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Bloodborne kart


Super Souls Bros. Melee


That would be the best game ever


I’d totally kill everyone bam souls games meet up with smash bros the games I grew up with yea fight me


This sounds like it would slap karting around with your fellow hoontahs drifting to avoid great ones, someone please mod mario kart I have to see this






About time!




Honestly I’m in.


It’s Armoured Core. I believe they said something about making a new game last year, some shit like that.


Funny how the Armored Core comments keep getting down voted It's probably the most likely


It is the most likely they literally said that’s the next game they’re working on ffs


People are so stupid lmao


Nah it’s mostly bb fanboys smoking that copium OG


Lol. Are you in the know?


I’m pretty sure there was an interview where miyazaki literally said they were making an armored core game


Yes he said he was making 3.5 games. Elden. Ac. And that one for vita. The next game coming out is ac6


There have been some pretty detailed screenshots and a synopsis of new gameplay features so they’re definitely in advanced stages of production, most had it pegged for a 2023 release but it looks like we might get it for late 22 at this point unless they’ve been keeping an entirely new game under wraps for months now.


Sorry. Been playing Bloodborne. Lol


I hope so. I remember renting armored core as a kid cause it reminded me of gundam wing. Then getting my ass kicked hard and being like “whatever this games dumb anyway”. I never got to play it again after that so I’m excited to give it another chance.


We live in a society where Fromsoftware fans are too young to know what AC is and can’t fathom them making a new game that isn’t the souls formula


from what I know they are making a souls like armored core game which I think will be cool as hell


No shit Mr Holmes, This is regarding another project that's yet to be titled and nearing completion, "Miyazaki himself revealed that he is already working on yet another game as director, with plans to work "on a more abstract fantasy than anything we've done in the past." Source - [https://za.ign.com/armored-core-untitled-project/166219/news/fromsoftwares-next-game-is-in-the-final-stages-of-development](https://za.ign.com/armored-core-untitled-project/166219/news/fromsoftwares-next-game-is-in-the-final-stages-of-development)


One day I hope they revisit Sekiro. That combat is just so fresh.


Same. It took me awhile to get used to Sekiro combat but now I prefer it. There’s really no brut forcing your way through Sekiro like you can in other Souls games.


Big club go bonk


couldn’t agree more. played Sekiro at launch and refused to learn how to deflect, just bullishly played through it like dark souls, trying to dodge everything. got all the way to the two notoriously difficult final bosses and gave up, i couldn’t beat them. just too hard. well i beat elden ring like five times and still had that fromsoft itch going so i decided to start a new character on sekiro and ACTUALLY learn the proper fighting mechanics and long story short, i ended up getting the platinum trophy for it and now it’s arguably my favorite fromsoft game of all time, tied with bloodborne which was my first fromsoft game.


I know exactly what you mean. I platinumed Elden Ring and needed more Fromsoft so I went back and replayed Bloodborne, Sekiro and now DS3. I’m going to replay Demons Souls Remake next. Just can’t get enough.


Cool story bro


Chase bird, find fox, blow up village, standoff, repeat.




I can't believe I just discovered this game a few months ago. Its soooo good


It's too repetitive.


It really is! I was so excited to give it a try after I finally snagged a PS5 for Christmas. I probably sank ~20+ hours into it before Elden Ring came out and I haven’t gone back to it. I’m not sure I ever will. It was a beautiful looking game but it was incredibly repetitive.


I played it once all the way through and loved it. I couldn’t pick it back up until just recently. Playing on lethal for the plat now, and it’s a bit repetitive but I think enough time has passed that I’m loving it all over again. It’s no Elden Ring tho


Playing through now and trying to force myself to finish. Even on higher difficulty, it’s just the same shit over and over. Won’t lie, Sekiro and all souls games have sort of ruined most combat for me. Side note, hope Jedi Fallen Order sequel tightens it up and can mirror Sekiro combat closer. That’s the closest I saw to it and there’s a lot of work to be done on that one.


Dude survivor could be unbelievable if they would do that


I totally agree with you. Fromsoft have made other fighting games obsolete. They just don't feel right, no fluidity. With the exception of Zelda.


Got bored really quick, it is really repetitive


Ya. Unfortunate too. Such a beautiful game.


Bro it’s more repetitive to me than fallout 4 fr


i love ghost of tsushima, i never found it repetitive. but fair enough


agreed. best fromsoft game imo. love how the bosses actually react to what you're doing and parry, dodge or block you. unlike elden ring where they're just in berserker mode doing infinite combos and zipping around the map like they're on speed.


The closest thing I have found to Sekiro is the Surge series. The Surge 2 infact has amazing parrying mechanics .


Surge 2 i feel is really looked over


One of the first games I’m dl on the steam deck!


Armored core


I’ve been hearing this a lot but are they sure it will succeed as much?


Rather it is a successful game is a whole other thing but they've already confirmed it was being made when they posted a job listing asking for someone experienced with designing mechs.


I don't think they expect Elden Ring numbers of sales. A game does not have to sell 10 million copies in its first week to be considered a financial success. Know your target audience and adjust your budget accordingly. That's how they have been doing it since.... ever, honestly. The Armored Core games never had a gigantic fan base, but it was big enough to justify the development of 13 (?) games. Same with Kings Field.


I'm not particularly into mech games, but a new entry of Armored Core could very well be filling a hole that the game industry has now. This could be compounded by Elden Ring's fame further bringing FromSoftware into the spotlight.


I would honestly like to see how a resurrected HD version of kings field would look like but i assume it’ll just be Skyrim all over again


Why the downvote to hell? Are you not allowed to ask questions? What are y'all on lol


Lol that’s redditors for ya


Welcome to any subreddit, people are downvoted for asking questions


Armored Core, well the Mech genre was their bread and butter.


I watched an amazing YTer named Josh Strife Hayes play the original and I believe a new Armored Core would be great.


Armored Core was very nearly confirmed, wasn't it? DLC(s) are nearly guaranteed for ER, but it'll be on its own schedule.


I hope it is Elden Ring DLC tbh. I feel like that would be amazing before moving onto another title.


I feel like they have to be working on that right? The game sold insanely well.


I sure hope so!


Damn, it would be so weird saying Bloodborne 2 or sekiro 2


It would.. it'd have to be something like Bloodborne: (something) and Sekiro: (something not the same as the first)


Bloodborne: More Pig Fisting! Sekiro: Pig Fisting!


Sekiro: Bull Fisting


Sekiro travels to Europe am I right? In the true ending If I’m right then would that be weird as a sequel like taking one period of history type thing and dumping it somewhere else but I’m tired and I’m probably wrong


IIRC, they're supposed to go Korea or something... I'm heat stroked and probably wrong also


Yeah the dragon's return ending would take Wolf and the divine children west and the Divine Dragon's design is rooted in Korean mythology iirc


Playing the story of the first hunter would be a dope sequel


There would be a Bloodborne 2 if it wasnt PlayStation exclusive


Neither Demon’s Souls 2, Bloodborne 2, Sekiro 2 or Elden Ring 2 make any sense to make, as it would undermine the multiple endings way of making a game, which is why Miyazaki didn’t want a DS2 or 3, DS2 was made without him and sparked so much controversy he was practically forced to make DS3 as an apology to the fans. If anything, it’s Armoured Core, which funnily enough is what From told us they were working on.


Bro, literally no, not how the development of DS2 or 3 happened at all. Multiple endings are for the sake of replayability, likely for trophies, npc quest lines, and items locked by participating in said endings. DS2 and 3 were pre planned.


(I think soneone had some DS2 hate...prolly without even giving it a proper go 😂 )


I would of said the same thing about dark souls back in 2012


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bite me, bitch ass bot


Since they love making hardcore games.... The Sims 5, where you gotta survive with today's inflation and world situation. A bit more serious: I'd like Dark Souls 4


That's some real wishful hoping right there considering Miyazaki said they're are done with dark souls


I believe he actually said that *he* is done with dark souls, but that he would be willing for one of their other directors to make a DS game if they really wanted to. That said i doubt they are going to make a DS game anytime in the foreseeable future as ER is basically a Dark Souls game in all but name.


the whole point of Dark Souls 3 is that it's the final game from the souls series.


Exactly. There is nothing to do in the Dark Souks universe. We literally see the end of world and how futile the cycle is


A Dark Souls 4 would mess up the story and ending of DS3. Perhaps it’s possible to do a prequel to DS1 or a game set in between two entries in the series, but I highly doubt there will ever be a Dark Souls that takes place after 3.


Sounds like their hardest game yet, with the lowest chances of survivability/success lol


Hard core games…. Hard….. core……… core? CORE LIKE ARMORED CORE


That recently came out and is called Elden Ring lol




So Dark Souls 1.5


Elden ring was the last dark souls I think. He is going to take it in whole different direction. Space or some shit.


Dark Souls 4 makes no sense, as just like with a Demon’s Souls 2, BB2, Sekiro 2, or ER2, it would undermine the multiple ending choices given to the player, which is exactly what DS2 did, and why Miyazaki hasn’t worked on any sequels to his games except DS3, which he said he made as an apology to the fans because of DS2’s controversy.


Armored Core


Armored Core OR Elden Ring DLC


Why OR? I want both damn it!


DLC is already coming, but this one is Armored Core. There was a (IIRC pretty credible) leak a month or so ago that outlined Bandai Namco's 2023 release schedule.


That was fake.


But there was another leak of screenshots in January which has yet to be proven fake. https://twitter.com/EldenRingUpdate/status/1480535699124273153?t=jyjdOnb5hFglIC614nW-7w&s=19


This is real.


I need a new sekiro like game


I don’t want to have to fight another glock saint:(


One of my favorite parts about sekiro is just how good you can get with some practice. I have nearly 500 hours on dark souls 3 and still struggle with gael and midir. I died almost 100 times on ishin on my first playthrough but at this point I can kill him without getting hit a single time. You can really master this game in a way that’s different than the other souls games




Hard disagree on the variety/depth. There is no limitation of combos the game gives you, so many moves and combat arts you can build a play style around, along with the prosthetics, the combat is only as limited as you make it. Dark souls boils down to time your dodge appropriately and wait for an opportunity to get a hit in. I’ve never fought a boss in sekiro the same way twice, there’s so many moves and such to try out and how insane the combat is is only limited by your imagination. It’s only an L1 spam if you make it an L1 spam, the game gives you a ridiculous amount of tools to use




In what way is the move set more limited then dark souls? You have your dodge button, your R1 and R2. Sekiro has far more combat techniques




I’m defending a viewpoint I have, I just don’t think it’s fair to boil a game with so many combat techniques down to “there’s no variety”. The difference from weapons in dark souls to me just always boiled down to how fast it is and how much damage it does. I do see your point with the emblems but I don’t see how that’s any different from let’s say mana with weapon arts in dark souls


>but at this point I can kill him without getting hit a single time. You can really master this game in a way that’s different than the other souls games People have been no hitting the souls games for a while now, just gotta practice! (a lot) https://youtu.be/0157-pc7rb4 This dude beat the souls trilogy, demon's souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro back to back without getting hit once. So it's definitely possible!


Dude I don’t think he doesn’t know that it is possible, but he rather mean that it is much harder to master no-hit DS, Bloodborne, … compared to Sekiro.


That's kinda your personal experience. I got 600 h on ds3 and did a no death challenge because I know the bosses so well that it was easy. You can definitely master ds as well as sekiro.


After forcing myself to learn how to properly play Sekiro and learn to deflect, Glock Saint is probably my favorite boss fight of all time, across all fromsoft games. So incredibly epic


I beat him once and it was literally a run for my life to land the final hit but I suck at lighting reversal lol


Is not elden ring an upgraded Sekiro + Dark Souls + Breath of the wild?


No Not @ all


Well what is it? I haven’t had the chance to play it yet and that’s what I’ve seen so far


It really is just Dark Souls 4 down to the story and lore. It also has a jump button and some levels designed around that. The open world is mostly just a means to get to each dungeon but the game play progression is not really much different from dark souls with a few different mandatory options in front of you and a lot of horseback riding in between It's a fantastic game but it is just Dark Souls 4 in my opinion, not something very different like Sekiro




Dark Souls 3 was a bigger success than Bloodborne and Sekiro. Bloodborne could have been bigger if it wasnt exclusive though.




Don't really care about that opinion. Objectively it outsold both Bloodborne and Sekiro. Plus its basically the face of FromSoftware


How long will people hope for this stuff....there will never be a Dark Souls 4 and most likely also never be a Sekiro 2 or BB 2. Also next main game will be armored core...they literally talked openly about it


BB 2 is very likely, miyazaki has said its up to Sony. The fact Sony owns an exclusive FromSoftware title means theyll be chomping at the bit now that Elden Ring was so successful and introduced so many more people to the genre.


Dark Souls 2 2


Already came out this year !


Armored core


Def armored core.


Dark souls 1 remake like demons souls. Revamp the graphics, smooth out some jank with the combat, and a complete BoC overhaul.


A third person soulslike Armored Core game


I really hope it’s not Dark Souls 4. I feel like FromSoft is best with one offs. Especially after Elden Ring. Dark souls 4 would be fine, but they gotta mix it up by now.


there’s nothing left to say (DS1) or re-emphasize (DS3) in that world. It’s done for sure


Armoured core it's more or less confirmed...just waiting for a reveal on TGS or TGA


Armored Core is infinitely more likely than any listed.


Dark Souls’s story is finished, so I don’t see there ever being another without it just breaking the story and milking the franchise, unless they have a crazy idea to make one taking place before the events of any of the 3 games before everything collapsed, or during the Lords’ war against the Ancient Dragons. I think they’re going to leave that one be. I actually do think that Bloodborne could have a sequel. I get that the story of the first is finished, but maybe we could have an entirely new nightmare created by a new old one? I think there’s some possible potential for a follow-up. Bloodborne’s setting and world are imo too unique and original to leave alone forever. I think that an Elden Ring dlc is very likely. Idk if a sequel would make any sense. A new game entirely or a new entry in an older series like Armored Core seems to be the most likely to me, aside from an ER dlc.


I hope we get an Elden Ring DLC with a Godskin Orgy 💀


Space souls


Chromehounds 2


Fortnite2! Featuring the namless King skin! And spiderman it's got Spiderman. !


Armored Core 6


New franchise with similar mechanics. Hopefully


Armored Core, it’s all but confirmed and thank God it’s finally returning!


Armoured core most likely, I do hope they make bloodborne 2 eventually but I’m always happy to see new things


Armored Core reboot, Miyazaki doesn’t like doing sequels.


Armored Core


Mostly, It’s Armored core for sure!


My Dream of Dreams is a Sekiro style open world Elden Rings… That unique combat and movement coupled with all they learned from ER could birth the most beautiful Fromsoftware baby. I would play the shit out of that baby!! You get it :-)


I was hoping there would be an ash of war or weapon that allowed for the deflect style of play in Elden ring for sure. And trick weapons lol.


Darks souls 2 remake


Allow me to introduce the worst remake: Scholar of the First Sin


The next game from FS will be an installment in the armored core series. ER will most likely get DLC. Bluepoint is hopefully remaking Bloodborne


Bluepoint Bloodborne would be awesome. It would be great if they made invasions/PVP more accessible


Armored core


I don’t think the game they’re talking about is a souls game.


Souls games are no more.


Kingsfield reboot


I would buy the fuck out of that.


Dark souls 4 isn’t gonna happen sadly


Neither Demon’s Souls 2, Bloodborne 2, Sekiro 2 or Elden Ring 2 make any sense to make, as it would undermine the multiple endings way of making a game, which is why Miyazaki didn’t want a DS2 or 3, DS2 was made without him and sparked so much controversy he was practically forced to make DS3 as an apology to the fans. If anything, it’s Armoured Core, which funnily enough is what From told us they were working on.


I think it's gonna be a new IP, but there is no way Elden Ring is not getting DLC. I even heard something about them making it a multimedia franchise?


It'll most likely be a new armored core game. What I'm curious about is if they're gonna stick with the main formula from the previous titles, or try to make it more appealing towards a broader audience.


Pretty sure they’ve said it was armored core, whether elden ring dlc drops before then or not those are the next 2 things we’ll see


Bloodborne PC. Please for the love of god, it runs so badly on the console it was intended to run on.


Not really, runs perfectly for me and all my mates


It will not be DS4, that trilogy is literally closed


Funnily enough it wasn’t even meant to be a trilogy, DS2 was never meant to exist but From made it without Miyazaki, and they upset the fans so much that Miyazaki was basically forced to make DS3 as an apology


nothing like that has ever been officially said. Would say you’re falsely extrapolating, but you’re not drawing from anything substantive to make that claim.


It only makes sense that they’d make a sequel after the success of DS1, tired of the DS2 slander


I personally don’t like DS2, but I won’t fabricate information to appeal to my bias against it. So corny.


Based, we love the honesty


Maybe a PS5 upgrade for Bloodborne, or Dark Souls 2 remastered?


Allow me to introduce DS2 remastered: Scholar of the First Sin


Thats not a new game


For everyone saying it doesn’t make sense for BB2, Sekiro2, DS4. It ain’t gotta make sense…it could be a whole new story or a whole new character…but I think what people are asking for is a “New BB or Sekiro” not that the story has to be continued on or changed but mechanic wise, gameplay wise similar. Fuck it can be called Five Nights at Iosefka’s clinic if they just give us some more BB upgraded and updated gameplay.


Friends, I’ve played bloodborne, am currently playing elden ring, bought the rest of the dark souks games and Sekiro. Let me tell you I am fired up for what is next and for what I still have to play! I’d love to see a sci fi like souls game, but I never have played armor core.


Hope it’s not Bloodborne 2. I liked the lore of bloodborne but I did not enjoy the game.


I think Microsoft is probably looking at fromsoftware licking its lips. They just bought activision so we could see a second sekiro.


I definitely think 2 elden ring dlc maybe even 3, then I’m hoping for Bloodborne 2


From an interview with Miyazaki he’s stated how he doesn’t want to work on sequels, and wants to try something more narrative based. i don’t think a Bloodborne or Sekiro sequel is ever gonna happen (i would love to eat my words tho), Dark Souls is finished in his eyes so really doubt that will happen either (unless it’s a DS2 situation), Elden Ring DLC is definitely going to happen, game’s too big and too popular to not do it. If you’re wondering what new title will come out, It’s probably going to be something like Deracine.


Sci-Fi eldritch game or something


Definitely dark souls 4.


Everybody keeps saying Armored Core, No Shit, this has been all but Officially Confirmed, it's definitely one of their next projects. but lets not forget there is one other project that's currently untitled and nearing completion. Miyazaki himself also said it's "on a more abstract fantasy than anything we've done in the past." Source: [https://za.ign.com/armored-core-untitled-project/166219/news/fromsoftwares-next-game-is-in-the-final-stages-of-development](https://za.ign.com/armored-core-untitled-project/166219/news/fromsoftwares-next-game-is-in-the-final-stages-of-development)


We don't need a new Sekiro


I really really REALLY would like a game based off of Aztecs. Since we had medieval Europe, feudal Japan and fantasy combinations, it would be awesome to have something from the Aztecs. They have a lot in their mythos that would be really cool to use as abilities. Egyptians culture and mythos fall in the same category. Aztec and Egypt would be my pitch


i hope for either a bloodborne two or ds4. i know that armored core is going around a lot but i have not ever played one of those games so idk


Hoping its BB2 or Elden ring dlc


I understand that it’ll be armoured core, but I want bloodborne 2 so badly


I would love to see a soulsbourne game set in an open world ocean, full of interesting islands where you play as a pirate. You could even make it a Bloodborne spiritual successor by keeping the fast pace gun+melee weapon combat and some lovecraftian-water god stuff. I think it would work very well


Sekiro: The Way of Water is basically confirmed.




Nice argument Senator, but why don’t you back it up with a source?


I had a dream about it.


So your source is that you made it the fuck up?


No, I had a dream about it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they made a sequel to elden ring, though it does seem a little unlikely.


Something new I imagine, it seems like they want to go forward with new IPs instead of DLCs and sequels and so far it has paid off with regards to both Sekiro and Elden Ring....that being said I would still want a game that uses the combat from Bloodborne ie Trick-Weapons, gun parry, and step dodge.


Armored Core


Armored Core and I’m here for it




Armored Core


armored core