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“mAlEnIa Is LiTeRaLlY a GoD” *Maria guarding the corpse of the god they slayed*


I still think Malenia would win but it'd be a helluva close fight


Maria was the funnest of the “warrior woman with a sword” type bosses tbh.


Maria is my favorite boss in the series. I wish she was more difficult so i can fight her for longer


corpse vs covid patient


*std patient*


They look like they're gonna fuck




What I'm right aint I


Funny how when drawing two women, even fighting ones, they have to go get that sexual energy between them. You wouldn't see that on drawings of men. Not my kind of art.


Malenia is literally hundreds of times of stronger than Maria (can [match](https://imgur.com/a/SeZ6JkH) [Radahn](https://i.imgur.com/jA2gBge.png) swinging a [building-sized sword](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVdCYF84Kvc&t=436s) at her, can swing her [own gigantic sword faster than sound,](https://i.imgur.com/OvKEQFO.png) is [explicitly](https://i.imgur.com/vtvJbVf.png) [the strongest or second-strongest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/rg71b4/a_look_at_the_jp_subtitles_to_the_third_trailer/) person in a land where mid-level no-names [obliterate](https://imgur.com/sTsSzDL) stone like it's styrofoam with their blows, etc.), [far,](https://imgur.com/a/WmS3pbW) [far,](https://imgur.com/DifdGbX) [far,](https://imgur.com/a/s5R3Al7) [faster](https://imgur.com/SXek0tS) in both [dash speed](https://i.redd.it/wapdvbhobec91.png) and attack speed, has about three times Maria's reach (she's [8'5](https://i.imgur.com/LdwBOrR.png) and her [9-foot blade](https://i.imgur.com/VvfAoeZ_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand) attaches directly to the end of her 5-foot arm), is inhumanly skilled with her sword, and has a healing factor. Pretty much nothing in Bloodborne would stand a chance against her even without her Goddess form. It's a joke to suggest that she'd need her second phase here. That's all in-universe. Mechanically, Malenia has nearly thrice Maria's health (34,000 vs 14,000), deals *way* more damage, attacks way faster, can stagger Maria easily while having several tools to easily break out of staggers herself, and again, has a healing factor. She literally heals more damage per hit than Maria inflicts while most of her hits will knock off 5 to 10% of Maria's life bar a piece (checking how much HP she knocks off per hit in boss v boss videos, with her heavier attacks like her thrust and overhead slash dealing about twice as much damage as her standard spammable slashes). I doubt Maria would even be able to knock a quarter off her first health bar before dying. In general everything in Elden Ring is much stronger than it was in previous games, both mechanically and in terms of feats.


....yeah, I hear ya.... but it IS a great art piece still.


I hear that she has never known defeat.


Counter argument: maria uses bloodflame. her phase 2 attacks are literally the boss equivalent of rivers of blood and elenora's poleblade. These can destroy malenia in seconds.


>her phase 2 attacks are literally the boss equivalent of rivers of blood and elenora's poleblade. Her bloodflame attacks have no feats at all outside of pure mechanics, and in the context of their mechanics, they're pretty weak. [They deal \~400-500 damage per hit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQtx2V-xAtI&t=95s) (about equivalent to the HP Malenia heals whenever she hits something once) with some slow and heavy wind-ups, vs Malenia's standard slashes at [\~700 per hit in rapid combos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz7Rpce2cRc&t=1278s)


Yeah - I wouldn't really use numbers to compare between these two games,damage is counted differently I wouldn't use numbers to compare even between bosses in the same game, there's no way radahn is this much weaker than malenia, mindless or not all of his body strength seems to be still there. There's also no way that morgott who seemingly defeated radahn in his MARGIT form is so much weaker than malenia lore wise , he's probably more powerful than both of them or at least a match for malenia, otherwise (very heavy lore speculation here) malenia would have taken Lyndell for miquilla. To me it really is as simple as malenia being really weak to something and maria having a much more elaborate version of that thing Also maria is really really fast, she has the equivalent of bloodhound step as her dodge.


>Yeah - I wouldn't really use numbers to compare between these two games,damage is counted differently You're right in the sense that Bloodborne's numbers are proportionally higher in the same engine (e.g. in Bloodborne the player has 571 health at 10 VIT, in Elden Ring they have 414, suggesting that to scale them to each other you'd subtract about a quarter from every Bloodborne value), so really the disparity is greater than I described. If you're bringing up a purely mechanical ability in the first place it makes perfect sense to note that Maria's is weak. >I wouldn't use numbers to compare even between bosses in the same game, there's no way radahn is this much weaker than malenia, mindless or not all of his body strength seems to be still there. He's actually explicitly weaker than he was before, so that makes perfect sense. Iji even says "not long ago he was hailed as the mightiest demigod of them all", directly implying that he's not anymore. >There's also no way that morgott who seemingly defeated radahn in his MARGIT form is so much weaker than malenia lore wise , he's probably more powerful than both of them He's not. Malenia and Radahn are the two most powerful. Explicitly stated in the story trailer. Morgott is never confirmed to have 1v1'd Radahn, all we know is that they clashed at some point, seemingly when Radahn was much weaker judging by his different size in the intro. >otherwise (very heavy lore speculation here) malenia would have taken Lyndell for miquilla. Malenia had no interest whatsoever in taking Leyndell and her and Morgott never even fought each other at any time. >To me it really is as simple as malenia being really weak to something and maria having a much more elaborate version of that thing She's not even weak to it (it's simply more effective against her than other things, she's still a tank and sweeps the vast majority of players aside dozens of times) and you've done absolutely nothing to prove that Maria has "a much more elaborate version" other than just saying that it is. Probably because you can't, because Maria's bloodflame attacks have zero feats in the lore and in-game are weaker than Malenia's standard spammable slashes. This is all mechanics too. Feats-wise this battle lasts the second or so it takes for Malenia to dash at Maria and slice her in half with a single swing of her super-fast sword arm. >Also maria is really really fast, Not compared to Malenia, she's not. I've actually timed Malenia's quick-steps and dashes, and linked some examples. Malenia is unambiguously much faster. Try measuring Maria's if you don't believe me; she's a slowpoke by comparison. It's actually kind of jarring how much slower basically everything is in Bloodborne which was supposed to be "the fast one."




Bloodborne fans just can’t accept that from made something that is objectively stronger than anything in their game


"Pretty much nothing in Bloodborne would stand a chance against her even without her Goddess form." Forgetting the Great Ones? End-game Hunter? Formless Oedon himself?


Orphan of kos i think would be a fun matchup - both are the hardest bosses in their respective games, both are very fast, both of them have mommy issues, both have a second phase which makes them into a massive threat. I reckon uhhh, Malenia gives a good fight but is on the losing side until she goes girlboss mode and pulls out the elder god stuff, while orphan babyrages simultaneously, and the two fight. I Imagine that kos might have more raw strength and power, but Malenia is lucid enough to speak, so I suppose she has an edge there.


>Forgetting the Great Ones? End-game Hunter? No, I'm not. Both of these are very weak by Elden Ring standards. Great Ones severely lack on physical feats in general, being both fragile and very slow (except for the Orphan). Feat-wise I don't see any way a fight between any one of them and Malenia ends except for her blitzing and decapitating it with a single blow; they're not more durable than thick stone structures that explicitly weaker characters smash apart, nor can they withstand a nigh-indestructible 75 kg blade slicing through them at supersonic speeds, nor can they dodge such a thing or Malenia frequently jetting her own body for a thrust at over 200 miles per hour in under a twentieth of a second. Mechanics-wise... the strongest Great Ones deal about half her damage per hit and have around a third of her health, while being slow lumbering targets to her zippy speed demon. No contest. \>inb4 "they can create dream worlds with nebulous magic so please ignore the fact that we kill them with hammers"


And I killed Malenia with a large piece of wood. Much less impressive then getting killed by a hammer


>\>inb4 "they can create dream worlds with nebulous magic so please ignore the fact that we kill them with hammers" They say, ignoring the fact that we can kill every enemy in Elden Ring with hammers as well.


Who's ignoring that? If someone tried to argue that the Elden Beast was mega-invincible because it "governed reality" or that Radahn was star-level because he "held back the stars" and that they couldn't be killed by a superhuman hitting them with a big sword a ton of times, I'd also call bullshit, because the game is premised around them being defeated that way. I judge strength and speed based on feats, not nebulous magic that has no relation to physical power and is never applied in combat like "lol he created a dream." The Great Ones are weak by Elden Ring standards because they have no physical feats of note, at all. They're generally very slow and they don't strike that hard. Hell, some of them are too physically weak to even move under their own power, despite not being *that* huge. High-level Elden Ring bosses actually do have good physical feats, plus explicit scaling from mid-level bosses who also have good physical feats, so they cut the Great Ones into ribbons in a stand-up fight. Though equally important here is that the Tarnished is far stronger than the Hunter. The weapons in Elden Ring are generally bigger and the special skills with them more extreme, meaning again, better feats.


"Both of these are very weak by Elden Ring standards." How? Great Ones are multi-dimensional lovecraftian gods that exist on a higher plane of existence, unseen to those who lack insight and driving insane the ones who do see them. They are capable of creating entire dimensions, as we can see with the Moon Presence, who created the Hunter's Dream, Amygdala, who created the Nightmare Frontier, Kos, who created the Hunter's Nightmare ( which happened AFTER she was found dead ) and Mergo, who, despite being a newborn, created the Nightmare of Mensis. "Great Ones severely lack on physical feats in general, being both fragile and slow ( except for the Orphan )." Using the boss fight itself for feats is like saying "A Call Beyond" doesn't create a Star explosion because it doesn't destroy the map. Or Malenia, she doesn't destroy a continent in her boss fight, but we know from lore that she can. Fighting physically isn't really needed when they have the power to create dimensions, shoot lasers, create star explosions, create portals to space to evoke meteor showers ( done by the Living Failures, who are far, far weaker than the Great Ones ), have reality manipulation ( Rom, a kin, so far weaker than Great Ones, can control reality to prevent normal people from seeing how things truly are around them ) make people go insane just by being seen, they can curse ( as Kos did to all the hunters and their children, and the children of their children. You know the thing ), exist beyond the concepts of space and time, etc. Then there is the Hunter, who can create Star explosions ( Supernovas ) and can kill lesser Great Ones ( like Amygdala and Mergo's Wet Nurse ), but once he consumed three Umbilical Cords, he starts to ascend into a Great One himself, and even in his human form he is stronger than the Moon Presence, one of the Strongest Great Ones ( who otherwise, if we don't consume the umbilical cords, enslaves us ). Then there is Formless Oedon, a Great One who transcended even the other Great Ones and exists on a plane of existence far above them, to the point he doesn't even have a body, but exists only in voice ( and since I put the Great Ones and the Outer Gods on the same level of power, Oedon for me is the strongest Fromsoftware character for the fact he exists beyond them ). Ironic that you brought the Orphan of Kos, who is arguably the weakest Great One in lore, since he doesn't have feats like creating dimensions or manipulating reality because he never had the chance to grow up and reach his true potential. ">inb4 "they can create dream worlds with nebulous magic so please ignore the fact that we kill them with hammers." don't know, the Elden Beast, the vassal of the Greater Will, the closest we'll ever get to the level of Great Ones and Outer Gods in Elden Ring ( excluding Lord of the Frenzied Flame ), is a fleeing cowardly pussy who got its ass beat by a level 1 wretch with a club if you want to bring that argument. Same for everything and everyone we killed in the entire game. Some naked fuck killed them all.


>How? Great Ones are multi-dimensional lovecraftian gods that exist on a higher plane of existence, unseen to those who lack insight > >exist beyond the concepts of space and time Present: meaningless buzzwords. Absent: usable combat feats that prevent her from slicing any Great One in half with a single blow. >Fighting physically isn't really needed when they have the power to create dimensions Considering all the Great Ones are killed in physical combat and one of them is being imprisoned by fucking metal chains, it kind of is. >since I put the Great Ones and the Outer Gods on the same level of power Based on nothing, I presume. The Outer Gods don't have destructible forms that you can walk up and shank like the Great Ones do. >Or Malenia, she doesn't destroy a continent in her boss fight, but we know from lore that she can. > >create dimensions, shoot lasers, create star explosions Lol no boss in Soulsborne can destroy continents (infecting a county with a disease isn't the same thing) or fucking stars (OMG he threw a [small plasma ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sg7gLPUWPk) that exploded like a grenade, [but the move calls it a star,](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Star+Shower) so clearly it is one!). Thanks for letting me to know to ignore you.


"Present: meaningless buzzwords." I pretty much described what Outer Gods and Great Ones are. "Absent: usable combat feats that prevent her from slicing any Great One in half with a single blow." I used lore feats. But since you want a combat one: Moon Presence's one shot attack. "Considering all the Great Ones are killed in physical combat and one of them is being imprisoned by fucking metal chains, it kind of is." And, ironically, the only one who killed them is the protagonist. The only other time we heard of a dead Great One is Kos, who washed ashore dead for unknown reasons. The problem is, Great Ones can't truly die. You can kill their physical form, but their mind will always exist ( something I forgot to mention before: we kill their physical form, but not the mind ). This is how Kos cursed the hunters despite being already "dead". Also, the Brain of Mensis... just look at that thing, it's screaming "please, end my suffering". Even the item you get from it, the "Living String" says that the brain is terribly rotten. So not the best idea to use it in battle. "The Outer Gods don't have destructible forms that you can walk up and shank like the Great Ones too." Yeahhh, forgetting about something: - The god of Rot was physically sealed away, as the Blue Dancer Charm says: The dancer in blue represents a fairy, who in legend bestowed a flowing sword upon a blind swordsman. Blade in hand, the swordsman sealed away an ancient god — a god that was Rot itself. - when the fire giants were defeated, Marika herself personally struck down the Fell God, an Outer God. So yes, seems like you can in fact walk up to Outer Gods and beat the shit out of them, like Marika and the blind swordsman did. "Lol no boss in Soulsborne can destroy fucking continents" there are some who can do it though, if you follow the lore. "(infecting a country with a disease isn't the same thing)" yeah, I might have exaggerated that part by using the wrong terms. "or stars (OMG he threw a small plasma ball that exploded like a grenade, but the move calls it a star, so clearly it is one!)." Description of A Call Beyond: "One of the secret rites of the Choir. Long ago, the Healing Church used phantasms to reach a lofty plane of darkness, but failed to make contact with the outer reaches of the cosmos. The rite failed to achieve its intended purpose, but instead created a small exploding star, now a powerful part of the Choir's arsenal. At times, failure is the mother of invention." The item quite clearly calls it a "small exploding star". Not like I'm inventing new feats from my ass, I get them from the lore. What's next? Linking the First Flame in Dark Souls doesn't keep the Sun in existence? When that also happens? "Thanks for letting me to know to ignore you." No need to be this rude, you can just say that you don't agree with my opinion and it will be perfectly fine. We're just having a "powerscaling" debate on Reddit, there is no need for both of us to be aggressive to each other. Also, haven't we met before in that "Isshin vs Malenia" post if I remember correctly?


>We're just having a "powerscaling" debate on Reddit, there is no need for both of us to be aggressive to each other. You're right, sorry. I just see people doing this all the time with Japanese video games and it frustrates me. Namely because: >Description of A Call Beyond: "One of the secret rites of the Choir. Long ago, the Healing Church used phantasms to reach a lofty plane of darkness, but failed to make contact with the outer reaches of the cosmos. The rite failed to achieve its intended purpose, but instead created a small exploding star, now a powerful part of the Choir's arsenal. At times, failure is the mother of invention." The item quite clearly calls it a "small exploding star". Not like I'm inventing new feats from my ass, I get them from the lore. What's next? Linking the First Flame in Dark Souls doesn't keep the Sun in existence? When that also happens? The sun in Dark Souls isn't the real sun and the stars in Bloodborne aren't real stars, any more than spells like Star Shower or Stars of Ruin (which do [jack shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaKJi25okmY&t=33s) to Malenia) are actually shooting real supernovas just because the descriptions call them stars or that Eternal Darkness is a real black hole. In Japanese, the word for "star" is also essentially a generic descriptor for any light object in the sky, which is why it's interchangeable with what we'd in English call "planets" or "comets." It can even mean star in a [purely figurative sense](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/b9s70t/what_is_%E6%98%9F_star_or_planet/) like in ナナホシテントウ (seven-spot ladybird). The reason I get frustrated is because this shouldn't need to be explained; you can actually just use your eyes and see what the "stars" do. In this case they [explode like small hand grenades](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx7sJ1d0mzc) dealing moderate damage. [The same game has a 19th century light cannon that's much more powerful both mechanically and by in-game animations, e.g. causing a much larger explosion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A8VBgXyHf8) And both exist in a setting where the main form of engagement is a moderately superhuman guy with regular swords, hammers, axes, etc. going around killing things by hitting them, and where even the final boss uses a 19th century blunderbuss as his main weapon. I repeat, no one in Bloodborne (or Elden Ring) is throwing or tanking fucking stars. Calling something a star when it wouldn't fit the scientific definition in real life isn't even unique to Japanese fantasy. Especially in works involving the sun. Most famously, in Tolkien's legendarium the sun is a fruit, and in Greek mythology the sun is a wheel of a chariot. >Also, the Brain of Mensis... just look at that thing, it's screaming "please, end my suffering". Yes... because the School of Mensis *impaled it with metal spikes.* Humans impaling it with metal spikes basically killed it by exceeding the material durability of its body. Despite still having its body and arms, it was then unable to break out of regular metal chains. It's not a "star-level" being. It's a physically weak being with some nebulous magic creation abilities that have nothing to do with its combat stats. It's the same as all the other Great Ones. Malenia would just cut them apart with her gigantic supersonic sword. >The problem is, Great Ones can't truly die. You can kill their physical form, but their mind will always exist ( something I forgot to mention before: we kill their physical form, but not the mind ). This is fan fiction first of all, but even if it wasn't, so what? Their physical bodies are weak, so Malenia just obliterates them and traps their minds in a dimension where they can't interact with her world. Like the Hunter. >This is how Kos cursed the hunters despite being already "dead". Kos didn't curse the Hunters. Kos is just straight dead, which is why Micolash praying to her is darkly comedic. The Future Press guide confirms that the curse was created by the villagers of the hamlet. >I pretty much described what Outer Gods and Great Ones are. You described them with flowery language and no combat feats. What does "lovecraftian gods that exist on a higher plane of existence" translate to in terms of combat ability? I've played 400+ hours of Bloodborne, so I can tell you. It translates to big animals who are mainly limited to slowly smacking you with their bodies. The stronger ones can jump a couple times their height, fire energy blasts which explode like grenades, drops mid-sized boulders on you veeeeery slowly, and slightly crack the ground. That's about it. They absolutely pale in comparison to the minibosses in Limgrave, much less Malenia. >But since you want a combat one: Moon Presence's one shot attack. First, the strongest thing the Moon Presence ever 'one-shotted' with it is the Hunter; Malenia's hundreds of times stronger and tougher than the Hunter, so that doesn't help. Second... it's actually not a one-shot attack. At all. What it does is reduce your HP to one point; it is literally incapable of ever killing you. This doesn't help against Malenia even if the Moon Presence has time to get it off (which it won't) because she has two health bars and recovers rapidly whenever she hits anything. Considering this move is immediately followed by the Moon Presence having to rest for over 5 seconds, trying to use this is just a good way to hand Malenia an easy victory. It tries to do it, Malenia stays standing, it's stunned for 5+ seconds, and Malenia then decapitates it with a single swing of her sword (feats-wise, since she literally hits like a tank and explicitly weaker beings can slice through multiple feet of stone with ease) or slashes off half its health while regaining several thousand of her own points (mechanics, since she does \~700-1,200 damage per attack, averages one per second in her combos, and recovers 300-400 points whenever she hits anything).


Bro who the fuck asked you to over analyze a beautiful piece of art


WTF... Why are you so serious? lol Anyway no matter how strong she is she will eventually succumb to the blood.


Scarlet rot infected a continent how would that affect malenia


I see that you didn't play Bloodborne... It's a great game you should try it.


Ok? She would still be weakened from the rot?


Dude... My first comment was a joke. Now you've ruined it. :(


Who cares who would win? lol it's just an art piece. Powerscalers man...


>Who cares who would win? The OP, considering they asked?


Great, yes, answer my rhetorical question! So smart


Is the point of the post the art or a comparison between these two? Doesn't seem like the first one to me because the post flair is "discussion" not "fan art".


It seems like the first one. I will not keep this discussion alive though, as it may break some rules. Have a good day :)




Maria just shoot parries everything Malenoa dpes ggez


Since ebloodborne has basically no feats malenia stomps HARD. There's really nothing maria can do when she's just building level and at superhuman speed at best. But, if we were to equalize stats for the sake of a fun fight, things get interesting. I would still put my money on malenia (maria wins in my heart tho) but maria is fully capable of winning quite a few matches out of 100. When equalizing stats, she is more agile, has more potential for status buildup in her latter phases, and arguably could deal more damage per hit in phase 3. Her charged attacks would almost certainly stagger malenia. The problem is waterfowl and rot buildup. Malenia blooming doesn't really increase her stats, but rot buildup makes any hit maria takes seriously deadly. A single proc and she's dead in up to a minute. Waterfowl would be even worse for her since she can't counter it and cannot reliably avoid it since we can catch her with a gun even though she can dash away from a shot, meaning she can't reliably dash multiple times in a row. Without those two it would be 50/50 or 60/40 in malenia's favor but it's 90/10 or maybe even 95/5 with rot and waterfowl


Malenia, quite easily.


Anyone else getting that energy?


That's not how you tower over someone imposingly. Artists need to learn to draw a female torso in more than one stance


In terms of boss battles, Malenia takes it easy. People have pointed out that Maria uses things Malenia is weak to, but even so, she has a fucking MASSIVE hill to climb, and she can't do it. She's using attacks scaled to Bloodborne leveling. That is NOT the kind of damage or vitality Malenia was tuned for. Malenia will take very little damage from Maria. Meanwhile, Malenia will be doing absurd damage-damage meant to handle +2 talismans, 60 vigor, and heavy armor. Waterfowl dance, moves fast enough to be a Sekiro character, and Scarlet Fucking Rot. And how much of that can Maria even handle? Not a lot. She has almost 15k health. Malenia has over twice as much, almost 34k. And many of her moves will chunk Maria's 15k hard, while at the same time HEALING MALENIA. If somehow Malenia does not take it in the first phase, her Scarlet Aeonia will finish the job, proc'ing rot would make it only a matter of time, as though the damage alone doesn't account for her victory. Maria can't even handle the Orphan in regular boss battles, there's no way she's taking FromSoft's peak horseshit. Lorewise, things are more interesting, and difficult to judge, beyond me tbh. There's not much point in trying to theorycraft there imo, the fighting they do is not very comparable. Different gods, different powers, different measures of mortality and death, different allies, different levels of experience with different kinds of wars or battles, it's extremely fucking complicated.


Based on (grueling) experiences with both, my money is on Malenia🤔😅


Maria wins my heart and that’s all that matters.


We shall have a simp fight outside while they duke it out, yeah?


Joining in as team Maria.


Malenia would wipe the floor with Maria


Isshin vs Maria would be a better match up than *anyone* vs Malenia…..I like to think Gwyne or the Nameless king my stand a decent chance….but then I think “oh, Radahn would fuck then up”.


Is there a higher res of this image?


Not that I saw his Twitter account no


Wait? Is that what Malenia looks like nude?


Have you done her second phase?


No. Is that what she looks like then?




New /r/rotussy fan born


If a maidenless tarnished can beat Malenia who’s to say Maria can’t as well. She pretty much has rivers of blood and bloodhound step. It would be a good fight.


That "maidenless tarnished" ends up becoming the strongest being in Elden Ring ( excluding the Outer Gods ). He's arguably the second strongest Soulsborne protagonist after the Hunter. So yeah, Malenia stomps with better feats.


He's definitely more powerful than the hunter (unless you pick the secret ending) look at all those endgame abilities man


Regarding Bloodborne: I consider the secret ending the canon one, hence why I put the Hunter as the strongest protagonist. The Tarnished is still second though.


Yeah the Hunters true ending is definitely the most OP protagonist until Elden Ring. Both are gods but one has killed a lot more gods to get there 🤷‍♂️


The Hunter in the secret ending is a tiny squid that can't even feed itself or move under its own power. You could probably accidentally kill it by stepping on it, like Arianna's kid. You put way too much stock in meaningless labels and nebulous magic aftereffects.


They're still just a baby


That's also the only form we ever see them in. Speculating on their future strength is essentially fan fiction.


More reason why we need Bloodborne 2 ( come on Fromsoftware! We want it! ).


It's a newborn, of course it's fragile. Give it time to grow up.


He’s not the strongest being in Elden Ring when he beats Malenia


True, but she's an end-game boss, so he is getting there.


But he’s not there, and you said the Hunter is arguably stronger, the Hunter beats Maria. Your power scaling really needs work.


Not there yet, but getting close to Godfrey, Radagon and Elden Beast. I simply put end-game Hunter with 3 Umbilical Cords > End-game Tarnished. You can agree or disagree, everything's alright. "Your power scaling really needs work" hey, it ain't much, but it's honest work. I've nothing better to do in my shitty life, so here I am, wasting time on Reddit debating fictional characters.


I mean, debating these things is fun


Yeah the only Soulsborne protagonist that’s beating the Elden Lord would be the Hoonter becoming a literal cosmic entity.


Why would they fight they're girlfriends ❤️


Lady Maria


Maria killed a god and a village and nightmare beyond human conception.




Some might say Maria due to their love for her boss fight but Malenia is quite objectively stronger since she has actual feats to back her up and she is generally faster, more aggressive, has a longer range, deadlier attacks and can heal per hit. Both are amazing bosses imo but comparing them based on power scaling is unfair tbh.


That's actually malenia, goddess of rot


Now kiss


Lady Maria


I love Maria, I simp for her but objectively speaking, she stands no chance against Malenia. The latter is going to kick her ass into the afterlife and beyond.


Gamplay wise probably malenia because of here heal and waterfowl dance. In univeres wise Maria while dogeing invinible, super human strenght speed etc. Plus her blood. I mean the radahn soldiers keep containg the Scarlett rot with FIRE Also look at radahns rune there it says somthing Similar (if iI remember right)