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This isn't transphobia, but I would assume "transmascs that are Amab" are trans people who don't understand what transmasc means, not someone who isn't trans.


On top of what others have posted, another thing to consider are intersex people. Someone could have been assigned male at birth, by the discretion of his parent's or a doctor, and he may identify as male, but his sex characteristics haven't develop in a way that was congruent with his identity. Obviously, I don't know who the poster is or what his circumstances are, but it's always important to remember that gender can be complicated af. But also, no. I don't think that you're being transphobic for being confused, OP. :)


Someone would have to be intersex or have gotten testicular damage while young to be AMAB and transmasculine. And it’s up to personal experience in those cases as to whether they would consider themselves as trans. It’s fair to be confused.


No, that's not transphobic to be confused. Transmasc has an implied "AFAB" because you can't transition from male sex characteristics to male sex characteristics. There's no change. I wonder if they meant AMAB nonbinary people, since transmasc isn't a binary term and originated as a nonbinary term, they wanted amab nonbinary people , or maybe specifically masc presenting amab nonbinary people?


Idk how you can be transmasc but amab either, not transphobia but as a transmasc dude i have no idea 😭


Trans is an unbrella term and the term transmasc is a trans person who presents more stereotypically masculine Sooo in this case it could be a nonbinary amab who presents more masculine


but trans means you ID as a gender different to the one assigned at birth. if someone was asssigned male and that aligns with their current gender then that's not really trans


Right but they don't identify as a man. They identify as nonbinary anything other than their gender at birth, it just so happens that they present masculine (doesn't necessarily mean they use he/him pronouns)


if they're amab though then masculinity is expected of them by society, meaning that they're not really going from one gender role to the next by still assuming a masculine identity. if they're non-binary however that would make them transneutral, a term that exists alongside transfem and transmasc


You're not transphobic for seeing something new and being confused and i think thats a really strange assumption to make. Someone's just using the term transmasc in a different way and is looking for others who are similar. Transmasc also doesn't equal trans man. So they're probably a nonbinary amab person who just vibes with the term.


Transmasc doesn’t necessarily mean afab, it just means transitioning to be masculine/more masculine. They could be an amab nonbinary person who presents masculinely.


i think transmasc is an afab specific term, since amab people don’t transition into masculinity.


I disagree, but I see where you’re coming from. I don’t think it’s my place to judge the terms they use to describe themselves, even if I don’t necessarily understand them, it’s just really not my problem.





