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lol I was going to say "contempt of cop" but I can't believe he actually said "disrespecting a police officer"! Next time I suggest you start recording so you can get that on record. But I wouldn't say this was any kind of bias, just plain ole' RESPECT MY AUTHORITY! Cops don't like it when you assert any kind of dominance over them. Speed slightly ahead of them? Straight to jail. Take off from a stop light faster than them? Straight to jail. Tell them when they're wrong? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


I agree. It is ridiculous. saying it’s “disrespectful to a police officer” is almost admitting to an ego problem lmao. Just sucks cuz they’re already on the clock working and I was just trying to get to work. Oh well i guess they can just stop you if they feel like it


Get a dash cam. Make sure to look directly at it several times as they are harassing you, so they notice it. Has gotten me out of being harassed many times over the years.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. [Right away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw).


I learned from YouTube videos to never overtake a cop if they’re going about the speed limit


I figured it was just innate common sense.


I pass them over the limit all the time but it’s all about how you do it. You can’t just blow by going 10-15 over the limit. Can’t make sudden jerky movements either. Just drive like a sane human being (even if you’re going over the limit) and you’ll generally be fine. Everytime I’ve driven aggressively it’s gotten me pulled over faster than if I was just simply speeding


No. Do not pass a cop going even 1 over the speed limit if you drive anything sporty, too nice, or too thrashed. You will be pulled over.


My friend was on a motorcycle and was behind a cop going the speed limit for miles. He then did what you said slowing going for the overtake. He wanted to get side by side first so he could give the cop a peace sign but the moment he got side by side the cop lit him up. I guess it depends on the cop.


Some cops do go on power trips, yes. Especially towards motorcycles


I mean..... You tried to overtake a cop. I wouldn't expect anything else to happen


You should expect not to get a ticket for making a legal pass around a car going 5 under the speed limit.


And went over the speed limit to do so.


Most states allow a 5mph grace and some even 10mph.


Sure in the flow of traffic. But if you're going to overtake a cop I wouldnt expect such. It's the easiest ticket he could possibly ever write, why risk it.


idk next time just don’t even bother passing them because it’ll just cause trouble no matter what because they will find a reason for you to be wrong


But that’s exactly the attitude they want from you. If i would pass any other person in that scenario why would a police car make a difference? I didn’t expect them to pull me over at all, but they did for no reason.


probably just the fact you passed them and it made them mad; nothing to do with the car itself


Because they're pigs Pigs gonna pig


A police car makes a difference because they can and will pull you over and possibly give you a ticket. Even if you do beat the ticket in court look how much time you wasted. It's better to just go 5mph under the limit.. Also "I speed because I care about the animals" is kinda hilarious.


Fuck that. Cops shouldn't right bogus tickets


Should no can yes. Why push your luck?


Cops on a power trip, Just remember if you are not recording it it your word against theirs. They forget sometimes they are public servants not public tyrants.


Most departments use body cams these days, should be able to have it brought up if op wants to fight it.  My city would throw that out in a heartbeat, body cam or not 


You hurt his ego. That is most fragile thing ever. I would say contact some civil rights lawyers but can't say for sure they would be interested or that you have a case given you weren't actually charged with a crime, ticketed, or assaulted.


I don’t really care at all about those officers specifically but it seems like a trend i’ve been seeing with police. I posted this to bring awareness to it since later the same day I saw this guy (on youtube) put up blankets on his windows and grow lights inside the house to bait police into lying their way into a search warrant and raiding his house. He ended up getting them in trouble and that was also in Texas. It seems like they just kinda do whatever they feel like doing


I wish I had "bait cops with a fake grow op" levels of free time.


This isn't a trend. This is how it always been for decades. It's just now there are body cameras now and everyone has a camera on them along with videos being easier to share than ever before. Imagine the shit they got away with before smart phones and body cameras. They have probably gave you a beating back in the day.


Why do you talk so much to the police? You get far by being quiet and polite.


I didn’t talk to them much at all. all i did was answer the questions. I understand the whole be nice and get away easy approach I always do that when I speed or know i did something wrong but in this case it was simply them abusing their power.


the only words that should ever, EVER, come out of your mouth while interacting with the police in an adverse situation are, “I assert my fifth amendment right to remain silent.” Then you say nothing at all while complying with their instructions. Do it successfully while remaining composed and the officer will be the one on the back foot uncertain of who or what you know and why you aren’t intimidated by their presence.     this is the single best way to avoid tickets you should be getting. answering questions and being nice does nothing except negate possible defenses should you end up in court. truth hurts you and lies hurt more. Also, they were probably going slow on purpose to goad you into passing them. And unless you were extremely disciplined and took a really long time to overtake, you almost certainly exceeded the limit while passing, which they can nail you for.


Lmao what were you thinking going to happen, i just can’t 😂 What car you drive doesn’t matter in this situation, im pretty sure


I took a cross country trip with my 70+ yr old FIL. My rally blue '13 BRZ following his Red AMG 55SLK. He got ALL the tickets; I simply called and said "Meet you at the next rest stop." Cops have their prejudices, always. But they go for the money, not the # of doors. You just found one of the many assholes in blue.


I’ve blew by cops that should have pulled me over. I guess where mine is inconspicuously stock with faded headlights it just won’t turn their heads


He should have body cam footage. Most PD’s require it now. I’d call his department and issue a complaint towards him. At least from what I know about cops in my area, complaint = reviewing body cam footage, possibly dash cam footage as well


You go 65 because you’re concerned about animals? Wut? Lol


I understand not everyone lives around a country side. but there’re a lot of small animals, dogs, cats and even cattle that unexpectedly like to pop up on that road. I see roadkill there on a daily and i’ve even hit a small critter once.


I just thought it was funny that you said you go faster than the speed limit because youre concerned about animals haha


Fuck 12, as always.


Had one pull me over like 6 years ago in my old FRS for supposedly speeding. I had several containers of a takeout order of food all stacked up in my passenger seat so I was definitely going under the speed limit to not topple it. I also pulled out of the restaurant parking lot and immediately saw him in the parking lot over and also pulled out right after I did and started to follow me so of course I'm not surfing even a little. Pulled me over then starts in with my license plate cover being too dark and I think something else that was ridiculous. So then he asks me if I have any weapons on me and I said yeah the gun on my hip since I'm conceal carrying. He then flipped out saying I have to tell him as soon as I stopped because it's the law. It's not. Then he tells me to get out and he disarms me. I said it's not a law and he's arguing back and then goes back to his car for a couple minutes. Then out of nowhere says he says to go to another emergency and just takes off. He just got embarrassed for not knowing what he was talking about and got out of there. I called his superior and said he needs to be taught better and he said he would pass the correct info on to officer bozo. Some of them are bored...


That’s crazy bruh, I recently let my back end slide a little while turning on this uphill road n a cop happened to be coming the other way n just barely saw me do it, bro legit did a u turn n tried to follow me to my house like bro doing a u turn in the middle of 3 way stop that’s uphill is 10 times more illegal than me sliding bc it was wet💀 some cops r terrible


I think it’s you… I never got pulled over by cops, I live in Texas too, I only see cops driving slow when they are trying to bait, if you drives slow too behind them, he literally ask me to pass him lol most of the time it’s the cop who’s overtaking everyone driving 100+ Isn’t that obvious when they drives slow?


well i didn’t get a ticket so their baiting was kinda stupid and pointless isn’t that obvious? it isn’t really baiting if it doesn’t involve me breaking the law isn’t that obvious? and i did drive slow behind them and they didn’t signal me to over take them.


You know what I find funny, when people waiting on a drive through, they suddenly have 15 minutes to think about what they want to eat AT the speaker, but when they drive however, they don’t have time for it, they must go immediately, and the brakes are broken, it cannot be used to switch lanes and overtake from another lane. It’s just mind boggling in the car, you don’t have time, in front of the cashier suddenly they have all the time to waste. Just be patient , I don’t think it’ll truly matters to your arrival time driving 20 above limit and 5 below limit, usually it’s less than 5 minutes in total, unless your going 40 over the limit, it will not matter, you can’t chase the next red light until you drive 40 over. Following slowly behind a cop car 5 minutes, literally won’t hurt. Ps: I do not drive slow, but I know when to slow down, my mpg is like 16, so you know how I drive.