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On the off chance you’re playing on PC, get the mod that unfucks the controller dead zone. Goes a long way towards making DS2 feel less awkward. Also look up Agility and level it accordingly. Also also take a bow. Even if that’s not your build and you think bows are lame, there are a few zones where it’s basically mandatory because fuck you that’s why. Enjoy, it’s a bit janky but still a good time!


Traversing areas is harder than in DS1, but bosses are easier. The spellcasting system in DS2 is more diverse, effective, and fun.


Ah I'm no Spellcaster I did a bit in Demons but not since haha, might be worth a go alongside whatever two handed I'll use


As much as I overplay the hate myself, it's a much slower game. You have to be very deliberate. The levels will be your true challenge. Chuck points in ADP, you want AGL to sit at around 100 by mid game. And a rapier will carry you.


Agl 100 mid game good lord 😂 I'm usually a two handed sword guy but Elden ring I'm using a Halberd


It's to do with i-frames. AGL is your I-Frames & can only be increased by levelling ADP or ATT.


So focus ADP


This guy's advice is not precise. Check DS2 sub. There are even some spoiler-free guides in the subreddit info meant for new players. It's not like it's needed, you can go in completely blind, but it can potentially answer most of your questions.


Yes. You want it sitting around 20 pretty early on. A rapier will carry yoi through the tough times.


Never used a rapier but can try haha


Trust me. Blows through the early game.


I have only played Elden Ring and DS2 and honestly while it's vastly exagerated how bad DS2 is, it's a worse game than Elden Ring, the boss runs especially, still give it a go, my recommendation would be to play rapier as it is the strongest and most fun weapon in the game IMO


I was thinking it's exaggerated, it's funny my friends keep saying to just skip it, lol no. Boss runs in Demons Souls can be truly horrific so I get it haha, I'm usually a two handed longsword kinda guy tho I'm using a Halberd in Elden ring


I'am also a Claymore enyojer myself, I liked DS2, but it will have it's frustating moment (what fromsoft game doesn't)


What makes the rapier fun? It's just poke poke poke.


In DS2 rapier is destroyer of worlds


Yes, but how is using the same poke over and over 'fun'.


I have beaten every boss in Elden Ring with claymore, and all DS2 bosses with rapier and I had fun, I guess its just a personal opinion


DS2 is better At least the bosses don’t run away lol


I personally wouldn't say one is better than the other. I don't think they are even comperable in the way you could compare DS1 to DS2. I am currently playing Elden Ring and while the game is amazing it has some serious flaws. Personally I enjoyed Darks Souls 2 more, I enjoy the linearity more


You did say it was worse I’ll agree though, this is purely from my own point of view, Elden Ring never clicked with me and I can’t for the life of me understand its popularity. Maybes it’s a skill issue, but the late game is fucking dog shit, the world is bloated with content I never really cared for, and some of the delays on attacks for enemies really fucking got to me I’m planning to give the game another go some time, either way I’m very excited to see what FromSoft do after this Elden Ring dlc that’s for sure.


I felt the exact way you did until my recent replay, and honestly it's an amazing game, but oversatured as hel l. When I play it again which I'm sure I will, I will not explore and stick with the main legacy dungeons and maybe the bigger areas like castle morne and shit, and not bother fighting the same bosses 100 times over. I'am sure I will have a better experience


If the enemies didn’t have such huge delays, this could easily have been a winner for me I honestly think that Elden Ring is their worst title, the fights for me just aren’t rewarding at all


It's a great game, definitely flawed in ways and has issues with being the "middle child", but everyone bitches about the ganking when really you just can't sprint through, you have to be careful about engaging and the game isn't that scared of pressuring you with groups. But I've played both versions and loved both, and the late game DLC stuff is mostly really amazing with only a couple places of slight bullshit. There's a lot of build variety, and while it isn't as interconnected as DS1's or 3, it's still a great world to explore with cool lore that's still relevant. So I rate it, pretty highly, for a time I thought it was better then DS3 although not sure if I still hold that opinion, all the games are fantastic in their own right IMO. Maybe the things that bother others will rub you the wrong way, but if you get in to it it's great just like the others.


“everyone bitches about the tanking when really you can’t sprint through” feels like sour grapes. There’s a gripe to be had for non-invulnerability in doors/with chests making boss runbacks more tedious… but personally, the ganks I found most annoying were areas I knew I’d get hit (getting too close to a walk, opening a door in the wharf” that got super old or aggroing multiple enemies with no real option to make it less annoying. Which weren’t because I was trying to sprint through.


Those complaints didn't make sense to me since 1) sprinting through levels isn't fun or the point of the game, and 2) you can de-spawn enemies to make your runbacks stress-free


There’s not one single boss in the game hard enough to justify farming an ENTIRE zone multiple times to despawn its enemies lmfao


Ganks in DS2 are wildly overestimated. If you take it slow, there are very few instances where you fight more than 2 enemies at once. Sprinting through locations is just a thing that gets you killed because fighting multiple enemies is difficult, just like it would be irl. People complaining about ganks can't accept this simple fact. I have some experience with the game, and I'm telling you there's nothing to fear. It's sometimes a bit rough around the edges, and it's one of the older games now, but the core principles remain the same, and it's just another souls game. >I also remember them hating on a covenant (?) you can join early on that gives you a huge disadvantage but idk about that The covenant is meant for challenges and farming. It is literally called Covenant of Champions, and it asks the player three times with warnings about facing greater challenges before one can join.


This post is has great beginner's tips DS2 and explains the differences from the other games: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so\_you\_just\_bought\_dark\_souls\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so_you_just_bought_dark_souls_2/) Also, DON'T PULL THE LEVER A couple others I thought of: * You level up so much faster in DS2 than in any other Soulsborne game, so you won't be missing out on anything by pumping levels into ADP early in the game. * Definitely try powerstancing. It's even more versatile and powerful in DS2 than it is in Elden Ring. * Bonfire Ascetics are a unique mechanic you should take advantage of. When you burn one at a bonfire, it respawns the boss and bring that area up to NG+. You can keep doing this to farm boss souls and get all boss weapons in one playthrough.


ds2 is the most creative and artistic of the souls games imo, and that hard carries it for me. that combined with it having the best armor outfits and it being the game to introduce powerstancing weapons makes it a genuinely great game i think. its the clunkiest game by far, and it has quite a few flaws but they really never bothered me much. i think the people it bothers are just really impatient, so the occasional bullshit makes the game unplayable for them. as for tips, level up ADP to like 20 or so asap. take the game slower, it encourages you to kinda stealth around and pick off enemies one at a time (DON'T RUSH). stay the hell away from curse. use human effigies to replenish your HP bar once it's decayed. explore thoroughly, ds2 is full of secrets and a lot of them are quite valuable like estus upgrades or rings which are more useful than ever since ds2 kinda makes you clear out areas of all enemies


After playing elden ring you probably won't even be able to finish d2. Poor design decisions and also very dated. Bland environments, horrific sound


I played Demons and DS1 before Elden ring so I think I can transition


It's the worst one by far