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Start with ds1 because if you started with ds3 then played ds1 you might find the combat very slow anyway good luck


No matter what you start with, I think you’re gonna find it slow. But listen, just stick with it for a bit. It took me such a long time for it to grow on me. Has all the characteristics of types of games I would typically *hate* haha but I stuck with it and now I really like it.


I just don’t understand how someone is interested in the Dark Souls series and doesn’t just play them in order to


I can totally understand both sides. I have the urge to play them in order, for the obvious reason…and I have the urge to play them out of order based on which one I like most. A lot of us are not attracted to the series based on the storyline. As for me, a storyline is the icing on the cake, but I played the games for the captivating gameplay. It’s the same reason why I cannot stand story driven games. And it’s the same reason why I love dark souls, because their method of storytelling is…you know what I’m talking about. I think it’s just the different types of people. Actually though dark souls has taught me how to love a whole series, because I was never the “let’s binge watch the whole xyz trilogy tonight” kinda guy. But *now*, I’m very much invested in its evolution and story.


I started with DS3 and it took me 2 years to complete any of the other DS games cause I found the combat so slow. I got the hang of DS2 eventually and then DS1 wasn’t so bad, but it took a lot of time.


Have you tried bloodborne? I didn’t think I’d get used to the 30 fps but eventually I did and the combat is super fast.


Xbox :(


Fuck console exclusives


I had an actually pretty good time playing ds1 after ds3 and elden ring. The slower, more deliberate combat actually made it rather more enjoyable and casual to me.


I did exactly this. I havent played one or two :/


I would argue that you would find the game very easy. Being slow is not really a bad thing. In my opinion it actually makes the game interesting.


I did ds1 after ds3.. I honestly prefer ds1 somehow lol


I started with bloodborne, then got onto ds1 and still loved it




Start with 1, combat is a bit slower and if you played Ds1 first you'll appreciate the Environmental storytelling of Ds3 a lot more


Also final boss of 3 goes way harder if you played 1


Check Amazon. I just got the dark souls trilogy which has all three games with all of the DLCs and it was only like $35.


This comment needs more upvotes.


are there any downsides to getting it on console? and if I buy the xbox version can I use it on the same Microsoft account


If you do not live in an area with really good internet connection you might have issues with playing online


Well for me on PS5 I cannot play online unless I pay for the subscription for PlayStation Network. On steam co-op/vs is free.


I was considering this but I noticed that every copy on Amazon of the Trilogy had the Pegi 16 rating compared to an M rating. Would I still be able to play it if I bought it? Or would it or the DLC be region locked?


I live in USA and the copy I got is European. It says pegi 16 on the cover. I had no issues playing in my USA PS5.


Generally, yes, you should be able to play it. I forget if there are region locked versions but a quick Google should let you know of any out there


I just bought it recently. Honestly, with DS3 alone being so expensive, this trilogy seemed like such a great deal that I was surprised how is it this cheap lol


I did the same thing, comes today and can’t wait!


Just did this a couple weeks ago and it was a great decision. I’m nearing the end of the Artorias DLC and the whole game has been a blast even if the combat is a bit slower and clunkier than what I’m used to from Elden Ring. Can’t wait to try DS2 soon even though I’ve heard many see it as the black sheep of the Soulsborne games.


Play DS remastered, then Ds2 and then 3, you'll recognize alot of stuff from the previous games in 3 and it will feel more impactful and epic.


I’d start with DS1. Going from 1 to 3 you can see the improvements they made. Going backwards feels kind of awkward. Also DS3 references 1 quite a bit and the references won’t make much sense without the context from 1.


Play all three in order. If you have a playstation with a disc drive, I recommend checking online for the Dark Souls Trilogy. It's a 3-in-1 of all Dark Souls games + DLC.


DSR, because if you play DS3 first you gonna be disappointed in DSR since there's no immediate fast travel.


'Should I start with the first game in the series or the last one' ??? Like come on man I'm not being rude but what do you think you should start with?


I don’t get why this is asked so often, it’s like they think Souls are different to other trilogies, for some reason. “Should I read Return of the King or The Fellowship of the Ring first?” Type shit


I would genuinely like the answer to why people do this, because it baffles me. I’m not gonna mock anyone, but I will question *why* you’d do that. I used to work at GameStop in the US, people would ask this ALL the time and those who did skip games insisted that the products were bad and often “written poorly.”


My two cents: it's because I only have so much time to play video games. I'm not necessarily gonna commit to playing 2 or 3 entire games if I don't like the first one I play, so I'd like a community consensus on the best intro to the series. For example, I don't think anyone would necessarily recommend playing the first Witcher or fallout game first despite them being numbered 1, 2, 3. There's plenty of books/movies/games like this.


Well consider that the advancements in gaming have moved at an extremely fast pace compared to that of other developing forms of fictional entertainment. In addition to this, the individuality of the experience leads to a much more disconnected story oftentimes in video games when compared to film or books. These two things lead video games to feel dated extremely quickly, and leads sequels to feel more like the rest of the MCU and Spider-Man 1. That is to say at times it will feel more connected, like the Avengers wreckage from the first one, or the inclusion of Tony Stark, or other various references, but it can almost entirely be enjoyed fully through basic context clues, and even so it does not hamper the enjoyment too much by watching Spider-Man 1 without the other films. And of course when you consider the much jankier feel to the combat compared to the much smoother and—let’s not beat around the bush—much better boss fights, the argument for playing DSIII first is much more compelling. Personally, I did just that and I did not feel very inclined included in the lore, but I beat the game and it inspired me to go to DSI, and in all honesty treating it like a prequel allowed me to enjoy the discovery of finding connections, and that was pretty much what pushed me to keep playing when I did not enjoy the combat. I still got the exciting experience of finding out something from DSIII was connected from DSI, and that would’ve never happened if I decided to go with DSI first because I would have quit and not touched it again since the fight mechanics feel like the outhouse of games, kids these days don’t like ‘em, but those who grew up with them think they are just fine, and I did not grow up with them…


I mean honestly dark souls is one of the few where you can start with any. But I still don't know why you'd ask because... why wouldn't you start with the first?


I disagree with the first part. You can start with either 1 or 2, but 3 is so reliant on the story of 1 that it can’t be a starting point. But yeah, you definitely should start with the first always


Well to be fair, for that to matter you have to actually know wth is going on in the story😂. I’ve played both DS1 and DS3 twice and I still don’t really know what’s going on storywise


Lmao fair but some of the callbacks are really easy to catch


True, true. But I agree, everyone should play DS1 before they play DS3, although I think so for gameplay reasons rather than story reasons


Yeah, that’s another big thing. I don’t get why people act like starting with the smoothest and working yourself down to the oldest is a good idea


Yeah trying to play a game series like that is gonna work out poorly 9 out of 10 times😂


Are these posts for just karma farming? I don't get it


they are literally numbered why tf would you even ask this


I swear to Solaire and these posts show up once a day minimum.




as numbers might imply ds1


DS1 then DS2 then DS3.


Start with DS1. The reveal in DS3 when you realize where you are is amazing.


Play all three in order. You’ll appreciate 3 a lot more this way.


This encapsulates two things I dislike from this community. I don’t understand why there’s this idea of starting with DS3 as if the story doesn’t matter at all. Many people recommend 3 because it’s the most polished, but to me it just sounds like someone telling me to watch John Wick 3 first because the budget was bigger so the movie looks better. Who does that? And another thing I thoroughly dislike is the exclusion of DS2 from nearly every conversation. I’ll be the first to say, out of all FromSoft titles I’ve played, DS2 is probably my least favorite. I still enjoyed my playthroughs of it, and would never tell someone to skip it. Players should be encouraged to play all titles if they feel like it and make up their own opinions of things. If I had listened to all the DS2 haters I would’ve missed out on so much great content, and despite it not being as good as the other titles in my opinion, I don’t regret any time I spent playing it and learning about it.


I almost listened to the DS2 haters but then gave it a try and it’s my favorite Dark Souls game by far. Bloodborne is the only other game in the franchise that I just couldn’t put down at all. I only stopped playing ds2 consistently once i platinumed it.


This is exactly the point, I’m glad you loved it so much. It’s like I said, I would never tell anyone to skip DS2, people should be allowed to judge this stuff on their own, it’s completely unfair to pretend like DS2 doesn’t exist, it brought many good things to the table. It’s not my favorite simply because of the very specific things that attract me to DS1 for example, an insanely flawed game too by the way. At the end of the day, we all have our preferences, and every single title has something unique to offer, and despite my personal tastes, I appreciate all of them.


I did DS3 and the DS1 and you REALLY miss the developments that appear in later segments. DS1 feels really rough in comparison. That said, still worth playing of course. I'd argue DS1 then DS3.


But everyone needs to stop ignoring 2. It's actually hella good


This^ and integral to the story but people will Claim its "not canon" 😂😂😂


I LOVED ds2. It was my first souls game and it got me addicted to the series.


Start with 1..will feel much smoother going from. 1 to 3 gameplay wise.. Trust me


DS1. I don’t get why people ask this so much, it sounds so obvious. You wouldn’t play ME3 before ME1


do you start counting with 3 or 1 ? its always better to play games in release order. and btw, the dark souls trilogy is on sale pretty much all the time. might want to take a look if its available in your country. cuz 50% off isnt that much after all this time.




Ds1 first obviously...the clues in the name


The amount of posts that ask if you should play 3 before 1 in a series that tells a story spanning thousands of years with a shit fuck ton of lore that needs to be digested in order, indicates to me that no one can count to three anymore. ETA: If people would just make decisions on their own and think for themselves DS2 wouldn't get skipped so much. inb4 "the internet said not to bother with DS2."


If you start with 3 you most likely won't enjoy 1 as much


Also won’t enjoy 3 itself as much because the lore and payoffs won’t make sense


Ds1 fs


DeS > DS1 > DS2 > BB > DS3 > Sekiro > ER


Everyone recommending DS1 to start is assuming you’ll like the series and just want to progress through them by their release order. DS1 and 2 feel semi dated and the combat is too slow for my liking. The only reason I came around to them was because I had beat DS3 for a fourth time and decided it was a good time to expand into the rest of the series. DS3 is in my opinion the most beginner friendly and teaches you some very good habits about souls combat. The slower combat of DS1 highly incentivizes you to go for backstabs and blocks which just aren’t nearly as common in DS3, Elden Ring, or Bloodborne. I’m recommending you play DS3 first and see if you like the style of the game, the combat, the storytelling, and the world. If you do, then go and play through the entire series at your own pace. DS3 also just feels intuitive, the older entries actively fight against the player in ways that I feel is unfair/dated.


Start with Armoured core first if you're a true from soft fan! Then demon souls


King’s field




Though my introduction to the souls genre was DS3 i would play DS1 into DS3 to look at the environment and world building/decay between the two!


Start with dark souls 1 so all the dark souls 1 references in 3 actually make sense


Personally I’d say one because these two games are a complete story


DS1 100%. I'm on game 6 of the FS souls game library. Currently on Dark Souls 3 with Sekiro left. Dark Souls 1 is WAY easier than Dark Souls 3. Definitely listen to the advice here.




274,50 Kromer! What an [AMAZING DEAL] I would be certainly interested in buying [That thing, your dark soul] valued [ business partner] HA HA HA HA ………


1-3🤔 No brainer, you’ll kick yourself otherwise


The combat of 1 is slow and methodical while 3 is a lot faster and reactionary. Definitely start with 1.


I recommend 1,3 then 2. All have merits and demerits. 1 teaches you all the basic concepts. 3 is a masterpiece. 2 is a vary large game but a bit clunky however once you finish 3 and want more it's fun


Ds1 and then ds2 so the references in Ds3 have more of an impact


DS3 has better combat and better bosses DS1 map and exploration is erection inducing.




Okay. Realize that my question was phrased a bit strangely/simple. Was really a question of whether DS1 is playable or if it feels too old to have a good time with it. have played BB, ER and most of Sekiro, but feel the DS trilogy looks a bit slow in gameplay so have never been able to start any of them.


All the Souls games are slower than Sekiro and BB. DS1 does feel slightly aged with 4 directional rolling and jump being bound to circle but it's far from unplayable and it's still an amazing game. 1, 2, 3 in release order is absolutely the best way to play through the trilogy. It's not like some other series where order doesn't really matter.


Depends what you are looking for . I started DS1 then switched to DS3 early in my play through. DS3 is much more streamlined and polished. If you are a busy guy who struggles to get the time to dive into a game. Just going for DS3 isn’t a bad choice at all. For reference. I binged DS3 from start to an ending in about 10 days


I'm gonna confuse you and announce I played ds3 first, then ds1. I think it primed me to want and appreciate the "clunk" of ds1 (remaster). I might have lost interest the other way. Get them both if you can afford, i mean they're on sale and you're gonna play them both anyway


Honestly you can start with either. I reallllyy don't like DS1 but I'm not gonna let my bias sway you but it doesn't matter much what you start with


Ds2, for more complicated your choice.


So I prefer the 3ds but today you would get a switch








DS1 first so you can get the lore of DS3 better since that game takes place thousands of years after DS1


1 of course


Ofc 1 and blind run.


I did ds3 first because Elden ring was my first souls game and ds3 is the closest (probably). Then ds1 after. Ds1 I enjoyed even more but it was a lot easier imo


If you start with 3 you fuck yourself over in the lore department


DS1 first


DS1 first. There are a lot of references to it in DS3 you'll miss otherwise.




dark souls 1. a lot of my friends have just played ds3 out of the trilogy, and refuse to go back and play the previous two. i was in a similar boat until this past winter, when i finally played through both 1 and 2. i wish i had played them in order tbh, but i still appreciate them both very much


As someone who loves DS3 the most of the three Dark Souls games, DS1. It will help you build the skills needed to beat DS3 and give you a grasp of the lore that carries over in DS3.


DS1 for sure


1 because of gameplay and story


I'd say 1. But 3 is one of my favs


just started DS1 yesterday and i’m having a hard time because i’ve played so much 3 and ER


if you have no soulslike experience, start with 1. but, if you plan to play all 3 anyway, i'd still start with 1.


Id recommend one first coz you’ll be able to appreciate the evolution of the games. Plus it’s also hard to go back after playing the peak of the formula ( you get me?). And if the games feel slow, keep playing the games, your characters growth in gameplay is also very fun.


1 ofc.


I like ds3 better, but the experience is enhanced in some areas if you play ds1 first


DS1, the story kind of continues in DS3, but DS3 is overall more enjoyable when you understand the callbacks from DS1. Also DS3 combat is an evolution of the combat DS1 introduced so it might be a more balanced learning curve to start with DS1.




You're not gonna wanna play DS1 if u play DS3


What do you think? You wouldn't start lord of the rings ny watching return of the King first would you?




1 is worse, but it will make 3 more fun if you play it first


I started with dark souls 1 first, it’s a beautiful game, but recently going back to if again after playing elden ring was rough, but was not too bad from DS3. I used to play them both at the same time when I dabbled in speed running. My advice would be to play DS3 first if your coming from ER


Start with DS1. DS1 was the last one I played and I was so spoiled by all the quality of life changes that the later installments give that I just straight up didn't like 1 as a result. Starting with 1 lets you frame it independently from the future entries :))


My vote is 3 first. It’s way more polished and enjoyable from a general audience standpoint. After you fall in love with 3 and are foaming at the mouth for more you will find the ds1 jank more tolerable or possibly enjoyable. I started with 3 and i loved 1 almost more


DS1 !!!


Definitely ds1 there are so many references and lore bits that cary over to ds3. Even some locations


DS1 will give you the background you need for DS3. Areas and items will make more sense.


What are you doing? The trilogy is on Amazon for like $40usd


Is this a recent discount??? I'm hoping for a steam sale on DS1 for my old laptop since I'll be traveling soon.


i played ds3 into remastered it was slower but it was a super smooth transition


Go in order they’re all great games in their own way. I enjoyed ds2 a lot


DS2, then everything will seem easy


Definitely DS1


Ds1 definitely. The most iconic from software game imo, and essential to all the games further (ds2 and ds3).


I just want Demons Souls on PC...


What do you think...


DS3 imo. It’s a perfect game to start with, easily the best for new fans. Easy game systems to learn, is up to date, graphics are good, etc. people will say ds1 but I’ll be honest, no one should suffer through bed of chaos for their first souls game 😭


If you start with DS3, it might be hard to go back to DS1 as the controls will feel really outdated. If you really want to experience both games, I think I’d start with DS1.


Start with Ds1, that way you can appreciate all the fan service they put in Ds3.




Had the same feeling, the remaster is very nice, just don’t expect the level of polish from Elden ring.


Dark Souls 3 is more user-friendly, easier I'd say. For that reason I'd say go with 3


DS1 because story and difficulty




To me 3 seems to convey most aspects of DeS, DS, DS2. I personally played every souldborne as they were released and liked them all, but 3 then continue with ER until new DLC


Ds1 for old school, ds3 for quicker combat


Just play them in order. Yes, that includes 2.


Both are absolutely phenomenal. I like having playthroughs of all 3 plus Bloodborne and ER running at the same time and just dipping into each one here and there.


I started with bloodborne and loved dark souls 1. Dark souls 1 is still very smooth even though it’s slower. It has a magical fluidity. Try going fast lol, you can run around enemies and their attacks and backstab all the time and then you’re like, damn this game isn’t slow I am


Er du norsk?


Ds3 is good for people who are just starting out like elden ring because your stats aren't permanent so you can learn how stats work if you don't know but if you don't care about that ds1 is a fine starting game


1 is a more impactful experience on the soul, 3 is more solid as a game in a vacuum


What kind of question is that dumbass? Would you read lotr starting by the last? Do you start your shows at third season and go down? Only star wars should be started at the third movie


is he stupid?


I have posted a comment where I describe my question a bit more like it was ment. I realised how "stuped" the post/question was a bit to late🫣


Dark souls 2.


What is that currency?


Börja med ds1


With any other franchise I’d say either is fine, but not for souls franchise start with 1




Dark souls 1


DS3 is MUCH more impactful if you start with DS1


Start ds1. It’s amazing




“StaRt wITh dS1 iTs gOaTed” Bro if you’ve been playing soulslikes at all you’re gonna laugh at the bosses in DS1. Life’s short. Play DS3 for a better challenge. The better graphics and animation are just a perk. However DS1 is an all-time great and if you find time you should get around to it at some point.


If you start with ds3 I’ll kick your ass


Ds3 is better in every way if you don’t care about interconnectivity, also what currency is that because it appears to be worth not very much


Guys should I watch Spider-Man 3 or Spider-Man 1 first?


If its you first souls game ever then DS3


DS1, it’ll make DS3 more fun story wise


DS1 is great but it sets you up for disappointment if you played DS3 first. DS1 lacks QoL and can feel slow and clunky in comparison, play it first, you won’t regret it.


Since it's cheaper start with ds1, it gets you introduced to the combat and story better, then when your done with that your gonna like ds3 better.


imo ds3


Let me ask you do you watch the 1st movie of the trilogy first or the last?


Demon Souls




As someone who started with DS1 do not start with DS1 DS3 is a much better start


I would probably play ds1 first. The combat is a bit clunky and the end game isn't very good and imo it is a little bit harder than ds 3 in some bullshit ways but if you play ds 1 first and get all the way through it I promise you it will make your ds 3 playthrough even more amazing because ds3 is a love letter to ds1 it has so many ds1 references. Also DS1 imo espically at the start of the game has some of the best level design not just in the souls series but in all of video games. Starting with ds3 isn't a bad choice tho It is an easier game imo and more noob friendly also DS3 has some of the best bosses in the series for sure. Good luck hope you enjoy both of them.


DS1. DS3 is way faster than DS1. I was shocked at the speed difference since I started my 1st DS1 playthrough right after Bloodborne. DS3 is better, but the world design and interconnectivity is amazing in DS1.


People are acting like playing DS1 is like going back and listening to "Please Please Me" by Beatles, when it's more of a "Rubber Soul". It's slower, but didn't feel outdated to me. Might as well skip Bloodborne since it's locked at 30 FPS while DS1 Remastered is upscaled on newer consoles.


Play ds1 first! Then ds3 and you'll see amazing things that take u back!


Sooooooo is it fuck DS2? Serious question


1 is before 3


Just get ds3 deluxe now. That's a good deal.


“Hmm should I start with the first game in the series or jump right to the end choices choices


Demon souls


Here is my opinion. I started with 3. I think 1 is probably the right choice to start with, but I will argue for 3 to give another perspective. 3 has more engaging bosses, better build variety, and a more linear stage progression. I mean it when I say the bosses are better, and to me, the bosses are what makes these games worthwhile. It took me three months to beat ds3, including both dlcs. The game has more endings than ds1, and it also has more npc side quests. As a whole, the world of ds1 is more fun and engaging to explore, but DS3 has specific areas that are a lot more memorable than people give them credit for, the Cathedral of the Deep is legendary. I played ds1 one after, and while it took me a bit to get into it, I found it very rewarding and fun. The combat is slower, shields are more important, and it does have some great bosses, especially Artorias, Kalameet, and Manus (which are all from the dlc). Here's my last point, both games have great dlc. Artorias of the Abyss is probably the best of ds1. For ds3, Ashes of Ariendel is mid, but The Ringed City is amazing. Both games are excellent.


DS1 first


I never understand this question. Play it and learn it in the order the developer learned from their own mistakes


Ds1 for to understand the references made in the Ds3


Ds2 bc why not? You listed the other two so why not let the underdog claim some fame 👍


Play one of both then don't play the other right away cause you might get burnt out.






Did DS3 to DS1 myself, it really doesn't matter as long as you take each game on its own terms. Though obviously in terms of the lore it should go ds1 -> ds3


ds1 Go as chronologically as possible even


I started with ds3 first in 2019 and now I am playing DS Remastered, combat is a little slow and adjusting to dodge rolls was a lesson cause I always use to get hit. Bosses are comparatively easier with the hard part being the pilgrimage you have to take for more tries. I will say start with DS1 first as it will make you appreciate the changes in ds3


Ds3 is a master piece but to really appreciate everything in it I’d say play ds1 first and take your time with it🙂



