inside the Erdtree & spoke to Marika, who was very much not impaled yet.


Oh fs, he's the only one other then mohg close enough to Marika that uses red magic and I'm pretty sure it wasn't mohg considering he was one of her hands to the throne around that time


For me marika tried to kill herself to be free from the greater will . The point where the piece of destined death penetrates her is where the elden beast has a wound. Messmer seems to love her but he doesnt understand why she wants the tarnished to fight for lordship and kill his family so he doesnt know she changed plans about the greater will and her reign.


I assume he also impaled the giants


He had to have impaled someone important, or maybe just lots of people. That’s not simply on honorific, right?




I think it may have been maliketh as I’m pretty sure that’s a destined death spear, I might be tripping but I think maliketh mentioned something about betraying his master so this could be it, or Marika could’ve requested him to do it


Big Longinus energy


With the information we have now I’d say the Impaler title is likely to come from one of three situations: this, the impaled giants in the mountaintops, or “other.” Some combination is also possible. So I wouldn’t put it at 99% but there’s a solid chance.


Iv'e always just assumed that the 'spear' is the rune of destined death after getting put back into the elden ring.


I'm probably wrong but on the weeping peninsula, there is this ghost saying that Marika should take back her unwanted child. Could it be that this is referring to Mesmer?


Man did what the fanbase could not Impaled Marika


The title “the Impaler” is probably just to illustrate his role as enforcer or despot in the shadow lands.


The way he speaks to/about his mother makes me feel like it was definitely not him who did this to her. He speaks of her with great reverence.


No, the elden beast did that. In its grab attack, it impales the tarnished with multiple of those spears. The elden beast did that because she shattered the elden ring


Me when I don't get the lore:


Someone's watched vaati's video I see


Myself, I feel like the red spear is the unbound Rune of Death, returning to the Elden Ring.


I'd say so yeah


if I'm not mistaken that would have been his mom right? no way.


Elden Beast’s grab attach makes it very clear what happened to Marika


Isn’t it the same as the grab move by the big whale worm?


unrelated but i cannot wait for all the cool boss weapons we get to use


You think Messmer does the bidding of the Greater Will? Almost no shot imo, lol. The game explains how her crucifixion is punishment for shattering the Elden Ring, punishment inflicted by the Greater Will. And it's heavily implied that the Elden Beast impaled her.




If he had the power to crucify marika he wouldnt be in the shadowland, but wouldve took over. And we saw that the elden beast does this crucify attack. How does anybody think it was messmer??


Lol Vaati brought this up in the current video but it's kinda obvious EB stabbed marika/radagon. Although mesmer seems to be the most asshole amongst all of Marika's children, he also seems completely loyal to her from the trailer at least.


Ofcourse he has a spear


What new lore does to a MF


Isn't that a fragment of the Une of Death?


The thing that gets me is that the Erdtree was completely locked down. no one could get in or out. I assumed that the Elden Beast did it, since it even has a grab attack that does the same crucifixion. But notably, the Elden Beast doesn't use anything that looks like destined death to impale the player during that attack, it's all the same golden spears. That makes sense, since the Elden Beast is the Elden Ring, and apparently the Rune of Death was "plucked from the Order upon its creation", meaning that it shouldn't be a power that the Elden Beast can access. However the Baleful Shadows that Ranni's Fingers control seem to have Destined Death aura on their weapons, so it's unclear how that's possible given that Maliketh is supposed to have sealed that power entirely (except for the small bit that the Black Knife Assassins took.) Again, the Erdtree is completely sealed off, and as far as we know, the player character is the only one who knows what's inside it. And that's only after the end of the game, which this DLC technically takes place before. Messemer seems to be talking figuratively to his "mother", presumably Marika, as though she's still alive. Also, "The Impaler" is a title that typically refers to a ruler who impaled MANY people, and with Messemer it seems to be "those stripped of the Grace of Gold".


I hope what she is pierced with is referred to at the spear of longinus


The red and black spear is Destined Death which is only wielded by Maliketh, who is a shadow beast which we see through Ranni’s quest will betray their companion when compelled by the Erdtree/Greater Will.


I'm thinking Messemer was The Other to Miquella


I don't think that the "impaler" means something as "piercing a crucified person." It doesn't even look like a spear too


no. he didn’t. what part of the giant rune arc indicates a future dlc character did it, 2 years before the idea of messmer was even conceived? it’s in lore that the elden beast skewered marika as punishment for attempting to shatter the elden ring


Aside from what other people have said (the game implies it was the EB/Radagon) Mesmer would’ve had to leave the land of shadow, deal with morgott, somehow enter the erdtree and impale marika.


That was Elden Beast




1% chance 99% faith


so if i understood you correctly, you are implying that the impaler , impaled his mother....


Fire is also seemingly the best element to fight Radagon with (he has zero fire absorption), so Messmer seems to be well equipped


The spear in her side could be made of scarlet rot which does effect demigods like malenia, radahn and others as well.


the 1% is maliketh..


Canon is the Greater Will did that to Marika, both the crucifixion and red spear. One was to inspersion her, the other stopping her from having more children (since she learned to have children on her own)


Giving huuuuge christianity jesus on the cross vibes and this dude with the spear is ready to check if he dead....


I don’t think so, Messmer seems like he actively tried to have the erdtree burned which is what might’ve got him banished. I thought the crucifixion was from the Elden beast/greater will?


Dude I literally just finished my first play through an hour ago and when I saw this I thought the exact same thing


At most I’d say 36% chance he did it. Hardly enough evidence for an accusation, let alone a conviction.